Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 Operating Systems Laboratory EPFL
 * Modified from Sparrow - University of California, Berkeley 
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.scheduler;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback;


import ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.EagleConf;
import ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.util.Logging;
import ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.util.Network;
import ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.util.Serialization;
import ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.util.ThriftClientPool;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.FrontendService;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.FrontendService.AsyncClient.frontendMessage_call;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.InternalService;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.InternalService.AsyncClient;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.InternalService.AsyncClient.enqueueTaskReservations_call;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.InternalService.AsyncClient.enqueueTasksCentralized_call;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.InternalService.AsyncClient.probeEnqueueTaskReservations_call;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TEnqueueTaskReservationsResponse;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TFullTaskId;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.THostPort;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TPlacementPreference;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TSchedulingRequest;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TTaskLaunchSpec;
import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TTaskSpec;

 * This class implements the Eagle scheduler functionality.
public class Scheduler {
    private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Scheduler.class);
    private final static Logger AUDIT_LOG = Logging.getAuditLogger(Scheduler.class);

    /** Used to uniquely identify requests arriving at this scheduler. */
    // private AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(new
    // java.util.Random().nextInt(30000));
    private AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    /** How many times the special case has been triggered. */
    private AtomicInteger specialCaseCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    private THostPort address;

    /** Socket addresses for each frontend. */
    HashMap<String, InetSocketAddress> frontendSockets = new HashMap<String, InetSocketAddress>();

     * Service that handles cancelling outstanding reservations for jobs that
     * have already been scheduled. Only instantiated if
     * {@code EagleConf.CANCELLATION} is set to true.
    private CancellationService cancellationService;
    private boolean useCancellation;
    // [[FLORIN
    private String hostnameCentralizedScheduler;
    public boolean amIMaster = false;
    public double smallPartition = 0;
    public double bigPartition = 0;

    // Centralized scheduler
    public boolean piggybacking = false;
    // Distributed scheduler
    private List<String> distributedNotExecutingLong;
    private double distributedLongStatusTimestamp;
    private HashMap<String, Integer> outstandingCallbackRequests = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    private HashMap<String, List<InetSocketAddress>> requestsToRelocate = new HashMap<String, List<InetSocketAddress>>();
    private int retry_rounds;
    private HashMap<String, Integer> outstandingRequestsRoundsLeft = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    public boolean last_round_short_partition = true;

    /** Thrift client pool for communicating with node monitors */
    ThriftClientPool<InternalService.AsyncClient> nodeMonitorClientPool = new ThriftClientPool<InternalService.AsyncClient>(
            new ThriftClientPool.InternalServiceMakerFactory());

    /** Thrift client pool for communicating with front ends. */
    private ThriftClientPool<FrontendService.AsyncClient> frontendClientPool = new ThriftClientPool<FrontendService.AsyncClient>(
            new ThriftClientPool.FrontendServiceMakerFactory());

    /** Information about cluster workload due to other schedulers. */
    private SchedulerState state;

     * Probe ratios to use if the probe ratio is not explicitly set in the
     * request.
    private double defaultProbeRatioUnconstrained;
    private double defaultProbeRatioConstrained;

     * For each request, the task placer that should be used to place the
     * request's tasks. Indexed by the request ID.
    private ConcurrentMap<String, TaskPlacer> requestTaskPlacers;

     * When a job includes SPREAD_EVENLY in the description and has this number
     * of tasks, Eagle spreads the tasks evenly over machines to evenly cache
     * data. We need this (in addition to the SPREAD_EVENLY descriptor) because
     * only the reduce phase -- not the map phase -- should be spread.
    private int spreadEvenlyTaskSetSize;

    private Configuration conf;

    public void initialize(Configuration conf, InetSocketAddress socket) throws IOException {
        address = Network.socketAddressToThrift(socket);
        String mode = conf.getString(EagleConf.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, "unspecified");
        this.conf = conf;
        if (mode.equals("standalone")) {
            state = new StandaloneSchedulerState();
        } else if (mode.equals("configbased")) {
            state = new ConfigSchedulerState();
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported deployment mode: " + mode);


        defaultProbeRatioUnconstrained = conf.getDouble(EagleConf.SAMPLE_RATIO, EagleConf.DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATIO);
        defaultProbeRatioConstrained = conf.getDouble(EagleConf.SAMPLE_RATIO_CONSTRAINED,

        requestTaskPlacers = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

        useCancellation = conf.getBoolean(EagleConf.CANCELLATION, EagleConf.DEFAULT_CANCELLATION);

        // [[FLORIN
        this.hostnameCentralizedScheduler = conf.getString("scheduler.centralized", "none");
        this.smallPartition = conf.getInt(EagleConf.SMALL_PARTITION, EagleConf.DEFAULT_SMALL_PARTITION);
        this.bigPartition = conf.getInt(EagleConf.BIG_PARTITION, EagleConf.DEFAULT_BIG_PARTITION);

        // if(address.getHost().contains(this.hostnameCentralizedScheduler)){
        if (address.getHost().matches(this.hostnameCentralizedScheduler)) {
            amIMaster = true;
  "I am master: " + this.hostnameCentralizedScheduler + "--" + address.getHost() + "--");
        //"I am NOT master: "+this.hostnameCentralizedScheduler+"--"+address.getHost()+"--");

        // EAGLE
        this.piggybacking = conf.getBoolean(EagleConf.PIGGYBACKING, EagleConf.DEFAULT_PIGGYBACKING);"Piggybacking: " + this.piggybacking);
        distributedLongStatusTimestamp = -1;
        distributedNotExecutingLong = new ArrayList<String>();
        this.retry_rounds = conf.getInt(EagleConf.RETRY_ROUNDS, EagleConf.DEFAULT_RETRY_ROUNDS);"retry_rounds: " + this.retry_rounds);
        this.last_round_short_partition = conf.getBoolean(EagleConf.LAST_ROUND_SHORT_PARTITION,

        if (useCancellation) {
            LOG.debug("Initializing cancellation service");
            cancellationService = new CancellationService(nodeMonitorClientPool);
            new Thread(cancellationService).start();
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Not using cancellation");

        spreadEvenlyTaskSetSize = conf.getInt(EagleConf.SPREAD_EVENLY_TASK_SET_SIZE,

    public boolean registerFrontend(String appId, String addr) {
        LOG.debug(Logging.functionCall(appId, addr));
        Optional<InetSocketAddress> socketAddress = Serialization.strToSocket(addr);
        if (!socketAddress.isPresent()) {
            LOG.error("Bad address from frontend: " + addr);
            return false;
        frontendSockets.put(appId, socketAddress.get());
        return state.watchApplication(appId);

     * Callback for enqueueTaskReservations() that returns the client to the
     * client pool.
    private class EnqueueTaskReservationsCallback implements AsyncMethodCallback<enqueueTaskReservations_call> {
        String requestId;
        InetSocketAddress nodeMonitorAddress;
        long startTimeMillis;

        public EnqueueTaskReservationsCallback(String requestId, InetSocketAddress nodeMonitorAddress) {
            this.requestId = requestId;
            this.nodeMonitorAddress = nodeMonitorAddress;
            this.startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

        public void onComplete(enqueueTaskReservations_call response) {
            AUDIT_LOG.debug(Logging.auditEventString("scheduler_complete_enqueue_task", requestId,
            long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis;
            LOG.debug("Enqueue Task RPC to " + nodeMonitorAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + " for request "
                    + requestId + " completed in " + totalTime + "ms");
            try {
                nodeMonitorClientPool.returnClient(nodeMonitorAddress, (AsyncClient) response.getClient());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error returning client to node monitor client pool: " + e);

        public void onError(Exception exception) {
            // Do not return error client to pool
            LOG.error("Error executing enqueueTaskReservation RPC:" + exception);

    // ************************************************************
    // EAGLE Adding special EnqueueTaskReservationsCallback for centralized and modifying 
    // ************************************************************
    // Exactly as the older version enqueueTaskReservations(), only different class names
    private class EnqueueTasksCentralizedCallback implements AsyncMethodCallback<enqueueTasksCentralized_call> {
        String requestId;
        InetSocketAddress nodeMonitorAddress;
        long startTimeMillis;

        public EnqueueTasksCentralizedCallback(String requestId, InetSocketAddress nodeMonitorAddress) {
            this.requestId = requestId;
            this.nodeMonitorAddress = nodeMonitorAddress;
            this.startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

        public void onComplete(enqueueTasksCentralized_call response) {
            AUDIT_LOG.debug(Logging.auditEventString("scheduler_complete_enqueue_task", requestId,
            long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis;
            LOG.debug("Enqueue Task RPC to " + nodeMonitorAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + " for request "
                    + requestId + " completed in " + totalTime + "ms");
            try {
                nodeMonitorClientPool.returnClient(nodeMonitorAddress, (AsyncClient) response.getClient());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error returning client to node monitor client pool: " + e);

        public void onError(Exception exception) {
            // Do not return error client to pool
            LOG.error("Error executing EnqueueTasksCentralizedCallback RPC:" + exception);

    private class ProbeEnqueueTaskReservationsCallback
            implements AsyncMethodCallback<probeEnqueueTaskReservations_call> {
        String requestId;
        InetSocketAddress nodeMonitorAddress;
        long startTimeMillis;

        public ProbeEnqueueTaskReservationsCallback(String requestId, InetSocketAddress nodeMonitorAddress) {
            this.requestId = requestId;
            this.nodeMonitorAddress = nodeMonitorAddress;
            this.startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

        public void onComplete(probeEnqueueTaskReservations_call response) {
            AUDIT_LOG.debug(Logging.auditEventString("scheduler_complete_enqueue_task", requestId,
            long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis;
            LOG.debug("EAGLE Distributed scheduler. Enqueue Task RPC to "
                    + nodeMonitorAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + " for request " + requestId
                    + " completed in " + totalTime + "ms");
            try {
                nodeMonitorClientPool.returnClient(nodeMonitorAddress, (AsyncClient) response.getClient());
                TEnqueueTaskReservationsResponse responseValue = response.getResult();
                LOG.debug("EAGLE Distributed scheduler callback. Response values, timestamp: "
                        + responseValue.getLongStatusTimestamp() + " long in queue or executing: "
                        + responseValue.isLongInQueue() + " notExecutingLong "
                        + responseValue.getNotExecutingLong().size());
                // Update longStatus if needed
                if (distributedLongStatusTimestamp < responseValue.getLongStatusTimestamp()) {
                    distributedLongStatusTimestamp = responseValue.getLongStatusTimestamp();
                    distributedNotExecutingLong = responseValue.getNotExecutingLong();
                // Wait to get answer from all and then send back the missing probes/tasks
                int waitingToAnswer = outstandingCallbackRequests.get(requestId);
                if (responseValue.isLongInQueue()) {
                    List<InetSocketAddress> listToRelocate = requestsToRelocate.get(requestId);
                    requestsToRelocate.put(requestId, listToRelocate);
                LOG.debug("EAGLE Distributed scheduler callback. NEW VALUES: timestamp "
                        + distributedLongStatusTimestamp + " notExecutingLong " + distributedNotExecutingLong.size()
                        + " waitingToAnswer " + waitingToAnswer + " to relocate "
                        + requestsToRelocate.get(requestId).size());
                if (waitingToAnswer == 0) {
                    LOG.debug("EAGLE waitingToAnswer 0, going to relocate "
                            + requestsToRelocate.get(requestId).size());
                    if (requestsToRelocate.get(requestId).size() > 0)
                        relocateMissingProbes(requestId, requestsToRelocate.get(requestId));
                } else
                    outstandingCallbackRequests.put(requestId, waitingToAnswer);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error returning client to node monitor client pool: " + e);
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
                LOG.error("Error stacktrace " + sw);

        public void onError(Exception exception) {
            // Do not return error client to pool
            LOG.error("Error executing enqueueTaskReservation RPC:" + exception);

    // ************************************************************
    // ************************************************************

     * Adds constraints such that tasks in the job will be spread evenly across
     * the cluster.
     * We expect three of these special jobs to be submitted; 3 sequential calls
     * to this method will result in spreading the tasks for the 3 jobs across
     * the cluster such that no more than 1 task is assigned to each machine.
    private TSchedulingRequest addConstraintsToSpreadTasks(TSchedulingRequest req) throws TException {"Handling spread tasks request: " + req);
        int specialCaseIndex = specialCaseCounter.incrementAndGet();
        if (specialCaseIndex < 1 || specialCaseIndex > 3) {
            LOG.error("Invalid special case index: " + specialCaseIndex);

        // No tasks have preferences and we have the magic number of tasks
        TSchedulingRequest newReq = new TSchedulingRequest();
        newReq.user = req.user; =;
        newReq.probeRatio = req.probeRatio;

        List<InetSocketAddress> allBackends = Lists.newArrayList();
        List<InetSocketAddress> backends = Lists.newArrayList();
        // We assume the below always returns the same order (invalid
        // assumption?)
        for (InetSocketAddress backend : state.getBackends( {

        // Each time this is called, we restrict to 1/3 of the nodes in the
        // cluster
        for (int i = 0; i < allBackends.size(); i++) {
            if (i % 3 == specialCaseIndex - 1) {

        if (!(allBackends.size() >= (req.getTasks().size() * 3))) {
            LOG.error("Special case expects at least three times as many machines as tasks.");
            return null;
        for (int i = 0; i < req.getTasksSize(); i++) {
            TTaskSpec task = req.getTasks().get(i);
            TTaskSpec newTask = new TTaskSpec();
            newTask.message = task.message;
            newTask.taskId = task.taskId;
            newTask.preference = new TPlacementPreference();
        }"New request: " + newReq);
        return newReq;

     * Checks whether we should add constraints to this job to evenly spread
     * tasks over machines.
     * This is a hack used to force Spark to cache data in 3 locations: we run 3
     * select * queries on the same table and spread the tasks for those queries
     * evenly across the cluster such that the input data for the query is triple
     * replicated and spread evenly across the cluster.
     * We signal that Eagle should use this hack by adding SPREAD_TASKS to the
     * job's description.
    private boolean isSpreadTasksJob(TSchedulingRequest request) {
        if ((request.getDescription() != null) && (request.getDescription().indexOf("SPREAD_EVENLY") != -1)) {
            // Need to check to see if there are 3 constraints; if so, it's the
            // map phase of the
            // first job that reads the data from HDFS, so we shouldn't override
            // the constraints.
            for (TTaskSpec t : request.getTasks()) {
                if (t.getPreference() != null && (t.getPreference().getNodes() != null)
                        && (t.getPreference().getNodes().size() == 3)) {
                    LOG.debug("Not special case: one of request's tasks had 3 preferences");
                    return false;
            if (request.getTasks().size() != spreadEvenlyTaskSetSize) {
                LOG.debug("Not special case: job had " + request.getTasks().size()
                        + " tasks rather than the expected " + spreadEvenlyTaskSetSize);
                return false;
            if (specialCaseCounter.get() >= 3) {
                LOG.error("Not using special case because special case code has already been "
                        + " called 3 more more times!");
                return false;
            LOG.debug("Spreading tasks for job with " + request.getTasks().size() + " tasks");
            return true;
        LOG.debug("Not special case: description did not contain SPREAD_EVENLY");
        return false;

    public void submitJob(TSchedulingRequest request) throws TException {
        // Short-circuit case that is used for liveness checking
        if (request.tasks.size() == 0) {
        if (isSpreadTasksJob(request)) {
        } else {

    public void handleJobSubmission(TSchedulingRequest request) throws TException {
        LOG.debug("Handling job submission, shortJob " + request.shortJob + " estimated duration "
                + request.estimatedDuration);
        if (amIMaster && conf.getBoolean(EagleConf.USE_GIVEN_DURATIONS, EagleConf.DEFAULT_USE_GIVEN_DURATIONS)) {
            request.shortJob = false;
            request.estimatedDuration = conf.getDouble(EagleConf.GIVEN_BIG_DURATIONS,
                    "CENTRALIZED: Using given durations for long jobs!!! Going to overwrite those given from frontend, new given duration "
                            + request.estimatedDuration);

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        String requestId = getRequestId();

        String user = "";
        if (request.getUser() != null && request.getUser().getUser() != null) {
            user = request.getUser().getUser();
        String description = "";
        if (request.getDescription() != null) {
            description = request.getDescription();

        String app = request.getApp();
        List<TTaskSpec> tasks = request.getTasks();
        Set<InetSocketAddress> backends = state.getBackends(app);
        LOG.debug("NumBackends: " + backends.size() + " tasks size " + tasks.size());
        boolean constrained = false;
        for (TTaskSpec task : tasks) {
            task.preference = null;
            constrained = constrained || (task.preference != null && task.preference.nodes != null
                    && !task.preference.nodes.isEmpty());
        assert (!constrained);
        // Logging the address here is somewhat redundant, since all of the
        // messages in this particular log file come from the same address.
        // However, it simplifies the process of aggregating the logs, and will
        // also be useful when we support multiple daemons running on a single
        // machine."arrived", requestId, request.getTasks().size(), address.getHost(),
                address.getPort(), user, description, constrained));

        // [[FLORIN
        TaskPlacer taskPlacer;
        double requestGetProbeRatio = -1;
        if (request.isSetProbeRatio())
            requestGetProbeRatio = request.getProbeRatio();
        if (amIMaster) {
            LOG.debug("Centralized scheduler setting requestGetProbeRatio to 1");
            requestGetProbeRatio = 1;
            defaultProbeRatioConstrained = 1;
            defaultProbeRatioUnconstrained = 1;

        LOG.debug("Handling job submision, constrained?? " + constrained + " am I centralized? " + amIMaster);
         * if (constrained && true) { // Not only for centralized but for all:
         * will always be unconstrained if (request.isSetProbeRatio()) {
         * taskPlacer = new ConstrainedTaskPlacer(requestId,
         * requestGetProbeRatio); } else { taskPlacer = new
         * ConstrainedTaskPlacer(requestId, defaultProbeRatioConstrained); } }
         * else {(
        if (request.isSetProbeRatio()) {
            taskPlacer = new UnconstrainedTaskPlacer(requestId, requestGetProbeRatio, this);
        } else {
            taskPlacer = new UnconstrainedTaskPlacer(requestId, defaultProbeRatioUnconstrained, this);
        // }
        assert (taskPlacer instanceof UnconstrainedTaskPlacer);
        requestTaskPlacers.put(requestId, taskPlacer);

        Map<InetSocketAddress, TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest> enqueueTaskReservationsRequests;
        enqueueTaskReservationsRequests = taskPlacer.getEnqueueTaskReservationsRequests_wrapper(request, requestId,
                backends, address);

        List<String> notExecutingLong = null;
        double longStatusTimestamp = -1;

        if (amIMaster && piggybacking) {
            notExecutingLong = taskPlacer.getNotExecutingLong(backends);
            longStatusTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
            LOG.debug("EAGLE CENTRALIZED NOTEXECUTINGLONG requestId " + requestId + " on nodes: "
                    + enqueueTaskReservationsRequests.size() + " notExecutingLong: " + notExecutingLong
                    + " total nodes " + backends.size());
        } else if (piggybacking) {
            outstandingRequestsRoundsLeft.put(requestId, this.retry_rounds);
            int pendingRequests = enqueueTaskReservationsRequests.entrySet().size();
            LOG.debug(" pendingRequests " + pendingRequests);
            outstandingCallbackRequests.put(requestId, pendingRequests); // TODO FIX wont work if more than one probe per worker
            requestsToRelocate.put(requestId, new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>());

        // Request to enqueue a task at each of the selected nodes.
        for (Entry<InetSocketAddress, TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest> entry : enqueueTaskReservationsRequests
                .entrySet()) {
            try {
                InternalService.AsyncClient client = nodeMonitorClientPool.borrowClient(entry.getKey());
                LOG.debug("Launching enqueueTask for request " + requestId + "on node: " + entry.getKey());
                        entry.getValue().requestId, entry.getKey().getAddress().getHostAddress()));
                if (amIMaster && piggybacking)
                    client.enqueueTasksCentralized(entry.getValue(), notExecutingLong, longStatusTimestamp,
                            new EnqueueTasksCentralizedCallback(requestId, entry.getKey()));
                else if (piggybacking)
                            new ProbeEnqueueTaskReservationsCallback(requestId, entry.getKey()));
                            new EnqueueTaskReservationsCallback(requestId, entry.getKey()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error enqueuing task on node " + entry.getKey().toString() + ":" + e);
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        LOG.debug("All tasks enqueued for request " + requestId + "; returning. Total time: " + (end - start)
                + " milliseconds");

    public Set<InetSocketAddress> getAllBackends(String app) {
        return state.getBackends(app);

    public void relocateMissingProbes(String requestId, List<InetSocketAddress> probestoRelocate) {
        TaskPlacer taskPlacer = requestTaskPlacers.get(requestId);
        Map<InetSocketAddress, TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest> enqueueTaskReservationsRequests;
        if (taskPlacer == null)
        LOG.debug("RELOCATING request " + requestId + " rounds left " + outstandingRequestsRoundsLeft.get(requestId)
                + " getschedulingrequest " + taskPlacer.getSchedulingRequest());
        String app = taskPlacer.getSchedulingRequest().getApp();
        Set<InetSocketAddress> allBackends = state.getBackends(app);

        // Put the ones in the list only
        Set<InetSocketAddress> backends = new HashSet<InetSocketAddress>();
        for (InetSocketAddress backend : allBackends) {
            if (distributedNotExecutingLong.contains(backend.toString())) {
        int roundsLeft = outstandingRequestsRoundsLeft.get(requestId);
        assert (roundsLeft >= 0);
        LOG.debug("relocateMissingProbes distributedNotExecutingLong.size() " + distributedNotExecutingLong.size()
                + " free backends " + backends.size());

        enqueueTaskReservationsRequests = taskPlacer.getRelocateEnqueueTaskRequests(requestId, probestoRelocate,
                backends, address, roundsLeft == 0);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        int pendingRequests = enqueueTaskReservationsRequests.entrySet().size();
        LOG.debug("relocateMissingProbes pendingRequests " + pendingRequests);
        outstandingCallbackRequests.put(requestId, pendingRequests);
        requestsToRelocate.put(requestId, new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>());

        // Request to enqueue a task at each of the selected nodes.
        for (Entry<InetSocketAddress, TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest> entry : enqueueTaskReservationsRequests
                .entrySet()) {
            try {
                InternalService.AsyncClient client = nodeMonitorClientPool.borrowClient(entry.getKey());
                LOG.debug("RELaunching enqueueTask for request " + requestId + "on node: " + entry.getKey()
                        + " rounds left " + roundsLeft);
                if (roundsLeft == 0) // End normally as before
                            new EnqueueTaskReservationsCallback(requestId, entry.getKey()));
                else {
                            new ProbeEnqueueTaskReservationsCallback(requestId, entry.getKey()));
                    outstandingRequestsRoundsLeft.put(requestId, roundsLeft);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error enqueuing task on node " + entry.getKey().toString() + ":" + e);

        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        LOG.debug("All tasks rescheduled for request " + requestId + "; returning. Total time: " + (end - start)
                + " milliseconds");

    public List<TTaskLaunchSpec> getTask(String requestId, THostPort nodeMonitorAddress,
            THostPort oldNodeMonitorAddress) {
         * TODO: Consider making this synchronized to avoid the need for
         * synchronization in the task placers (although then we'd lose the
         * ability to parallelize over task placers).
        LOG.debug(Logging.functionCall(requestId, nodeMonitorAddress));
        TaskPlacer taskPlacer = requestTaskPlacers.get(requestId);
        if (taskPlacer == null) {
            LOG.debug("Received getTask() request for request " + requestId + ", which had no more "
                    + "unplaced tasks");
            return Lists.newArrayList();

        synchronized (taskPlacer) {
            List<TTaskLaunchSpec> taskLaunchSpecs = taskPlacer.assignTask(nodeMonitorAddress,
            if (taskLaunchSpecs == null || taskLaunchSpecs.size() > 1) {
                LOG.error("Received invalid task placement for request " + requestId + ": "
                        + taskLaunchSpecs.toString());
                return Lists.newArrayList();
            } else if (taskLaunchSpecs.size() == 1) {
      "scheduler_assigned_task", requestId,
                        taskLaunchSpecs.get(0).taskId, nodeMonitorAddress.getHost()));
            } else {
      "scheduler_get_task_no_task", requestId,

            if (taskPlacer.allTasksPlaced()) {
                LOG.debug("All tasks placed for request " + requestId);
                if (useCancellation) {
                    Set<THostPort> outstandingNodeMonitors = taskPlacer.getOutstandingNodeMonitorsForCancellation();
                    for (THostPort nodeMonitorToCancel : outstandingNodeMonitors) {
                        cancellationService.addCancellation(requestId, nodeMonitorToCancel);
            return taskLaunchSpecs;

     * Returns an ID that identifies a request uniquely (across all Eagle
     * schedulers).
     * This should only be called once for each request (it will return a
     * different identifier if called a second time).
     * TODO: Include the port number, so this works when there are multiple
     * schedulers running on a single machine.
    private String getRequestId() {
         * The request id is a string that includes the IP address of this
         * scheduler followed by the counter. We use a counter rather than a hash
         * of the request because there may be multiple requests to run an
         * identical job.
        return String.format("%s_%d", Network.getIPAddress(conf), counter.getAndIncrement());

    private class sendFrontendMessageCallback implements AsyncMethodCallback<frontendMessage_call> {
        private InetSocketAddress frontendSocket;
        private FrontendService.AsyncClient client;

        public sendFrontendMessageCallback(InetSocketAddress socket, FrontendService.AsyncClient client) {
            frontendSocket = socket;
            this.client = client;

        public void onComplete(frontendMessage_call response) {
            try {
                frontendClientPool.returnClient(frontendSocket, client);
            } catch (Exception e) {

        public void onError(Exception exception) {
            // Do not return error client to pool
            LOG.error("Error sending frontend message callback: " + exception);

    public void sendFrontendMessage(String app, TFullTaskId taskId, int status, ByteBuffer message) {
        LOG.debug(Logging.functionCall(app, taskId, message));
        InetSocketAddress frontend = frontendSockets.get(app);
        if (frontend == null) {
            LOG.error("Requested message sent to unregistered app: " + app);
        try {
            FrontendService.AsyncClient client = frontendClientPool.borrowClient(frontend);
            client.frontendMessage(taskId, status, message, new sendFrontendMessageCallback(frontend, client));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Error launching message on frontend: " + app, e);
        } catch (TException e) {
            LOG.error("Error launching message on frontend: " + app, e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Error launching message on frontend: " + app, e);