Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 EPFL DATA Laboratory * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Squall Collaboration (see NOTICE) * * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ApproximateCountSketchOperator extends OneToOneOperator implements AggregateOperator<Long> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ApproximateCountSketchOperator.class); // the GroupBy type private static final int GB_UNSET = -1; private static final int GB_COLUMNS = 0; private static final int GB_PROJECTION = 1; private DistinctOperator _distinct; private int _groupByType = GB_UNSET; private List<Integer> _groupByColumns = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private ProjectOperator _groupByProjection; private int _numTuplesProcessed = 0; private final NumericType<Long> _wrapper = new LongType(); private BasicStore<Long> _storage; private final Map _map; private boolean isWindowSemantics; private int _windowRangeSecs = -1; private int _slideRangeSecs = -1; private int _field; private SketchCountMin _scm; public ApproximateCountSketchOperator(int field, Map map) { _field = field; _map = map; _storage = new AggregationStorage<Long>(this, _wrapper, _map, true); _scm = new SketchCountMin(997, 3); System.out.println("ZKM: _map is " + map); } @Override public void accept(OperatorVisitor ov) { ov.visit(this); } private boolean alreadySetOther(int GB_COLUMNS) { return (_groupByType != GB_COLUMNS && _groupByType != GB_UNSET); } @Override public void clearStorage() { _storage.reset(); } // for this method it is essential that HASH_DELIMITER, which is used in // tupleToString method, // is the same as DIP_GLOBAL_ADD_DELIMITER @Override public List<String> getContent() { System.out.println("ZKM: getContent()"); final String str = _storage.getContent(); System.out.println("ZKM: getContent str = " + str); return str == null ? null : Arrays.asList(str.split("\\r?\\n")); } @Override public DistinctOperator getDistinct() { return _distinct; } @Override public List<ValueExpression> getExpressions() { return new ArrayList<ValueExpression>(); } @Override public List<Integer> getGroupByColumns() { return _groupByColumns; } @Override public ProjectOperator getGroupByProjection() { return _groupByProjection; } private String getGroupByStr() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < _groupByColumns.size(); i++) { sb.append(_groupByColumns.get(i)); if (i == _groupByColumns.size() - 1) sb.append(")"); else sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public int getNumTuplesProcessed() { return _numTuplesProcessed; } @Override public BasicStore getStorage() { System.out.println("ZKM: getStorage()"); return _storage; } @Override public Type getType() { return _wrapper; } @Override public boolean hasGroupBy() { return _groupByType != GB_UNSET; } @Override public boolean isBlocking() { return true; } @Override public String printContent() { return _storage.getContent(); } // from Operator @Override public List<String> processOne(List<String> tuple, long lineageTimestamp) { System.out.println("ZKM: processOne(" + tuple + ")"); _numTuplesProcessed++; if (_distinct != null) { tuple = _distinct.processOne(tuple, lineageTimestamp); if (tuple == null) return null; } String tupleHash; if (_groupByType == GB_PROJECTION) tupleHash = MyUtilities.createHashString(tuple, _groupByColumns, _groupByProjection.getExpressions(), _map); else tupleHash = MyUtilities.createHashString(tuple, _groupByColumns, _map); final Long value = _storage.update(tuple, tupleHash); final String strValue = _wrapper.toString(value); // propagate further the affected tupleHash-tupleValue pair final List<String> affectedTuple = new ArrayList<String>(); affectedTuple.add(tupleHash); affectedTuple.add(strValue); System.out.println("ZKM: affectedTuple == " + affectedTuple); return affectedTuple; } // actual operator implementation @Override public Long runAggregateFunction(Long value, List<String> tuple) { System.out.println("ZKM: runAggregateFunction(" + value + " " + tuple + ")"); // I need list item _field from tuple. String tmp_bs = tuple.get(_field); long hash = tmp_bs.hashCode(); final Long v = _scm.UpdateSketch(hash, 1); return v; } @Override public Long runAggregateFunction(Long value1, Long value2) { System.out.println("ZKM: runAggregateFunction(" + value1 + " " + value2 + ")"); return value1 + value2; } @Override public ApproximateCountSketchOperator setDistinct(DistinctOperator distinct) { _distinct = distinct; return this; } @Override public ApproximateCountSketchOperator setGroupByColumns(int... hashIndexes) { return setGroupByColumns(Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(hashIndexes))); } // from AgregateOperator @Override public ApproximateCountSketchOperator setGroupByColumns(List<Integer> groupByColumns) { if (!alreadySetOther(GB_COLUMNS)) { _groupByType = GB_COLUMNS; _groupByColumns = groupByColumns; _storage.setSingleEntry(false); return this; } else throw new RuntimeException("Aggragation already has groupBy set!"); } @Override public ApproximateCountSketchOperator setGroupByProjection(ProjectOperator groupByProjection) { if (!alreadySetOther(GB_PROJECTION)) { _groupByType = GB_PROJECTION; _groupByProjection = groupByProjection; _storage.setSingleEntry(false); return this; } else throw new RuntimeException("Aggragation already has groupBy set!"); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ApproximateCountSketchOperator "); if (_groupByColumns.isEmpty() && _groupByProjection == null) sb.append("\n No groupBy!"); else if (!_groupByColumns.isEmpty()) sb.append("\n GroupByColumns are ").append(getGroupByStr()).append("."); else if (_groupByProjection != null) sb.append("\n GroupByProjection is ").append(_groupByProjection.toString()).append("."); if (_distinct != null) sb.append("\n It also has distinct ").append(_distinct.toString()); return sb.toString(); } @Override public AggregateOperator<Long> SetWindowSemantics(int windowRangeInSeconds, int windowSlideInSeconds) { WindowSemanticsManager._IS_WINDOW_SEMANTICS = true; isWindowSemantics = true; _windowRangeSecs = windowRangeInSeconds; _slideRangeSecs = windowSlideInSeconds; _storage = new WindowAggregationStorage<>(this, _wrapper, _map, true, _windowRangeSecs, _slideRangeSecs); if (_groupByColumns != null || _groupByProjection != null) _storage.setSingleEntry(false); return this; } @Override public AggregateOperator<Long> SetWindowSemantics(int windowRangeInSeconds) { return SetWindowSemantics(windowRangeInSeconds, windowRangeInSeconds); } @Override public int[] getWindowSemanticsInfo() { int[] res = new int[2]; res[0] = _windowRangeSecs; res[1] = _slideRangeSecs; return res; } }