Java tutorial
/*********************************************************************************** * AlgoTrader Enterprise Trading Framework * * Copyright (C) 2015 AlgoTrader GmbH - All rights reserved * * All information contained herein is, and remains the property of AlgoTrader GmbH. * The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to * AlgoTrader GmbH. Modification, translation, reverse engineering, decompilation, * disassembly or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior * written permission is obtained from AlgoTrader GmbH * * Fur detailed terms and conditions consult the file LICENSE.txt or contact * * AlgoTrader GmbH * Aeschstrasse 6 * 8834 Schindellegi ***********************************************************************************/ package ch.algotrader.option; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation.SplineInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolver; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverFactory; import; import; import ch.algotrader.enumeration.Duration; import ch.algotrader.enumeration.OptionType; /** * Utility class containing static methods around {@link Option Options}. * * @author <a href="">Andy Flury</a> */ public class OptionUtil { private static final double beta = 0.999; /** * Gets the fair-price of a {@link Option} based on the price of the {@code underlyingSpot} and {@code volatility}. * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}. */ public static double getOptionPrice(Option option, double underlyingSpot, double vola, Date now) { OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily(); double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue(); return getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), vola, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); } /** * Gets the fair-price of a {@link Option}. */ public static double getOptionPrice(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years, double intrest, double dividend, OptionType type) { if (years <= 0) { return getIntrinsicValue(underlyingSpot, strike, type); } double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend; double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2.0) * years) / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years)); double d2 = d1 - volatility * Math.sqrt(years); double term1 = underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years); double term2 = strike * Math.exp(-intrest * years); double result = 0.0; if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) { result = term1 * Gaussian.Phi(d1) - term2 * Gaussian.Phi(d2); } else { result = term2 * Gaussian.Phi(-d2) - term1 * Gaussian.Phi(-d1); } return result; } /** * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using a {@link UnivariateRealSolverFactory}. * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}. */ public static double getImpliedVolatility(Option option, double underlyingSpot, final double currentValue, Date now) throws MathException { OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily(); double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue(); return getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); } /** * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using a {@link UnivariateRealSolverFactory}. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static double getImpliedVolatility(final double underlyingSpot, final double strike, final double currentValue, final double years, final double intrest, final double dividend, final OptionType type) throws MathException { if (years < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("years cannot be negative"); } double intrinsicValue = getIntrinsicValue(underlyingSpot, strike, type); if (currentValue <= intrinsicValue) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot calculate volatility if optionValue is below intrinsic Value"); } UnivariateRealFunction function = volatility -> getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years, intrest, dividend, type) - currentValue; UnivariateRealSolverFactory factory = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance(); UnivariateRealSolver solver = factory.newDefaultSolver(); solver.setAbsoluteAccuracy(0.0001); return solver.solve(function, 0.01, 2.0); } /** * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using the Newton Rapson Method. * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}. */ public static double getImpliedVolatilityNR(Option option, double underlyingSpot, double currentValue, Date now) throws MathException { OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily(); double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue(); return getImpliedVolatilityNR(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); } /** * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using the Newton Rapson Method. */ public static double getImpliedVolatilityNR(final double underlyingSpot, final double strike, final double currentValue, final double years, final double intrest, final double dividend, final OptionType type) throws MathException { double e = 0.1; double vi = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.log(strike / strike) + intrest * years) * 2 / years); double ci = getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend, type); double vegai = getVega(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend); double minDiff = Math.abs(currentValue - ci); while ((Math.abs(currentValue - ci) >= e) && (Math.abs(currentValue - ci) <= minDiff)) { vi = vi - (ci - currentValue) / vegai; ci = getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend, type); vegai = getVega(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend); minDiff = Math.abs(currentValue - ci); } if (Math.abs(currentValue - ci) < e) { return vi; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot calculate volatility"); } } /** * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} based on a {@link SABRSurfaceVO}. * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}. */ public static double getImpliedVolatilitySABR(final Option option, double underlyingSpot, final SABRSurfaceVO surface, final Date now) throws MathException { OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily(); double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue(); return getImpliedVolatilitySABR(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType(), surface); } /** * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} based on a {@link SABRSurfaceVO}. */ public static double getImpliedVolatilitySABR(final double underlyingSpot, final double strike, final double years, final double intrest, final double dividend, final OptionType type, final SABRSurfaceVO surface) throws MathException { double forward = getForward(underlyingSpot, years, intrest, dividend); // get sabrVolas for all durations at the specified strike int i = 0; double[] yearsArray = new double[surface.getSmiles().size()]; double[] volArray = new double[surface.getSmiles().size()]; for (SABRSmileVO smile : surface.getSmiles()) { double vol = SABR.volByAtmVol(forward, strike, smile.getAtmVol(), smile.getYears(), beta, smile.getRho(), smile.getVolVol()); yearsArray[i] = smile.getYears(); volArray[i] = vol; i++; } // spline interpolation for years SplineInterpolator interpolator = new SplineInterpolator(); PolynomialSplineFunction function = interpolator.interpolate(yearsArray, volArray); return function.value(years); } /** * Gets the intrinsic value of a {@link Option}. */ public static double getIntrinsicValue(Option option, double underlyingSpot) throws RuntimeException { return getIntrinsicValue(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), option.getOptionType()); } /** * Gets the intrinsic value of a {@link Option}. */ public static double getIntrinsicValue(double underlyingSpot, double strike, OptionType type) { if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) { return Math.max(underlyingSpot - strike, 0d); } else { return Math.max(strike - underlyingSpot, 0d); } } /** * Gets the delta of a {@link Option} * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}. */ public static double getDelta(Option option, double currentValue, double underlyingSpot, final Date now) throws MathException { OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily(); double strike = option.getStrike().doubleValue(); double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue(); double volatility = getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, strike, currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); return OptionUtil.getDelta(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); } /** * Gets the delta of a {@link Option} */ public static double getDelta(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years, double intrest, double dividend, OptionType type) { if (years < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("years cannot be negative"); } double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend; double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2) * years) / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years)); if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) { return Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * Gaussian.Phi(d1); } else { return -Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * Gaussian.Phi(-d1); } } /** * Gets the vega of a {@link Option} * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}. */ public static double getVega(Option option, double currentValue, double underlyingSpot, final Date now) throws MathException { OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily(); double strike = option.getStrike().doubleValue(); double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue(); double volatility = getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, strike, currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); return OptionUtil.getVega(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend()); } /** * Gets the vega of a {@link Option} */ public static double getVega(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years, double intrest, double dividend) { double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend; double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2) * years) / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years)); double n = standardNormalDensity(d1); return underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * n * Math.sqrt(years); } /** * Gets the theta of a {@link Option} * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}. */ public static double getTheta(Option option, double currentValue, double underlyingSpot, Date now) throws MathException { OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily(); double strike = option.getStrike().doubleValue(); double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue(); double volatility = getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, strike, currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); return OptionUtil.getTheta(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years, family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType()); } /** * Gets the theta of a {@link Option} */ public static double getTheta(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years, double intrest, double dividend, OptionType type) { double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend; double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2) * years) / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years)); double d2 = d1 - volatility * Math.sqrt(years); double term1 = -underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * standardNormalDensity(d1) * volatility / (2.0 * Math.sqrt(years)); double term2 = (costOfCarry - intrest) * underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years); double term3 = intrest * strike * Math.exp(-intrest * years); if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) { double N1 = Gaussian.Phi(d1); double N2 = Gaussian.Phi(d2); return term1 - term2 * N1 - term3 * N2; } else { double N1 = Gaussian.Phi(-d1); double N2 = Gaussian.Phi(-d2); return term1 + term2 * N1 + term3 * N2; } } /** * Gets the forward price of a {@link Option} */ public static double getForward(double spot, double years, double intrest, double dividend) { return spot * Math.exp(years * (intrest - dividend)); } /** * Gets the moneyness of a {@link Option} */ public static double getMoneyness(Option option, double underlyingSpot) { if (OptionType.CALL.equals(option.getOptionType())) { return (underlyingSpot - option.getStrike().doubleValue()) / underlyingSpot; } else { return (option.getStrike().doubleValue() - underlyingSpot) / underlyingSpot; } } /** * Gets the strike of a {@link Option} based on its delta. * Based on FX conventions as reported in "FX Volatility Smile Construction" by Dimitri Reiswich and Uwe Wystrup */ public static double getStrikeByDelta(double delta, double impliedVol, double years, double forward, double intrest, OptionType type) { double midTerm = 1.0; if (years <= 1) { midTerm = Math.exp(intrest * years); } return forward * Math.exp((OptionType.CALL.equals(type) ? -1.0 : 1.0) * Gaussian.PhiInverse(midTerm * delta) * impliedVol * Math.sqrt(years) + 0.5 * Math.pow(impliedVol, 2) * years); } private static double standardNormalDensity(double input) { return 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-(input * input) / 2.0); } }