Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.util; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.totsp.gwittir.client.beans.Binding; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.WrappedRuntimeException; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.actions.PermissibleActionEvent; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.actions.PermissibleActionListener; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.logic.reflection.registry.Registry; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.util.AlcinaTopics; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.util.Ax; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.ClientNotifications; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.ide.ContentViewFactory; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.ide.ContentViewFactory.OkCancelPanel; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.ide.ContentViewFactory.PaneWrapperWithObjects; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.widget.RelativePopupValidationFeedback; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.widget.dialog.GlassDialogBox; /** * * <OL> * <LI>UTC date</LI> * <LI>CSS utils</LI> * * </ol> * * @author Nick Reddel * */ public class ClientUtils { private static final String HEAD = "head"; private static final String CSS_TEXT_PROPERTY = "cssText"; public static EditContentViewWidgets createEditContentViewWidgets(final PermissibleActionListener pal, String caption, String messageHtml, PaneWrapperWithObjects view, boolean noGlass, boolean hideOnClick, boolean inDialog, boolean withOk, boolean withCancel, String okButtonName, String cancelButtonName, String panelClassName) { FlowPanel fp = new FlowPanel(); if (Ax.notBlank(panelClassName)) { fp.setStyleName(panelClassName); } final GlassDialogBox gdb = new GlassDialogBox(); if (noGlass) { gdb.setGlassHidden(true); } PermissibleActionListener closeWrapper = new PermissibleActionListener() { @Override public void vetoableAction(PermissibleActionEvent evt) { if (hideOnClick) { gdb.hide(); } if (pal != null) { pal.vetoableAction(evt); } } }; PermissibleActionListener closeListener = inDialog ? closeWrapper : pal; view.addVetoableActionListener(closeListener); view.addStyleName("pwo-center-buttons"); if (withOk) { OkCancelPanel okCancelPanel = new OkCancelPanel(okButtonName, cancelButtonName, view, withCancel, false); view.add(okCancelPanel); if (withOk && withCancel) { view.setOkButton(okCancelPanel.getOkButton()); view.setFireOkButtonClickAsOkActionEvent(true); } } List<Binding> bindings = view.getBoundWidget().getBinding().getChildren(); for (Binding b : bindings) { RelativePopupValidationFeedback feedback = new RelativePopupValidationFeedback( RelativePopupValidationFeedback.BOTTOM, b.getLeft().feedback); feedback.setCss("withBkg"); b.getLeft().feedback = feedback; } gdb.setText(caption); if (messageHtml != null) { HTML message = new HTML(messageHtml); message.setStyleName("bean-panel-message"); fp.add(message); } fp.add(view); if (inDialog) { gdb.add(fp);;; } return new EditContentViewWidgets(view, inDialog ? gdb : null); } public static void dumpElementTree(Element elt) { NodeRemote jso = elt.implAccess().ensureRemote(); while (jso != null) { System.out.println(Ax.format("dump - %s - %s", jso.hashCode(), jso)); jso = jso.getParentNodeRemote(); } } public static EditContentViewWidgets editContentView(final Object model, final PermissibleActionListener pal, String caption, String messageHtml) { return popupContentView(model, pal, caption, messageHtml, true, true); } public static void fireHistoryToken(String token) { if (token == null) { return; } if (token.equals(History.getToken())) { History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); } History.newItem(token); } public static UrlBuilder getBaseUrlBuilder() { UrlBuilder builder = new UrlBuilder(); builder.setProtocol(Window.Location.getProtocol()); builder.setHost(Window.Location.getHostName()); String port = Window.Location.getPort(); if (port != null && port.length() > 0) { builder.setPort(Integer.parseInt(port)); } return builder; } public static String getHashIfSelfrefUrl(Element anchor) { String href = anchor.getAttribute("href"); String selfHref = Window.Location.getHref(); int idx = selfHref.indexOf("#"); selfHref = idx == -1 ? selfHref : selfHref.substring(0, idx); if (href.startsWith(selfHref)) { href = href.substring(selfHref.length()); } return href.startsWith("#") && href.length() > 1 ? href.substring(1) : null; } public static native void invokeJsDebugger() /*-{ debugger; }-*/; public static native void invokeJsDebugger(Element e) /*-{ var v = e; var jso =; debugger; }-*/; public static native void invokeJsDebugger(JavaScriptObject jso) /*-{ debugger; var v = jso; }-*/; public static <T extends JavaScriptObject> List<T> jsArrayToTypedArray(JsArray<T> typedArray) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); for (int i = 0; i < typedArray.length(); i++) { result.add(typedArray.get(i)); } return result; } public static native JavaScriptObject jsonParse(String json) /*-{ var dateTimeReviver = function(key, value) { var a; if (typeof value === 'string') { a = /__JsDate\((\d*)\)/.exec(value); if (a) { return new Date(+a[1]); } } return value; } return JSON.parse(json, dateTimeReviver); }-*/; public static List<String> jsStringArrayAsStringList(JsArrayString arrayString) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayString.length(); i++) { result.add(arrayString.get(i)); } return result; } // hosted mode only, natch public static void logToFile(String string) { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/tmp.txt"); fos.write(string.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WrappedRuntimeException(e); } finally { try { fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // squelch } } } public static EditContentViewWidgets makeContentView(final Object model, boolean editable) { return makeContentView(model, null, null, null, false, editable, false, true, null, null); } public static EditContentViewWidgets makeContentViewWithButtons(final Object model, boolean editable, PermissibleActionListener pal) { return makeContentView(model, pal, null, null, false, editable, false, false, null, null); } public static EditContentViewWidgets makeContentViewWithButtons(final Object model, boolean editable, PermissibleActionListener pal, Predicate<String> fieldFilter, String okButtonName) { return makeContentView(model, pal, null, null, false, editable, false, false, fieldFilter, okButtonName); } public static void notImplemented() { Registry.impl(ClientNotifications.class).showWarning("Not yet implemented"); } public static EditContentViewWidgets popupContentView(final Object model, final PermissibleActionListener pal, String caption, String messageHtml, final boolean hideOnClick, boolean editable) { return makeContentView(model, pal, caption, messageHtml, hideOnClick, editable, true, false, null, null); } public static void refireHistoryTokenIfSame(String token) { if (token == null) { return; } if (token.equals(History.getToken())) { History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); } // do nothing if we've moved on } public static void runWithDelay(Runnable runnable, int delayMillis) { new Timer() { @Override public void run() {; } }.schedule(delayMillis); } public static native boolean setCssTextViaCssTextProperty(Element elem, String css) /*-{ var styleTag =; var sheet = styleTag.sheet ? styleTag.sheet : styleTag.styleSheet; if ('cssText' in sheet) { // Internet Explorer sheet.cssText = css; return true; } return false;//do innerText }-*/; public static void setElementStyle(Element eltMulti, String css) { if (eltMulti.implAccess().linkedToRemote()) { setElementStyle0(eltMulti, css); } else { eltMulti.setAttribute("style", css); } } public static EditContentViewWidgets showContentView(final Object model, final PermissibleActionListener pal, String caption, String messageHtml) { return popupContentView(model, pal, caption, messageHtml, true, false); } public static String simpleInnerText(String innerHTML) { int idx = 0, idy = 0, x1, x2, min; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { x1 = innerHTML.indexOf("<", idx); x2 = innerHTML.indexOf("&", idx); if (x1 == -1 && x2 == -1) { break; } min = x1 != -1 && (x2 == -1 || x1 < x2) ? x1 : x2; result.append(innerHTML.substring(idx, min)); if (min == x1) { x2 = innerHTML.indexOf(">", min); if (x2 == -1) { // invalidish html, bail break; } else { idx = x2 + 1; } } else { x2 = innerHTML.indexOf(";", min); if (x2 == -1) { // invalidish html, bail break; } else { String minStr = innerHTML.substring(min + 1, x2); if (minStr.equals("amp")) { result.append("&"); } else if (minStr.equals("lt")) { result.append("<"); } else if (minStr.equals("gt")) { result.append(">"); } else { try { int cc = Integer.parseInt(minStr); result.append((char) cc); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { // ignore } } idx = x2 + 1; } } } result.append(innerHTML.substring(idx)); return result.toString(); } public static native String stringify(JavaScriptObject jso) /*-{ return JSON.stringify(jso); }-*/; public static void submitForm(Map<String, String> params, String url) { FormPanel p = new FormPanel("_self"); p.setAction(url); p.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); FlowPanel fp = new FlowPanel(); p.add(fp); for (String key : params.keySet()) { addHidden(fp, key, params.get(key)); } RootPanel.get().add(p); p.submit(); p.removeFromParent(); } public static <T extends JavaScriptObject> JsArray<T> toTypedJsArray(List<T> value) { JsArray<T> array = JavaScriptObject.createArray().cast(); for (T t : value) { array.push(t); } return array; } public static String trimToWidth(String s, String style, int pxWidth, String ellipsis) { if (pxWidth <= 20) { return s; } ellipsis = ellipsis == null ? "\u2026" : ellipsis; int r0 = 0; int r1 = s.length(); Label l = new Label(); setElementStyle(l.getElement(), style); Style cStyle = l.getElement().getStyle(); cStyle.setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); cStyle.setLeft(0, Unit.PX); cStyle.setTop(0, Unit.PX); cStyle.setDisplay(Display.INLINE_BLOCK); cStyle.setProperty("whitespace", "nowrap"); cStyle.setProperty("visibility", "hidden"); RootPanel.get().add(l); boolean tried = false; while (true) { int mid = (r1 - r0) / 2 + r0; String t = tried ? s.substring(0, mid) + ellipsis : s; l.setText(t); if (l.getOffsetWidth() <= pxWidth) { if (!tried || (r1 - r0) <= 1) { RootPanel.get().remove(l); return t; } r0 = mid; } else { if (!tried) { tried = true; } else { r1 = mid; } } } } public static Element updateCss(Element styleElement, String css) { if (styleElement == null) { styleElement = Document.get().createStyleElement(); NodeList<Element> headList = Document.get().getElementsByTagName(HEAD); if (headList == null || headList.getLength() == 0) { // something wrong with the client here -- bail AlcinaTopics .notifyDevWarning(new Exception("headList - " + headList == null ? "null" : "length 0")); return null; } headList.getItem(0).appendChild(styleElement); LocalDom.flush(); } if (css.length() != 0) { try { if (!setCssTextViaCssTextProperty(styleElement, css)) { styleElement.setInnerText(css); } } catch (Exception e) { // squelch } } return styleElement; } public static native String wndString(String key)/*-{ return $wnd[key]; }-*/; private static void addHidden(Panel p, String key, String value) { p.add(new Hidden(key, value)); } private static EditContentViewWidgets makeContentView(final Object model, final PermissibleActionListener pal, String caption, String messageHtml, final boolean hideOnClick, boolean editable, boolean inDialog, boolean noButtons, Predicate<String> fieldFilter, String okButtonName) { ContentViewFactory cvf = new ContentViewFactory(); cvf.setNoCaption(true); cvf.setNoButtons(noButtons); cvf.setCancelButton(true); cvf.okButtonName(okButtonName); if (fieldFilter != null) { cvf.fieldFilter(f -> fieldFilter.test(f.getPropertyName())); } PaneWrapperWithObjects view = cvf.createBeanView(model, editable, null, false, true); return createEditContentViewWidgets(pal, caption, messageHtml, view, false, hideOnClick, inDialog, !editable && inDialog, false, "OK", "Cancel", null); } private static native void setElementStyle0(Element eltMulti, String css) /*-{ var e =; if ( && typeof ( == "string") { = css; } else { = css; } }-*/; public static class EditContentViewWidgets { public PaneWrapperWithObjects wrapper; public GlassDialogBox gdb; public EditContentViewWidgets(PaneWrapperWithObjects wrapper, GlassDialogBox gdb) { this.wrapper = wrapper; this.gdb = gdb; } } }