Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc, Yale University
// Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.
// See for details.
package caarray.client.test.suite;

import gov.nih.nci.caarray.external.v1_0.AbstractCaArrayEntity;
import gov.nih.nci.caarray.external.v1_0.query.ExampleSearchCriteria;
import gov.nih.nci.caarray.external.v1_0.query.LimitOffset;
import gov.nih.nci.caarray.external.v1_0.query.SearchResult;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import caarray.client.test.ApiFacade;
import caarray.client.test.TestConfigurationException;
import caarray.client.test.TestResultReport;
import caarray.client.test.TestUtils;

 * Encapsulates a collection of test cases, some or all of which may be configured via
 * an external spreadsheet. When executed, the results of the test will be added to a TestResultReport.
 * @author vaughng
 * Jun 28, 2009
public abstract class ConfigurableTestSuite {
    protected Log log;

    protected static final String DELIMITER = ",";
    protected static final String TEST_CASE = "Test Case";
    protected static final String ID = "Id";
    protected static final String API = "API";
    protected static final String EXPECTED_RESULTS = "Expected Results";
    protected static final String MIN_RESULTS = "Min Results";
    protected static final String MAX_RESULTS = "Max Results";
    protected static final String VAR_START = "${";
    protected static final String EMPTY_STRING_VAR = "${empty}";
    protected static final String EMPTY_STRING_SPACE_VAR = "${empty_s}";
    protected static final String NULL_VAR = "${null}";
    protected static final String ENUMERATE = "Enumerate";
    protected static final String EXCLUDE_ZERO = "Exclude Zero";
    protected static final String LOGIN = "Login";
    protected static final String API_UTILS_SEARCH = "API Utils";
    protected static final String LOAD = "Load Test";
    private static Map<String, String> varMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    protected ApiFacade apiFacade;
    protected Map<String, Integer> headerIndexMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    static {
        varMap.put(EMPTY_STRING_VAR, "");
        varMap.put(EMPTY_STRING_SPACE_VAR, " ");
        varMap.put(NULL_VAR, null);

    protected ConfigurableTestSuite(ApiFacade apiFacade) {
        this.apiFacade = apiFacade;
        log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

     * Loads and executes all of the test cases encapsulated in this suite, and
     * adds the test results to the given TestResultReport. The tests may be created
     * via input from a configuration file, but may also include tests determined
     * by other means.
     * @param resultReport The TestResultReport to which test results will be added.
    public void runTests(TestResultReport resultReport) {

        try {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            String errorMessage = "An error occured reading an " + getType() + " configuration file: "
                    + e.getMessage();
            log.error("Exception encountered:", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            String errorMessage = "An error occured executing the " + getType() + " test suite: " + e.getMessage();
            log.error("Exception encountered:", e);

        catch (TestConfigurationException e) {
            String errorMessage = "An error occured executing the " + getType()
                    + " test suite, probably due to an error in the configuration " + "file: " + e.getMessage();
            log.error("Exception encountered:", e);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            String errorMessage = "An unexpected error occured executing the " + getType() + " : "
                    + t.getLocalizedMessage();
            log.error("Exception encountered:", t);


     * Generic method for loading tests via input from an external CSV file.
     * Subclasses must provide type-specific helper methods, and classes
     * may override this method if necessary.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws TestConfigurationException
    protected void loadTestsFromFile() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, TestConfigurationException {
        File configFile = new File(getConfigFilename());
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(configFile));

        List<String> spreadsheetRows = new ArrayList<String>();
        String row;
        while ((row = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        if (spreadsheetRows.size() > 1) {
            // Map column headers to column indexes
            String[] columnHeaders = TestUtils.split(spreadsheetRows.get(0), DELIMITER);

     * Reads the first row of a CSV file and maps column headers to
     * column indexes, to facilitate the reading of configuration file input.
     * @param columnHeaders The values read from the first row of a CSV configuration file;
     * @throws TestConfigurationException
    protected void populateHeaderIndexMap(String[] columnHeaders) throws TestConfigurationException {
        if (columnHeaders != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < columnHeaders.length; i++) {
                for (String header : getColumnHeaders()) {
                    if (columnHeaders[i].trim().equalsIgnoreCase(header)) {
                        headerIndexMap.put(header, i);
            for (String header : getColumnHeaders()) {
                if (!headerIndexMap.containsKey(header))
                    throw new TestConfigurationException("No column found in the spreadsheet for: " + header);

     * General method for retrieving search-by-example search results via the java
     * or grid searchByExample method.
     * @param api Either 'java' or 'grid', indicating the API to be used.
     * @param criteria ExampleSearchCriteria to be used for the search.
     * @param offset LimitOffset to be used with the search.
     * @return The search results obtained.
     * @throws RemoteException
    protected SearchResult<? extends AbstractCaArrayEntity> getSearchResults(String api,
            ExampleSearchCriteria<? extends AbstractCaArrayEntity> criteria, LimitOffset offset) throws Exception {
        return apiFacade.searchByExample(api, criteria, offset);

     * Executes the tests configured from CSV input files.
     * @param resultReport TestResultReport to which test results will be added.
    protected abstract void executeTests(TestResultReport resultReport);

     * Type-specific method for constructing the searches to be used in this test suite.
     * @param spreadsheetRows The input read from a CSV file, as a list of individual rows of comma-separated values.
     * @throws TestConfigurationException
    protected abstract void constructSearches(List<String> spreadsheetRows) throws TestConfigurationException;

     * Returns the name of the configuration file from which input will be read.
     * @return The name of the configuration file from which input will be read.
    protected abstract String getConfigFilename();

     * Returns the column headers expected to be found in an input file.
     * @return The column headers expected to be found in an input file.
    protected abstract String[] getColumnHeaders();

     * Returns a string representation of the type of this test suite, to be used
     * in result output.
     * @return a string representation of the type of this test suite.
    protected abstract String getType();

     * Returns true if a row of spreadsheet input is the start of a new test case, false otherwise.
     * @param input Input row taken from a configuration spreadsheet.
     * @return true if a row of spreadsheet input is the start of a new test case, false otherwise.
    protected boolean isNewSearch(String[] input) {
        int testCaseIndex = headerIndexMap.get(TEST_CASE);
        return (testCaseIndex < input.length && !input[testCaseIndex].equals(""));

    protected String getVariableValue(String var) {
        if (varMap.containsKey(var))
            return varMap.get(var);
        return var;

    public String getDisplayName() {
        return getType();