Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package ca.weblite.codename1.ios; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author shannah */ public class CodenameOneIOSBuildTask extends XMLVMIOSTask { /** * The path to the iOSPort directory where the iOSPort * source code can be found. If this is left null then the version of * iOSPort that is bundled with the plugin will be extracted to the * iOSPort directory inside the project's base directory. */ private File iOSPort; /** * The path to the codenameone "src" directory if you are building from source. * If this is omitted, the CodenameOne.jar in the current project is used * instead. */ private File codenameOneSrc; /** * The path to the CLDC11 jar file. This isn't used right now. */ private File cldc; /** * Debug flag. If this is true then the FAT version of libzbar will be * copied into the xcode project so that it can be run in the simulator. */ private boolean debug = true; /** * Creates a build task at with the given base directory. */ public static CodenameOneIOSBuildTask create(String basePath) { proj = new; proj.setBasedir(basePath); CodenameOneIOSBuildTask build = new CodenameOneIOSBuildTask(); build.setProject(proj); return build; } /** * Adds the iOSPort to the class path. */ private void addIOSPortToClasspath() throws IOException { if (getiOSPort() == null || !getiOSPort().exists()) { if (getiOSPort() == null) { setiOSPort(new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "iOSPort")); } if (!iOSPort.exists()) { extractIOSPort(); } } // Properties file. If present, it means that this particular // ios port is managed. We may need to update it. File iosPortProperties = new File(getiOSPort(), ""); if (iosPortProperties.exists()) { System.out.println("Using a managed version of iOSPort."); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(iosPortProperties)); String version = p.getProperty("version"); if (version != null) { System.out.println("iOSPort version " + version); int iVersion = Integer.parseInt(version); Properties currP = new Properties(); currP.load(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("resources/")); int currVersion = Integer.parseInt(currP.getProperty("version")); if (currVersion > iVersion) { System.out.println("iOSPort version is out of date. Current version is " + currVersion); System.out.println("Deleting " + iOSPort); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(iOSPort); extractIOSPort(); } } } else { System.out.println("Using unmanaged version of iOSPort at " + iOSPort); } File javaSources = new File(getiOSPort(), "src"); Path jsp = new Path(getProject(), javaSources.getPath()); Path srcDir = getJavac().getSrcdir(); if (srcDir == null) { srcDir = new Path(getProject()); getJavac().setSrcdir(srcDir); } getJavac().getSrcdir().add(jsp); File nativeSources = new File(getiOSPort(), "nativeSources"); Replace repl = (Replace) getProject().createTask("replace"); repl.setToken("#define INCLUDE_ZOOZ"); repl.setValue("#define NOT_INCLUDE_ZOOZ"); repl.setFile(new File(nativeSources, "CodenameOne_GLViewController.h")); repl.execute(); Path np = new Path(getProject(), nativeSources.getPath()); Path nativeSourcesPath = this.getJavaSources(); if (nativeSourcesPath == null) { nativeSourcesPath = new Path(getProject()); this.setNativeSources(nativeSourcesPath); } this.getNativeSources().add(np); } private void runPreJavac() { System.out.println("Running Pre Javac"); Javac javac = (Javac) getProject().createTask("javac"); //Path cp = javac.createClasspath(); //cp.setPath(getProject().getProperty("javac.classpath")); System.out.println("PRoperties " + getProject().getProperties()); System.out.println(System.getProperties()); javac.setClasspath(new Path(getProject(), getProject().getProperty("javac.classpath"))); System.out.println("Prejavac classpath is " + javac.getClasspath()); javac.setSrcdir(new Path(getProject(), "src")); //javac.setDestdir(iOSPort); File build = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "build"); if (!build.exists()) { build.mkdir(); } File classes = new File(build, "classes"); if (!classes.exists()) { classes.mkdir(); } javac.setDestdir(classes); javac.execute(); } private void runPreJavacOld() { Javac javac = (Javac) getProject().createTask("javac"); Path cp = javac.createClasspath(); //cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "src")); File lib = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "lib"); File impl = new File(lib, "impl"); if (!impl.exists()) { impl.mkdir(); } File cls = new File(impl, "cls"); if (!cls.exists()) { cls.mkdir(); } File build = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "build"); if (!build.exists()) { build.mkdir(); } File classes = new File(build, "classes"); if (!classes.exists()) { classes.mkdir(); } javac.setSrcdir(new Path(getProject(), "src")); if (codenameOneSrc != null && codenameOneSrc.exists()) { javac.getSrcdir().add(new Path(getProject(), codenameOneSrc.getAbsolutePath())); } else { cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "lib/CodenameOne.jar")); } cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "lib/impl/cls")); cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "build/classes")); Path bcp = javac.createBootclasspath(); if (getCldc() == null || !getCldc().exists()) { bcp.add(new Path(getProject(), "lib/CLDC11.jar")); } else { bcp.add(new Path(getProject(), getCldc().getAbsolutePath())); } javac.setDestdir(classes); javac.execute(); } /** * Returns the the iOSPort directory as a File. */ private File getIOSPortDir() { return new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "iOSPort"); } /** * Extracts the iOSPort that is bundled inside the module's jar file * and saves it in the iOSPort directory. */ private void extractIOSPort() throws IOException { File dir = getIOSPortDir(); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); URL src = getClass().getResource("resources/"); File tmp = File.createTempFile("iosport", "zip"); tmp.delete(); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(src, tmp); Expand unzip = (Expand) getProject().createTask("unzip"); unzip.setTaskType("unzip"); unzip.setSrc(tmp); unzip.setDest(getiOSPort()); unzip.execute(); } } /** * Adds libraries to be included in XMLVM build. */ private void addLibs() { String lib = getLib(); String toAdd = "libxml2.2.dylib,Security.framework,libzbar.a,GLKit.framework"; if (lib == null) { lib = ""; } if (lib.length() == 0) { lib = toAdd; } else { lib += "," + toAdd; } setLib(lib); } /** * Sets the project info for the Xcode project. */ private void setupProjectInfo() throws IOException { File basedir = getProject().getBaseDir(); File props = new File(basedir, ""); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(props)); this.setAppName(p.getProperty("codename1.displayName")); this.setBundleDisplayName(this.getAppName()); this.setBundleIdentifier(p.getProperty("codename1.ios.appid")); this.setBundleVersion(p.getProperty("codename1.version")); } private void extractCodenameOneSrc() throws IOException { if (codenameOneSrc == null) { codenameOneSrc = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "CodenameOneSrc"); } File dir = codenameOneSrc; if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); URL src = getClass().getResource("resources/"); File tmp = File.createTempFile("codenameone", "zip"); tmp.delete(); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(src, tmp); System.out.println("Extracting CodenameOne Src to " + codenameOneSrc); Expand unzip = (Expand) getProject().createTask("unzip"); unzip.setTaskType("unzip"); unzip.setSrc(tmp); unzip.setDest(codenameOneSrc); unzip.execute(); } } private void addCodenameOneToClasspath(Path src, Path cp) throws IOException { if (codenameOneSrc == null || !codenameOneSrc.exists()) { if (codenameOneSrc == null) { setCodenameOneSrc(new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "CodenameOneSrc")); } if (!codenameOneSrc.exists()) { extractCodenameOneSrc(); } } // Properties file. If present, it means that this particular // ios port is managed. We may need to update it. File cn1SrcProperties = new File(codenameOneSrc, ""); if (cn1SrcProperties.exists()) { System.out.println("Using a managed version of CodenameOne."); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(cn1SrcProperties)); String version = p.getProperty("version"); if (version != null) { System.out.println("CodenameOne src version " + version); int iVersion = Integer.parseInt(version); Properties currP = new Properties(); currP.load(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("resources/")); int currVersion = Integer.parseInt(currP.getProperty("version")); if (currVersion > iVersion) { System.out .println("CodenameOne src version is out of date. Current version is " + currVersion); System.out.println("Deleting " + codenameOneSrc); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(codenameOneSrc); extractCodenameOneSrc(); } } } else { System.out.println("Using unmanaged version of CodenameOne Src at " + codenameOneSrc); } if (codenameOneSrc != null && codenameOneSrc.exists()) { src.add(new Path(getProject(), codenameOneSrc.getAbsolutePath())); } else { cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "lib/CodenameOne.jar")); } } /** * Sets up a new Javac task for building all of the .java files */ public void setupJavac() throws IOException { Javac javac = (Javac) getProject().createTask("javac"); setJavac(javac); Path cp = javac.createClasspath(); //cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "src")); Path src = javac.getSrcdir(); if (src == null) { src = new Path(getProject()); } src.add(new Path(getProject(), "src")); getJavac().setClasspath(cp); addIOSPortToClasspath(); addCodenameOneToClasspath(src, cp); cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "lib/impl/cls")); cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "build/classes")); //javac.setClasspath(cp); //Path bcp = javac.createBootclasspath(); //bcp.add(new Path(getProject(), "lib/CLDC11.jar")); //javac.setBootclasspath(bcp); //cp.add(new Path(getProject(), "lib/CLDC11.jar")); //javac.setSrcdir(new Path(getProject(),"src" )); File build = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "build"); File classes = new File(build, "classes"); getJavac().setDestdir(classes); //getJavac().setSrcdir(src); getJavac().setSrcdir(src); setJavac(javac); setupMainStub(); } /** * Sets up the stub file used as the entry point for the Codename One app. */ private void setupMainStub() throws IOException { File build = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "build"); File generated = new File(build, "generated-src"); if (!generated.exists()) { generated.mkdir(); } File comD = new File(generated, "com"); File codename1D = new File(comD, "codename1"); File implD = new File(codename1D, "impl"); File iosD = new File(implD, "ios"); if (!iosD.exists()) { iosD.mkdirs(); } File main = new File(iosD, ""); URL mainStub = this.getClass().getResource("resources/"); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(mainStub, main); Properties p = new Properties(); File cn1Props = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), ""); p.load(new FileInputStream(cn1Props)); StringBuilder mainClass = new StringBuilder(); String pkgName = p.getProperty("codename1.packageName"); if (pkgName != null && !"".equals(pkgName)) { mainClass.append(pkgName).append("."); } mainClass.append(p.getProperty("codename1.mainName")); Replace repl = (Replace) getProject().createTask("replace"); repl.setEncoding("UTF-8"); repl.setFile(main); repl.setToken("#MAIN_CLASS#"); repl.setValue(mainClass.toString()); repl.execute(); repl = (Replace) getProject().createTask("replace"); repl.setEncoding("UTF-8"); repl.setFile(main); repl.setToken("#CODENAMEONE_REGISTER_NATIVE_STUBS#"); repl.setValue(""); repl.execute(); getJavac().getSrcdir().add(new Path(getProject(), generated.getAbsolutePath())); } /** * Fixes the properties in the Netbeans skeleton project that was set up by xmlvm. */ @Override protected void fixSkeletonProperties() throws IOException { super.fixSkeletonProperties(); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(this.getSkeletonPropertiesFile())); String lib = p.getProperty("xmlvm.lib"); if (lib == null) { lib = ""; } if (lib.length() > 0) { lib += ",libzbar.a"; } else { lib = "libzbar.a"; } p.setProperty("xmlvm.lib", lib); FileOutputStream(this.getSkeletonPropertiesFile()), "Updated xmlvm.lib"); } /** * Gets a list of the XMLVM generated files that are currently registered * in the Xcode project. */ protected Set<String> getCurrentXcodeFiles(String pbxprojContent) { Set<String> out = new HashSet<String>(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(pbxprojContent); int state = 0; Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("\\d+ /\\* ([^ ]+) \\*/"); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (state == 0 && line.indexOf("/* Application */ = {") >= 0) { state = 1; } else if (state == 1) { Matcher m = regex.matcher(line); if (m.find()) { String path =; if (path.indexOf("/") < 0) { out.add(path); } } else if (");".equals(line.trim())) { return out; } } } throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the end of the file reference section"); } /** * Gets a list of the current app source files. * * @return */ protected Set<String> getCurrentAppSrcFiles() { File appDir = new File(getOut(), "build/xcode/src/app"); Set<String> out = new HashSet<String>(); out.addAll(Arrays.asList(appDir.list())); return out; } /** * Updates the Xcode project by removing non-existent source files * and adding source files that are present but not yet registered in * the project file. * @throws IOException */ protected void updatePbxProj() throws IOException { String contents = FileUtils.readFileToString(getPbxProjectFile()); contents = updatePbxProj(contents); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(getPbxProjectFile(), contents); } /** * Generates an updated project file by adding new soruce files and removing * non-existing files. This does not write the project file. It simply processes * content and returns modified content. * @param pbxProjContent The contents of the project file. * @return String with the updated project file contents. */ protected String updatePbxProj(String pbxProjContent) { Set<String> inProject = getCurrentXcodeFiles(pbxProjContent); Set<String> inFileSystem = getCurrentAppSrcFiles(); Set<String> missingFromProject = new HashSet<String>(); missingFromProject.addAll(inFileSystem); missingFromProject.removeAll(inProject); Set<String> missingFromFileSystem = new HashSet<String>(); missingFromFileSystem.addAll(inProject); missingFromFileSystem.removeAll(inFileSystem); File appDir = new File(getOut(), "build/xcode/src/app"); if (!missingFromProject.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "Found " + missingFromProject.size() + " missing from the Xcode project. Adding them now..."); System.out.println(missingFromProject); List<File> filesToAdd = new ArrayList<File>(); for (String s : missingFromProject) { filesToAdd.add(new File(appDir, s)); } pbxProjContent = this.injectFilesIntoXcodeProject(pbxProjContent, filesToAdd.toArray(new File[0])); } if (!missingFromFileSystem.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Found " + missingFromFileSystem.size() + " missing from the fileSystem. Removing them in Xcode..."); System.out.println(missingFromFileSystem); List<File> filesToRemove = new ArrayList<File>(); for (String s : missingFromFileSystem) { filesToRemove.add(new File(appDir, s)); } pbxProjContent = removeFilesFromXcodeProject(pbxProjContent, filesToRemove.toArray(new File[0])); } return pbxProjContent; } /** * Returns modified Xcode project file contents after removing a set of files from the "Application" * group. * @param projFileContent The Xcode project file contents. * @param filesToRemove A list of files to remove. * @return The modified project file contents. */ protected String removeFilesFromXcodeProject(String projFileContent, File[] filesToRemove) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(projFileContent); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); boolean found = false; for (File f : filesToRemove) { if (line.indexOf("/* " + f.getName() + " */") >= 0) { found = true; } } if (!found) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Executes the task. * @throws BuildException */ public @Override void execute() throws BuildException { File build = new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "build"); if (!build.exists()) { build.mkdir(); } File ios = new File(build, "ios"); boolean doingClean = clean || !ios.exists(); if (ios.exists() && clean) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(ios); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CodenameOneIOSBuildTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new BuildException(ex); } ios.mkdirs(); } //runPreJavac(); try { setupJavac(); setupProjectInfo(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new BuildException(ex); } addLibs(); super.execute(); if (!doingClean) { try { // Let's add all of the missing files updatePbxProj(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CodenameOneIOSBuildTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * @return the codenameOneSrc */ public File getCodenameOneSrc() { return codenameOneSrc; } /** * @param codenameOneSrc the codenameOneSrc to set */ public void setCodenameOneSrc(File codenameOneSrc) { this.codenameOneSrc = codenameOneSrc; } @Override protected void copyNativeLibraries() { super.copyNativeLibraries(); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. if (debug) { try { // We need to copy the fat version of libzbar so that it works in the simulator File nativeLibDir = this.getNativeLibsPath(); File dest = new File(nativeLibDir, "libzbar.a"); URL src = getClass().getResource("resources/libzbar.a"); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(src, dest); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CodenameOneIOSBuildTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * @return the cldc */ public File getCldc() { return cldc; } /** * @param cldc the cldc to set */ public void setCldc(File cldc) { this.cldc = cldc; } /** * @return the iOSPort */ public File getiOSPort() { return iOSPort; } /** * @param iOSPort the iOSPort to set */ public void setiOSPort(File iOSPort) { this.iOSPort = iOSPort; } private static class FileResource { static Map<String, String> sourcefiles = new HashMap<String, String>(); static Map<String, String> hiddensourcefiles = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { //sourcefiles.put("a", "library"); sourcefiles.put("c", "sourcecode.c.c"); sourcefiles.put("m", "sourcecode.c.objc"); sourcefiles.put("mm", "sourcecode.cpp.objcpp"); sourcefiles.put("c++", "sourcecode.cpp.cpp"); sourcefiles.put("cpp", "sourcecode.cpp.cpp"); sourcefiles.put("xib", "sourcecode.xib.xib"); hiddensourcefiles.put("h", "sourcecode.c.h"); } private String type = null; private boolean isSource = false; private boolean isValid = false; private boolean isBuildable = false; private FileResource(String fname) { if (fname == null) return; int point = fname.lastIndexOf("."); if (point < 0 || point == fname.length()) return; String ext = fname.substring(point + 1); type = sourcefiles.get(ext); if (type != null) { isValid = true; isBuildable = true; isSource = true; return; } type = hiddensourcefiles.get(ext); if (type != null) { isValid = true; isSource = true; return; } } @Override public String toString() { return "[type=" + type + (isSource ? ", Source" : "") + (isValid ? ", Valid" : "") + (isBuildable ? ", Buildable" : "") + "]"; } } private File getPbxProjectFile() { return new File(this.getOut(), "dist/" + this.getBundleDisplayName() + ".xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"); } private void injectFilesIntoXcodeProject(File[] files) throws IOException { injectFilesIntoXcodeProject(getPbxProjectFile(), files); } private void injectFilesIntoXcodeProject(File projectFile, File[] files) throws IOException { String contents = FileUtils.readFileToString(projectFile); contents = injectFilesIntoXcodeProject(contents, files); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(projectFile, contents); } /** * Based on * @param template * @param filter */ private String injectFilesIntoXcodeProject(String template, File[] files) { int nextid = 0; Pattern idPattern = Pattern.compile(" (\\d+) "); Matcher m = idPattern.matcher(template); while (m.find()) { int curr = Integer.parseInt(; if (curr > nextid) { nextid = curr; } } nextid++; StringBuilder filerefs = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder buildrefs = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder display = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder resource = new StringBuilder(); for (File f : files) { String fname = f.getName(); if (template.indexOf(" " + fname + " ") >= 0) { continue; } FileResource fres = new FileResource(fname); if (f.exists()) { filerefs.append("\t\t").append(nextid); filerefs.append(" /* ").append(fname).append(" */"); filerefs.append(" = { isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = "); filerefs.append(fres.type).append("; path = \""); filerefs.append(fname).append("\"; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };"); filerefs.append('\n'); display.append("\t\t\t\t").append(nextid); display.append(" /* ").append(fname).append(" */"); display.append(",\n"); if (fres.isBuildable) { int fileid = nextid; nextid++; buildrefs.append("\t\t").append(nextid); buildrefs.append(" /* ").append(fname); buildrefs.append(" in ").append(fres.isSource ? "Sources" : "Resources"); buildrefs.append(" */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = ").append(fileid); buildrefs.append(" /* ").append(fname); buildrefs.append(" */; };\n"); if (fres.isSource) { source.append("\t\t\t\t").append(nextid); source.append(" /* ").append(fname).append(" */"); source.append(",\n"); } } nextid++; } } String data = template; data = data.replace("/* End PBXFileReference section */", filerefs.toString() + "/* End PBXFileReference section */"); data = data.replace("/* End PBXBuildFile section */", buildrefs.toString() + "/* End PBXBuildFile section */"); // The next two we probably shouldn't do by regex because there is no clear pattern. Stack<String> buffer = new Stack<String>(); Stack<String> backtrackStack = new Stack<String>(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(data); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.indexOf("/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */") >= 0) { // Found the end, let's backtrack while (!buffer.isEmpty()) { String l = buffer.pop(); backtrackStack.push(l); if (");".equals(l.trim())) { // This is the closing of the sources list // we can insert the sources here buffer.push(source.toString()); while (!backtrackStack.isEmpty()) { buffer.push(backtrackStack.pop()); } break; } } } else if (line.indexOf("name = Application;") >= 0) { while (!buffer.isEmpty()) { String l = buffer.pop(); backtrackStack.push(l); if (");".equals(l.trim())) { buffer.push(display.toString()); while (!backtrackStack.isEmpty()) { buffer.push(backtrackStack.pop()); } break; } } } buffer.push(line); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String[] lines = buffer.toArray(new String[0]); for (String line : lines) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); } data = sb.toString(); return data; } }