Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010, SQL Power Group Inc. * * This file is part of Power*MatchMaker. * * Power*MatchMaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Power*MatchMaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.enterprise; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.olap4j.metadata.Datatype; import; import ca.sqlpower.architect.ddl.DDLGenerator; import ca.sqlpower.dao.SPPersistenceException; import ca.sqlpower.dao.SPPersisterListener; import ca.sqlpower.dao.json.SPJSONMessageDecoder; import ca.sqlpower.dao.json.SPJSONPersister; import ca.sqlpower.dao.session.SessionPersisterSuperConverter; import ca.sqlpower.dao.upgrade.UpgradePersisterManager; import ca.sqlpower.diff.DiffChunk; import ca.sqlpower.diff.DiffInfo; import ca.sqlpower.diff.SimpleDiffChunkJSONConverter; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.AbstractNetworkConflictResolver; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.ClientSideSessionUtils; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.DataSourceCollectionUpdater; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.JSONMessage; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.JSONResponseHandler; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.ServerInfoProvider; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.TransactionInformation; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.client.ProjectLocation; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.client.SPServerInfo; import ca.sqlpower.enterprise.client.User; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.FolderParent; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.MMRootNode; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.MatchMakerSession; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.MatchMakerSessionContext; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.PlFolder; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.Project; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.TranslateGroupParent; import ca.sqlpower.matchmaker.WarningListener; import ca.sqlpower.object.AbstractPoolingSPListener; import ca.sqlpower.object.SPObject; import ca.sqlpower.sql.DataSourceCollection; import ca.sqlpower.sql.JDBCDataSource; import ca.sqlpower.sql.PlDotIni; import ca.sqlpower.sql.SPDataSource; import ca.sqlpower.sql.SpecificDataSourceCollection; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLDatabase; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLObjectException; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLTable; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.UserDefinedSQLType; import ca.sqlpower.swingui.event.SessionLifecycleEvent; import ca.sqlpower.swingui.event.SessionLifecycleListener; import ca.sqlpower.util.SQLPowerUtils; import ca.sqlpower.util.UserPrompterFactory; import ca.sqlpower.util.UserPrompter.UserPromptOptions; import ca.sqlpower.util.UserPrompter.UserPromptResponse; import ca.sqlpower.util.UserPrompterFactory.UserPromptType; public class MatchMakerClientSideSession implements MatchMakerSession { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MatchMakerClientSideSession.class); private static CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore(); /** * The prefs node that will store information about the current settings of * the DDL generator and compare DM panels. Currently this is stored in prefs * because we want to store it per user for each project they are using. In the * future we may want to store this in the server, once per user per project. */ private final Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(MatchMakerClientSideSession.class); /** * Describes the location of the project that this session represents. */ private final ProjectLocation projectLocation; /** * An {@link HttpClient} used to send updates to the server for changes to * the project and to receive updates from other users from the server. */ private final HttpClient outboundHttpClient; /** * The persister that will update the project in this session with changes from * the server. */ private final MatchMakerSessionPersister sessionPersister; /** * Holds the current ddlg */ private DDLGenerator ddlGenerator; /** * Used to convert JSON sent from the server into persist calls to forward the * server changes to the {@link #sessionPersister}. */ private final SPJSONPersister jsonPersister; private final MatchMakerNetworkConflictResolver updater; private final SPJSONMessageDecoder jsonMessageDecoder; private final DataSourceCollectionUpdater dataSourceCollectionUpdater; private AbstractPoolingSPListener deletionListener; private DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource> dataSourceCollection; /** * Used to store sessions which hold nothing but security info. */ public static Map<String, MatchMakerClientSideSession> securitySessions = new HashMap<String, MatchMakerClientSideSession>(); private final MatchMakerSession delegateSession; public static HttpClient createHttpClient(SPServerInfo serviceInfo) { return ClientSideSessionUtils.createHttpClient(serviceInfo, cookieStore); } /** * Map of server addresses to system workspaces. Use * {@link SPServerInfo#getServerAddress()} as the key. */ public static Map<String, MatchMakerClientSideSession> getSecuritySessions() { return securitySessions; } /** * Exposes the shared cookie store so we don't spawn useless sessions * through the client. */ public static CookieStore getCookieStore() { return cookieStore; } public static ProjectLocation createNewServerSession(SPServerInfo serviceInfo, String name, MatchMakerSession session) throws URISyntaxException, ClientProtocolException, IOException, JSONException { return ClientSideSessionUtils.createNewServerSession(serviceInfo, name, cookieStore, session.createUserPrompterFactory()); } public static void deleteServerWorkspace(ProjectLocation projectLocation, MatchMakerSession session) throws URISyntaxException, ClientProtocolException, IOException { ClientSideSessionUtils.deleteServerWorkspace(projectLocation, cookieStore, session.createUserPrompterFactory()); } public static void persistRevisionFromServer(ProjectLocation projectLocation, int revisionNo, SPJSONMessageDecoder decoder) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, SPPersistenceException, IllegalArgumentException { ClientSideSessionUtils.persistRevisionFromServer(projectLocation, revisionNo, decoder, cookieStore); } /** * This method reverts the server workspace specified by the given project location * to the specified revision number. * * All sessions should automatically update to the reverted revision due to their Updater. * * @returns The new global revision number, right after the reversion, or -1 if the server did not revert. * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws JSONException */ public static int revertServerWorkspace(ProjectLocation projectLocation, int revisionNo) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, JSONException { return ClientSideSessionUtils.revertServerWorkspace(projectLocation, revisionNo, cookieStore); } public static ProjectLocation uploadProject(SPServerInfo serviceInfo, String name, File project, UserPrompterFactory session) throws URISyntaxException, ClientProtocolException, IOException, JSONException { return ClientSideSessionUtils.uploadProject(serviceInfo, name, project, session, cookieStore); } public MatchMakerClientSideSession(String name, ProjectLocation projectLocation, MatchMakerSession delegateSession) throws SQLObjectException { this.projectLocation = projectLocation; this.delegateSession = delegateSession; dataSourceCollectionUpdater = new MatchMakerDataSourceCollectionUpdater(projectLocation); String ddlgClass = prefs.get(this.projectLocation.getUUID() + ".ddlg", null); if (ddlgClass != null) { try { DDLGenerator ddlg = (DDLGenerator) Class .forName(ddlgClass, true, MatchMakerClientSideSession.class.getClassLoader()).newInstance(); setDDLGenerator(ddlg); ddlg.setTargetCatalog(prefs.get(this.projectLocation.getUUID() + ".targetCatalog", null)); ddlg.setTargetSchema(prefs.get(this.projectLocation.getUUID() + ".targetSchema", null)); } catch (Exception e) { delegateSession.createUserPrompterFactory() .createUserPrompter("Cannot load DDL settings due to missing class " + ddlgClass, UserPromptType.MESSAGE, UserPromptOptions.OK, UserPromptResponse.OK, null, "OK") .promptUser(""); logger.error("Cannot find DDL Generator for class " + ddlgClass + ", ddl generator properties are not loaded."); } } outboundHttpClient = ClientSideSessionUtils.createHttpClient(projectLocation.getServiceInfo(), cookieStore); dataSourceCollection = getDataSources(); sessionPersister = new MatchMakerSessionPersister("inbound-" + projectLocation.getUUID(), getWorkspace(), new MatchMakerPersisterSuperConverter(dataSourceCollection, getWorkspace())); sessionPersister.setWorkspaceContainer(this); jsonMessageDecoder = new SPJSONMessageDecoder(sessionPersister); updater = new MatchMakerNetworkConflictResolver(projectLocation, jsonMessageDecoder, ClientSideSessionUtils.createHttpClient(projectLocation.getServiceInfo(), cookieStore), outboundHttpClient, this); jsonPersister = new SPJSONPersister(updater); verifyServerLicense(projectLocation); } public boolean close() { if (getDDLGenerator() != null) { if (getDDLGenerator().getTargetCatalog() != null) { prefs.put(projectLocation.getUUID() + ".targetCatalog", getDDLGenerator().getTargetCatalog()); } if (getDDLGenerator().getTargetSchema() != null) { prefs.put(projectLocation.getUUID() + ".targetSchema", getDDLGenerator().getTargetSchema()); } prefs.put(projectLocation.getUUID() + ".ddlg", getDDLGenerator().getClass().getName()); } try { //TODO: Figure out how to de-register the session &c. } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); delegateSession.createUserPrompterFactory() .createUserPrompter("Cannot access the server to close the server session", UserPromptType.MESSAGE, UserPromptOptions.OK, UserPromptResponse.OK, UserPromptResponse.OK, "OK") .promptUser(""); } updater.interrupt(); outboundHttpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); if (dataSourceCollection != null) { dataSourceCollectionUpdater.detach(dataSourceCollection); } getSystemWorkspace().removeSPListener(deletionListener); return delegateSession.close(); } public void setDDLGenerator(DDLGenerator ddlGenerator) { this.ddlGenerator = ddlGenerator; } public DDLGenerator getDDLGenerator() { return ddlGenerator; } public MMRootNode getSystemWorkspace() { SPObject spo = getSecuritySessions().get(getProjectLocation().getServiceInfo().getServerAddress()) .getWorkspace(); if (!(spo instanceof MMRootNode)) { throw new RuntimeException("Your system workspace must be an MMRootNode, not a " + spo.getClass()); } return (MMRootNode) spo; } public MatchMakerClientSideSession getSystemSession() { return getSecuritySessions().get(getProjectLocation().getServiceInfo().getServerAddress()); } public ProjectLocation getProjectLocation() { return projectLocation; } public int getCurrentRevisionNumber() { return updater.getRevision(); } public AbstractNetworkConflictResolver getUpdater() { return updater; } public User getUser() { String username = getProjectLocation().getServiceInfo().getUsername(); User currentUser = null; for (User user : getSystemWorkspace().getChildren(User.class)) { if (user.getUsername().equals(username)) { currentUser = user; } } return currentUser; } /** * Retrieves a locally saved preference of type double. * @param prefName The name of the previously saved preference * @return The previously saved preference, or 0 if none exists yet */ public double getPrefDouble(String prefName) { return getPrefDouble(prefName, 0); } /** * Retrieves a locally saved preference of type double. * @param prefName The name of the previously saved preference * @param def The value this function should return * if no preference was previously saved */ public double getPrefDouble(String prefName, double def) { return prefs.getDouble(projectLocation.getUUID() + "." + prefName, def); } /** * Enters a double value as a preference for this server session. * It will be able to be loaded by this local user in the future. */ public void putPref(String prefName, double pref) { prefs.putDouble(projectLocation.getUUID() + "." + prefName, pref); } /** * Enters a String as a preference for this server session. * It will be able to be loaded by this local user in the future. */ public void putPref(String prefName, String pref) { prefs.put(projectLocation.getUUID() + "." + prefName, pref); } /** * Retrieves a locally saved preference of type String. * @param prefName The name of the previously saved preference * @return The previously saved preference, or null if none exists yet */ public String getPref(String prefName) { return getPref(prefName, null); } /** * Retrieves a locally saved preference of type String. * @param prefName The name of the previously saved preference * @param def The value this function should return * if no preference was previously saved */ public String getPref(String prefName, String def) { return prefs.get(projectLocation.getUUID() + "." + prefName, def); } public DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource> getDataSources() { if (dataSourceCollection == null) { dataSourceCollection = getDataSourcesFromServer(); dataSourceCollectionUpdater.attach(dataSourceCollection); } return dataSourceCollection; } private DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource> getDataSourcesFromServer() { ResponseHandler<DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource>> plIniHandler = new ResponseHandler<DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource>>() { public DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource> handleResponse(HttpResponse response) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 401) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Access Denied"); } if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new IOException("Server error while reading data sources: " + response.getStatusLine()); } PlDotIni plIni; try { plIni = new PlDotIni(ClientSideSessionUtils.getServerURI(projectLocation.getServiceInfo(), "/" + ClientSideSessionUtils.REST_TAG + "/jdbc/")) { @Override public List<UserDefinedSQLType> getSQLTypes() { List<UserDefinedSQLType> types = new ArrayList<UserDefinedSQLType>(); types.addAll(delegateSession.getSQLTypes()); return types; } public SPDataSource getDataSource(String name) { SPDataSource ds = super.getDataSource(name); if (ds == null) { mergeNewDataSources(); return super.getDataSource(name); } else { return ds; } } public <C extends SPDataSource> C getDataSource(String name, java.lang.Class<C> classType) { C ds = super.getDataSource(name, classType); if (ds == null) { mergeNewDataSources(); return super.getDataSource(name, classType); } else { return ds; } } private void mergeNewDataSources() { DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource> dsc = getDataSourcesFromServer(); for (SPDataSource merge : dsc.getConnections()) { mergeDataSource(merge); } } };; logger.debug("Data source collection has URI " + plIni.getServerBaseURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return new SpecificDataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource>(plIni, JDBCDataSource.class); } }; DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource> dsc; try { dsc = ClientSideSessionUtils.executeServerRequest(outboundHttpClient, projectLocation.getServiceInfo(), "/" + ClientSideSessionUtils.REST_TAG + "/data-sources/", plIniHandler); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return dsc; } /** * Gets a list of DiffChunks representing the differences between the two revisions from the server. */ public List<DiffChunk<DiffInfo>> getComparisonDiffChunks(int oldRevisionNo, int newRevisionNo) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, JSONException, SPPersistenceException { SPServerInfo serviceInfo = projectLocation.getServiceInfo(); HttpClient httpClient = ClientSideSessionUtils.createHttpClient(serviceInfo, cookieStore); try { JSONMessage response = ClientSideSessionUtils.executeServerRequest(httpClient, projectLocation.getServiceInfo(), "/" + ClientSideSessionUtils.REST_TAG + "/project/" + projectLocation.getUUID() + "/compare", "versions=" + oldRevisionNo + ":" + newRevisionNo, new JSONResponseHandler()); return SimpleDiffChunkJSONConverter.decode(response.getBody()); } finally { httpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } } public List<TransactionInformation> getTransactionList(long fromVersion, long toVersion) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, JSONException, ParseException { SPServerInfo serviceInfo = projectLocation.getServiceInfo(); HttpClient httpClient = ClientSideSessionUtils.createHttpClient(serviceInfo, cookieStore); try {"Getting transactions between " + fromVersion + " and " + toVersion); JSONMessage message = ClientSideSessionUtils.executeServerRequest(httpClient, projectLocation.getServiceInfo(), "/" + ClientSideSessionUtils.REST_TAG + "/project/" + projectLocation.getUUID() + "/revision_list", "versions=" + fromVersion + ":" + toVersion, new JSONResponseHandler()); return ClientSideSessionUtils.decodeJSONRevisionList(message.getBody()); } finally { httpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } } public void persistProjectToServer() throws SPPersistenceException { final SPPersisterListener tempListener = new SPPersisterListener(jsonPersister, new MatchMakerPersisterSuperConverter(dataSourceCollection, getWorkspace())); tempListener.persistObject(getWorkspace(), 0); } public int revertServerWorkspace(int revisionNo) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, JSONException { return revertServerWorkspace(projectLocation, revisionNo); } public void startUpdaterThread() { final SPPersisterListener listener = new SPPersisterListener(jsonPersister, sessionPersister, new MatchMakerPersisterSuperConverter(dataSourceCollection, getWorkspace())); SQLPowerUtils.listenToHierarchy(getWorkspace(), listener); updater.setListener(listener); updater.setConverter(new SessionPersisterSuperConverter(dataSourceCollection, getWorkspace())); updater.start(); delegateSession.addSessionLifecycleListener(new SessionLifecycleListener<MatchMakerSession>() { public void sessionClosing(SessionLifecycleEvent<MatchMakerSession> e) { SQLPowerUtils.unlistenToHierarchy(getWorkspace(), listener); } public void sessionOpening(SessionLifecycleEvent<MatchMakerSession> e) { } }); } /** * This method can update any users password on the server given the correct * old password and done by a user with the privileges to change the user's * password. * * @param session * The client session that has the correct server information to * post requests to the server. * @param username * The user name of the user to update. * @param oldPassword * The old password of the user to validate that the password can * be updated correctly. * @param newPassword * The new password to update to. * @param upf * A user prompter to display message and error information to * the user as necessary. */ public void updateUserPassword(User user, String oldPassword, String newPassword, UserPrompterFactory upf) { SPServerInfo serviceInfo = getProjectLocation().getServiceInfo(); HttpClient client = ClientSideSessionUtils.createHttpClient(serviceInfo, cookieStore); MessageDigest digester; try { digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } try { JSONObject begin = new JSONObject(); begin.put("uuid", JSONObject.NULL); begin.put("method", "begin"); JSONObject persist = new JSONObject(); persist.put("uuid", user.getUUID()); persist.put("propertyName", "password"); persist.put("type", Datatype.STRING.toString()); if (oldPassword == null) { persist.put("method", "persistProperty"); } else { persist.put("method", "changeProperty"); persist.put("oldValue", new String(Hex.encodeHex(digester.digest(oldPassword.getBytes())))); } persist.put("newValue", new String(Hex.encodeHex(digester.digest(newPassword.getBytes())))); JSONObject commit = new JSONObject(); commit.put("uuid", JSONObject.NULL); commit.put("method", "commit"); JSONArray transaction = new JSONArray(); transaction.put(begin); transaction.put(persist); transaction.put(commit); URI serverURI = new URI("http", null, serviceInfo.getServerAddress(), serviceInfo.getPort(), serviceInfo.getPath() + "/" + ClientSideSessionUtils.REST_TAG + "/project/system", "currentRevision=" + getCurrentRevisionNumber(), null); HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(serverURI); postRequest.setEntity(new StringEntity(transaction.toString())); postRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); HttpUriRequest request = postRequest; JSONMessage result = client.execute(request, new JSONResponseHandler()); if (result.getStatusCode() != 200) { logger.warn("Failed password change"); if (result.getStatusCode() == 412) { upf.createUserPrompter("The password you have entered is incorrect.", UserPromptType.MESSAGE, UserPromptOptions.OK, UserPromptResponse.OK, "OK", "OK").promptUser(""); } else { upf.createUserPrompter( "Could not change the password due to the following: " + result.getBody() + " See logs for more details.", UserPromptType.MESSAGE, UserPromptOptions.OK, UserPromptResponse.OK, "OK", "OK") .promptUser(""); } } } catch (AccessDeniedException ex) { logger.warn("Failed password change", ex); upf.createUserPrompter("The password you have entered is incorrect.", UserPromptType.MESSAGE, UserPromptOptions.OK, UserPromptResponse.OK, "OK", "OK").promptUser(""); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Failed password change", ex); upf.createUserPrompter( "Could not change the password due to the following: " + ex.getMessage() + " See logs for more details.", UserPromptType.MESSAGE, UserPromptOptions.OK, UserPromptResponse.OK, "OK", "OK").promptUser(""); } } protected void verifyServerLicense(ProjectLocation projectLocation) throws AssertionError { try { ServerInfoProvider.getServerVersion(projectLocation.getServiceInfo().getServerAddress(), String.valueOf(projectLocation.getServiceInfo().getPort()), projectLocation.getServiceInfo().getPath(), projectLocation.getServiceInfo().getUsername(), projectLocation.getServiceInfo().getPassword(), cookieStore); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Exception encountered while verifying the server license:" + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void runInForeground(Runnable runner) { delegateSession.runInForeground(runner); } @Override public void runInBackground(Runnable runner) { delegateSession.runInBackground(runner); } @Override public boolean isForegroundThread() { return delegateSession.isForegroundThread(); } @Override public SPObject getWorkspace() { return delegateSession.getWorkspace(); } @Override public MatchMakerSessionContext getContext() { return delegateSession.getContext(); } @Override public String getAppUser() { return delegateSession.getAppUser(); } @Override public String getAppUserEmail() { return delegateSession.getAppUserEmail(); } @Override public String getDBUser() { return delegateSession.getDBUser(); } @Override public Date getSessionStartTime() { return delegateSession.getSessionStartTime(); } @Override public UserPrompterFactory createUserPrompterFactory() { return delegateSession.createUserPrompterFactory(); } @Override public PlFolder findFolder(String foldername) { return delegateSession.findFolder(foldername); } @Override public boolean isThisProjectNameAcceptable(String name) { return delegateSession.isThisProjectNameAcceptable(name); } @Override public long countProjectByName(String name) { return delegateSession.countProjectByName(name); } @Override public Project getProjectByName(String name) { return delegateSession.getProjectByName(name); } @Override public String createNewUniqueName() { return delegateSession.createNewUniqueName(); } @Override public void handleWarning(String message) { delegateSession.handleWarning(message); } @Override public void addWarningListener(WarningListener l) { delegateSession.addWarningListener(l); } @Override public void removeWarningListener(WarningListener l) { delegateSession.removeWarningListener(l); } @Override public MMRootNode getRootNode() { return delegateSession.getRootNode(); } @Override public TranslateGroupParent getTranslations() { return delegateSession.getTranslations(); } @Override public FolderParent getBackupFolderParent() { return delegateSession.getBackupFolderParent(); } @Override public FolderParent getCurrentFolderParent() { return delegateSession.getCurrentFolderParent(); } @Override public SQLTable findPhysicalTableByName(String spDataSourceName, String catalog, String schema, String tableName) throws SQLObjectException { return delegateSession.findPhysicalTableByName(spDataSourceName, catalog, schema, tableName); } @Override public boolean tableExists(String spDataSourceName, String catalog, String schema, String tableName) throws SQLObjectException { return delegateSession.tableExists(spDataSourceName, catalog, schema, tableName); } @Override public boolean tableExists(SQLTable table) throws SQLObjectException { return delegateSession.tableExists(table); } @Override public boolean canSelectTable(SQLTable table) { return delegateSession.canSelectTable(table); } @Override public SQLDatabase getDatabase(JDBCDataSource dataSource) { return delegateSession.getDatabase(dataSource); } @Override public void addSessionLifecycleListener(SessionLifecycleListener<MatchMakerSession> listener) { delegateSession.addSessionLifecycleListener(listener); } @Override public void removeSessionLifecycleListener(SessionLifecycleListener<MatchMakerSession> listener) { delegateSession.removeSessionLifecycleListener(listener); } @Override public void addStatusMessage(String message) { delegateSession.addStatusMessage(message); } @Override public void removeStatusMessage() { delegateSession.removeStatusMessage(); } @Override public List<UserDefinedSQLType> getSQLTypes() { return delegateSession.getSQLTypes(); } @Override public UserDefinedSQLType getSQLType(int sqlType) { return delegateSession.getSQLType(sqlType); } @Override public UpgradePersisterManager getUpgradePersisterManager() { return delegateSession.getUpgradePersisterManager(); } @Override public File getSavePoint() { logger.warn("Tried to get a savePoint on an enterprise session..."); return null; } @Override public void setSavePoint(File savePoint) { delegateSession.setSavePoint(savePoint); } }