Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009, SQL Power Group Inc. * * This file is part of SQL Power Library. * * SQL Power Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SQL Power Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package ca.sqlpower.dao; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import ca.sqlpower.dao.helper.PersisterHelperFinder; import ca.sqlpower.dao.session.SessionPersisterSuperConverter; import ca.sqlpower.object.ObjectDependentException; import ca.sqlpower.object.SPChildEvent; import ca.sqlpower.object.SPListener; import ca.sqlpower.object.SPObject; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLCatalog; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLColumn; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLDatabase; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLIndex; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLObject; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLObjectUtils; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLRelationship; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLSchema; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLTable; import ca.sqlpower.util.SQLPowerUtils; import ca.sqlpower.util.TransactionEvent; import ca.sqlpower.util.WorkspaceContainer; import; import; import; public abstract class SPSessionPersister implements SPPersister { /** * The god mode means that this listener will output * events that are unconditional, always. This makes it the * purveyor of the truth. */ private boolean godMode = false; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SPSessionPersister.class); /** * An {@link SPSession} to persist objects and properties onto. */ private WorkspaceContainer workspaceContainer; /** * A count of transactions, mainly to keep track of nested transactions. */ private int transactionCount = 0; /** * Persisted property buffer, mapping of {@link SPObject} UUIDs to each * individual persisted property */ protected Multimap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> persistedProperties = LinkedListMultimap.create(); /** * This will be the list we will use to rollback persisted properties */ private List<PersistedPropertiesEntry> persistedPropertiesRollbackList = new LinkedList<PersistedPropertiesEntry>(); /** * Persisted {@link SPObject} buffer, contains all the data that was passed * into the persistedObject call in the order of insertion. Note that this * list must be kept consistent with persistedObjectsMap. */ protected List<PersistedSPObject> persistedObjects = new LinkedList<PersistedSPObject>(); /** * This map stores values looked up by findByUUID and allows them to be * looked up faster to improve performance. This cache should be cleared * regularly before and after each transaction so the values in it stay * consistent with what actually exists in the client model. */ private final Map<String, SPObject> lookupCache = new HashMap<String, SPObject>(); /** * This map allows for fast lookups of persisted objects by their UUID. * <p> * Note that the entries in this map must be kept consistent with those in * persistedObjects. * <p> * Changing persistedObjects to be an ordered map may be more sensible then * using this map in the future but we will see how much this improves * performance. */ protected Map<String, PersistedSPObject> persistedObjectsMap = new HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject>(); /** * This will be the list we use to rollback persisted objects. * It contains UUIDs of objects that were created. */ private List<PersistedObjectEntry> persistedObjectsRollbackList = new LinkedList<PersistedObjectEntry>(); /** * This comparator sorts buffered removeObject calls by each * {@link SPObject} UUID. The UUIDs being compared must matchup with an * existing SPObject in the {@link #root}. If it does not exist, it means * that the SPObject has just been removed and this comparator is * reshuffling the map. * TODO We need a generic way of comparing {@link SPObject}s. */ protected final Comparator<String> removedObjectComparator = new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String uuid1, String uuid2) { SPObject spo1 = findByUuid(root, uuid1, SPObject.class); SPObject spo2 = findByUuid(root, uuid2, SPObject.class); if (uuid1.equals(uuid2)) { return 0; } else if (spo1 == null && spo2 == null) { return uuid2.compareTo(uuid1); } else if (spo1 == null) { return -1; } else if (spo2 == null) { return 1; } else if (spo1.getParent() == null && spo2.getParent() == null) { return 0; } else if (spo1.getParent() == null) { return 1; } else if (spo2.getParent() == null) { return -1; } else if (spo1.equals(spo2)) { return 0; } else if (spo1.getParent().equals(spo2.getParent())) { List<? extends SPObject> siblings; if (spo1.getParent() instanceof SQLObject) { siblings = ((SQLObject) spo1.getParent()).getChildrenWithoutPopulating(); } else { siblings = spo1.getParent().getChildren(); } return Integer.signum(siblings.indexOf(spo2) - siblings.indexOf(spo1)); } List<SPObject> ancestorList1 = SQLPowerUtils.getAncestorList(spo1); List<SPObject> ancestorList2 = SQLPowerUtils.getAncestorList(spo2); SPObject previousAncestor = null; SPObject ancestor1 = spo1; SPObject ancestor2 = spo2; boolean compareWithAncestor = false; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < ancestorList1.size() && j < ancestorList2.size(); i++, j++) { ancestor1 = ancestorList1.get(i); ancestor2 = ancestorList2.get(j); if (previousAncestor != null && !ancestor1.equals(ancestor2)) { compareWithAncestor = true; break; } previousAncestor = ancestor1; } if (!compareWithAncestor) { if (ancestorList1.size() < ancestorList2.size()) { ancestor1 = spo1; ancestor2 = ancestorList2.get(ancestorList1.size()); } else if (ancestorList1.size() > ancestorList2.size()) { ancestor1 = ancestorList1.get(ancestorList2.size()); ancestor2 = spo2; } else { ancestor1 = spo1; ancestor2 = spo2; } } int c; if (ancestor1.equals(ancestor2)) { c = ancestorList2.size() - ancestorList1.size(); } else if (ancestor1.getClass() == ancestor2.getClass()) { List<? extends SPObject> siblings; if (previousAncestor instanceof SQLObject) { siblings = ((SQLObject) previousAncestor).getChildrenWithoutPopulating(); } else { siblings = previousAncestor.getChildren(); } int index1 = siblings.indexOf(ancestor1); int index2 = siblings.indexOf(ancestor2); c = index2 - index1; } else { // XXX The comparator should really never reach // this else block. However in the case that it does, compare by UUID. c = uuid2.compareTo(uuid1); } return Integer.signum(c); } }; /** * {@link SPObject} removal buffer, mapping of {@link SPObject} UUIDs * to their parents */ protected Map<String, String> objectsToRemove = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * For some uses of the session persister we don't want to disable magic. * By default we do want to disable magic. */ private boolean disableMagic = true; /** * In most cases we want the persister to rollback changes it made to the * model as it is normally the responsibility of the persister to perform * this action. However, in some cases we have another mechanism to undo the * changes as there may be more changes in the transaction that is outside * of this persister. For these cases we will disable the rollback for this * class when committing fails. */ private boolean rollbackOnCommitError = true; private void setPersistedProperties(Multimap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> persistedProperties) { this.persistedProperties = persistedProperties; } private void setPersistedObjects(List<PersistedSPObject> persistedObjects) { this.persistedObjects = persistedObjects; persistedObjectsMap.clear(); for (PersistedSPObject pso : persistedObjects) { persistedObjectsMap.put(pso.getUUID(), pso); } } private void setObjectsToRemove(Map<String, String> objectsToRemove) { this.objectsToRemove = objectsToRemove; } /** * This is the map we use to rollback object removal. The key is the UUID of the * object removed for faster lookup if an object was moved instead of being * directly removed. The map is ordered to keep the object order that they were * removed in for rollback. */ private LinkedHashMap<String, RemovedObjectEntry> objectsToRemoveRollbackList = new LinkedHashMap<String, RemovedObjectEntry>(); /** * This root object is used to find other objects by UUID by walking the * descendant tree when an object is required. */ protected final SPObject root; /** * Name of this persister (for debugging purposes). */ private final String name; private Thread currentThread; private boolean headingToWisconsin; /** * A class that can convert a complex object into a basic representation * that can be placed in a string and can also convert the string * representation back into the complex object. */ protected final SessionPersisterSuperConverter converter; /** * This map contains class types that exist in the object tree to be * persisted. The ordering provides a way for this class to ensure classes * that connect different branches of a tree are added after both branches * are created. Normally when calling {@link #commitSortedObjects()} each * object is created in full before creating the next. However, some * objects, like SQLTable or XBRL Taxonomy, have children that link to * another object of the same type, like SQLRelationship or TaxonomyImport. * In these cases we need to make sure the connecting class gets created * after the other side of the relationship. To ensure both sides are * created we create all value classes after all objects of the * corresponding key are created. * <p> * The values in this map are the fully qualified class names where the keys * must always be persisted before their values. */ private final Multimap<String, String> forcedOrderList = ArrayListMultimap.create(); /** * Creates a session persister that can update an object at or a descendant * of the given root now. If the persist call involves an object that is * outside of the scope of the root node and its descendant tree an * exception will be thrown depending on the method called as the object * will not be found. * * @param name * The name of the persister. Helps to tell which persister is * performing actions. * @param root * The root of the tree of {@link SPObject}s. The tree rooted at * this node will have objects added to it and properties changed * on nodes in this tree. * @param converter * Used to convert objects given in strings to complex objects to * update the session with. */ public SPSessionPersister(String name, SPObject root, SessionPersisterSuperConverter converter) { = name; this.root = root; this.converter = converter; } @Override public String toString() { return "SPSessionPersister \"" + name + "\""; } public void begin() throws SPPersistenceException { synchronized (getWorkspaceContainer()) { enforceThreadSafety(); if (transactionCount == 0) { lookupCache.clear(); converter.setUUIDCache(lookupCache); } transactionCount++; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("spsp.begin(); - transaction count : " + transactionCount); } } } public void commit() throws SPPersistenceException { synchronized (getWorkspaceContainer()) { enforceThreadSafety(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("spsp.commit(); - transaction count : " + transactionCount); } final SPObject workspace = getWorkspaceContainer().getWorkspace(); synchronized (workspace) { try { if (disableMagic) { workspace.setMagicEnabled(false); } if (transactionCount == 0) { throw new SPPersistenceException(null, "Commit attempted while not in a transaction"); } // Make sure the rollback lists are empty. objectsToRemoveRollbackList.clear(); persistedObjectsRollbackList.clear(); persistedPropertiesRollbackList.clear(); if (transactionCount == 1) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Begin of commit phase..."); logger.debug("Committing " + persistedObjects.size() + " new objects, " + persistedProperties.size() + " changes to different property names, and " + objectsToRemove.size() + " objects are being removed."); } workspace.begin("Begin batch transaction..."); commitRemovals(); commitObjects(); commitProperties(); workspace.commit(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("...commit succeeded."); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("SPSessionPersister caught an exception while " + "performing a commit operation. Will try to rollback...", t); if (rollbackOnCommitError) { rollback(); } if (t instanceof SPPersistenceException) throw (SPPersistenceException) t; if (t instanceof FriendlyRuntimeSPPersistenceException) throw (FriendlyRuntimeSPPersistenceException) t; throw new SPPersistenceException(null, t); } finally { if (transactionCount > 0) { transactionCount--; if (transactionCount == 0) { objectsToRemove.clear(); objectsToRemoveRollbackList.clear(); persistedObjects.clear(); persistedObjectsMap.clear(); persistedObjectsRollbackList.clear(); persistedProperties.clear(); persistedPropertiesRollbackList.clear(); lookupCache.clear(); converter.removeUUIDCache(); currentThread = null; } } if (disableMagic) { workspace.setMagicEnabled(true); } } } } } public void persistObject(String parentUUID, String type, String uuid, int index) throws SPPersistenceException { logger.debug("Persisting object " + uuid + " of type " + type + " as a child to " + parentUUID); synchronized (getWorkspaceContainer()) { enforceThreadSafety(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(String.format("spsp.persistObject(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", %d);", parentUUID, type, uuid, index)); } if (transactionCount == 0) { rollback(); throw new SPPersistenceException("Cannot persist objects while outside " + "a transaction."); } SPObject objectToPersist = findByUuid(root, uuid, SPObject.class); if (exists(uuid) && objectToPersist.getClass() != root.getClass()) { //If the object was already created by a different process we will continue //if we are in god mode. if (godMode) return; rollback(); throw new SPPersistenceException(uuid, "An SPObject with UUID " + uuid + " and type " + type + " under parent with UUID " + parentUUID + " already exists.\n" + " The object exists in the root already? " + (objectToPersist != null) + "\n" + " The persisted objects map contains keys: " + persistedObjectsMap.keySet() + "\n" + " The persisted properties map contains values for this object? " + (persistedProperties.get(uuid) != null && !persistedProperties.get(uuid).isEmpty()) + "\n" + " The removed set contains the object? " + (objectsToRemove.containsKey(uuid))); } PersistedSPObject pso = new PersistedSPObject(parentUUID, type, uuid, index); persistedObjects.add(pso); persistedObjectsMap.put(pso.getUUID(), pso); } } public void persistProperty(String uuid, String propertyName, DataType propertyType, Object oldValue, Object newValue) throws SPPersistenceException { if (transactionCount <= 0) { rollback(); throw new SPPersistenceException(null, "Cannot persist objects while outside " + "a transaction."); } synchronized (getWorkspaceContainer()) { enforceThreadSafety(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(String.format("spsp.persistProperty(\"%s\", \"%s\", DataType.%s, %s, %s);", uuid, propertyName,, oldValue, newValue)); } try { persistPropertyHelper(uuid, propertyName, propertyType, oldValue, newValue, godMode); } catch (SPPersistenceException e) { rollback(); throw e; } } } public void persistProperty(String uuid, String propertyName, DataType propertyType, Object newValue) throws SPPersistenceException { logger.debug("Persisting property " + propertyName + ", changing to " + newValue); if (transactionCount <= 0) { rollback(); throw new SPPersistenceException("Cannot persist objects while outside " + "a transaction."); } synchronized (getWorkspaceContainer()) { enforceThreadSafety(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( String.format("spsp.persistProperty(\"%s\", \"%s\", DataType.%s, %s); // unconditional", uuid, propertyName,, newValue)); } try { if (newValue instanceof InputStream && !((InputStream) newValue).markSupported()) { newValue = new BufferedInputStream((InputStream) newValue); } persistPropertyHelper(uuid, propertyName, propertyType, newValue, newValue, true); } catch (SPPersistenceException e) { rollback(); throw e; } } } /** * Helper to persist a {@link SPObject} property given by its object * UUID, property name, property type, expected old value, and new value. * This can be done either conditionally or unconditionally based on which * persistProperty method called this one. * * @param uuid * The UUID of the {@link SPObject} to persist the property * upon * @param propertyName * The property name * @param propertyType * The property type * @param oldValue * The expected old property value * @param newValue * The new property value to persist * @throws SPPersistenceException * Thrown if the property name is not known in this method. */ private void persistPropertyHelper(String uuid, String propertyName, DataType propertyType, Object oldValue, Object newValue, boolean unconditional) throws SPPersistenceException { if (!exists(uuid)) { throw new SPPersistenceException(uuid, "SPObject with UUID " + uuid + " could not be found." + " Was trying to set its property \"" + propertyName + "\" " + "to value \"" + newValue + "\"."); } Object lastPropertyValueFound = null; for (PersistedSPOProperty persistedProperty : persistedProperties.get(uuid)) { if (propertyName.equals(persistedProperty.getPropertyName())) { lastPropertyValueFound = persistedProperty.getNewValue(); } } Object propertyValue = null; SPObject spo = findByUuid(root, uuid, SPObject.class); if (lastPropertyValueFound != null) { if (!unconditional && !lastPropertyValueFound.equals(oldValue)) { throw new SPPersistenceException(uuid, "For property \"" + propertyName + "\", the expected property value \"" + oldValue + "\" does not match with the actual property value \"" + lastPropertyValueFound + "\""); } } else { if (!unconditional && spo != null) { try { propertyValue = PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(spo.getClass()).findProperty(spo, propertyName, converter); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + spo.getClass(), e); } if (propertyValue != null && oldValue == null) { throw new SPPersistenceException(uuid, "For property \"" + propertyName + "\" on SPObject of type " + spo.getClass() + " and UUID + " + spo.getUUID() + ", the expected property value \"" + oldValue + "\" does not match with the actual property value \"" + propertyValue + "\""); } // } else if (!unconditional) { // throw new SPPersistenceException(uuid, "Could not find the object with id " + // uuid + " to set property " + propertyValue); } } if (spo != null) { persistedProperties.put(uuid, new PersistedSPOProperty(uuid, propertyName, propertyType, propertyValue, newValue, unconditional)); } else { persistedProperties.put(uuid, new PersistedSPOProperty(uuid, propertyName, propertyType, oldValue, newValue, unconditional)); } } public void removeObject(String parentUUID, String uuid) throws SPPersistenceException { synchronized (getWorkspaceContainer()) { enforceThreadSafety(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(String.format("spsp.removeObject(\"%s\", \"%s\");", parentUUID, uuid)); } if (transactionCount == 0) { logger.error("Remove Object attempted while not in a transaction. " + "Rollback initiated."); rollback(); throw new SPPersistenceException(uuid, "Remove Object attempted while " + "not in a transaction. Rollback initiated."); } //Now that we allow remove persist calls on objects that are children of //objects being removed the persister needs to handle them. SPObject spo = findByUuid(root, uuid, SPObject.class); if (spo == null) { rollback(); throw new SPPersistenceException(uuid, "Cannot remove the SPObject with UUID " + uuid + " from parent UUID " + parentUUID + " as it does not exist."); } objectsToRemove.put(uuid, parentUUID); } } public void rollback() { rollback(false); } public void rollback(boolean force) { final SPObject workspace = getWorkspaceContainer().getWorkspace(); synchronized (workspace) { if (headingToWisconsin) { return; } headingToWisconsin = true; if (!force) { enforceThreadSafety(); } try { // We catch ANYTHING that comes out of here and rollback. // Some exceptions are Runtimes, so we must catch those too. if (disableMagic) { workspace.setMagicEnabled(false); } workspace.begin("Rolling back changes."); rollbackProperties(); rollbackCreations(); rollbackRemovals(); workspace.commit("Done Rolling back"); } catch (Exception e) { // This is a major fuck up. We could not rollback so now we must restore // by whatever means logger.fatal("First try at restore failed.", e); // TODO Monitor this } finally { if (disableMagic) { workspace.setMagicEnabled(true); } objectsToRemove.clear(); objectsToRemoveRollbackList.clear(); persistedObjects.clear(); persistedObjectsMap.clear(); persistedObjectsRollbackList.clear(); persistedProperties.clear(); persistedPropertiesRollbackList.clear(); lookupCache.clear(); converter.removeUUIDCache(); transactionCount = 0; currentThread = null; headingToWisconsin = false; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("spsp.rollback(); - Killed all current transactions."); } } } } /** * Commits the removal of persisted {@link SPObject}s * * @throws SPPersistenceException * Thrown if an {@link SPObject} could not be removed from its * parent. */ private void commitRemovals() throws SPPersistenceException { Map<String, String> sortedObjectsToRemove = new TreeMap<String, String>(removedObjectComparator); sortedObjectsToRemove.putAll(objectsToRemove); for (Map.Entry<String, String> removeEntry : sortedObjectsToRemove.entrySet()) { SPObject spo = findByUuid(root, removeEntry.getKey(), SPObject.class); //The ancestor of this object has been deleted by this transaction //already so we don't need to delete the object again. if (spo == null) { boolean descendantRemoved = false; for (RemovedObjectEntry removedRollbackEntry : objectsToRemoveRollbackList.values()) { if (findByUuid(removedRollbackEntry.getRemovedChild(), removeEntry.getKey(), SPObject.class) != null) { descendantRemoved = true; break; } } if (descendantRemoved) continue; } SPObject parent = findByUuid(root, removeEntry.getValue(), SPObject.class); try { List<? extends SPObject> siblings; if (parent instanceof SQLObject) { siblings = ((SQLObject) parent).getChildrenWithoutPopulating(); } else { siblings = parent.getChildren(); } int index = siblings.indexOf(spo); index -= parent.childPositionOffset(spo.getClass()); parent.removeChild(spo); // Add spo and hierarchy of its children to the remove-roll-back-list removeRollBackList(spo, parent, index); Set<String> removedKeys = SQLPowerUtils.buildIdMap(spo).keySet(); for (String removedKey : removedKeys) { lookupCache.remove(removedKey); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SPPersistenceException(removeEntry.getKey(), e); } catch (ObjectDependentException e) { throw new SPPersistenceException(removeEntry.getKey(), e); } } if (objectsToRemoveRollbackList.size() != objectsToRemove.size()) { logger.warn("Skipped some objects"); } objectsToRemove.clear(); } private void removeRollBackList(SPObject object, SPObject parent, int index) { if (!object.getChildren().isEmpty()) { for (int i = object.getChildren().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { removeRollBackList(object.getChildren().get(i), object, i); } } objectsToRemoveRollbackList.put(object.getUUID(), new RemovedObjectEntry(parent.getUUID(), object, index)); } /** * We do this because we override this in MMSessionPersister which needs to do some work after sorting * the list, then calling commitSortObjects * @throws SPPersistenceException */ protected void commitObjects() throws SPPersistenceException { Collections.sort(persistedObjects, getComparator()); if (!forcedOrderList.isEmpty()) { //The last position in the persisted objects list where this class type exists. Map<String, Integer> classInsertPoint = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); //The classes we need to move based on the parent class that is closest to the end of the list. Map<String, String> moveClasses = new HashMap<String, String>(); //The objects we need to move based on the above maps and the forcedOrderList List<PersistedSPObject> objectsToMove = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); for (int i = persistedObjects.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String persistType = persistedObjects.get(i).getType(); if (forcedOrderList.containsKey(persistType) && !classInsertPoint.containsKey(persistType)) { classInsertPoint.put(persistType, i); for (String clazz : forcedOrderList.get(persistType)) { if (!moveClasses.containsKey(clazz)) { moveClasses.put(clazz, persistType); } } } if (moveClasses.containsKey(persistType)) { objectsToMove.add(persistedObjects.get(i)); } } for (PersistedSPObject moveMe : objectsToMove) { String parentType = moveClasses.get(moveMe.getType()); Integer parentPoint = classInsertPoint.get(parentType); persistedObjects.remove(moveMe); persistedObjects.add(parentPoint, moveMe); } } commitSortedObjects(); } /** * Returns a comparator that can be used to sort the * {@link PersistedSPObject} events so the objects in the tree are created * in an order that does not cause them to cause exceptions. */ protected Comparator<? super PersistedSPObject> getComparator() { return new PersistedObjectComparator(root, persistedObjectsMap); } /** * Commits the persisted {@link SPObject}s * * @throws SPPersistenceException */ protected void commitSortedObjects() throws SPPersistenceException { // importedKeys must be persisted after relationships. This is a bit of a ridiculous hack, so // we may want to change it! List<PersistedSPObject> rImportedKeys = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < persistedObjects.size(); i++) { if (persistedObjects.get(i).getType().equals(SQLRelationship.SQLImportedKey.class.getName())) { rImportedKeys.add(persistedObjects.get(i)); } } persistedObjects.removeAll(rImportedKeys); persistedObjects.addAll(rImportedKeys); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for (PersistedSPObject pso : persistedObjects) { logger.debug("Persisting " + pso); if (pso.isLoaded()) continue; SPObject parent = findByUuid(root, pso.getParentUUID(), SPObject.class); SPObject spo = null; if (parent == null && pso.getType().equals(root.getClass().getName())) { lookupCache.clear(); refreshRootNode(pso); lookupCache.clear(); continue; } else if (parent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Missing parent with uuid " + pso.getParentUUID() + " when trying to load " + pso); } //XXX This was initially part of the fix for bug 2326 but is a larger problem //that is we need to get the children of a SQLObject without populating them //for the persister layer but other than this case we should not need to let //other places get at the children of SQLObjects in this manner. Class<? extends SPObject> parentAllowedChildType; try { parentAllowedChildType = PersisterUtils.getParentAllowedChildType(pso.getType(), parent.getClass().getName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } List<? extends SPObject> siblings; if (parent instanceof SQLObject) { siblings = ((SQLObject) parent).getChildrenWithoutPopulating(parentAllowedChildType); } else { siblings = parent.getChildren(parentAllowedChildType); } if (objectsToRemoveRollbackList.keySet().contains(parent.getUUID())) { for (SPObject sibling : siblings) { if (sibling.getUUID().equals(pso.getUUID())) { spo = sibling; break; } } } //Ancestor list does not contain the node passed in. if (spo == null) { for (SPObject ancestor : SQLPowerUtils.getAncestorList(parent)) { if (objectsToRemoveRollbackList.keySet().contains(ancestor.getUUID())) { for (SPObject sibling : siblings) { if (sibling.getUUID().equals(pso.getUUID())) { spo = sibling; break; } } break; } } } if (spo != null) { //Case for the ancestor was moved and on adding the ancestor this object //was essentially re-added as well as it was never technically removed. //This is done above. removeFinalPersistProperties(pso); persistedObjectsRollbackList.add(new PersistedObjectEntry(parent.getUUID(), spo.getUUID())); continue; } else if (objectsToRemoveRollbackList.get(pso.getUUID()) != null) { //Object was removed and added back in. This is the current way a 'move' of a //child object is represented in the system. We may want to revisit this and //look at creating a different command, or special property change of 'move'. spo = objectsToRemoveRollbackList.get(pso.getUUID()).getRemovedChild(); removeFinalPersistProperties(pso); } else if (parent instanceof SQLObject && populateSQLObject((SQLObject) parent)) { continue; } else { try { spo = PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(pso.getType()).commitObject(pso, persistedProperties, persistedObjects, converter); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + pso.getType(), ex); } } if (spo != null) { SPListener removeChildOnAddListener = new SPListener() { public void propertyChanged(PropertyChangeEvent arg0) { //do nothing } public void childRemoved(SPChildEvent e) { objectsToRemoveRollbackList.put(e.getChild().getUUID(), new RemovedObjectEntry(e.getSource().getUUID(), e.getChild(), e.getIndex())); } public void childAdded(SPChildEvent e) { //do nothing } public void transactionStarted(TransactionEvent e) { //do nothing } public void transactionRollback(TransactionEvent e) { //do nothing } public void transactionEnded(TransactionEvent e) { //do nothing } }; parent.addSPListener(removeChildOnAddListener); // FIXME Terrible hack, see bug 2326 //XXX This appears to shuffle columns up which will cause columns to be rearranged parent.addChild(spo, Math.min(pso.getIndex(), siblings.size())); parent.removeSPListener(removeChildOnAddListener); persistedObjectsRollbackList.add(new PersistedObjectEntry(parent.getUUID(), spo.getUUID())); lookupCache.putAll(SQLPowerUtils.buildIdMap(spo)); } } persistedObjects.clear(); persistedObjectsMap.clear(); } /** * Helper method for {@link #commitObjects()}. Removes the persist property * calls that are final to the given object. For the case where the object * was moved and is not actually being recreated but just moved in-tact. */ private void removeFinalPersistProperties(PersistedSPObject pso) throws SPPersistenceException { List<String> persistedPropNames; try { persistedPropNames = PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(pso.getType()).getPersistedProperties(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + pso.getType(), ex); } List<PersistedSPOProperty> propertiesToRemove = new ArrayList<PersistedSPOProperty>(); for (PersistedSPOProperty spoProperty : persistedProperties.get(pso.getUUID())) { if (!persistedPropNames.contains(spoProperty.getPropertyName())) { propertiesToRemove.add(spoProperty); } } for (PersistedSPOProperty spoProperty : propertiesToRemove) { persistedProperties.get(pso.getUUID()).remove(spoProperty); //Using the new value as this property is a final field. persistedPropertiesRollbackList.add(new PersistedPropertiesEntry(spoProperty.getUUID(), spoProperty.getPropertyName(), spoProperty.getDataType(), spoProperty.getNewValue())); } } /** * This is a special corner case for populating SQLObjects. If an object is * populating, the objects must be added in a special way so the populate * flags are set when objects are notified that the population has happened. * This prevents the problem of the DBTreeModel from calling populate when * an object is added and an infinite loop occurring. * * @param parent * The parent that is being added to the model. This may or may * not have been populated. * @return True if the object was populated and its children do not need to * be added to the object again. False otherwise. */ private boolean populateSQLObject(SQLObject parent) throws SPPersistenceException { //This gross chunk of code essentially simulates, and uses part of, the populate //method of classes that have the populate method defined. if (!(parent instanceof SQLTable || parent instanceof SQLDatabase || parent instanceof SQLSchema || parent instanceof SQLCatalog)) { return false; } List<PersistedSPObject> childrenForPopulate = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); if (parent instanceof SQLTable) { //For SQLTable Boolean columnsPopulated = PersisterUtils.findPersistedBooleanProperty(persistedProperties, parent.getUUID(), "columnsPopulated"); Boolean indicesPopulated = PersisterUtils.findPersistedBooleanProperty(persistedProperties, parent.getUUID(), "indicesPopulated"); Boolean exportedKeysPopulated = PersisterUtils.findPersistedBooleanProperty(persistedProperties, parent.getUUID(), "exportedKeysPopulated"); Boolean importedKeysPopulated = PersisterUtils.findPersistedBooleanProperty(persistedProperties, parent.getUUID(), "importedKeysPopulated"); final SQLTable table = (SQLTable) parent; if (!table.isColumnsPopulated() && columnsPopulated != null && columnsPopulated) { List<PersistedSPObject> columnsForPopulate = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); for (PersistedSPObject spo : persistedObjects) { if (!spo.isLoaded() && spo.getParentUUID().equals(parent.getUUID()) && spo.getType().equals(SQLColumn.class.getName())) { columnsForPopulate.add(spo); } } List<SQLObject> children = new ArrayList<SQLObject>(); for (PersistedSPObject pso : columnsForPopulate) { try { SQLObject spo = (SQLObject) PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(pso.getType()) .commitObject(pso, persistedProperties, persistedObjects, converter); children.add(spo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + pso.getType(), ex); } } SQLObjectUtils.populateChildrenWithList(parent, children); childrenForPopulate.addAll(columnsForPopulate); if (columnsForPopulate.isEmpty()) { //Need to be set even if no columns exist so the indices and relationships //don't explode table.setColumnsPopulated(columnsPopulated); } } if (!table.isIndicesPopulated() && indicesPopulated != null && indicesPopulated) { List<PersistedSPObject> indicesForPopulate = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); for (PersistedSPObject spo : persistedObjects) { if (!spo.isLoaded() && spo.getParentUUID().equals(parent.getUUID()) && spo.getType().equals(SQLIndex.class.getName())) { indicesForPopulate.add(spo); } } List<SQLObject> children = new ArrayList<SQLObject>(); for (PersistedSPObject pso : indicesForPopulate) { try { SQLObject spo = (SQLObject) PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(pso.getType()) .commitObject(pso, persistedProperties, persistedObjects, converter); children.add(spo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + pso.getType(), ex); } } SQLObjectUtils.populateChildrenWithList(parent, children); childrenForPopulate.addAll(indicesForPopulate); if (indicesForPopulate.isEmpty()) { //Need to be set even if no columns exist so the relationships don't explode table.setIndicesPopulated(indicesPopulated); } } if (!table.isExportedKeysPopulated() && exportedKeysPopulated != null && exportedKeysPopulated) { List<PersistedSPObject> exportedKeysForPopulate = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); for (PersistedSPObject spo : persistedObjects) { if (!spo.isLoaded() && spo.getParentUUID().equals(parent.getUUID()) && spo.getType().equals(SQLRelationship.class.getName())) { exportedKeysForPopulate.add(spo); } } List<SQLObject> children = new ArrayList<SQLObject>(); for (PersistedSPObject pso : exportedKeysForPopulate) { try { SQLObject spo = (SQLObject) PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(pso.getType()) .commitObject(pso, persistedProperties, persistedObjects, converter); children.add(spo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + pso.getType(), ex); } } SQLObjectUtils.populateChildrenWithList(parent, children); childrenForPopulate.addAll(exportedKeysForPopulate); } // SQLImportedKeys do not need to be added to parent in any special // way, and in fact must wait until all relationships have been // added. } else { //For all SQLObjects that are not SQLTable Boolean populated = PersisterUtils.findPersistedBooleanProperty(persistedProperties, parent.getUUID(), "populated"); if (!parent.isPopulated() && populated != null && populated) { for (PersistedSPObject spo : persistedObjects) { if (!spo.isLoaded() && spo.getParentUUID().equals(parent.getUUID())) { childrenForPopulate.add(spo); } } } List<SQLObject> children = new ArrayList<SQLObject>(); for (PersistedSPObject pso : childrenForPopulate) { try { SQLObject spo = (SQLObject) PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(pso.getType()).commitObject(pso, persistedProperties, persistedObjects, converter); children.add(spo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + pso.getType(), ex); } } SQLObjectUtils.populateChildrenWithList(parent, children); } if (!childrenForPopulate.isEmpty()) { //TODO Assert children are in their correct location. for (PersistedSPObject spo : childrenForPopulate) { persistedObjectsRollbackList.add(new PersistedObjectEntry(parent.getUUID(), spo.getUUID())); } return true; } return false; } /** * Called when we get a persist object of the root node. This will reset the * object tree and update the root node and any final children within it to * values in the persisted objects and properties list. * * @param pso * The persist object call that would create the root object. */ protected abstract void refreshRootNode(PersistedSPObject pso); /** * Commits the persisted {@link SPObject} property values * * @throws SPPersistenceException * Thrown if an invalid SPObject type has been persisted into * storage. This theoretically should not occur. */ private void commitProperties() throws SPPersistenceException { SPObject spo; String propertyName; Object newValue; for (String uuid : persistedProperties.keySet()) { spo = findByUuid(root, uuid, SPObject.class); if (spo == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't locate object " + uuid + " in session"); } for (PersistedSPOProperty persistedProperty : persistedProperties.get(uuid)) { propertyName = persistedProperty.getPropertyName(); newValue = persistedProperty.getNewValue(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Applying property " + propertyName + " to " + spo.getClass().getSimpleName() + " at " + spo.getUUID()); } try { PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(spo.getClass()).commitProperty(spo, propertyName, newValue, persistedProperty.getDataType(), converter); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SPPersistenceException("Could not find the persister helper for " + spo.getClass(), e); } persistedPropertiesRollbackList.add(new PersistedPropertiesEntry(spo.getUUID(), //The uuid can be changed so using the currently set one. persistedProperty.getPropertyName(), persistedProperty.getDataType(), persistedProperty.getOldValue())); } } persistedProperties.clear(); } /** * Rolls back the removal of persisted {@link SPObject}s */ private void rollbackRemovals() { // We must rollback in the inverse order the operations were performed. List<RemovedObjectEntry> removedObjects = new ArrayList<RemovedObjectEntry>( objectsToRemoveRollbackList.values()); Collections.reverse(removedObjects); for (RemovedObjectEntry entry : removedObjects) { final String parentUuid = entry.getParentUUID(); final SPObject objectToRestore = entry.getRemovedChild(); final int index = entry.getIndex(); final SPObject parent = findByUuid(root, parentUuid, SPObject.class); try { if (!parent.getChildren().contains(objectToRestore)) { parent.addChild(objectToRestore, index); } } catch (Throwable t) { // Keep going. We need to rollback as much as we can. logger.error("Cannot rollback " + entry.getRemovedChild() + " child removal", t); } } } /** * Rolls back the changed properties of persisted {@link SPObject}s. */ private void rollbackProperties() { Collections.reverse(persistedPropertiesRollbackList); Set<String> objectCreationRollbackUUIDs = new HashSet<String>(); for (PersistedObjectEntry entry : persistedObjectsRollbackList) { objectCreationRollbackUUIDs.add(entry.getChildId()); } for (PersistedPropertiesEntry entry : persistedPropertiesRollbackList) { try { final String parentUUID = entry.getUUID(); //These objects will be removed and we cannot roll back final properties so we //will skip them. if (objectCreationRollbackUUIDs.contains(parentUUID)) continue; final String propertyName = entry.getPropertyName(); final Object rollbackValue = entry.getRollbackValue(); final SPObject parent = findByUuid(root, parentUUID, SPObject.class); if (parent != null) { PersisterHelperFinder.findPersister(parent.getClass()).commitProperty(parent, propertyName, rollbackValue, entry.getPropertyType(), converter); } } catch (Throwable t) { // Keep going. We need to rollback as much as we can. logger.error("Cannot rollback change to " + entry.getPropertyName() + " to value " + entry.getRollbackValue(), t); } } } /** * Rolls back the created persisted {@link SPObject}s by removing them from * their parents. */ private void rollbackCreations() { Collections.reverse(persistedObjectsRollbackList); for (PersistedObjectEntry entry : persistedObjectsRollbackList) { try { // We need to verify if the entry specifies a parent. // Root objects don't have parents so we can't remove them really... if (entry.getParentId() != null) { final SPObject parent = findByUuid(root, entry.getParentId(), SPObject.class); final SPObject child = findByUuid(root, entry.getChildId(), SPObject.class); parent.removeChild(child); } } catch (Throwable t) { // Keep going. We need to rollback as much as we can. logger.error("Cannot rollback " + entry.getChildId() + " child creation", t); } } } /** * Checks to see if a {@link SPObject} with a certain UUID exists * * @param uuid * The UUID to search for * @return Whether or not the {@link SPObject} exists */ private boolean exists(String uuid) { if (persistedObjectsMap.get(uuid) != null) return true; SPObject spo = findByUuid(root, uuid, SPObject.class); if (spo != null) { List<SPObject> ancestors = SQLPowerUtils.getAncestorList(spo); ancestors.add(spo); for (SPObject ancestor : ancestors) { if (objectsToRemove.containsKey(ancestor.getUUID())) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } public boolean isHeadingToWisconsin() { return headingToWisconsin; } /** * This is part of the 'echo-cancellation' system to notify any * {@link WorkspacePersisterListener} listening to the same session to * ignore modifications to that session. */ public boolean isUpdatingWorkspace() { if (transactionCount > 0) { return true; } else if (transactionCount == 0) { return false; } else { rollback(); throw new IllegalStateException( "This persister is in an illegal state. " + "transactionCount was :" + transactionCount); } } /** * Enforces thread safety. */ public void enforceThreadSafety() { if (currentThread == null) { currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); } else { if (currentThread != Thread.currentThread()) { rollback(true); throw new RuntimeException("A call from two different threads was detected. " + "Callers of a sessionPersister should synchronize prior to " + "opening transactions. The thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " tried to access the persister while the thread " + currentThread.getName() + " was already using it."); } } } /** * Turns this persister as a preacher of the truth and always the truth. All * calls are turned into unconditionals. * * @param godMode * True or False */ public void setGodMode(boolean godMode) { this.godMode = godMode; } private void setObjectsToRemoveRollbackList( LinkedHashMap<String, RemovedObjectEntry> objectsToRemoveRollbackList) { this.objectsToRemoveRollbackList = objectsToRemoveRollbackList; } private void setPersistedObjectsRollbackList(List<PersistedObjectEntry> persistedObjectsRollbackList) { this.persistedObjectsRollbackList = persistedObjectsRollbackList; } private void setPersistedPropertiesRollbackList( List<PersistedPropertiesEntry> persistedPropertiesRollbackList) { this.persistedPropertiesRollbackList = persistedPropertiesRollbackList; } public void setWorkspaceContainer(WorkspaceContainer workspaceContainer) { this.workspaceContainer = workspaceContainer; } public WorkspaceContainer getWorkspaceContainer() { return workspaceContainer; } /** * Undoes the persist calls on the root object that are passed into this * method. This allows the persister listener to use the session persister's * roll back method. Nothing will be done on the persist of a root node when * rolling back. If we are rolling back a set of persist calls with the root * node then a load or refresh failed and there is no simple way to go back. * * @param root * The root of the object tree. The object tree will be searched * for objects with corresponding UUIDs and will be updated based * on the persist calls. * @param creations * A set of persist object calls that created objects that needs * to be reversed. * @param properties * A set of persist property calls that updated objects that need * to be reversed. * @param removals * An ordered set of remove object calls that need objects to be added * back in. The key of each entry is the UUID of the object that was removed. * @param converter * An object converter that can convert the simple property types * in the persist property calls to full objects to update the * object tree. * @throws SPPersistenceException */ public static void undoForSession(SPObject root, List<PersistedObjectEntry> creations, List<PersistedPropertiesEntry> properties, LinkedHashMap<String, RemovedObjectEntry> removals, SessionPersisterSuperConverter converter) throws SPPersistenceException { SPSessionPersister persister = new SPSessionPersister("undoer", root, converter) { @Override protected void refreshRootNode(PersistedSPObject pso) { //do nothing for refresh. } }; persister.setWorkspaceContainer(root.getWorkspaceContainer()); persister.setGodMode(true); persister.setObjectsToRemoveRollbackList(removals); persister.setPersistedObjectsRollbackList(creations); persister.setPersistedPropertiesRollbackList(properties); persister.rollback(true); } public static void undoForSession(SPObject root, List<PersistedSPObject> creations, Multimap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> properties, List<RemovedObjectEntry> removals, SessionPersisterSuperConverter converter) throws SPPersistenceException { List<PersistedObjectEntry> c = new LinkedList<PersistedObjectEntry>(); List<PersistedPropertiesEntry> p = new LinkedList<PersistedPropertiesEntry>(); LinkedHashMap<String, RemovedObjectEntry> r = new LinkedHashMap<String, RemovedObjectEntry>(); for (PersistedSPObject pso : creations) { c.add(new PersistedObjectEntry(pso.getParentUUID(), pso.getUUID())); } for (PersistedSPOProperty property : properties.values()) { p.add(new PersistedPropertiesEntry(property.getUUID(), property.getPropertyName(), property.getDataType(), property.getOldValue())); } for (RemovedObjectEntry removal : removals) { r.put(removal.getRemovedChild().getUUID(), removal); } undoForSession(root, c, p, r, converter); } public static void redoForSession(SPObject root, List<PersistedSPObject> creations, Multimap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> properties, List<RemovedObjectEntry> removals, SessionPersisterSuperConverter converter) throws SPPersistenceException { SPSessionPersister persister = new SPSessionPersister("redoer", root, converter) { @Override protected void refreshRootNode(PersistedSPObject pso) { //do nothing for refresh. } }; Map<String, String> objToRmv = new TreeMap<String, String>(persister.removedObjectComparator); for (RemovedObjectEntry roe : removals) { objToRmv.put(roe.getRemovedChild().getUUID(), roe.getParentUUID()); } persister.setWorkspaceContainer(root.getWorkspaceContainer()); persister.setGodMode(true); persister.setPersistedObjects(creations); persister.setPersistedProperties(properties); persister.setObjectsToRemove(objToRmv); persister.begin(); persister.commit(); } protected void clearUUIDCache() { lookupCache.clear(); } protected <T extends SPObject> T findByUuid(SPObject root, String uuid, Class<T> expectedType) { if (lookupCache.get(uuid) != null) { SPObject foundObject = lookupCache.get(uuid); if (!expectedType.isAssignableFrom(foundObject.getClass())) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The object " + foundObject + " is not of type " + expectedType + " from the cache."); } return expectedType.cast(foundObject); } if (uuid == null || uuid.trim().isEmpty() || !lookupCache.isEmpty()) return null; lookupCache.putAll(SQLPowerUtils.buildIdMap(this.root)); return expectedType.cast(lookupCache.get(uuid)); } public void setDisableMagic(boolean disableMagic) { this.disableMagic = disableMagic; } /** * This method allows extending persisters to force an order between two * arbitrary classes to allow us to correct issues where some child types * need to be created after all of a parent type objects have been created. * * @param beforeClass * All objects of this class will be created before the * afterClass. * @param afterClass * All objects of this type will be created sometime after all * objects of the beforeClass have been created. */ protected void forcePersistOrder(Class<? extends SPObject> beforeClass, Class<? extends SPObject> afterClass) { forcedOrderList.put(beforeClass.getName(), afterClass.getName()); } public void setRollbackOnCommitError(boolean rollbackOnCommitError) { this.rollbackOnCommitError = rollbackOnCommitError; } }