Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008, SQL Power Group Inc. * * This file is part of Power*Architect. * * Power*Architect is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Power*Architect is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package ca.sqlpower.architect.swingui; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Point; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import sun.font.FontManager; import ca.sqlpower.object.SPObject; import ca.sqlpower.sql.DataSourceCollection; import ca.sqlpower.sql.JDBCDataSource; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLColumn; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLDatabase; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLObjectException; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLRelationship; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLTable; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLTable.TransferStyles; import ca.sqlpower.util.SQLPowerUtils; public class TestPlayPen extends TestCase { ArchitectSwingSession session; private PlayPen pp; private SQLDatabase ppdb; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestPlayPen.class); @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); TestingArchitectSwingSessionContext context = new TestingArchitectSwingSessionContext(); session = context.createSession(); pp = session.getPlayPen(); ppdb = session.getTargetDatabase(); } public void testUndoAddTable() throws SQLObjectException { SQLTable t = new SQLTable(ppdb, "test_me", "", "TABLE", true); TablePane tp = new TablePane(t, pp.getContentPane()); ppdb.addChild(t); pp.addTablePane(tp, new Point(99, 98)); // this isn't the point of the test, but adding the tablepane has to work! assertNotNull(pp.findTablePane(t)); //Undo the add child and the move table pane session.getUndoManager().undo(); assertNull(pp.findTablePane(t)); } public void testRedoAddTable() throws SQLObjectException { SQLTable t = new SQLTable(ppdb, "test_me", "", "TABLE", true); TablePane tp = new TablePane(t, pp.getContentPane()); final SPObject root = SQLPowerUtils.getAncestorList(ppdb).get(0); root.setMagicEnabled(false); root.begin("Testing transaction"); ppdb.addChild(t); pp.addTablePane(tp, new Point(99, 98)); root.commit(); root.setMagicEnabled(true); // this isn't the point of the test, but adding the tablepane has to work! assertNotNull(ppdb.getTableByName("test_me")); assertNotNull(pp.findTablePane(t)); //undo the add child and the move table pane System.out.println("Undo action is " + session.getUndoManager().getUndoPresentationName()); session.getUndoManager().undo(); System.out.println("After undo, undo action is " + session.getUndoManager().getUndoPresentationName()); assertNull(ppdb.getTableByName("test_me")); assertNull(pp.findTablePane(t)); // redo the add table and the move session.getUndoManager().redo(); tp = pp.findTablePane(t); assertNotNull("Table pane didn't come back!", tp); assertEquals("Table came back, but in wrong location", new Point(99, 98), tp.getLocation()); } /** * Description of the scenario: We are to reverse engineer two tables into the playpen. * There exists one relationship between the two tables. After the first reverse engineering * process, we reverse engineering the parent table again into the playpen. Now we shoud * expect 3 tables in total lying on playpen, and 1 relationship between the first two tables. */ public void testImportTableCopyHijacksProperly() throws SQLObjectException { SQLDatabase sourceDB = new SQLDatabase(); pp.getSession().getRootObject().addChild(sourceDB); SQLTable sourceParentTable = new SQLTable(sourceDB, true); sourceParentTable.setName("parent"); sourceParentTable.addColumn(new SQLColumn(sourceParentTable, "key", Types.BOOLEAN, 1, 0)); sourceParentTable.addToPK(sourceParentTable.getColumn(0)); sourceDB.addChild(sourceParentTable); SQLTable sourceChildTable = new SQLTable(sourceDB, true); sourceChildTable.setName("child"); sourceChildTable.addColumn(new SQLColumn(sourceChildTable, "key", Types.BOOLEAN, 1, 0)); sourceDB.addChild(sourceChildTable); SQLRelationship sourceRel = new SQLRelationship(); sourceRel.attachRelationship(sourceParentTable, sourceChildTable, true); pp.importTableCopy(sourceChildTable, new Point(10, 10), ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), sourceChildTable)); pp.importTableCopy(sourceParentTable, new Point(10, 10), ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), sourceParentTable)); pp.importTableCopy(sourceParentTable, new Point(10, 10), ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), sourceParentTable)); int relCount = 0; int tabCount = 0; int otherCount = 0; for (PlayPenComponent ppc : pp.getContentPane().getChildren()) { if (ppc instanceof Relationship) { relCount++; } else if (ppc instanceof TablePane) { tabCount++; } else { otherCount++; } } // The behaviour of the reverse engineering is slightly modified. When reverse engineer copy(ies) // of related tables to the playpen. The relationship is not pointed to the old tables. assertEquals("Expected three tables in pp", 3, tabCount); assertEquals("Expected two relationships in pp", 1, relCount); //changed from 2 to 1 assertEquals("Found junk in playpen", 0, otherCount); TablePane importedChild = pp.findTablePaneByName("child"); assertEquals("Incorrect reference count on imported child col", 2, importedChild.getModel().getColumn(0).getReferenceCount()); //changed from 3 to 2 } /** * Test to ensure that the self-referencing table gets imported properly into the PlayPen. * @throws Exception */ public void testImportTableCopyOnSelfReferencingTable() throws Exception { SQLDatabase sourceDB = new SQLDatabase(); pp.getSession().getRootObject().addChild(sourceDB); SQLTable table = new SQLTable(sourceDB, true); table.setName("self_ref"); SQLColumn pkCol = new SQLColumn(table, "key", Types.INTEGER, 10, 0); table.addColumn(pkCol); table.addToPK(table.getColumn(0)); SQLColumn fkCol = new SQLColumn(table, "self_ref_column", Types.INTEGER, 10, 0); table.addColumn(fkCol); SQLRelationship rel = new SQLRelationship(); rel.attachRelationship(table, table, false); rel.addMapping(pkCol, fkCol); sourceDB.addChild(table); pp.importTableCopy(table, new Point(10, 10), ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), table)); int relCount = 0; int tabCount = 0; int otherCount = 0; for (PlayPenComponent ppc : pp.getContentPane().getChildren()) { if (ppc instanceof Relationship) { relCount++; } else if (ppc instanceof TablePane) { tabCount++; } else { otherCount++; } } assertEquals("Expected one table in pp", 1, tabCount); assertEquals("Expected one relationship in pp", 1, relCount); assertEquals("Found junk in playpen", 0, otherCount); } /** * Test to ensure that when importing two copies of a self-referencing table, the * correct number of relationships get added, and furthermore, the relationships * all point to the correct table. * @throws Exception */ public void testImportTableCopyOnTwoCopiesOfSelfReferencingTable() throws Exception { SQLDatabase sourceDB = new SQLDatabase(); pp.getSession().getRootObject().addChild(sourceDB); SQLTable table = new SQLTable(sourceDB, true); table.setName("self_ref"); SQLColumn pkCol = new SQLColumn(table, "key", Types.INTEGER, 10, 0); table.addColumn(pkCol); table.addToPK(table.getColumn(0)); SQLColumn fkCol = new SQLColumn(table, "self_ref_column", Types.INTEGER, 10, 0); table.addColumn(fkCol); SQLRelationship rel = new SQLRelationship(); rel.attachRelationship(table, table, false); rel.addMapping(pkCol, fkCol); sourceDB.addChild(table); pp.importTableCopy(table, new Point(10, 10), ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), table)); pp.importTableCopy(table, new Point(30, 30), ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), table)); int relCount = 0; int tabCount = 0; int otherCount = 0; for (PlayPenComponent ppc : pp.getContentPane().getChildren()) { if (ppc instanceof Relationship) { relCount++; } else if (ppc instanceof TablePane) { tabCount++; } else { otherCount++; } } assertEquals("Expected two tables in pp", 2, tabCount); assertEquals("Expected two relationships in pp", 2, relCount); assertEquals("Found junk in playpen", 0, otherCount); for (SQLTable t : pp.getTables()) { List<SQLRelationship> exportedKeys = t.getExportedKeys(); List<SQLRelationship> importedKeys = SQLRelationship.getExportedKeys(t.getImportedKeys()); assertEquals("Expected only one exported key in table", 1, exportedKeys.size()); assertEquals("Expected only one imported key in table", 1, importedKeys.size()); SQLRelationship exportedKey = exportedKeys.get(0); SQLRelationship importedKey = importedKeys.get(0); assertEquals("Expected exported key PK and FK tables to be the same", exportedKey.getFkTable(), exportedKey.getPkTable()); assertEquals("Expected imported key PK and FK tables to be the same", importedKey.getFkTable(), importedKey.getPkTable()); assertEquals("Expected exported key and imported key tables to be the same", exportedKey.getPkTable(), importedKey.getPkTable()); } } /** * Checks that the properties of an instance from the copy constructor are equal to the original. * In the case of a mutable property, it also checks that they don't share the same instance. * * @throws Exception */ public void testCopyConstructor() throws Exception { List<PropertyDescriptor> settableProperties = Arrays .asList(PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(pp.getClass())); Set<String> copyIgnoreProperties = new HashSet<String>(); copyIgnoreProperties.add("UI"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("UIClassID"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("accessibleContext"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("actionMap"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("alignmentX"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("alignmentY"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("ancestorListeners"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("autoscrolls"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("border"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("class"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("component"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("componentPopupMenu"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("containerListeners"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("contentPane"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("cursorManager"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("debugGraphicsOptions"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("doubleBuffered"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("enabled"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("focusCycleRoot"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("focusTraversalKeys"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("focusTraversalPolicy"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("focusTraversalPolicyProvider"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("focusTraversalPolicySet"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("focusable"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("fontRenderContext"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("graphics"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("height"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("ignoreTreeSelection"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("inheritsPopupMenu"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("inputMap"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("inputVerifier"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("insets"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("layout"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("managingFocus"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("maximumSize"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("minimumSize"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("mouseMode"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("name"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("nextFocusableComponent"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("opaque"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("optimizedDrawingEnabled"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("paintingEnabled"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("paintingTile"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("panel"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("playPenContentPane"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("preferredScrollableViewportSize"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("preferredSize"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("registeredKeyStrokes"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("requestFocusEnabled"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("rootPane"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("scrollableTracksViewportHeight"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("scrollableTracksViewportWidth"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("selectedItems"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("selectedRelationShips"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("selectedTables"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("session"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("topLevelAncestor"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("toolTipText"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("transferHandler"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("usedArea"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("validateRoot"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("verifyInputWhenFocusTarget"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("vetoableChangeListeners"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("viewPosition"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("viewportSize"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("visible"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("visibleRect"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("width"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("x"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("y"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("draggingTablePanes"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("rubberBand"); // These should not be copied because any new PlayPen needs // different values or else it will not work on the new // PlayPen. copyIgnoreProperties.add("mouseZoomInAction"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("mouseZoomOutAction"); copyIgnoreProperties.add("scrollPane"); // we're not sure if zoom should be duplicated... // it might mess up printing?!?!? copyIgnoreProperties.add("zoom"); // individual lists (e.g. tables) checked instead copyIgnoreProperties.add("components"); // The copy of the play pen is for things like print preview, so we don't want to // duplicate menus and other interactive features. (?) copyIgnoreProperties.add("popupFactory"); //This property is specific to each play pen and it's settings will be re-calculated //regularly so it does not need to be copied. copyIgnoreProperties.add("criticismBucket"); // First pass: set all settable properties, because testing the duplication of // an object with all its properties at their defaults is not a // very convincing test of duplication! for (PropertyDescriptor property : settableProperties) { if (copyIgnoreProperties.contains(property.getName())) continue; Object oldVal; try { oldVal = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(pp, property.getName()); // check for a setter if (property.getWriteMethod() != null) { Object newVal = getNewDifferentValue(property, oldVal); BeanUtils.copyProperty(pp, property.getName(), newVal); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { logger.warn( "Skipping non-settable property " + property.getName() + " on " + pp.getClass().getName()); } } // Second pass get a copy make sure all of // the original mutable objects returned from getters are different // between the two objects, but have the same values. PlayPen duplicate = new PlayPen(pp.getSession(), pp); for (PropertyDescriptor property : settableProperties) { + property.getDisplayName() + property.getShortDescription()); if (copyIgnoreProperties.contains(property.getName())) continue; Object oldVal; try { oldVal = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(pp, property.getName()); Object copyVal = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(duplicate, property.getName()); if (oldVal == null) { throw new NullPointerException("We forgot to set " + property.getName()); } else { assertEquals("The two values for property " + property.getDisplayName() + " in " + pp.getClass().getName() + " should be equal", oldVal, copyVal); if (isPropertyInstanceMutable(property)) { assertNotSame("Copy shares mutable property with original, property name: " + property.getDisplayName(), copyVal, oldVal); } } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { logger.warn( "Skipping non-settable property " + property.getName() + " on " + pp.getClass().getName()); } } } /** * This tests that copying and pasting a new table into * the play pen works. This also confirms that the new table * copied is not the source of the columns. */ public void testPasteNewTable() throws Exception { SQLTable table = new SQLTable(null, "NewTable", "Remarks", "TABLE", true); table.addColumn(new SQLColumn(table, "NewCol1", Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0)); table.addColumn(new SQLColumn(table, "NewCol2", Types.NUMERIC, 50, 0)); DuplicateProperties duplicateProperties = ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), table); duplicateProperties.setDefaultTransferStyle(TransferStyles.COPY); pp.importTableCopy(table, new Point(0, 0), duplicateProperties); assertEquals(1, pp.getTables().size()); SQLTable copy = pp.getTables().get(0); assertEquals("NewTable", copy.getName()); assertEquals(2, copy.getColumns().size()); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1") != null); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2") != null); assertNull(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1").getSourceColumn()); assertNull(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2").getSourceColumn()); } /** * This tests that copying and pasting a table with source information into * the play pen works. This also confirms that the new table copied has the * same sources as the original table and does not use the table copied from * as its source. Note that this is testing copy, not reverse engineering. */ public void testPasteCopyTable() throws Exception { SQLDatabase db = new SQLDatabase(); pp.getSession().getRootObject().addChild(db); SQLColumn sourceCol = new SQLColumn(); SQLTable sourceTable = new SQLTable(db, true); sourceTable.addColumn(sourceCol); SQLTable table = new SQLTable(db, "NewTable", "Remarks", "TABLE", true); final SQLColumn col1 = new SQLColumn(table, "NewCol1", Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0); col1.setSourceColumn(sourceCol); table.addColumn(col1); final SQLColumn col2 = new SQLColumn(table, "NewCol2", Types.NUMERIC, 50, 0); col2.setSourceColumn(sourceCol); table.addColumn(col2); DuplicateProperties duplicateProperties = ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), table); duplicateProperties.setDefaultTransferStyle(TransferStyles.COPY); pp.importTableCopy(table, new Point(0, 0), duplicateProperties); assertEquals(1, pp.getTables().size()); SQLTable copy = pp.getTables().get(0); assertEquals("NewTable", copy.getName()); assertEquals(2, copy.getColumns().size()); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1") != null); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2") != null); assertEquals(sourceCol, copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1").getSourceColumn()); assertEquals(sourceCol, copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2").getSourceColumn()); } /** * This tests that copying and pasting a table with source information into * the play pen works. This also confirms that the new table copied uses * the table reverse engineered from as its source. */ public void testPasteReverseEngineeredTable() throws Exception { SQLDatabase db = new SQLDatabase(); pp.getSession().getRootObject().addChild(db); SQLColumn sourceCol = new SQLColumn(); SQLTable sourceTable = new SQLTable(db, true); sourceTable.addColumn(sourceCol); SQLTable table = new SQLTable(db, "NewTable", "Remarks", "TABLE", true); final SQLColumn col1 = new SQLColumn(table, "NewCol1", Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0); col1.setSourceColumn(sourceCol); table.addColumn(col1); final SQLColumn col2 = new SQLColumn(table, "NewCol2", Types.NUMERIC, 50, 0); col2.setSourceColumn(sourceCol); table.addColumn(col2); DuplicateProperties duplicateProperties = ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(pp.getSession(), table); pp.importTableCopy(table, new Point(0, 0), duplicateProperties); assertEquals(1, pp.getTables().size()); SQLTable copy = pp.getTables().get(0); assertEquals("NewTable", copy.getName()); assertEquals(2, copy.getColumns().size()); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1") != null); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2") != null); assertEquals(col1, copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1").getSourceColumn()); assertEquals(col2, copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2").getSourceColumn()); } /** * This tests that copying and pasting a table from one session to another * session within the same context will add the data source to the new session * and add the table properly. */ public void testPasteTableAcrossSessions() throws Exception { ArchitectSwingSessionContext context = pp.getSession().getContext(); context.setPlDotIniPath("pl.regression.ini"); DataSourceCollection<JDBCDataSource> pl = context.getPlDotIni(); JDBCDataSource ds = pl.getDataSource("regression_test"); Connection con = ds.createConnection(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute("Create table newtable (newcol1 varchar(50), newcol2 varchar(50))"); stmt.close(); con.close(); SQLDatabase db = new SQLDatabase(ds); SQLTable table = db.getTableByName("newtable"); //New play pen in same context PlayPen newPP = pp.getSession().getContext().createSession().getPlayPen(); DuplicateProperties duplicateProperties = ASUtils.createDuplicateProperties(newPP.getSession(), table); newPP.importTableCopy(table, new Point(0, 0), duplicateProperties); assertEquals(1, newPP.getTables().size()); SQLTable copy = newPP.getTables().get(0); assertEquals("NEWTABLE", copy.getName().toUpperCase()); assertEquals(2, copy.getColumns().size()); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1") != null); assertTrue(copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2") != null); assertTrue(table.getColumnByName("newcol1") != copy.getColumnByName("NewCol1").getSourceColumn()); assertTrue(table.getColumnByName("newcol2") != copy.getColumnByName("NewCol2").getSourceColumn()); } /** * Returns a new value that is not equal to oldVal. The * returned object will be a new instance compatible with oldVal. * * @param property The property that should be modified. * @param oldVal The existing value of the property to modify. The returned value * will not equal this one at the time this method was first called. */ private Object getNewDifferentValue(PropertyDescriptor property, Object oldVal) { Object newVal; // don't init here so compiler can warn if the // following code doesn't always give it a value if (property.getPropertyType() == String.class) { newVal = "new " + oldVal; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Boolean.class || property.getPropertyType() == Boolean.TYPE) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Boolean(false); } else { newVal = new Boolean(!((Boolean) oldVal).booleanValue()); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Double.class || property.getPropertyType() == Double.TYPE) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Double(0); } else { newVal = new Double(((Double) oldVal).doubleValue() + 1); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Integer.class || property.getPropertyType() == Integer.TYPE) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Integer(0); } else { newVal = new Integer(((Integer) oldVal).intValue() + 1); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Color.class) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Color(0xFAC157); } else { Color oldColor = (Color) oldVal; newVal = new Color((oldColor.getRGB() + 0xF00) % 0x1000000); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Font.class) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = FontManager.getDefaultPhysicalFont(); } else { Font oldFont = (Font) oldVal; newVal = new Font(oldFont.getFontName(), oldFont.getSize() + 2, oldFont.getStyle()); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Set.class) { newVal = new HashSet(); ((Set) newVal).add("test"); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == List.class) { newVal = new ArrayList(); ((List) newVal).add("test"); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Point.class) { newVal = new Point(1, 3); } else { throw new RuntimeException("This test case lacks a value for " + property.getName() + " (type " + property.getPropertyType().getName() + ") in getNewDifferentValue()"); } return newVal; } /** * Returns true if an instance of the given property type is of a mutable class. * Throws an exception if it lacks a case for the given type. * * @param property The property that should be checked for mutability. */ private boolean isPropertyInstanceMutable(PropertyDescriptor property) { if (property.getPropertyType() == String.class) { return false; } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getPropertyType())) { return false; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Boolean.class || property.getPropertyType() == Boolean.TYPE) { return false; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Double.class || property.getPropertyType() == Double.TYPE) { return false; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Integer.class || property.getPropertyType() == Integer.TYPE) { return false; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Color.class) { return false; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Font.class) { return false; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Set.class) { return true; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == List.class) { return true; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Point.class) { return true; } else { throw new RuntimeException("This test case lacks a value for " + property.getName() + " (type " + property.getPropertyType().getName() + ") in isPropertyInstanceMutable()"); } } }