Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


*******************  CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE  *******************
**************  CENTRE CANADIEN DE DONNES ASTRONOMIQUES  **************
*  (c) 2011.                            (c) 2011.
*  Government of Canada                 Gouvernement du Canada
*  National Research Council            Conseil national de recherches
*  Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6              Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
*  All rights reserved                  Tous droits rservs
*  NRC disclaims any warranties,        Le CNRC dnie toute garantie
*  expressed, implied, or               nonce, implicite ou lgale,
*  statutory, of any kind with          de quelque nature que ce
*  respect to the software,             soit, concernant le logiciel,
*  including without limitation         y compris sans restriction
*  any warranty of merchantability      toute garantie de valeur
*  or fitness for a particular          marchande ou de pertinence
*  purpose. NRC shall not be            pour un usage particulier.
*  liable in any event for any          Le CNRC ne pourra en aucun cas
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*  indirect, special or general,        dommage, direct ou indirect,
*  consequential or incidental,         particulier ou gnral,
*  arising from the use of the          accessoire ou fortuit, rsultant
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*  of the National Research             le nom du Conseil National de
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*  names of its contributors may        de ses  participants ne peuvent
*  be used to endorse or promote        tre utiliss pour approuver ou
*  products derived from this           promouvoir les produits drivs
*  software without specific prior      de ce logiciel sans autorisation
*  written permission.                  pralable et particulire
*                                       par crit.
*  This file is part of the             Ce fichier fait partie du projet
*  OpenCADC project.                    OpenCADC.
*  OpenCADC is free software:           OpenCADC est un logiciel libre ;
*  you can redistribute it and/or       vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le
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*  License, or (at your option)         licence, soit ( votre gr)
*  any later version.                   toute version ultrieure.
*  OpenCADC is distributed in the       OpenCADC est distribu
*  hope that it will be useful,         dans lespoir quil vous
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*  without even the implied             GARANTIE : sans mme la garantie
*  warranty of MERCHANTABILITY          implicite de COMMERCIALISABILIT
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*  with OpenCADC.  If not, see          OpenCADC ; si ce nest
*  <>.      pas le cas, consultez :
*                                       <>.
*  $Revision: 5 $

package ca.nrc.cadc.cred.server;

import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SingleColumnRowMapper;

import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.AuthenticationUtil;
import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.SSLUtil;
import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.X509CertificateChain;
import ca.nrc.cadc.db.DBUtil;
import ca.nrc.cadc.profiler.Profiler;
import ca.nrc.cadc.vosi.avail.CheckDataSource;
import ca.nrc.cadc.vosi.avail.CheckResource;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;

 * Class to persist certificates in a relational database table. This class has 
 * been only tested with Sybase ASE 15 so far.
 * @author pdowler
public class CertificateDAO {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CertificateDAO.class);

    private final CertificateSchema config;

    public static class CertificateSchema {
        private final String dataSourceName;
        private final String table = "x509_certificates";

        private final String certTable;

        public CertificateSchema(String dataSourceName, String catalog, String schema) {
            this.dataSourceName = dataSourceName;
            this.certTable = catalog + "." + schema + "." + table;

        public String getTable() {
            return certTable;

        public DataSource getDataSource() {
            try {
                logger.debug("lookup datasource: " + dataSourceName);
                return DBUtil.getDataSource(dataSourceName);
            } catch (NamingException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("CONFIG: failed to find DataSource " + dataSourceName);


    public CertificateDAO(CertificateSchema config) {
        this.config = config;

    public CheckResource getCheckResource() {
        String sql = "select top 1 hash_dn from " + config.getTable();
        return new CheckDataSource(config.getDataSource(), sql);

    public void put(X509CertificateChain chain) {
        Profiler profiler = new Profiler(this.getClass());
        String hashKey = chain.getHashKey();
        String canonDn = AuthenticationUtil.canonizeDistinguishedName(chain.getPrincipal().getName());
        Date expDate = chain.getExpiryDate();
        String certChainStr = chain.certificateString();
        byte[] bytesPrivateKey = chain.getPrivateKey().getEncoded();
        //TODO just for testing - padded with zeros
        byte[] testBytesPrivateKey = Arrays.copyOf(bytesPrivateKey, bytesPrivateKey.length + 1);
        testBytesPrivateKey[testBytesPrivateKey.length - 1] = 1;
        String csr = chain.getCsrString();

        JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(config.getDataSource());
        if (recordExists(hashKey)) {
            String sql = "update " + config.getTable()
                    + " set canon_dn = ?, exp_date = ?, cert_chain = ?, private_key = ?, csr = ? where hash_dn=?";
            Object[] args = new Object[] { canonDn, expDate, certChainStr, testBytesPrivateKey, csr, hashKey };
            int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARBINARY,
                    Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR };
            jdbc.update(sql, args, argTypes);
        } else {
            String sql = "insert into " + config.getTable()
                    + " (canon_dn, exp_date, cert_chain, private_key, csr, hash_dn) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
            Object[] args = new Object[] { canonDn, expDate, certChainStr, testBytesPrivateKey, csr, hashKey };
            int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARBINARY,
                    Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR };

            jdbc.update(sql, args, argTypes);

    public X509CertificateChain get(X500Principal principal) {
        if (principal == null)
            return null;
        String canonizedDn = AuthenticationUtil.canonizeDistinguishedName(principal.getName());
        X500Principal p = new X500Principal(canonizedDn);
        String hashKey = Integer.toString(p.hashCode());
        return get(hashKey);

    public X509CertificateChain get(String hashKey) {
        Profiler profiler = new Profiler(this.getClass());
        X509CertificateChain x509CertificateChain = null;

        String query = "select canon_dn, exp_date, cert_chain, private_key, csr from " + config.getTable()
                + " where hash_dn = ? ";

        try {
            JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(config.getDataSource());
            Map<String, Object> map = jdbc.queryForMap(query, new String[] { hashKey });
            String canonDn = (String) map.get("canon_dn");
            Date expDate = (Date) map.get("exp_date");
            String certChainStr = (String) map.get("cert_chain");
            byte[] bytesPrivateKey = (byte[]) map.get("private_key");

            // Sybase trims the trailing 0's of a varbinary. To compensate we add 0's to the 
            // privateKey byte array. Extra bytes in the private key array are ignored
            // when the key is built so the added 0's are only used when needed.
            // ad 20/07/2011
            bytesPrivateKey = Arrays.copyOf(bytesPrivateKey, bytesPrivateKey.length + 10);

            String csrStr = (String) map.get("csr");

            PrivateKey privateKey = SSLUtil.readPrivateKey(bytesPrivateKey);
            X500Principal principal = new X500Principal(canonDn);

            if (certChainStr != null) {
                byte[] bytesCertChain = certChainStr.getBytes();
                X509Certificate[] certs = SSLUtil.readCertificateChain(bytesCertChain);

                x509CertificateChain = new X509CertificateChain(Arrays.asList(certs));
            } else {
                x509CertificateChain = new X509CertificateChain(principal, privateKey, csrStr);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            // Record not exists.
            return null;
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("BUG: failed to read private key", ex);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("BUG: failed to read private key", ex);
        } catch (CertificateException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("BUG: failed to read certficate chain", ex);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("BUG: failed to read certificate chain", ex);
        return x509CertificateChain;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ca.nrc.cadc.accesscontrol.dao.CertificateDAO#delete(java.lang.String)
    public void delete(String hashKey) {
        Profiler profiler = new Profiler(this.getClass());
        String sql = "delete from " + config.getTable() + " where hash_dn = ? ";
        JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(config.getDataSource());
        jdbc.update(sql, new String[] { hashKey });

    private boolean recordExists(String hashKey) {
        RowMapper rowMapper = new SingleColumnRowMapper(String.class);
        String query = "select canon_dn from " + config.getTable() + " where hash_dn = ? ";
        JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(config.getDataSource());
        List<String> dnList = jdbc.query(query, new String[] { hashKey }, rowMapper);
        return (dnList != null && dnList.size() == 1);

    public List<String> getAllHashKeys() {
        Profiler profiler = new Profiler(this.getClass());
        String query = "select hash_dn from " + config.getTable();
        RowMapper rowMapper = new SingleColumnRowMapper(String.class);
        JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(config.getDataSource());
        List<String> hashKeyList = jdbc.query(query, rowMapper);
        return hashKeyList;
