Java tutorial
/* 2012 CloudBrush, developed by Chien-Chih Chen (, released under Apache License 2.0 ( at: */ package Brush; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class GenNonContainedReads extends Configured implements Tool { private static final Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(MatchPrefix.class); public static class GenNonContainedReadsMapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> { public static int K = 21; public static int TRIM5 = 0; public static int TRIM3 = 0; public void configure(JobConf job) { K = Integer.parseInt(job.get("K")); } public void map(LongWritable lineid, Text nodetxt, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String[] fields = nodetxt.toString().split("\t"); if (fields.length != 2 && fields.length != 3) { //System.err.println("Warning: invalid input: \"" + nodetxt.toString() + "\""); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "input_lines_invalid", 1); return; } String tag = fields[0]; tag.replaceAll(" ", "_"); tag.replaceAll(":", "_"); tag.replaceAll("#", "_"); tag.replaceAll("-", "_"); tag.replaceAll(".", "_"); String seq = fields[1].toUpperCase(); // Hard chop a few bases off of each end of the read if (TRIM5 > 0 || TRIM3 > 0) { // System.err.println("orig: " + seq); seq = seq.substring(TRIM5, seq.length() - TRIM5 - TRIM3); // System.err.println("trim: " + seq); } // Automatically trim Ns off the very ends of reads /*int endn = 0; while (endn < seq.length() && seq.charAt(seq.length()-1-endn) == 'N') { endn++; } if (endn > 0) { seq = seq.substring(0, seq.length()-endn); } int startn = 0; while (startn < seq.length() && seq.charAt(startn) == 'N') { startn++; } if (startn > 0 && (seq.length() - startn) > startn) { seq = seq.substring(startn, seq.length() - startn); }*/ //if (startn > 0) { seq = seq.substring(startn, seq.length() - startn); } // Check for non-dna characters if (seq.matches(".*[^ACGT].*")) { //System.err.println("WARNING: non-DNA characters found in " + tag + ": " + seq); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "reads_skipped", 1); return; } // check for short reads if (seq.length() <= K) { //System.err.println("WARNING: read " + tag + " is too short: " + seq); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "reads_short", 1); return; } // Now emit the prefix of the reads Node node = new Node(tag); String prefix_tmp = seq.substring(0, K); String prefix = Node.str2dna(prefix_tmp); node.setstr(seq); node.setCoverage(1); output.collect(new Text(prefix), new Text("r" + "\t" + node.toNodeMsg(true))); String prefix_rc_tmp = Node.rc(seq).substring(0, K); String prefix_rc = Node.str2dna(prefix_rc_tmp); output.collect(new Text(prefix_rc), new Text("f" + "\t" + node.toNodeMsg(true))); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "reads_good", 1); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "reads_goodbp", seq.length()); } } public static class GenNonContainedReadsReducer extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> { private static int K = 0; public void configure(JobConf job) { K = Integer.parseInt(job.get("K")); } public void reduce(Text prefix, Iterator<Text> iter, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { //Map<String, Node> nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>(); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); Map<String, Node> nodes_fr = new HashMap<String, Node>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String msg =; String[] vals = msg.split("\t"); if (vals[2].equals(Node.NODEMSG)) { Node node = new Node(vals[1]); //node.fromNodeMsg(msg); node.parseNodeMsg(vals, 2); nodes_fr.put(node.getNodeId() + "|" + vals[0], node); if (vals[0].equals("f")) { //nodes.put(node.getNodeId(), node); nodes.add(node); } } else { throw new IOException("Unknown msgtype: " + msg); } } //Map<String, Node> Contained_Nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>(); //Map<String, Node> Filter_Nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); for (String nodeid_dir : nodes_fr.keySet()) { //System.err.println(nodeid_dir + " XX"); String id = nodeid_dir.substring(0, nodeid_dir.indexOf("|")); String dir = nodeid_dir.substring(nodeid_dir.indexOf("|") + 1); if (node.getNodeId().equals(id)) { continue; } Node verify_node = nodes_fr.get(nodeid_dir); String verify_str; if (dir.equals("f")) { verify_str = verify_node.str(); } else { verify_str = Node.rc(verify_node.str()); } if (node.str().equals(verify_str)) { if (node.getNodeId().compareTo(verify_node.getNodeId()) < 0) { node.setCoverage(node.cov() + 1); node.addPairEnd(verify_node.getNodeId()); } else { node.setCustom("n", "1"); // n = CONTAINED reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "contained", 1); break; } } else { /* int distance = Node.getLevenshteinDistance(node.str(),verify_str); if (node.str().length() > verify_str.length()) { if ((float)distance/(float)node.str().length() < 0.03f) { if (node.getNodeId().compareTo(verify_node.getNodeId()) < 0) { node.setCoverage(node.cov()+1); node.addPairEnd(verify_node.getNodeId()); } else { node.setCustom("n", "1"); // n = CONTAINED reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "contained", 1); break; } } } else if (node.str().length() < verify_node.str().length()) { if ((float)distance/(float)verify_node.str().length() < 0.03f) { if (node.getNodeId().compareTo(verify_node.getNodeId()) < 0) { node.setCoverage(node.cov()+1); } else { node.setCustom("n", "1"); // n = CONTAINED reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "contained", 1); break; } } } else { if ((float)distance/(float)node.str().length() < 0.03f) { if (node.getNodeId().compareTo(verify_node.getNodeId()) < 0) { node.setCoverage(node.cov()+1); } else { node.setCustom("n", "1"); // n = CONTAINED reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "contained", 1); break; } } }*/ } // for different length /*if (node.str().length() > verify_str.length() && node.str().substring(0, verify_str.length()).equals(verify_str)){ node.setCoverage(node.cov()+1); } else if (node.str().length() < verify_node.str().length() && verify_str.substring(0, node.str().length()).equals(node.str().length())) { node.setCustom("n", "1"); // n = CONTAINED break; }*/ } output.collect(new Text(node.getNodeId()), new Text(node.toNodeMsg())); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "nodecount", 1); } } } public RunningJob run(String inputPath, String outputPath) throws Exception {"Tool name: GenNonContainedReads");" - input: " + inputPath);" - output: " + outputPath); JobConf conf = new JobConf(Stats.class); conf.setJobName("GenNonContainedReads " + inputPath + " " + BrushConfig.K); BrushConfig.initializeConfiguration(conf); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(conf, new Path(inputPath)); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(outputPath)); conf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class); conf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class); conf.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setMapOutputValueClass(Text.class); conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); //conf.setBoolean("mapred.output.compress", true); //conf.setClass("mapred.output.compression.codec", GzipCodec.class,CompressionCodec.class); conf.setMapperClass(GenNonContainedReadsMapper.class); conf.setReducerClass(GenNonContainedReadsReducer.class); //delete the output directory if it exists already FileSystem.get(conf).delete(new Path(outputPath), true); return JobClient.runJob(conf); } public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { String inputPath = ""; String outputPath = ""; BrushConfig.K = 21; long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(inputPath, outputPath); long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); float diff = (float) (((float) (endtime - starttime)) / 1000.0); System.out.println("Runtime: " + diff + " s"); return 0; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int res = Configuration(), new GenNonContainedReads(), args); System.exit(res); } }