Java tutorial
/** * * EventoZero - Advanced event factory and executor for Bukkit and Spigot. * Copyright 2016 BlackHub OS and contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.Sign; import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import; import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy; import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission; public final class Framework { private static final Pattern commentary = Pattern.compile("(?:^(?:(?:\\s+)?\\#(?:\\s+)?))+(.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL); private static final DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00"); @SuppressWarnings("all") private static Plugin worldguard = null; @SuppressWarnings("all") private static Plugin worldedit = null; public Framework() { Framework.worldguard = Framework.getPlugin("WorldGuard"); Framework.worldedit = Framework.getPlugin("WorldEdit"); } /** * Sistema eficiente para verificao de booleans. * * @param string Uma String ou Integer para ser processado. Ele permite os valores true, false, t, f, y, n, 1, 0 sim e no/nao * @return Retorna se de acordo com a string um boolean vlido. */ public static boolean tryBoolean(final Object string) { final String f = String.valueOf(string).replaceAll("\\s", "").toLowerCase(); return f.equals("true") || f.equals("allow") || f.equals("false") || f.equals("t") || f.equals("f") || f.equals("y") || f.equals("n") || f.equals("1") || f.equals("2"); } /** * Sistema eficiente para pegar umb oolean por uma String ou nmero. * * @param string A string a ser processada. Se comear com t, y, s ou 1 considerado true. * @return retorna se true ou false o valor processado. */ public static boolean getBoolean(final String string) { final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(t.*|y.*|1|allow|allows|can)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (p.matcher(string.replaceAll("\\s", "")).matches()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Este mtodo transforma uma localizao em String para poder ser salva em configuraes, bancos de dados e afins via texto. Pode ser facilmente revertido usando o * mtodo * toLocation(String). * * @param pos A localizao a ser transformada em String. * @return Retorna a String transformada (chamaremos isso de 'serial'). */ public static String fromLocation(final Location pos) { return String.format("World [%s] X [%s] Y [%s] Z [%s] Yaw [%s] Pitch [%s]", pos.getWorld().getName(), pos.getBlockX(), pos.getBlockY(), pos.getBlockZ(), pos.getYaw(), pos.getPitch()); } public static List<String> fromLocation(final List<Location> list) { List<String> a = new ArrayList<>(); for (Location l : list) { a.add(fromLocation(l)); } return a; } /** * Converte a String feita do fromLocation(Location) devolta para uma localizao. * * @param serial O serial obtido no mtodo que transformou anteriormente a localizao em String. * @return retorna a Localizao convertida. */ public static Location toLocation(final String serial) { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "^World\\s*\\[([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\s*X\\s*\\[([0-9]+)\\]\\s*Y\\s*\\[([0-9]+)\\]\\s*Z\\s*\\[([0-9]+)\\](\\s*Yaw\\s*\\[([0-9\\.]+)\\]\\s*Pitch\\s*\\[([0-9\\.]+)\\])?"); final Matcher m = pattern.matcher(serial); if (m.matches()) { if ((m.groupCount() >= 5) && ( != null) && ( != null) && ( != null)) { return new Location(Framework.getWorld(, Framework.getInt(, Framework.getInt(, Framework.getInt(, Framework.getFloat(, Framework.getFloat(; } else { return new Location(Framework.getWorld(, Framework.getInt(, Framework.getInt(, Framework.getInt(; } } else { return null; } } /** * Permite enviar uma mensagem no broadcast. Ele carrega todas as mensagens de um arquivo, e a cada linha, ele faz a substituio de key e valor do 'replacements', se * no * for null, claro. As mensagens so coloridas automaticamente. * * @param file O arquivo txt que contm as mensagens. * @param replacements Pode ser null. usado para substituies. * @return Retorna a lista de mensagens enviadas pelo broadcast. */ public static java.util.Vector<String> broadcast(@Nonnull final File file, @Nullable final HashMap<String, Object> replacements) { if ((file == null) || !file.exists()) { return new java.util.Vector<String>(); } try { final java.util.Vector<String> array = Framework.parseLines(file.toPath(), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); return Framework.broadcast(array, replacements); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector<String>(); } } /** * Esse mtodo semelhante ao broadcast por file, o que muda, que este direto por uma lista definida por voc e no via arquivo. * Veja {@link #broadcast(File, HashMap)} * * @param messages A lista de mensagens * @param replacements Pode ser null. HashMap contendo key e valores para substituies. * @return Retorna uma lista formatada das mensagens que foram enviadas. */ public static java.util.Vector<String> broadcast(final java.util.Vector<String> messages, @Nullable HashMap<String, Object> replacements) { if (replacements == null) { replacements = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } if ((messages == null) || messages.isEmpty()) { return new java.util.Vector<String>(); } final java.util.Vector<String> array = new java.util.Vector<String>(); for (String s : messages) { for (final Entry<String, Object> r : replacements.entrySet()) { s = s.replaceAll(r.getKey(), String.valueOf(r.getValue())); } array.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s)); Bukkit.broadcastMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s)); } return array; } /** * Sistema eficaz para validao de nmeros via strings. * * @param value O nmero inteiro via string. * @param min Pra retornar true, precisa ter no mnimo qual valor? -1 = no usar. * @param max Pra retornar true, dever ter no mximo qual valor? -1 = no usar. * @return Retorna true se for nmero inteiro e se atender aos requisitos do min e max. */ public static boolean tryInt(final String value, final int min, final int max) { try { final int i = Integer.parseInt(value); if (((min != -1) && (i < min)) || ((max != -1) && (i > max))) { return false; } return true; } catch (final NumberFormatException io) { return false; } } /** * Transforma um long de scheduler em string no formato XhYmZs. * * @param delayed o long do bukkit scheduler. * @return retorna uma String legvel representando o long. */ public static String reverseOf(final long delayed) { final StringBuilder literal = new StringBuilder(); long segundos = delayed / 20L; long minutos = 0L; long horas = 0L; while ((segundos / 60) > 0) { minutos++; segundos -= 60; } while ((minutos / 60) > 0) { minutos -= 60; horas++; } literal.append((horas > 9 ? horas + "h" : horas != 0 ? "0" + horas + "h" : "")); literal.append((minutos > 9 ? minutos + "m" : minutos != 0 ? "0" + minutos + "m" : "")); literal.append((segundos > 9 ? segundos + "s" : segundos != 0 ? "0" + segundos + "s" : "")); return literal.toString().trim(); } /** * Transforma uma string no formato XhYmZs (ex: 15h30m55s) em um long para ser usado em bukkit schedulers. * * @param tempo A string em formato XhYmZs. * @return retorna o tempo convertido para long (*20L). */ public static long reverseOf(final String tempo) { if (tempo == null) { return 0L; } final Pattern verifier = Pattern.compile("(([0-9]+)(h|m|s))", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Matcher m = verifier.matcher(tempo.toLowerCase()); long delay = 0L; while (m.find()) { final int numero = Framework.getInt(; final char c =; if (c == 's') { delay += numero * 20L; } else if (c == 'm') { delay += (numero * 60) * 20L; } else if (c == 'h') { delay += ((numero * 60) * 20L) * 60; } } return delay; } public static String reverseEnchantment(final Enchantment enchant) { switch (enchant.getName().toUpperCase()) { case "PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS": { return "blastprotection"; } case "PROTECTION_FIRE": { return "fireprotection"; } case "OXYGEN": { return "aquaaffinity"; } case "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL": { return "protection"; } case "DAMAGE_ALL": { return "sharpness"; } case "THORNS": { return "thorns"; } case "LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS": { return "fortune"; } case "FIRE_ASPECT": { return "fireaspect"; } case "ARROW_FIRE": { return "flame"; } case "ARROW_DAMAGE": { return "power"; } case "ARROW_KNOCKBACK": { return "punch"; } case "LOOT_BONUS_MOBS": { return "smite"; } case "ARROW_INFINITE": { return "infinity"; } case "PROTECTION_PROJECTILE": { return "projectileprotection"; } case "DAMAGE_UNDEAD": { return "looting"; } case "DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS": { return "baneofarthropods"; } case "rWATER_WORKER": { return "espiration"; } case "PROTECTION_FALL": { return "featherfalling"; } case "DIG_SPEED": { return "efficiency"; } case "unbreakingDURABILITY": { return "unbreaking"; } case "SILK_TOUCH": { return "silktouch"; } case "KNOCKBACK": { return "knockback"; } default: { return null; } } } /** * Este mtodo til para poder obter encantamentos por seus nomes familiares (como sharpness ao invs de damage_all). * * @param key O nome 'familiar' do encantamento (sharpness, looting, etc.) * @return Retorna o encantamento respectivo ou null se simplesmente no existir. */ @Nullable public static Enchantment checkEnchantment(String key) { key = key.replaceAll("(\\s|\\-|\\_)", "").toLowerCase(); switch (key) { case "blastprotection": { return Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS; } case "fireprotection": { return Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE; } case "aquaaffinity": { return Enchantment.OXYGEN; } case "protection": { return Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL; } case "sharpness": { return Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL; } case "thorns": { return Enchantment.THORNS; } case "fortune": { return Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS; } case "fireaspect": { return Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT; } case "flame": { return Enchantment.ARROW_FIRE; } case "power": { return Enchantment.ARROW_DAMAGE; } case "punch": { return Enchantment.ARROW_KNOCKBACK; } case "smite": { return Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_MOBS; } case "infinity": { return Enchantment.ARROW_INFINITE; } case "projectileprotection": { return Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE; } case "looting": { return Enchantment.DAMAGE_UNDEAD; } case "baneofarthropods": { return Enchantment.DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS; } case "respiration": { return Enchantment.WATER_WORKER; } case "featherfalling": { return Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL; } case "efficiency": { return Enchantment.DIG_SPEED; } case "unbreaking": { return Enchantment.DURABILITY; } case "silktouch": { return Enchantment.SILK_TOUCH; } case "knockback": { return Enchantment.KNOCKBACK; } } return null; } public static boolean setSign(final Location pos, final int tipo, final String... args) { return Framework.setSign(pos.getBlock(), tipo, args); } public static boolean setSign(final Block block, final int tipo, final String... args) { if (args.length == 4) { block.setType((tipo == 1) || (tipo == 0) ? Material.WALL_SIGN : Material.SIGN_POST); final Sign s = (Sign) block.getState(); s.setLine(0, args[0]); s.setLine(1, args[1]); s.setLine(2, args[2]); s.setLine(3, args[3]); s.update(true); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Veja {@link #isSign(Block)}. * * @param pos Localizao para ver se o bloco dela sign. * @return retorna <code>true</code> se for uma placa; <code>false</code> caso contrrio. */ public static boolean isSign(final Location pos) { return Framework.isSign(pos.getBlock()); } /** * Verifica se um bloco uma string. * * @param block Bloco em questo a ser verificado * @return retorna <code>true</code> se for uma placa; <code>false</code> caso contrrio. */ public static boolean isSign(final Block block) { return (block.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN) || (block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void setBlocks(final Location point, final Location anotherpoint, final int id, final byte data) { Objects.requireNonNull(point, "Primary point can't be null."); Objects.requireNonNull(anotherpoint, "Secundary point can't be null"); if (point.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(anotherpoint.getWorld().getName())) { final Location min = Framework.getMinimumPoint(point, anotherpoint); final Location max = Framework.getMaximumPoint(point, anotherpoint); for (int x = min.getBlockX(); x <= max.getBlockX(); x++) { for (int y = min.getBlockY(); y <= max.getBlockY(); y++) { for (int z = min.getBlockZ(); z <= max.getBlockZ(); z++) { final Block b = point.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z); b.setTypeId(id); b.setData(data); b.getState().update(true); } } } } } /** * Verifica igualdade do tamanho de duas strings. * * @param expected Primeira string * @param obtained Segunda string * @return Retorna 0 a 1, sendo = nada haver, 1 = total possivel igualdade */ public static float checkSameSize(final String expected, final String obtained) { if (expected.length() != obtained.length()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( "Failed to use checkSameSize() param; strings have no igual length."); } final int iLen = expected.length(); int iDiffs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { if (expected.charAt(i) != obtained.charAt(i)) { iDiffs++; } } // 1 = igual, 0 = nada haver return 1f - ((float) iDiffs / iLen); } /** * Verifica o tamanho da igualdade entre duas strings (comparao). * * @param expected A primeira string * @param obtained A segunda string * @param normalize Remover acentos durante o processamento? * @param lower Transformar em lower case para processar? * @param trim remover espaos para processar? * @return Retorna um float entre 0 e 1, sendo 0 = nada haver e 1 = igual, podendo ser por exemplo 0.5.. etc. */ public static float equals(String expected, String obtained, final boolean normalize, final boolean lower, final boolean trim) { if (normalize) { expected = Framework.normalize(expected); obtained = Framework.normalize(obtained); } if (lower) { expected = expected.toLowerCase(); obtained = obtained.toLowerCase(); } if (trim) { expected = expected.trim(); obtained = obtained.trim(); } if (expected.length() != obtained.length()) { final int iDiff = Math.abs(expected.length() - obtained.length()); final int iLen = Math.max(expected.length(), obtained.length()); String sBigger, sSmaller, sAux; if (iLen == expected.length()) { sBigger = expected; sSmaller = obtained; } else { sBigger = obtained; sSmaller = expected; } float fSim, fMaxSimilarity = Float.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i <= sSmaller.length(); i++) { sAux = sSmaller.substring(0, i) + sBigger.substring(i, i + iDiff) + sSmaller.substring(i); fSim = Framework.checkSameSize(sBigger, sAux); if (fSim > fMaxSimilarity) { fMaxSimilarity = fSim; } } return fMaxSimilarity - ((1f * iDiff) / iLen); } else { return Framework.checkSameSize(expected, obtained); } } /** * Remove acentos e afins. * * @param arg A string a ser convertida * @return A string processada */ public static String normalize(String arg) { arg = Normalizer.normalize(arg, Normalizer.Form.NFD); arg = arg.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); return arg; } /** * Reduz um float para #.## (Exemplo: de 0.29929F para 0.29F) * * @param value Valor a ser reduzido. * @return Retorna o valor reduzido */ public static float getFloatReduced(final float value) { String s = String.valueOf(value); if (s.length() > 4) { s = s.substring(0, 3); } return Float.valueOf(s); } /** * Cria uma cerca em volta de um jogador. * * @param player O jogador em questo * @param height A altura que pra criar a 'parede' * @param size O tamanho da parede. Exemplo: 10x10, 30x35.. etc. * @param id O material a ser usado * @param data A data do material a ser usada * @return Retorna true se for criado e se o 'size' estiver no formato Nmero x Nmero. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static boolean aroundPlayer(final Player player, final int height, final String size, final int id, final byte data) { final Pattern sized = Pattern.compile("^([0-9]+)\\s*x\\s*([0-9]+)$"); final Matcher m = sized.matcher(size); if (m.matches()) { final Location pos = player.getLocation(); final int largura = Framework.getInt(; final int comprimento = Framework.getInt(; for (int x = pos.getBlockX() - largura; x <= (pos.getBlockX() + comprimento); x++) { for (int y = pos.getBlockY(); y <= (pos.getBlockY() + height); y++) { for (int z = pos.getBlockZ() - largura; z <= (pos.getBlockZ() + comprimento); z++) { final Block b = player.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z); b.setTypeId(id); b.setData(data); } } } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * As vezes os floats ficam gigantescos (0.0999192929F), e voc precisa deles reduzidos (0.09F). Pra isso eu fiz esse mtodo. * * @param value O valor grande a ser reduzido * @return O valor reduzido do flaot */ public static float getFloatReduced(final String value) { return Framework.getFloatReduced(Float.parseFloat(value)); } /** * Converte um float que est em String para float em si. * * @param floatt O float que est em formato String. * @return O float convertido de String para float. */ public static float getFloat(final String floatt) { return Float.parseFloat(floatt); } /** * Converte string em nmero * * @param number O nmero inteiro em forma de string. * @return O nmero convertido. */ public static int getInt(final String number) { return Integer.parseInt(number); } /** * Obtm um mundo pelo seu nome. * * @param name O nome do mundo. * @return O mundo pelo nome. */ public static World getWorld(final String name) { return Bukkit.getWorld(name); } /** * * @return Retorna a implementao do Vault para Economia. */ public Economy getEconomy() { return Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class).getProvider(); } /** * * @return Retorna a implementao do Vault para Permisses e Grupos. */ public Permission getPermissions() { return Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(Permission.class).getProvider(); } /** * * @return Retorna a implementao do Vault para Chat. */ public Chat getChat() { return Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(Chat.class).getProvider(); } /** * Verifica se em uma localizao ({@link Location}) permitido uma certa flag via worldguard * * @param flag O {@link StateFlag} que voc quer verificar. * @param around A localizao a ser usada. * @return retorna <code>true</code> se for permitido; caso contrrio, <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean can(final StateFlag flag, final Location around) { final WorldGuardPlugin plugin = (WorldGuardPlugin) Framework.worldguard; return plugin.getRegionManager(around.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(around).allows(flag); } /** * Verifica se em um lugar existe uma regio. * * @param around O {@link Location} para checar. * @return Retorna <code>true</code> se existir; <code>false</code> se no existir. */ public static boolean isInsideRegion(final Location around) { return Framework.getRegion(around) != null; } /** * Criar uma nova regio no WorldGuard * * @param name O nome da nova regio * @param center O lugar central dela (para ser baseado o tamanho) * @param larg Um nmero inteiro para representar a largura * @param comp Um nmero inteiro para representar o comprimento * @param priority A prioridade da regio * @return Retorna a regio que foi criada se for criada com sucesso. Se j houver uma regio com esse nome OU houver uma falha, retorna null. */ @Nullable public static ProtectedRegion addRegion(final String name, final Location center, final int larg, final int comp, final int priority) { Preconditions.checkArgument(center.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(center.getWorld().getName()), "Worlds not same!"); Location prim = new Location(center.getWorld(), center.getBlockX() + larg, center.getBlockY(), center.getBlockZ()); Location sec = new Location(center.getWorld(), center.getBlockX() - comp, center.getBlockY(), center.getBlockZ() - comp); prim = Framework.getMinimumPoint(prim, sec); sec = Framework.getMaximumPoint(prim, sec); final WorldGuardPlugin plugin = (WorldGuardPlugin) Framework.worldguard; final RegionManager rm = plugin.getRegionManager(center.getWorld()); if (rm.hasRegion(name)) { return null; } else { final ProtectedCuboidRegion cuboid = new ProtectedCuboidRegion(name, Framework.getWorldEditVector(prim), Framework.getWorldEditVector(sec)); cuboid.setPriority(priority); rm.addRegion(cuboid); return cuboid; } } /** * Transforma um {@link Location} em um WorldEdit {@link com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector}. * * @param location O lugar a ser convertido * @return Retorna o Location em {@link com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector}. */ public static com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector getWorldEditVector(final Location location) { return new com.sk89q.worldedit.BlockVector(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ()); } public static java.util.Vector<ProtectedRegion> getInsideRegions(final Location around) { final WorldGuardPlugin plugin = (WorldGuardPlugin) Framework.worldguard; final java.util.Vector<ProtectedRegion> array = new java.util.Vector<ProtectedRegion>(); if (Framework.isInsideRegion(around)) { final ApplicableRegionSet set = plugin.getRegionManager(around.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(around); for (final ProtectedRegion region : set) { array.add(region); } } return array; } /** * Verifica se existe uma regio em um lugar. * * @param around Local para verificar * @return Retorna a primeira regio encontrada se existirem, ou null se no houver. */ public static ProtectedRegion getRegion(final Location around) { final WorldGuardPlugin plugin = (WorldGuardPlugin) Framework.worldguard; final Iterator<ProtectedRegion> i = plugin.getRegionManager(around.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(around) .iterator(); return i.hasNext() ? : null; } /** * Mtodo que obtm a regio com maior prioridade em um certo local * * @param around Local onde existe as regies * @return Retorna a regio com maior prioridade */ public static ProtectedRegion getPrioritizedRegion(final Location around) { final WorldGuardPlugin plugin = (WorldGuardPlugin) Framework.worldguard; final ApplicableRegionSet set = plugin.getRegionManager(around.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(around); ProtectedRegion prime = null; for (final ProtectedRegion region : set) { if ((prime != null) && (region.getPriority() > prime.getPriority())) { prime = region; } else { prime = region; } } return prime; } public static Location getCenter(final Location pos1, final Location pos2, final int y) { final Location min = Framework.getMinimumPoint(pos1, pos2); final Location max = Framework.getMaximumPoint(pos1, pos2); final int centerx = (max.getBlockX() + min.getBlockX()) / 2; final int centerz = (max.getBlockZ() + min.getBlockZ()) / 2; return new Location(pos1.getWorld(), centerx, y, centerz); } public static Location getMinimumPoint(final Location p1, final Location p2) { return new Location(p1.getWorld(), Math.min(p1.getBlockX(), p2.getBlockX()), Math.min(p1.getBlockY(), p2.getBlockY()), Math.min(p1.getBlockZ(), p2.getBlockZ())); } public static Location getMaximumPoint(final Location p1, final Location p2) { return new Location(p1.getWorld(), Math.max(p1.getBlockX(), p2.getBlockX()), Math.max(p1.getBlockY(), p2.getBlockY()), Math.max(p1.getBlockZ(), p2.getBlockZ())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T getPlugin(final String name) { return (T) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(name); } public static void disablePlugin(final String name) { Framework.disablePlugin(Framework.getPlugin(name)); } public static void disablePlugin(final Plugin plugin) { Bukkit.getPluginManager().disablePlugin(plugin); } public static ItemStack createItem(final String name, final int id, final byte subType, final int quantity, final String... lore) { return Framework.createItem(name, id, subType, quantity, Arrays.asList(lore)); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static ItemStack createItem(final String name, final int id, final byte subType, final int quantity, Collection<String> lores) { if (lores == null) { lores = new java.util.Vector<String>(); } final java.util.Vector<String> lore = new java.util.Vector<String>(lores); final ItemStack is = new ItemStack(id, quantity); is.getData().setData(subType); is.getItemMeta().setLore(lore); is.getItemMeta().setDisplayName(name); return is; } public static void printTable(final String[][] content) { final int maxLength = Framework.getMaximumLength(content); final StringBuilder indexes = new StringBuilder("|Index|"); final int max = Framework.getMaximumElement(content) + 1; for (int x = 0; x < max; ++x) { indexes.append(String.format("%" + maxLength + "d|", x)); } System.out.println(indexes.toString()); for (int x = 0; x < content.length; ++x) { final String[] dimension1 = content[x]; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(String.format("|%5d|", x)); for (int y = 0; y < dimension1.length; ++y) { final String value = dimension1[y]; sb.append(String.format("%" + maxLength + "s|", value)); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } public static int getMaximumElement(final String[][] content) { int maxElement = 0; for (int x = 0; x < content.length; ++x) { final String[] dimension1 = content[x]; for (int y = 0; y < dimension1.length; ++y) { if (y > maxElement) { maxElement = y; } } } return maxElement; } public static int getMaximumLength(final String[][] content) { int maxLength = 0; for (int x = 0; x < content.length; ++x) { final String[] dimension1 = content[x]; for (int y = 0; y < dimension1.length; ++y) { final String value = dimension1[y]; if (value.length() > maxLength) { maxLength = value.length(); } } } return maxLength; } public static boolean checkBlockPercentageSequence(String item) { item = Framework.fixSpaces(item); final Pattern prim = Pattern .compile("\\s*(([0-9]{1,3})\\s*\\%\\s*([0-9]+|[a-zA-Z_-]+)\\s*(:\\s*([0-9])+)?)\\s*"); final Matcher m = prim.matcher(item); return m.matches(); } public static Handler<Integer, Integer> getBlockPercentageType(String item) { item = Framework.fixSpaces(item); if (Framework.checkBlockPercentageSequence(item)) { final Pattern prim = Pattern .compile("\\s*(([0-9]{1,3})\\s*\\%\\s*([0-9]+|[a-zA-Z_-]+)\\s*(:\\s*([0-9])+)?)\\s*"); final Matcher matcher = prim.matcher(item); if (matcher.find()) { final int module ="[0-9]+") ? 1 : 2; final int subModule = (( != null) &&"[0-9]+")) ? 1 : 0; return new Handler<Integer, Integer>(module, subModule); } else { return new Handler<Integer, Integer>(0, 0); } } else { return new Handler<Integer, Integer>(0, 0); } } public static String fixSpaces(String literal) { literal = literal.trim(); final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{2}"); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(literal); while (matcher.find()) { literal = literal.replaceAll(pattern.pattern(), " "); } return literal; } public static void printGroups(final Pattern pattern, final String literal) { final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(literal); if (matcher.find()) { for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) { System.out.println("Group " + i + ": \"" + ( != null ? : "(no encontrado)") + "\""); } } } public static java.util.Vector<String> parseLines(final Path path, final Charset cs) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, cs)) { final java.util.Vector<String> result = new java.util.Vector<String>(); for (; true;) { final String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (!Framework.isCommentary(line)) { result.add(line); } } return result; } } public static final class BlockFill { private final int percent; private final Block block; public BlockFill(final int percent, final Block block) { this.percent = percent; this.block = block; } public Block getBlock() { return this.block; } public int getPercent() { return this.percent; } public static boolean validate(final Collection<BlockFill> blockFills) { int currentPercent = 0; final Iterator<BlockFill> iterator = blockFills.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final BlockFill fill =; currentPercent += fill.percent; if (currentPercent > 100) { return false; } } return currentPercent == 100; } } public static void setBlocks(final Location min, final Location max, final Collection<BlockFill> blocks0) { if (!BlockFill.validate(blocks0)) { throw new RuntimeException("Provided set exceeded 100%!"); } final java.util.Vector<BlockFill> blocks = new java.util.Vector<BlockFill>(blocks0); final java.util.Vector<Block> blockList = Framework.getBlocks(min, max); final java.util.Vector<Location> locationsExcluded = new java.util.Vector<>(); final int size = blockList.size(); final Iterator<BlockFill> fills = blocks.iterator(); while (fills.hasNext()) { final BlockFill block =; final int quantity = (block.getPercent() * size) / 100; final java.util.Vector<Location> locations = new java.util.Vector<Location>(); for (int x = 0; x < quantity; ++x) { final Location selected = Framework.getBlocks(min, max, locationsExcluded); locations.add(selected); locationsExcluded.add(selected); } for (final Location loc : locations) { loc.getBlock().setType(block.getBlock().getType()); loc.getBlock().setBiome(block.getBlock().getBiome()); } if (!fills.hasNext() && (locationsExcluded.size() < blockList.size())) { for (final Block currentBlock : blockList) { if (!locationsExcluded.contains(currentBlock.getLocation())) { currentBlock.setType(block.getBlock().getType()); currentBlock.setBiome(block.getBlock().getBiome()); } } } } } public static java.util.Vector<Block> getBlocks(final World world, final ProtectedRegion region) { final Location p = Framework.toLocation(world, region.getMinimumPoint()); final Location f = Framework.toLocation(world, region.getMaximumPoint()); return Framework.getBlocks(p, f); } public static Location getBlocks(final Location min, final Location max, final java.util.Vector<Location> excluded) { final int locX = Math.min(min.getBlockX(), max.getBlockX()); final int locY = Math.min(min.getBlockY(), max.getBlockY()); final int locZ = Math.min(min.getBlockZ(), max.getBlockZ()); final int locMaxX = Math.max(min.getBlockX(), max.getBlockX()) - locX; final int locMaxY = Math.max(min.getBlockY(), max.getBlockY()) - locY; final int locMaxZ = Math.max(min.getBlockZ(), max.getBlockZ()) - locZ; final World world = min.getWorld(); final Random rand = new Random(); Location loc = null; while (excluded.contains((loc = new Location(world, rand.nextInt(locMaxX + 1) + locX, rand.nextInt(locMaxY + 1) + locY, rand.nextInt(locMaxZ + 1) + locZ)))) { assert ((loc.getBlockX() <= Math.max(min.getBlockX(), min.getBlockX())) && (loc.getBlockY() <= Math.max(min.getBlockY(), min.getBlockY())) && (loc.getBlockZ() <= Math.max(min.getBlockZ(), min.getBlockZ()))); } return loc; } public static Location toLocation(final World world, final Vector vector) { return new Location(world, vector.getBlockX(), vector.getBlockY(), vector.getBlockZ()); } public static Location toLocation(final World world, final com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector vector) { return new Location(world, vector.getBlockX(), vector.getBlockY(), vector.getBlockZ()); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static java.util.Vector<Block> getBlocks(Location prim, Location another, final String... except) { prim = Framework.getMinimumPoint(prim, another); another = Framework.getMaximumPoint(prim, another); final World world = prim.getWorld(); final java.util.Vector<Block> blockList = new java.util.Vector<Block>(); for (int currentX = prim.getBlockX(); currentX <= another.getBlockX(); ++currentX) { for (int currentY = prim.getBlockY(); currentY <= another.getBlockY(); ++currentY) { for (int currentZ = prim.getBlockZ(); currentZ <= another.getBlockZ(); ++currentZ) { final Location loc = new Location(world, currentX, currentY, currentZ); final Block b = loc.getBlock(); if (!Framework.isBlockExcept(b.getTypeId(), b.getData(), except)) { blockList.add(loc.getBlock()); } } } } return blockList; } public static boolean isBlockExcept(final int id, final byte data, final String[] items) { for (final String item : items) { if (item.matches(id + "\\s*:\\s*" + data)) { return true; } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static java.util.Vector<String> fromBlockList(final Collection<Block> blocks) { final java.util.Vector<Block> blocks0 = new java.util.Vector<Block>(blocks); final java.util.Vector<String> rs = new java.util.Vector<String>(); for (final Block b : blocks0) { final Location p = b.getLocation(); rs.add(p.getWorld().getName() + ";" + p.getBlockX() + ";" + p.getBlockY() + ";" + p.getBlockZ() + ";" + b.getTypeId() + ":" + b.getData()); } return rs; } public static DecimalFormat getFormatterD() { return Framework.formatter; } @Nullable public static String getCommentary(final String literal) { return Framework.commentary.matcher(literal).group(1); } public static boolean isCommentary(final String literal) { return Framework.commentary.matcher(literal).matches(); } public static final class LoggerManager<T extends JavaPlugin> { protected static Integer task = 0; private final T plugin; private final java.util.Vector<Log> log = new java.util.Vector<Log>(); private final File parent; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public LoggerManager(final Plugin plugin, final File parent) { this.plugin = (T) plugin; this.parent = parent; } public LoggerManager<T> init(final String time) { LoggerManager.task = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this.plugin, () -> LoggerManager.this.write(), Framework.reverseOf(time), Framework.reverseOf(time)).getTaskId(); return this; } public void cancel() { Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(LoggerManager.task); } public void restart(final String newTime) { this.cancel(); this.init(newTime); } public void addLog(final Log l) { if (!this.log.contains(l)) { this.log.add(l); } } public void addLog(final Date d, final String msg) { this.log.add(new Log(d, msg)); } public void addLog(final String msg) { this.log.add(new Log(new Date(), msg)); } public void removeLogFromCache(final Log l) { if (this.log.contains(l)) { this.log.remove(l); } } public java.util.Vector<Log> getCache() { final java.util.Vector<Log> log2 = new java.util.Vector<Log>(); log2.addAll(this.log); return log2; } public void write() { final java.util.Vector<Log> saving_log = this.getCache(); if (saving_log.size() == 0) { return; } this.log.clear(); new LogWriter(saving_log).start(); } private final class LogWriter extends Thread { private java.util.Vector<Log> saving_log = null; public LogWriter(final java.util.Vector<Log> l) { this.saving_log = l; } @Override public void run() { if (!LoggerManager.this.parent.exists()) { LoggerManager.this.parent.mkdir(); } final HashMap<String, java.util.Vector<Log>> date_log = new HashMap<String, java.util.Vector<Log>>(); for (final Log l : this.saving_log) { final String n = LoggerManager.this.getFilename(l.getDate()); final File f = new File(LoggerManager.this.parent, n); if (!f.exists()) { try { f.createNewFile(); } catch (final Exception e) { } } if (date_log.containsKey(n)) { date_log.get(n).add(l); } else { final java.util.Vector<Log> ll = new java.util.Vector<Log>(); ll.add(l); date_log.put(n, ll); } } for (final String n : date_log.keySet()) { final File f = new File(LoggerManager.this.parent, n); BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f, true)); for (final Log l : date_log.get(n)) { writer.write(LoggerManager.this.format(l.getDate(), l.getMessage())); writer.newLine(); } } catch (final Exception e) { } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { } } } } } public String getFilename(final Date d) { final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); return df.format(d) + ".txt"; } public File getFile(final Date d) { return new File(this.parent, this.getFilename(d)); } public String format(final Date d, final String msg) { final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); return "[" + df.format(d) + "] " + msg; } } public static final class Log implements Serializable, Comparator<Log> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2950841356281211210L; private Date date = null; private String msg = ""; public Log(final Date d, final String msg) { = d; this.msg = msg; } public String getMessage() { return this.msg; } public void setMessage(final String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public Date getDate() { return; } public void setDate(final Date d) { = d; } @Override public int compare(final Log log, final Log anotherlog) { final Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(anotherlog.getDate()); int same = Calendar.getInstance().compareTo(c); if (Framework.equals(log.getMessage(), anotherlog.getMessage(), true, true, true) >= 0.6F) { same++; } return same; } } public static final class Configuration extends YamlConfiguration { private boolean copied; private String filename; public Configuration() { this.copied = false; } public Configuration(final File file) { try { this.filename = file.getName(); this.load(file); } catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Configuration(final Plugin plugin, final File file) { this.filename = file.getName(); if (!file.exists()) { plugin.saveResource(file.getName(), false); this.copied = true; } try { this.load(file); } catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean copied() { return this.copied; } @Override public void load(final InputStream stream) throws IOException, InvalidConfigurationException { Validate.notNull(stream, "Stream cannot be null"); final InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); final BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader); try { String line; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); builder.append('\n'); } } finally { input.close(); } this.loadFromString(builder.toString()); } public String getFile() { return this.filename; } @Override public void save(final File file) throws IOException { Validate.notNull(file, "File cannot be null"); this.filename = file.getName();; final String data = this.saveToString(); final FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); final OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); try { writer.write(data); } finally { writer.close(); } } } /** * Uma classe simples que permite a criao de uma instncia com dois tipos de objetos que podem ser tradados via Tipo <T>. * O objeto em si era criar tipo uma Map Entry, mas no com objetivo de ser Key e Value, e sim, apenas dois objetos que tem um mesmo objetivo ou referncia. * * @param <F> O primeiro tipo de objeto. * @param <S> O segundo tipo de objeto. */ public static class Handler<F, S> { private final F f; private final S s; public Handler(final F firstValue, final S secondValue) { this.f = firstValue; this.s = secondValue; } public F getPrimary() { return this.f; } public S getSecundary() { return this.s; } @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(this.f) + " : " + String.valueOf(this.s); } } public static final class Cuboid implements Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, Iterable<Block> { protected String worldName; protected final Vector minimumPoint, maximumPoint; public Cuboid(final Cuboid cuboid) { this(cuboid.worldName, cuboid.minimumPoint.getX(), cuboid.minimumPoint.getY(), cuboid.minimumPoint.getZ(), cuboid.maximumPoint.getX(), cuboid.maximumPoint.getY(), cuboid.maximumPoint.getZ()); } public Cuboid(final Location loc) { this(loc, loc); } public Cuboid(final Location loc1, final Location loc2) { if ((loc1 != null) && (loc2 != null)) { if ((loc1.getWorld() != null) && (loc2.getWorld() != null)) { if (!loc1.getWorld().getUID().equals(loc2.getWorld().getUID())) { throw new IllegalStateException("The 2 locations of the cuboid must be in the same world!"); } } else { throw new NullPointerException("One/both of the worlds is/are null!"); } this.worldName = loc1.getWorld().getName(); final double xPos1 = Math.min(loc1.getX(), loc2.getX()); final double yPos1 = Math.min(loc1.getY(), loc2.getY()); final double zPos1 = Math.min(loc1.getZ(), loc2.getZ()); final double xPos2 = Math.max(loc1.getX(), loc2.getX()); final double yPos2 = Math.max(loc1.getY(), loc2.getY()); final double zPos2 = Math.max(loc1.getZ(), loc2.getZ()); this.minimumPoint = new Vector(xPos1, yPos1, zPos1); this.maximumPoint = new Vector(xPos2, yPos2, zPos2); } else { throw new NullPointerException("One/both of the locations is/are null!"); } } public Cuboid(final String worldName, final double x1, final double y1, final double z1, final double x2, final double y2, final double z2) { if ((worldName == null) || (Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(worldName) == null)) { throw new NullPointerException("One/both of the worlds is/are null!"); } this.worldName = worldName; final double xPos1 = Math.min(x1, x2); final double xPos2 = Math.max(x1, x2); final double yPos1 = Math.min(y1, y2); final double yPos2 = Math.max(y1, y2); final double zPos1 = Math.min(z1, z2); final double zPos2 = Math.max(z1, z2); this.minimumPoint = new Vector(xPos1, yPos1, zPos1); this.maximumPoint = new Vector(xPos2, yPos2, zPos2); } public boolean containsLocation(final Location location) { return (location != null) && location.toVector().isInAABB(this.minimumPoint, this.maximumPoint); } public boolean containsVector(final Vector vector) { return (vector != null) && Framework.toLocation(this.getWorld(), vector).toVector() .isInAABB(this.minimumPoint, this.maximumPoint); } public java.util.Vector<Block> getBlocks() { final java.util.Vector<Block> blockList = new java.util.Vector<Block>(); final World world = this.getWorld(); if (world != null) { for (int x = this.minimumPoint.getBlockX(); x <= this.maximumPoint.getBlockX(); x++) { for (int y = this.minimumPoint.getBlockY(); (y <= this.maximumPoint.getBlockY()) && (y <= world.getMaxHeight()); y++) { for (int z = this.minimumPoint.getBlockZ(); z <= this.maximumPoint.getBlockZ(); z++) { blockList.add(world.getBlockAt(x, y, z)); } } } } return blockList; } public Location getLowerLocation() { return Framework.toLocation(this.getWorld(), this.minimumPoint); } public double getLowerX() { return this.minimumPoint.getX(); } public double getLowerY() { return this.minimumPoint.getY(); } public double getLowerZ() { return this.minimumPoint.getZ(); } public Location getUpperLocation() { return Framework.toLocation(this.getWorld(), this.maximumPoint); } public double getUpperX() { return this.maximumPoint.getX(); } public double getUpperY() { return this.maximumPoint.getY(); } public double getUpperZ() { return this.maximumPoint.getZ(); } public double getVolume() { return ((this.getUpperX() - this.getLowerX()) + 1) * ((this.getUpperY() - this.getLowerY()) + 1) * ((this.getUpperZ() - this.getLowerZ()) + 1); } public World getWorld() { final World world = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(this.worldName); if (world == null) { throw new NullPointerException("World '" + this.worldName + "' is not loaded."); } return world; } public void setWorld(final World world) { if (world != null) { this.worldName = world.getName(); } else { throw new NullPointerException("The world cannot be null."); } } @Override public Cuboid clone() { return new Cuboid(this); } @Override public ListIterator<Block> iterator() { return this.getBlocks().listIterator(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> serialize() { final Map<String, Object> serializedCuboid = new HashMap<>(); serializedCuboid.put("worldName", this.worldName); serializedCuboid.put("x1", this.minimumPoint.getX()); serializedCuboid.put("x2", this.maximumPoint.getX()); serializedCuboid.put("y1", this.minimumPoint.getY()); serializedCuboid.put("y2", this.maximumPoint.getY()); serializedCuboid.put("z1", this.minimumPoint.getZ()); serializedCuboid.put("z2", this.maximumPoint.getZ()); return serializedCuboid; } public static Cuboid deserialize(final Map<String, Object> serializedCuboid) { try { final String worldName = (String) serializedCuboid.get("worldName"); final double xPos1 = (Double) serializedCuboid.get("x1"); final double xPos2 = (Double) serializedCuboid.get("x2"); final double yPos1 = (Double) serializedCuboid.get("y1"); final double yPos2 = (Double) serializedCuboid.get("y2"); final double zPos1 = (Double) serializedCuboid.get("z1"); final double zPos2 = (Double) serializedCuboid.get("z2"); return new Cuboid(worldName, xPos1, yPos1, zPos1, xPos2, yPos2, zPos2); } catch (final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } /** * Obtm a verso do minecraft * * @return Verso do minecraft * @throws RuntimeException Ir falhar caso no consiga determinar a verso */ public static String getMinecraftVersion() throws RuntimeException { final Pattern versionPattern = Pattern.compile(".*?\\(.*?([\\d. ]+)\\)"); final String version = Bukkit.getVersion(); final Matcher matcher = versionPattern.matcher(version); if (matcher.matches()) { return; } throw new RuntimeException(String .format("No foi possivel determinar sua verso do Minecraft. (Verso do Bukkit: %s)", version)); } }