Java tutorial
/* * File * * Copyright (C) 2016 Matthew Hall * * This file is part of BEASTLIER, a BEAST 2 package. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package beast.evolution.tree.partitioned; import beast.core.Input; import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter; import beast.math.distributions.ParametricDistribution; import beastlier.durations.DurationDistribution; import beastlier.durations.FixedValueDurationDistribution; import beastlier.geography.SpatialKernel; import beastlier.outbreak.CategorySet; import beastlier.outbreak.ClinicalCase; import beastlier.outbreak.GeographicallyLocatedClinicalCase; import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Matthew Hall <> */ public class IndividualSEIR extends BetweenHostModel { public Input<SpatialKernel> kernelInput = new Input<>("kernel", "The spatial kernel function; if null or absent, " + "geography will be ignored", null, Input.Validate.OPTIONAL); public Input<List<DurationDistribution>> latentInput = new Input<>("latent", "One or more categories uniting " + "latent periods across clinical cases", new ArrayList<>()); public Input<List<DurationDistribution>> infectiousInput = new Input<>("infectious", "One or more categories " + "uniting infectious periods across clinical cases", new ArrayList<>()); public Input<RealParameter> baseTransmissionRateInput = new Input<>("baseTransmissionRate", "The unmodified " + "transmission rate"); public Input<ParametricDistribution> initialInfectionTimePriorInput = new Input<>("initialInfectionTimePrior", "The prior distribution for the time of the index infection", null, Input.Validate.OPTIONAL); public Input<CategorySet> infectiousCategorySetInput = new Input<>("infectiousCategorySet", "Assignment of " + "clinical cases to distributions of infectious periods"); public Input<CategorySet> latentCategorySetInput = new Input<>("latentCategorySet", "Assignment of clinical " + "cases to distributions of periods"); private SpatialKernel kernel; private RealParameter baseTransmissionRate; private ParametricDistribution initialInfectionTimePrior; private HashMap<ClinicalCase, Double> indexCasePrior; private boolean hasGeography; private List<DurationDistribution> latentCategories; private List<DurationDistribution> infectiousCategories; private Map<ClinicalCase, DurationDistribution> latentCategoriesMap; private Map<ClinicalCase, DurationDistribution> infectiousCategoriesMap; public void initAndValidate() { super.initAndValidate(); kernel = kernelInput.get(); hasGeography = kernel != null; hasLatentPeriods = true; baseTransmissionRate = baseTransmissionRateInput.get(); initialInfectionTimePrior = initialInfectionTimePriorInput.get(); latentCategories = latentInput.get(); CategorySet latentCategorySet = latentCategorySetInput.get(); for (DurationDistribution category : latentCategories) { if (category.hasProbability()) { throw new RuntimeException("Latent periods in this model are identical"); } } latentCategoriesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (ClinicalCase aCase : outbreak.getCases()) { for (DurationDistribution category : latentCategories) { if (category.getID().equals(latentCategorySet.getDistributionName(aCase.getID()))) { latentCategoriesMap.put(aCase, category); } } } infectiousCategories = infectiousInput.get(); CategorySet infectiousCategorySet = infectiousCategorySetInput.get(); infectiousCategoriesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (ClinicalCase aCase : outbreak.getCases()) { for (DurationDistribution category : infectiousCategories) { if (category.getID().equals(infectiousCategorySet.getDistributionName(aCase.getID()))) { infectiousCategoriesMap.put(aCase, category); } } } double totalWeights = 0; super.initAndValidate(); indexCasePrior = new HashMap<>(); for (ClinicalCase aCase : outbreak.getCases()) { totalWeights += aCase.getIndexPriorWeight(); } for (ClinicalCase aCase : outbreak.getCases()) { indexCasePrior.put(aCase, aCase.getIndexPriorWeight() / totalWeights); } if (kernel != null && !outbreak.hasGeography()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Kernel specified but ClinicalCases have no attached geographical" + " information"); } } public double evaluateLogP() { // try { // PrintStream firstSteam = new PrintStream("tt.nex"); // // PartitionedTreeLogger.debugLog(tree, 0, false, firstSteam); // } catch (FileNotFoundException e){ // e.printStackTrace(); // } double transLogProb = 0; double rate = baseTransmissionRate.getValue(); ArrayList<ClinicalCase> previouslyInfectious = new ArrayList<>(); double currentEventTime; boolean first = true; for (TreeEvent event : sortedTreeEvents) { currentEventTime = event.getTime(); ClinicalCase thisCase = event.getCase(); if (event.getType() == EventType.INFECTION) { if (first) { // index infection if (indexCasePrior != null) { transLogProb += Math.log(indexCasePrior.get(thisCase)); } if (initialInfectionTimePrior != null) { transLogProb += initialInfectionTimePrior.logDensity(currentEventTime); } if (!hasLatentPeriods) { previouslyInfectious.add(thisCase); } first = false; } else { ClinicalCase infector = event.getInfector(); if (thisCase.wasEverInfected()) { if (previouslyInfectious.contains(thisCase)) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (event.getTime() > thisCase.getEndTime()) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (infector.getEndTime() < event.getTime()) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (getInfectiousTime(infector) > event.getTime()) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (!previouslyInfectious.contains(infector)) { throw new RuntimeException("Infector not previously infected"); } } // no other previously infectious case has infected this case... for (ClinicalCase nonInfector : previouslyInfectious) { double timeDuringWhichNoInfection; if (nonInfector.getEndTime() < event.getTime()) { timeDuringWhichNoInfection = nonInfector.getEndTime() - getInfectiousTime(nonInfector); } else { timeDuringWhichNoInfection = event.getTime() - getInfectiousTime(nonInfector); } if (timeDuringWhichNoInfection < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("negative time"); } double transRate = rate; if (hasGeography) { try { transRate *= kernel.getValue((GeographicallyLocatedClinicalCase) thisCase, (GeographicallyLocatedClinicalCase) nonInfector); } catch (FunctionEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } transLogProb += -transRate * timeDuringWhichNoInfection; } // ...until the end if (thisCase.wasEverInfected()) { double transRate = rate; if (hasGeography) { try { transRate *= kernel.getValue((GeographicallyLocatedClinicalCase) thisCase, (GeographicallyLocatedClinicalCase) infector); } catch (FunctionEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } transLogProb += Math.log(transRate); } if (!hasLatentPeriods) { previouslyInfectious.add(thisCase); } } } else if (event.getType() == EventType.INFECTIOUSNESS) { if (event.getTime() < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { if (event.getTime() > event.getCase().getEndTime()) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (first) { throw new RuntimeException("First event is not an infection"); } previouslyInfectious.add(thisCase); } } } double periodsLogProb = 0; for (DurationDistribution category : infectiousCategories) { if (category.hasProbability()) { List<ClinicalCase> relevantCases = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClinicalCase aCase : outbreak.getCases()) { if (getInfectiousCategory(aCase) == category) { relevantCases.add(aCase); } } Double[] infectiousPeriods = new Double[relevantCases.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < infectiousPeriods.length; i++) { infectiousPeriods[i] = relevantCases.get(i).getEndTime() - getInfectiousTime(relevantCases.get(i)); } RealParameter collectionOfValues = new RealParameter(infectiousPeriods); periodsLogProb += category.getLogProbability(collectionOfValues); } } // just reject states where these round to +INF if (transLogProb == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { System.out.println("TransLogProb +INF"); return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (periodsLogProb == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { System.out.println("PeriodsLogProb +INF"); return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } logP = periodsLogProb + transLogProb; return logP; } public double getInfectiousTime(ClinicalCase aCase) { DurationDistribution category = getLatentCategory(aCase); if (category.hasProbability()) { throw new RuntimeException("Latent periods in this model are fixed"); } FixedValueDurationDistribution castCategory = (FixedValueDurationDistribution) category; return getInfectionTime(aCase) + castCategory.getValue(); } public DurationDistribution getLatentCategory(ClinicalCase aCase) { return latentCategoriesMap.get(aCase); } public DurationDistribution getInfectiousCategory(ClinicalCase aCase) { return infectiousCategoriesMap.get(aCase); } public void init(final PrintStream out) { for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print(outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().get(i) + "_infectionTime\t"); } for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print(outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().get(i) + "_infectiousTime\t"); } for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print(outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().get(i) + "_infectiousPeriod\t"); } for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print(outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().get(i) + "_lengthOfInfection\t"); } out.print("bhm_logP" + "\t"); } public void log(final int sample, final PrintStream out) { for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print(tree.getInfectionTime(outbreak.getEverInfectedCase(i)) + "\t"); } for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print(getInfectiousTime(outbreak.getEverInfectedCase(i)) + "\t"); } for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print((outbreak.getEverInfectedCase(i).getEndTime() - getInfectiousTime(outbreak.getEverInfectedCase(i))) + "\t"); } for (int i = 0; i < outbreak.getEverInfectedCases().size(); i++) { out.print((outbreak.getEverInfectedCase(i).getEndTime() - tree.getInfectionTime(outbreak.getEverInfectedCase(i))) + "\t"); } out.print(logP + "\t"); } /** * @return a list of unique ids for the state nodes that form the argument */ public List<String> getArguments() { List<String> out = new ArrayList<>(); out.add(outbreakInput.get().getID()); out.add(treeInput.get().getID()); return out; } /** * @return a list of unique ids for the state nodes that make up the conditions */ public List<String> getConditions() { List<String> out = new ArrayList<>(); out.addAll(kernelInput.get().getParameterIds()); out.add(baseTransmissionRateInput.get().getID()); for (DurationDistribution latCat : latentCategories) { if (latCat.isDirtyCalculation()) { out.add(latCat.getID()); } } return out; } @Override protected boolean requiresRecalculation() { boolean aLatentPeriodHasChanged = false; for (DurationDistribution latCat : latentCategories) { if (latCat.isDirtyCalculation()) { aLatentPeriodHasChanged = true; } } boolean treeHasChanged = super.requiresRecalculation(); boolean answer = kernelInput.get().isDirtyCalculation() || baseTransmissionRateInput.get().somethingIsDirty() || treeHasChanged || aLatentPeriodHasChanged; if (treeHasChanged || aLatentPeriodHasChanged) { typeOfDirt = IS_FILTHY; } else { typeOfDirt = answer ? IS_DIRTY : IS_CLEAN; } return answer; } }