Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Andrey Chaschev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package bear.core; import bear.context.AbstractContext; import bear.context.Fun; import bear.context.VarFun; import bear.session.Address; import bear.session.BearVariables; import bear.session.DynamicVariable; import bear.task.TaskDef; import bear.vcs.BranchInfo; import bear.vcs.VCSSession; import bear.vcs.VcsCLIPlugin; import chaschev.lang.Functions2; import chaschev.lang.OpenBean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static bear.session.BearVariables.joinPath; import static bear.session.Variables.*; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; /** * @author Andrey Chaschev */ public class Bear extends BearApp<GlobalContext> { public Bear() { } public final DynamicVariable<Boolean> isNativeUnix = dynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(SessionContext $) { return $.sys.isNativeUnix(); } }), isUnix = dynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(SessionContext $) { return $.sys.isUnix(); } }); public final DynamicVariable<String> applicationsPath = condition(isNativeUnix, newVar("/var/lib").temp(), newVar("c:").temp()), bearPath = joinPath(applicationsPath, "bear"), sysLogsPath = condition(isNativeUnix, newVar("/var/log").temp(), (DynamicVariable) undefined()), taskName = strVar("A task to run").defaultTo("deploy"); public final DynamicVariable<TaskDef> task = dynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, TaskDef>() { @Override public TaskDef apply(SessionContext $) { return (TaskDef) OpenBean.getFieldValue(global.tasks, $.var(taskName)); } }); public final DynamicVariable<String> sshUsername = dynamic(new VarFun<String, SessionContext>() { @Override public String apply(SessionContext $) { String username = $.getProperty($.concat(sessionHostname, ".username")); if (username == null) { username = $.getProperty(; } return username; } }), sshPassword = dynamic(new VarFun<String, SessionContext>() { @Override public String apply(SessionContext $) { String username = $.getGlobal().getProperty($.concat(sessionHostname, ".password")); if (username == null) { username = $.getGlobal().getProperty(; } return username; } }), appUsername = equalTo(sshUsername), stage = dynamic("Stage to deploy to"), repositoryURI = strVar("Project VCS URI"), // vcsType = enumConstant("vcsType", "Your VCS type", "svn", "git"), vcsUsername = equalTo(sshUsername), vcsPassword = equalTo(sshPassword), sessionHostname = strVar("internal variable containing the name of the current host"), sessionAddress = strVar("internal"), tempUserInput = strVar(""), applicationPath = joinPath(applicationsPath, name), appLogsPath = condition(isNativeUnix, joinPath(sysLogsPath, name), concat(applicationPath, "log")), sharedDirName = strVar("").defaultTo("shared"), devEnvironment = enumConstant("Development environment", "dev", "test", "prod").defaultTo("prod"), revision = strVar("Get head revision").setDynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, String>() { public String apply(SessionContext $) { return vcs.apply($).head(); } }), realRevision = strVar("Update revision from vcs").setDynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, String>() { public String apply(SessionContext $) { final VCSSession vcsCLI = $.var(vcs); BranchInfo r = vcsCLI.queryRevision($.var(revision)).run(); return r.revision; } }), sharedPath = joinPath(bearPath, sharedDirName), projectSharedPath = joinPath(applicationPath, sharedDirName), tempDirPath = joinPath(applicationPath, "temp"), toolsSharedDirPath = joinPath(sharedPath, "tools"), downloadDirPath = BearVariables.joinPath(sharedPath, "downloads"), toolsInstallDirPath = newVar("/var/lib/bear/tools"), vcsCheckoutPath = joinPath(projectSharedPath, "vcs"), vcsBranchName = dynamic("Relative path of the branch to use"), vcsTag = undefined("tag name, HEAD revision is used by default"), vcsBranchLocalPath = joinPath(vcsCheckoutPath, vcsBranchName), vcsBranchURI = joinPath(repositoryURI, vcsBranchName); public final DynamicVariable<Boolean> useUI = newVar(true), productionDeployment = newVar(true), clean = equalTo(productionDeployment), speedUpBuild = and(not(productionDeployment), not(clean)), isRemoteEnv = dynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(SessionContext $) { return $.sys.isRemote(); } }), internalInteractiveRun = newVar(false) .desc("disables dependencies checks, verifications and installations"), interactiveRun = equalTo(internalInteractiveRun).desc("use it to override interactiveRun"), checkDependencies = not(interactiveRun).desc("checks dependencies for tasks"), verifyPlugins = equalTo(checkDependencies).desc("checks plugins deps before running tasks"), autoInstallPlugins = newVar(false), installationInProgress = newVar(false), quiet = newVar(false), verbose = newVar(false), printHostsToConsole = not(quiet), printHostsToBearLog = newVar(true); public final DynamicVariable<Integer> promptTimeoutMs = newVar((int) SECONDS.toMillis(10)), shortTimeoutMs = newVar((int) SECONDS.toMillis(30)), buildTimeoutMs = newVar((int) MINUTES.toMillis(10)), installationTimeoutMs = newVar((int) MINUTES.toMillis(60)), defaultTimeout = equalTo(buildTimeoutMs), appStartTimeoutSec = newVar(240), appWaitOthersTimeoutSec = newVar(120); public final DynamicVariable<Stages> stages = new DynamicVariable<Stages>( "List of stages. Stage is collection of servers with roles and auth defined for each of the server."); public final DynamicVariable<Stage> getStage = dynamic(new Fun<GlobalContext, Stage>() { public Stage apply(GlobalContext $) { return findStage($); } }); public final DynamicVariable<? extends BearProject> activeProject = undefined(); public final DynamicVariable<String> activeMethod = undefined(); public final DynamicVariable<List<String>> activeHosts = undefined(); public final DynamicVariable<List<String>> activeRoles = undefined(); public final DynamicVariable<Function<Stage, Collection<Address>>> addressesForStage = dynamic( new Fun<AbstractContext, Function<Stage, Collection<Address>>>() { @Override public Function<Stage, Collection<Address>> apply(final AbstractContext $) { return new Function<Stage, Collection<Address>>() { public Collection<Address> apply(Stage stage) { List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean hostsDefined = $.isDefined(activeHosts); if (hostsDefined) { hosts.addAll(stage.validate($(activeHosts))); } boolean rolesDefined = $.isDefined(activeRoles); if (rolesDefined) { hosts.addAll(Collections2.transform(stage.getHostsForRoles($(activeRoles)), Functions2.<Address, String>method("getName"))); } if (hosts.isEmpty() && !(rolesDefined || hostsDefined)) { return stage.getAddresses(); } return stage.mapNamesToAddresses(hosts); } }; } }); public Stage findStage(GlobalContext $) { final String stageName = $.var(this.stage); final Optional<Stage> optional = Iterables.tryFind($.var(stages).stages, new Predicate<Stage>() { public boolean apply(Stage s) { return; } }); if (!optional.isPresent()) { throw new RuntimeException("stage not found: '" + stageName + "'"); } Stage stage = optional.get(); = global; return stage; } public final DynamicVariable<VCSSession> vcs = new DynamicVariable<VCSSession>("vcs", "VCS adapter") .setDynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, VCSSession>() { public VCSSession apply(SessionContext $) { Optional<VcsCLIPlugin> vcsCLI = global.pluginOfInstance(VcsCLIPlugin.class); Preconditions.checkArgument(vcsCLI.isPresent(), "add a VCS plugin!"); return (VCSSession) global.plugins.newSession(vcsCLI.get(), $, $.getCurrentTask()); } }).memoizeIn(SessionContext.class); public final DynamicVariable<File> scriptsDir = newVar(new File(".bear")), globalPropertiesFile = dynamic(new Fun<SessionContext, File>() { public File apply(SessionContext $) { return new File($.var(scriptsDir), ""); } }); public class FileNameGenerator { final SessionContext $; protected FileNameGenerator(SessionContext $) { this.$ = $; } public String getName(String prefix, String suffix) { return prefix + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10) + suffix; } public String getTempPath(String prefix, String suffix) { return $.joinPath($.var(tempDirPath), getName(prefix, suffix)); } } public final DynamicVariable<FileNameGenerator> randomFilePath = dynamic( new Fun<SessionContext, FileNameGenerator>() { @Override public FileNameGenerator apply(SessionContext $) { return new FileNameGenerator($); } }); }