Source code

Java tutorial


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package be.ugent.maf.cellmissy.gui.controller.load.generic;

import be.ugent.maf.cellmissy.entity.Algorithm;
import be.ugent.maf.cellmissy.entity.ImagingType;
import be.ugent.maf.cellmissy.entity.WellHasImagingType;
import be.ugent.maf.cellmissy.gui.plate.ImagedPlatePanel;
import be.ugent.maf.cellmissy.gui.plate.WellGui;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants;
import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent;
import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureListener;
import java.awt.dnd.DragSource;
import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget;
import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter;
import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent;
import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdesktop.observablecollections.ObservableList;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

 * A controller to take care of the DnD logic between a JTree (directory tree --
 * source, drag) and an ImagedPlatePanel (wellGuis -- target, drop).
 * @author Paola
public class DragAndDropController {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DragAndDropController.class);
    // model
    private ImagingType currentImagingType;
    private Algorithm currentAlgorithm;
    // view
    // parent controller
    private GenericImagedPlateController genericImagedPlateController;
    // child controllers

     * Initialize controller
    public void init() {
        // init the Drag And Drop logic

     * Public methods
    public ImagingType getCurrentImagingType() {
        return currentImagingType;

    public Algorithm getCurrentAlgorithm() {
        return currentAlgorithm;

     * Private methods and classes
     * Initialize the DnD
    private void initDnD() {
        // create a new Drag Source
        DragSource ds = new DragSource();
        // get the directory tree from the parent controller
        JTree directoryTree = genericImagedPlateController.getLoadFromGenericInputPlatePanel().getDirectoryTree();
        // get the JPanel from the parent controller
        ImagedPlatePanel imagedPlatePanel = genericImagedPlateController.getImagedPlatePanel();
        // the DRAG gesture (source -- JTree) -- needs a DragGestureListener to notify
        ds.createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(directoryTree, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY,
                new JTreeDragGestureListener());
        // the DROP action onto the target
        JPanelDropTargetListener jPanelDropTargetListener = new JPanelDropTargetListener(imagedPlatePanel);

     * An implementation of the DragGestureListener to notify the drag source.
    private class JTreeDragGestureListener implements DragGestureListener {

        public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent dge) {
            Cursor cursor = null;
            // our component that triggered the drag event is a JTree
            JTree directoryTree = (JTree) dge.getComponent();
            // prevents any sort of strange behaviour (combination with keyboard and so on)
            if (dge.getDragAction() == DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY) {
                cursor = DragSource.DefaultCopyDrop;
            // the selected element in the JTree
            DefaultMutableTreeNode draggedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) directoryTree.getSelectionPath()
            // set the combination of current imaging type - algorithm
            // initiate a drag operation
            dge.startDrag(cursor, new TransferableNode(draggedNode));

     * An implementation of the Transferable interface. It contains data to be
     * transferred during drag and drop operations.
    private class TransferableNode implements Transferable {

        // the selected node whose corresponding file needs to be 'transferred' over the plate
        private final DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode;

         * The constructor
         * @param selectedNode
        public TransferableNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode) {
            this.selectedNode = selectedNode;

        public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
            return new DataFlavor[] { DataFlavor.stringFlavor };

        public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor flavor) {
            return flavor.equals(DataFlavor.stringFlavor);

        public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException {
            if (flavor.equals(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) {
                return selectedNode;
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor);

     * An implementation of the drop target listener --> what needs to be done
     * at the drop phase?
    private class JPanelDropTargetListener extends DropTargetAdapter implements DropTargetListener {

        // we need to connect the target with a component
        final DropTarget dropTarget;
        // in our case, the component is a JPanel

         * The constructor
         * @param panel: the drop target
        public JPanelDropTargetListener(JPanel panel) {

            // construct a new drop target
            dropTarget = new DropTarget(panel, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY, this, true);

        public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent event) {
            try {
                Transferable tr = event.getTransferable();
                DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tr.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor);
                // check that the flavor is supported
                if (event.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) {
                    // the drop location
                    Point location = event.getLocation();
                    // action on drop
                    actionOnDrop(location, node);
                    // drop is complete
            } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException e) {

     * Action on drop onto the target component: 1. get the wellGui
     * correspondent to the drop-point location; 2. validate this wellGui; 3.
     * check if the well has already some data. If this is not the case, just
     * load new data into it, otherwise, ask the user how to proceed. In this
     * last case, 3 things are possible: 1. Overwrite the data (drag&drop was
     * wrong, e;g.); 2. Clear data for the well (just reset the well); 3. Add
     * more data to the well (same combination of algorithm-imaging type: a new
     * location).
     * @param point
     * @param node
    private void actionOnDrop(Point point, DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
        WellGui wellGuiDropTarget = getWellGuiDropTarget(point);
        if (wellGuiDropTarget != null) {
            if (validateDropTarget(wellGuiDropTarget)) {
                // new wellHasImagingType (for selected well and current imaging type/algorithm)
                WellHasImagingType newWellHasImagingType = new WellHasImagingType(wellGuiDropTarget.getWell(),
                        currentImagingType, currentAlgorithm);
                // get the list of WellHasImagingType for the selected well
                List<WellHasImagingType> wellHasImagingTypeList = wellGuiDropTarget.getWell()
                // check if the wellHasImagingType was already processed
                // this is comparing objects with column, row numbers, and algorithm,imaging types
                if (!wellHasImagingTypeList.contains(newWellHasImagingType)) {
                    genericImagedPlateController.loadData(getDataFile(node), newWellHasImagingType,
                    // update relation with algorithm and imaging type
                    // highlight imaged well
                } else {
                    // warn the user that data was already loaded for the selected combination of well/dataset/imaging type
                    Object[] options = { "Overwrite", "Add location on same well", "Clear data for this well",
                            "Cancel" };
                    int showOptionDialog = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
                            "Data already loaded for this well / dataset / imaging type.\nWhat do you want to do now?",
                            "", JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[3]);
                    switch (showOptionDialog) {
                    case 0: // overwrite loaded data:
                        genericImagedPlateController.overwriteDataForWell(getDataFile(node), wellGuiDropTarget,
                    case 1: // add location on the same well:
                        genericImagedPlateController.loadData(getDataFile(node), newWellHasImagingType,
                    case 2: // clear data for current well
                    //cancel: do nothing
            } else {
                //show a warning message
                String message = "The well you selected does not belong to a condition.\nPlease drag somewhere else!";
                genericImagedPlateController.showMessage(message, "Well's selection error",

     * Highlight the imaged well for which we are importing data.
     * @param selectedWellGui
    private void highlightImagedWell(WellGui selectedWellGui) {
        List<Ellipse2D> ellipsi = selectedWellGui.getEllipsi();
        List<WellHasImagingType> wellHasImagingTypeList = selectedWellGui.getWell().getWellHasImagingTypeList();
        ImagedPlatePanel imagedPlatePanel = genericImagedPlateController.getImagedPlatePanel();
        List<ImagingType> uniqueImagingTypes = imagedPlatePanel.getUniqueImagingTypes(wellHasImagingTypeList);
        // if size is one, only one imaging type was processed: do not add eny ellipsi
        if (uniqueImagingTypes.size() != 1) {
            if (ellipsi.size() < uniqueImagingTypes.size()) {
                int lastIndex = uniqueImagingTypes.size() - 2;
                Ellipse2D lastEllipse = ellipsi.get(lastIndex);
                // calculate factors for new ellipse
                double size = lastEllipse.getHeight();
                double newSize = (size / uniqueImagingTypes.size());
                double newTopLeftX = lastEllipse.getCenterX() - (newSize / 2);
                double newTopLeftY = lastEllipse.getCenterY() - (newSize / 2);
                if (newSize != size) {
                    Ellipse2D ellipseToAdd = new Ellipse2D.Double(newTopLeftX, newTopLeftY, newSize, newSize);
                    // add the new Ellipse2D to the ellipsi List

     * Taking the directory of the parent controller, and knowing the current
     * combination imaging type-algorithm, get the data file to parse.
     * @param node
     * @return
    private File getDataFile(DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
        String directoryPath = genericImagedPlateController.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
        String textFile = "" + node.getUserObject();
        return new File(directoryPath + File.separator + currentAlgorithm + File.separator + currentImagingType
                + File.separator + textFile);

     * Given the node being dragged,
     * @param node
    private void setCombinationImagingTypeAlgorithm(DefaultMutableTreeNode draggedNode) {
        // look for imaging type selected
        ObservableList<ImagingType> imagingTypesBindingList = genericImagedPlateController
        for (ImagingType imagingType : imagingTypesBindingList) {
            if (imagingType.getName().equals(draggedNode.getParent().toString())) {
                // imaging type that was selected
                currentImagingType = imagingType;
                // look for associated algorithm
                currentAlgorithm = findAlgorithm(draggedNode);

     * Given an imaging node, find the upper dataset
     * @param draggedNode
     * @return
    private Algorithm findAlgorithm(DefaultMutableTreeNode draggedNode) {
        ObservableList<Algorithm> algorithmsBindingList = genericImagedPlateController.getAlgorithmsBindingList();
        Algorithm foundAlgorithm = null;
        DefaultMutableTreeNode algoNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) draggedNode.getParent().getParent();
        for (Algorithm algorithm : algorithmsBindingList) {
            if (algorithm.getAlgorithmName().equals(algoNode.toString())) {
                foundAlgorithm = algorithm;
        return foundAlgorithm;

     * Given a location (point), get the wellGui correspondent on the plate
     * panel.
     * @param point
     * @return the wellGui correspondent
    private WellGui getWellGuiDropTarget(Point point) {
        WellGui wellGuiDropTarget = null;
        for (WellGui wellGui : genericImagedPlateController.getImagedPlatePanel().getWellGuiList()) {
            List<Ellipse2D> ellipsi = wellGui.getEllipsi();
            if (ellipsi.get(0).contains(point.getX(), point.getY())) {
                wellGuiDropTarget = wellGui;
        return wellGuiDropTarget;

     * @param wellGui
     * @return
    private boolean validateDropTarget(WellGui wellGui) {
        boolean isSelectionValid = true;
        //check if the imaged wellGui has a condition
        if (wellGui.getRectangle() == null) {
            isSelectionValid = false;
        return isSelectionValid;