Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010-2012 Steve Chaloner
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import be.objectify.deadbolt.core.models.Subject;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import play.libs.F;
import play.mvc.*;

 * Provides some convenience methods for concrete Deadbolt actions, such as getting the correct {@link DeadboltHandler},
 * etc.  Extend this if you want to save some time if you create your own action.
 * @author Steve Chaloner (
public abstract class AbstractDeadboltAction<T> extends Action<T> {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractDeadboltAction.class);

    private static final String ACTION_AUTHORISED = "deadbolt.action-authorised";

    private static final String ACTION_UNAUTHORISED = "deadbolt.action-unauthorised";

    private static final String ACTION_DEFERRED = "deadbolt.action-deferred";
    private static final String IGNORE_DEFERRED_FLAG = "deadbolt.ignore-deferred-flag";

     * Gets the current {@link DeadboltHandler}.  This can come from one of three places:
     * - a handler key is provided in the annotation.  A cached instance of that class will be used. This has the highest priority.
     * - a class name is provided in the annotation.  A new instance of that class will be created.
     * - the global handler defined in the application.conf by deadbolt.handler.  This has the lowest priority.
     * @param handlerKey the DeadboltHandler key, if any, coming from the annotation. May be null.
     * @param deadboltHandlerClass the DeadboltHandler class, if any, coming from the annotation. May be null.
     * @param <C>                  the actual class of the DeadboltHandler
     * @return an instance of DeadboltHandler.
    protected <C extends DeadboltHandler> DeadboltHandler getDeadboltHandler(String handlerKey,
            Class<C> deadboltHandlerClass) throws Throwable {
        DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler;
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(handlerKey)) {
  "Getting Deadbolt handler with key [{}]", handlerKey);
            deadboltHandler = PluginUtils.getDeadboltHandler(handlerKey);
  "Deadbolt handler with key [{}] - found [{}]", handlerKey, deadboltHandler);

            if (deadboltHandler == null) {
                LOGGER.error("Falling back to global handler because requested handler [{}] is null", handlerKey);
                deadboltHandler = PluginUtils.getDeadboltHandler();
        } else if (deadboltHandlerClass != null && !deadboltHandlerClass.isInterface()) {
            try {
                deadboltHandler = deadboltHandlerClass.newInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error creating Deadbolt handler", e);
        } else {
            deadboltHandler = PluginUtils.getDeadboltHandler();
        return deadboltHandler;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public F.Promise<SimpleResult> call(Http.Context ctx) throws Throwable {
        F.Promise<SimpleResult> result;

        Class annClass = configuration.getClass();
        if (isDeferred(ctx)) {
            result = getDeferredAction(ctx).call(ctx);
        } else if (!ctx.args.containsKey(IGNORE_DEFERRED_FLAG) && ReflectionUtils.hasMethod(annClass, "deferred")
                && (Boolean) annClass.getMethod("deferred").invoke(configuration)) {
            defer(ctx, this);
            result =;
        } else {
            result = execute(ctx);
        return result;

     * Execute the action.
     * @param ctx the request context
     * @return the result
     * @throws Throwable if something bad happens
    public abstract F.Promise<SimpleResult> execute(Http.Context ctx) throws Throwable;

     * @param subject
     * @param roleNames
     * @return
    protected boolean checkRole(Subject subject, String[] roleNames) {
        return JavaDeadboltAnalyzer.checkRole(subject, roleNames);

     * @param subject
     * @param roleNames
     * @return
    protected boolean hasAllRoles(Subject subject, String[] roleNames) {
        return JavaDeadboltAnalyzer.hasAllRoles(subject, roleNames);

     * Wrapper for {@link DeadboltHandler#onAuthFailure} to ensure the access failure is logged.
     * @param deadboltHandler the Deadbolt handler
     * @param content         the content type hint
     * @param ctx             th request context
     * @return the result of {@link DeadboltHandler#onAuthFailure}
    protected F.Promise<SimpleResult> onAuthFailure(DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler, String content,
            Http.Context ctx) {
        LOGGER.warn(String.format("Deadbolt: Access failure on [%s]", ctx.request().uri()));

        try {
            return deadboltHandler.onAuthFailure(ctx, content);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Deadbolt: Exception when invoking onAuthFailure", e);
            return F.Promise.promise(new F.Function0<SimpleResult>() {
                public SimpleResult apply() throws Throwable {
                    return Results.internalServerError();

     * Gets the {@link be.objectify.deadbolt.core.models.Subject} from the {@link DeadboltHandler}, and logs an error if it's not present. Note that
     * at least one actions ({@link Unrestricted} does not not require a Subject to be present.
     * @param ctx             the request context
     * @param deadboltHandler the Deadbolt handler
     * @return the Subject, if any
    protected Subject getSubject(Http.Context ctx, DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler) {
        Subject subject = RequestUtils.getSubject(deadboltHandler, ctx);
        if (subject == null) {
            LOGGER.error(String.format("Access to [%s] requires a subject, but no subject is present.",

        return subject;

     * Marks the current action as authorised.  This allows method-level annotations to override controller-level annotations.
     * @param ctx the request context
    protected void markActionAsAuthorised(Http.Context ctx) {
        ctx.args.put(ACTION_AUTHORISED, true);

     * Marks the current action as unauthorised.  This allows method-level annotations to override controller-level annotations.
     * @param ctx the request context
    protected void markActionAsUnauthorised(Http.Context ctx) {
        ctx.args.put(ACTION_UNAUTHORISED, true);

     * Checks if an action is authorised.  This allows controller-level annotations to cede control to method-level annotations.
     * @param ctx the request context
     * @return true if a more-specific annotation has authorised access, otherwise false
    protected boolean isActionAuthorised(Http.Context ctx) {
        Object o = ctx.args.get(ACTION_AUTHORISED);
        return o != null && (Boolean) o;

     * Checks if an action is unauthorised.  This allows controller-level annotations to cede control to method-level annotations.
     * @param ctx the request context
     * @return true if a more-specific annotation has blocked access, otherwise false
    protected boolean isActionUnauthorised(Http.Context ctx) {
        Object o = ctx.args.get(ACTION_UNAUTHORISED);
        return o != null && (Boolean) o;

     * Defer execution until a later point.
     * @param ctx the request context
     * @param action the action to defer
    protected void defer(Http.Context ctx, AbstractDeadboltAction action) {
        if (action != null) {
  "Deferring action [%s]", this.getClass().getName()));
            ctx.args.put(ACTION_DEFERRED, action);

     * Check if there is a deferred action in the context.
     * @param ctx the request context
     * @return true iff there is a deferred action in the context
    public boolean isDeferred(Http.Context ctx) {
        return ctx.args.containsKey(ACTION_DEFERRED);

     * Get the deferred action from the context.
     * @param ctx the request context
     * @return the deferred action, or null if it doesn't exist
    public AbstractDeadboltAction getDeferredAction(Http.Context ctx) {
        AbstractDeadboltAction action = null;
        Object o = ctx.args.get(ACTION_DEFERRED);
        if (o != null) {
            action = (AbstractDeadboltAction) o;

            ctx.args.put(IGNORE_DEFERRED_FLAG, true);
        return action;