Java tutorial
/* * eID Applet Project. * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 FedICT. * Copyright (C) 2009 Frank Cornelis. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version * 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, see * */ package be.fedict.eid.applet.service.impl.handler; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.Address; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.EIdCertsData; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.EIdData; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.Gender; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.Identity; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.impl.RequestContext; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.impl.ServiceLocator; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.impl.tlv.TlvParser; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.spi.AuditService; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.spi.CertificateSecurityException; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.spi.ExpiredCertificateSecurityException; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.spi.IdentityIntegrityService; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.spi.RevokedCertificateSecurityException; import be.fedict.eid.applet.service.spi.TrustCertificateSecurityException; import be.fedict.eid.applet.shared.ErrorCode; import be.fedict.eid.applet.shared.FinishedMessage; import be.fedict.eid.applet.shared.IdentityDataMessage; /** * Message handler for the identity data message. * * @author Frank Cornelis * */ @HandlesMessage(IdentityDataMessage.class) public class IdentityDataMessageHandler implements MessageHandler<IdentityDataMessage> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(IdentityDataMessageHandler.class); public static final String IDENTITY_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid.identity"; public static final String ADDRESS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid.address"; public static final String PHOTO_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = ""; public static final String EID_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid"; public static final String EID_CERTS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid.certs"; public static final String AUTHN_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid.certs.authn"; public static final String SIGN_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid.certs.sign"; public static final String CA_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = ""; public static final String CA2_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid.certs.ca2"; /** * Please use ROOT_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE instead. */ public static final String ROOT_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBTUE = "eid.certs.root"; public static final String ROOT_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "eid.certs.root"; public static final String SKIP_NATIONAL_NUMBER_CHECK_INIT_PARAM_NAME = "SkipNationalNumberCheck"; public static final String INCLUDE_DATA_FILES = "IncludeDataFiles"; public static final String EID_DATA_IDENTITY_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = ""; public static final String EID_DATA_ADDRESS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = ""; @InitParam(SKIP_NATIONAL_NUMBER_CHECK_INIT_PARAM_NAME) private boolean skipNationalNumberCheck; @InitParam(HelloMessageHandler.IDENTITY_INTEGRITY_SERVICE_INIT_PARAM_NAME) private ServiceLocator<IdentityIntegrityService> identityIntegrityServiceLocator; @InitParam(AuthenticationDataMessageHandler.AUDIT_SERVICE_INIT_PARAM_NAME) private ServiceLocator<AuditService> auditServiceLocator; @InitParam(INCLUDE_DATA_FILES) private boolean includeDataFiles; public Object handleMessage(IdentityDataMessage message, Map<String, String> httpHeaders, HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session) throws ServletException { LOG.debug("received identity data"); LOG.debug("identity file size: " + message.idFile.length); // parse the identity files Identity identity = TlvParser.parse(message.idFile, Identity.class); // No hay Identity file en la tarjeta del Micitt identity.gender = Gender.MALE; // Por defecto a MALE RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(session); boolean includeAddress = false;//requestContext.includeAddress(); boolean includeCertificates = requestContext.includeCertificates(); //boolean includePhoto = false;requestContext.includePhoto(); /* * Check whether the answer is in-line with what we expected. */ Address address; if (null != message.addressFile) { LOG.debug("address file size: " + message.addressFile.length); if (false == includeAddress) { throw new ServletException("Address included while not requested"); } /* * Address file can be null. */ address = TlvParser.parse(message.addressFile, Address.class); } else { if (true == includeAddress) { throw new ServletException("Address not included while requested"); } address = null; } X509Certificate authnCert = null; X509Certificate signCert = null; X509Certificate caCert = null; X509Certificate ca2Cert = null; X509Certificate rootCert = null; if (includeCertificates) { if (null == message.authnCertFile) { throw new ServletException("authn cert not included while requested"); } if (null == message.signCertFile) { throw new ServletException("sign cert not included while requested"); } if (null == message.caCertFile) { throw new ServletException("CA cert not included while requested"); } if (null == message.rrnCertFile) { throw new ServletException("CA2 cert not included while requested"); } if (null == message.rootCertFile) { throw new ServletException("root cert not included while requested"); } authnCert = getCertificate(message.authnCertFile); signCert = getCertificate(message.signCertFile); caCert = getCertificate(message.caCertFile); ca2Cert = getCertificate(message.rrnCertFile); rootCert = getCertificate(message.rootCertFile); } /*IdentityIntegrityService identityIntegrityService = this.identityIntegrityServiceLocator .locateService(); if (null != identityIntegrityService) { //First check if all required identity data is available. if (null == message.identitySignatureFile) { throw new ServletException( "identity signature data not included while request"); } LOG.debug("identity signature file size: " + message.identitySignatureFile.length); if (includeAddress) { if (null == message.addressSignatureFile) { throw new ServletException( "address signature data not included while requested"); } LOG.debug("address signature file size: " + message.addressSignatureFile.length); } if (null == message.rrnCertFile) { throw new ServletException( "national registry certificate not included while requested"); } LOG.debug("RRN certificate file size: " + message.rrnCertFile.length); //* Run identity integrity checks. X509Certificate rrnCertificate = getCertificate(message.rrnCertFile); PublicKey rrnPublicKey = rrnCertificate.getPublicKey(); verifySignature(rrnCertificate.getSigAlgName(), message.identitySignatureFile, rrnPublicKey, request, message.idFile); if (false == this.skipNationalNumberCheck) { String authnUserId = (String) session .getAttribute(AuthenticationDataMessageHandler.AUTHENTICATED_USER_IDENTIFIER_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE); if (null != authnUserId) { if (false == authnUserId.equals(identity.nationalNumber)) { throw new ServletException("national number mismatch"); } } } if (includeAddress) { byte[] addressFile = trimRight(message.addressFile); verifySignature(rrnCertificate.getSigAlgName(), message.addressSignatureFile, rrnPublicKey, request, addressFile, message.identitySignatureFile); } LOG.debug("checking national registration certificate: " + rrnCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal()); X509Certificate rootCertificate = getCertificate(message.rootCertFile); List<X509Certificate> rrnCertificateChain = new LinkedList<X509Certificate>(); rrnCertificateChain.add(rrnCertificate); rrnCertificateChain.add(rootCertificate); try { identityIntegrityService .checkNationalRegistrationCertificate(rrnCertificateChain); } catch (ExpiredCertificateSecurityException e) { return new FinishedMessage(ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED); } catch (RevokedCertificateSecurityException e) { return new FinishedMessage(ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_REVOKED); } catch (TrustCertificateSecurityException e) { return new FinishedMessage(ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_NOT_TRUSTED); } catch (CertificateSecurityException e) { return new FinishedMessage(ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE); } catch (Exception e) { if ("javax.ejb.EJBException".equals(e.getClass().getName())) { Exception exception; try { Method getCausedByExceptionMethod = e.getClass() .getMethod("getCausedByException", new Class[] {}); exception = (Exception) getCausedByExceptionMethod .invoke(e, new Object[] {}); } catch (Exception e2) { LOG.debug("error: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new SecurityException( "error retrieving the root cause: " + e2.getMessage()); } if (exception instanceof ExpiredCertificateSecurityException) { return new FinishedMessage( ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED); } if (exception instanceof RevokedCertificateSecurityException) { return new FinishedMessage( ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_REVOKED); } if (exception instanceof TrustCertificateSecurityException) { return new FinishedMessage( ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_NOT_TRUSTED); } if (exception instanceof CertificateSecurityException) { return new FinishedMessage(ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE); } } throw new SecurityException( "error checking the NRN certificate: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (null != message.photoFile) { LOG.debug("photo file size: " + message.photoFile.length); if (false == includePhoto) { throw new ServletException("photo include while not requested"); } //* Photo integrity check. byte[] expectedPhotoDigest = identity.photoDigest; byte[] actualPhotoDigest = digestPhoto( getDigestAlgo(expectedPhotoDigest.length), message.photoFile); if (false == Arrays.equals(expectedPhotoDigest, actualPhotoDigest)) { throw new ServletException("photo digest incorrect"); } } else { if (true == includePhoto) { throw new ServletException("photo not included while requested"); } } //* Check the validity of the identity data as good as possible. GregorianCalendar cardValidityDateEndGregorianCalendar = identity .getCardValidityDateEnd(); if (null != cardValidityDateEndGregorianCalendar) { Date now = new Date(); Date cardValidityDateEndDate = cardValidityDateEndGregorianCalendar .getTime(); if (now.after(cardValidityDateEndDate)) { LOG.debug("eID card has expired - NOT IMPLEMENTED IDENTITY PROCESSING "); //throw new SecurityException("eID card has expired"); } }*/ // push the identity into the session session.setAttribute(IDENTITY_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, identity); if (null != address) { session.setAttribute(ADDRESS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, address); } if (null != message.photoFile) { session.setAttribute(PHOTO_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, message.photoFile); } if (includeCertificates) { session.setAttribute(AUTHN_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, authnCert); session.setAttribute(SIGN_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, signCert); session.setAttribute(CA_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, caCert); session.setAttribute(CA2_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, ca2Cert); session.setAttribute(ROOT_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, rootCert); } EIdData eidData = (EIdData) session.getAttribute(EID_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE); if (null == eidData) { eidData = new EIdData(); session.setAttribute(EID_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, eidData); } eidData.identity = identity; eidData.address = address; = message.photoFile; if (includeCertificates) { EIdCertsData eidCertsData = new EIdCertsData(); session.setAttribute(EID_CERTS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, eidCertsData); eidData.certs = eidCertsData; eidCertsData.authn = authnCert; eidCertsData.sign = signCert; = caCert; //eidCertsData.ca2 = ca2Cert; //TODO Extender EIdCertsData para soportar CA2 certificate data eidCertsData.root = rootCert; session.setAttribute(AUTHN_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, authnCert); session.setAttribute(SIGN_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, signCert); session.setAttribute(CA_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, caCert); session.setAttribute(CA2_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, ca2Cert); session.setAttribute(ROOT_CERT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, rootCert); } if (this.includeDataFiles) { session.setAttribute(EID_DATA_IDENTITY_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, message.idFile); session.setAttribute(EID_DATA_ADDRESS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, message.addressFile); } /*AuditService auditService = this.auditServiceLocator.locateService(); if (null != auditService) { String userId = identity.nationalNumber; auditService.identified(userId); }*/ return new FinishedMessage(); } private byte[] trimRight(byte[] addressFile) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < addressFile.length; idx++) { if (0 == addressFile[idx]) { break; } } byte[] result = new byte[idx]; System.arraycopy(addressFile, 0, result, 0, idx); return result; } private void verifySignature(String signAlgo, byte[] signatureData, PublicKey publicKey, HttpServletRequest request, byte[]... data) throws ServletException { Signature signature; try { signature = Signature.getInstance(signAlgo); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new ServletException("algo error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { signature.initVerify(publicKey); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new ServletException("key error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { for (byte[] dataItem : data) { signature.update(dataItem); } boolean result = signature.verify(signatureData); if (false == result) { AuditService auditService = this.auditServiceLocator.locateService(); if (null != auditService) { String remoteAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); auditService.identityIntegrityError(remoteAddress); } throw new ServletException("signature incorrect"); } } catch (SignatureException e) { AuditService auditService = this.auditServiceLocator.locateService(); if (null != auditService) { String remoteAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); auditService.identityIntegrityError(remoteAddress); } throw new ServletException("signature error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Tries to parse the X509 certificate. * * @param certFile * @return the X509 certificate, or <code>null</code> in case of a DER * decoding error. */ private X509Certificate getCertificate(byte[] certFile) { try { CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509"); X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certFile)); return certificate; } catch (CertificateException e) { LOG.warn("certificate error: " + e.getMessage(), e); LOG.debug("certificate size: " + certFile.length); LOG.debug("certificate file content: " + Hex.encodeHexString(certFile)); /* * Missing eID authentication and eID non-repudiation certificates * could become possible for future eID cards. A missing certificate * is represented as a block of 1300 null bytes. */ if (1300 == certFile.length) { boolean missingCertificate = true; for (int idx = 0; idx < certFile.length; idx++) { if (0 != certFile[idx]) { missingCertificate = false; } } if (missingCertificate) { LOG.debug("the certificate data indicates a missing certificate"); } } return null; } } private byte[] digestPhoto(String digestAlgoName, byte[] photoFile) { MessageDigest messageDigest; try { messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestAlgoName); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException("digest error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } byte[] photoDigest = messageDigest.digest(photoFile); return photoDigest; } private String getDigestAlgo(final int hashSize) throws RuntimeException { switch (hashSize) { case 20: return "SHA-1"; case 28: return "SHA-224"; case 32: return "SHA-256"; case 48: return "SHA-384"; case 64: return "SHA-512"; } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find guess algorithm for hash size of " + hashSize + " bytes"); } public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { // empty } }