Java tutorial
/** * Calculon - A Java chess-engine. * <p/> * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Barry Smith * <p/> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p/> * * <p/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package barrysw19.calculon.icc; import barrysw19.calculon.notation.PGNUtils; import barrysw19.calculon.engine.BitBoard; import barrysw19.calculon.engine.ChessEngine; import barrysw19.calculon.engine.ClockStatus; import barrysw19.calculon.engine.MoveGeneratorImpl; import barrysw19.calculon.model.Piece; import barrysw19.calculon.notation.FENUtils; import barrysw19.calculon.notation.Style12; import barrysw19.calculon.opening.OpeningBook; import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import; import java.util.*; public class ICCInterface { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ICCInterface.class); private static final String TALK_RESPONSE = "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."; private static boolean shutdown = false; private static ICCSConfig iccConfig; private Socket connection; private Thread moveThread = null; private List<ConnectionListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BlockHandler> blockHandlers = new ArrayList<>(); private PrintStream out; private String opponent = null; private boolean rated = true; private boolean accept = true; private boolean alive = true; private BitBoard currentBoard; private OpeningBook openingBook; private Map<Byte, ClockStatus> clocks = new HashMap<>(); private Lv1BlockHandler lv1BlockHandler = new Lv1BlockHandler(this); private volatile int gameNumber = -1; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (System.getProperty("calculon.password") == null) { LOG.error("password must be specified."); System.exit(-1); } while (!shutdown) { try { new ICCInterface().connect(); } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("Error", x); try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (InterruptedException ix) { LOG.error("This doesn't happen", ix); } } } } private ICCInterface() { Digester digester = new Digester(); digester.addObjectCreate("calculon/icc", ICCSConfig.class); digester.addBeanPropertySetter("calculon/icc/operator-name", "operatorName"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter("calculon/icc/login-name", "loginName"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter("calculon/icc/accept-min", "acceptMin"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter("calculon/icc/accept-max", "acceptMax"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter("calculon/icc/max-rematches", "maxRematches"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter("calculon/icc/reseek", "reseek"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter("calculon/icc/formula", "formula"); digester.addObjectCreate("calculon/icc/default-seeks/seek", ICCSConfig.Seek.class); digester.addSetProperties("calculon/icc/default-seeks/seek", "time", "initialTime"); digester.addSetProperties("calculon/icc/default-seeks/seek", "inc", "increment"); digester.addSetNext("calculon/icc/default-seeks/seek", "addSeekAd"); try { iccConfig = (ICCSConfig) digester.parse(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("calculon.xml")); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Config reading failed", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } LOG.trace(iccConfig.toString()); openingBook = OpeningBook.getDefaultBook(); listeners.add(new DebugListener()); listeners.add(new ChallengeListener()); listeners.add(new BoardListener()); listeners.add(new AbortListener()); listeners.add(new CommandListener()); listeners.add(new ReseekListener()); listeners.add(new ChatListener()); listeners.add(new BlockLv2Listener()); blockHandlers.add(new GameStartedHandler()); blockHandlers.add(new GameEndedHandler()); blockHandlers.add(new ClockUpdateHandler()); } public void connect() throws IOException { connection = new Socket("", 23); doLogin(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); out = new PrintStream(connection.getOutputStream()); send("set level1 1"); send("set style 12"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(iccConfig.getFormula())) { send("set formula " + iccConfig.getFormula()); } receiveLevel2(DgCommand.DG_MY_GAME_STARTED, DgCommand.DG_MY_GAME_RESULT, DgCommand.DG_SEND_MOVES, DgCommand.DG_MOVE_ALGEBRAIC, DgCommand.DG_MOVE_SMITH, DgCommand.DG_MOVE_TIME, DgCommand.DG_MOVE_CLOCK, DgCommand.DG_MSEC); setStatus(); if (iccConfig.isReseek()) { reseek(); } Runnable keepAlive = () -> { while (alive) { send("games *r-e-B-o-M-f-K-w-L-d-z"); try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (InterruptedException x) { // Ignore } } }; Thread keepAliveThread = new Thread(keepAlive); keepAliveThread.setDaemon(true); keepAliveThread.start(); StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); int c; try { while ((c = != -1) { lv1BlockHandler.add((char) c); // Ignore CTRL-M, CTRL-G if (c == ('M' & 0x1F) || c == ('G' & 0x1F)) { continue; } line.append((char) c); if (c == '\n') { fireDataReceived(line.toString()); line.setLength(0); continue; } if (line.length() >= 2 && line.charAt(line.length() - 2) == ('Y' & 0x1F) && line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == ']') { fireDataReceived(line.toString()); line.setLength(0); } } } finally { alive = false; try { reader.close(); out.close(); } catch (Exception x) { // ignore } } } private void receiveLevel2(DgCommand... dgCommands) { for (DgCommand dgCommand : dgCommands) { send("set-2 " + String.valueOf(dgCommand.getCommandNumber()) + " 1"); } } private void fireDataReceived(String s) { for (ConnectionListener listener : listeners) { try { listener.message(s); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Handler " + listener + " threw exception", e); } } } private void doLogin() throws IOException { int c; String sLogin = "login: "; int sptr = 0; while ((c = connection.getInputStream().read()) != -1) { if (c == sLogin.charAt(sptr)) { sptr++; if (sptr == sLogin.length()) { LOG.debug("Sending login name"); connection.getOutputStream().write((iccConfig.getLoginName() + "\n").getBytes()); break; } } else { sptr = 0; } } sLogin = "password: "; sptr = 0; while ((c = connection.getInputStream().read()) != -1) { if (c == sLogin.charAt(sptr)) { sptr++; if (sptr == sLogin.length()) { LOG.debug("Sending password"); connection.getOutputStream().write((System.getProperty("calculon.password") + "\n").getBytes()); break; } } else { sptr = 0; } } } private void reseek() { send("resume"); Runnable seeker = () -> { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(15000); } catch (InterruptedException x) { // ignore } if (gameNumber != -1) { return; } send("resume"); } for (ICCSConfig.Seek seek : iccConfig.getSeekAds()) { send(seek.getCommand()); } }; new Thread(seeker).start(); } public synchronized void send(String s) { LOG.debug(">>> {}", s); out.println(s); } private void tellOp(String s) { send("tell " + iccConfig.getOperatorName() + " " + s); } private void setStatus() { if (shutdown) { send("set 9 Current Status: Shutting down."); } else if (iccConfig.isReseek()) { send("set 9 Current Status: Auto (accept " + (accept ? "on" : "off") + ")."); } else { send("set 9 Current Status: Manual (accept " + (accept ? "on" : "off") + ")."); } } private interface ConnectionListener { void message(String s); } private interface BlockHandler { void processBlock(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock); boolean accept(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock); } private class DebugListener implements ConnectionListener { public void message(String s) { LOG.debug("<<< {}", s); } } private class ReseekListener implements ConnectionListener { public void message(String s) { } } private class ChallengeListener implements ConnectionListener { // e.g. Challenge: BarryNL (2029) CalculonX (2000) rated Blitz 5 0 public void message(String s) { if (s.startsWith("Challenge: ") && !accept) { send("decline"); return; } if (s.startsWith("Challenge: ") && s.contains(" (adjourned)")) { LOG.debug("Accepting adjourned game."); send("accept"); return; } if (s.startsWith("Challenge: ") && accept) { String[] args = StringUtils.split(s); int gameLength = Integer.parseInt(args[args.length - 2]) * 60 + Integer.parseInt(args[args.length - 1]) * 40; if ("rated".equals(args[args.length - 4]) && gameLength >= iccConfig.getAcceptMin() && gameLength <= iccConfig.getAcceptMax()) { LOG.debug("Accepting: '{}' {}s", s, gameLength); send("accept"); } else { LOG.debug("Rejecting: '{}' {}s", s, gameLength); send("decline"); } return; } if (s.startsWith("Creating: ")) {"Starting game: '" + s + "'"); List<String> fields = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(s)); boolean playingWhite = iccConfig.getLoginName().equals(fields.get(1)); opponent = playingWhite ? fields.get(3) : fields.get(1); rated = "rated".equals(fields.get(5)); send("finger " + opponent); } } } private class AbortListener implements ConnectionListener { public void message(String s) { if (opponent != null && s.startsWith(opponent + " would like to abort the game;") && !rated) { send("abort"); } } } private class ChatListener implements ConnectionListener { public void message(String s) { if (s.startsWith(iccConfig.getOperatorName() + " ")) { return; } String[] fields = StringUtils.split(s); if (fields.length >= 3 && "tells".equals(fields[1]) && "you:".equals(fields[2])) { send("tell " + fields[0] + " " + TALK_RESPONSE); saveChat(s); } if (fields.length >= 3 && "says:".equals(fields[1])) { send("say " + TALK_RESPONSE); saveChat(s); } } } private static void saveChat(String s) { try { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("c:/Development/chatlog.txt", true)); pw.println(s); pw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error writing chatlog", e); } } private class CommandListener implements ConnectionListener { public void message(String s) { if (!s.startsWith(iccConfig.getOperatorName() + " tells you: ")) { return; } List<String> words = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(s)); if (words.size() < 4) { return; } if ("do".equals(words.get(3))) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 4; i < words.size(); i++) { buf.append(words.get(i)).append(" "); } send(buf.toString().trim()); tellOp("sent '" + buf.toString().trim() + "'."); } if ("shutdown".equals(words.get(3))) { tellOp("Will shutdown after current game."); shutdown = true; iccConfig.setReseek(false); accept = false; setStatus(); } if ("accept".equals(words.get(3))) { if (words.size() > 4 && "on".equals(words.get(4))) { accept = true; shutdown = false; } else { accept = false; } tellOp("accept " + (accept ? "on" : "off")); setStatus(); } if (words.size() > 4 && "reseek".equals(words.get(3))) { if ("on".equals(words.get(4))) { iccConfig.setReseek(true); shutdown = false; } else { iccConfig.setReseek(false); } tellOp("reseek " + (iccConfig.isReseek() ? "on" : "off")); setStatus(); } } } /** * This method listens for board status messages broadcast when each move is made, or a game starts, * and makes a move when it's my turn. */ private class BoardListener implements ConnectionListener { public void message(String s) { if (!s.startsWith("<12> ")) { return; } final Style12 style12 = new Style12(s); if (!style12.isMyGame()) { return; } gameNumber = style12.getGameNumber(); opponent = style12.getOpponentName(); if (style12.isInitialPosition()) { LOG.debug("Creating new board for new game"); currentBoard = new BitBoard().initialise(); } if (!(style12.getMyRelationToGame() == Style12.REL_ME_TO_MOVE)) { return; } if (style12.isFlagged()) { gameNumber = -1; currentBoard = null; return; } if (style12.getHalfMoveCount() >= 100) {"Claiming draw by 50-move rule"); send("draw"); return; } if (currentBoard != null && !"none".equals(style12.getPreviousMovePGN())) { try { String applyMove = PGNUtils.toPgnMoveMap(currentBoard).get(style12.getPreviousMovePGN()); if (applyMove != null) { currentBoard.makeMove(currentBoard.getMove(applyMove)); } else { LOG.warn(String.format("Out of sync board: move %s not possible: %s", style12.getPreviousMovePGN(), FENUtils.generate(currentBoard))); currentBoard = style12.getBoard(); } } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("Apply move failed", x); } } if (currentBoard == null || !currentBoard.equalPosition(style12.getBoard())) { LOG.warn("Out of sync board detected - resetting! " + (currentBoard == null ? "" : FENUtils.generate(currentBoard)) + " ||| " + FENUtils.generate(style12.getBoard())); currentBoard = style12.getBoard(); } if (currentBoard.getRepeatedCount() >= 3) {"Claiming draw by 3-fold repitition (opp move)"); send("draw"); return; } String bookMove = openingBook.getBookMove(currentBoard); if (bookMove != null) { PGNUtils.applyMove(currentBoard, bookMove); send(bookMove); LOG.debug("Using book move: " + bookMove); return; } if (!new MoveGeneratorImpl(currentBoard).hasNext()) { LOG.debug("Looks like that game is over!"); return; } Runnable moveMaker = () -> { BitBoard myBoard = currentBoard; ChessEngine engine = new ChessEngine(); myBoard.getPlayer(); ClockStatus clockStatus = clocks.get(myBoard.getPlayer()); if (clockStatus != null) { int moveTime = clockStatus.getSecondsForMoves(20) / 20; int maxNow = (int) (clockStatus.getMsec() / 1000); moveTime = Math.min(moveTime, maxNow); engine.setTargetTime(Math.max(1, moveTime));"Set clock " + moveTime); } else { LOG.error("No clock status"); } String bestMove = engine.getPreferredMove(myBoard); if (bestMove != null) { if (gameNumber != -1) {"Moving: " + PGNUtils.translateMove(myBoard, bestMove)); if (currentBoard != null) { currentBoard.makeMove(currentBoard.getMove(bestMove)); } send(bestMove.toLowerCase()); if (currentBoard.getRepeatedCount() >= 3) {"Claiming draw by 3-fold repitition (my move)"); send("draw"); } } else {"Game not active - move aborted"); } } moveThread = null; }; moveThread = new Thread(moveMaker); moveThread.start(); } } private class BlockLv2Listener implements ConnectionListener { private StringBuffer currentBlock = new StringBuffer(); public void message(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == ('Y' & 0x1F) && s.charAt(i + 1) == '(') { currentBlock.setLength(0); } currentBlock.append(s.charAt(i)); if (s.charAt(i) == ')' && s.charAt(i - 1) == ('Y' & 0x1F)) { for (ResponseBlockLv2 block : parseBlockResponseLv2(currentBlock.toString())) { LOG.debug("LV2: {}", block); -> handler.accept(block)) .forEach(handler -> handler.processBlock(block)); } } } currentBlock.append("\n"); } } private List<ResponseBlockLv2> parseBlockResponseLv2(String lvl2String) { List<ResponseBlockLv2> rv = new ArrayList<>(); Stack<StringBuffer> allBlocks = new Stack<>(); for (int i = 0; i < lvl2String.length(); i++) { if (lvl2String.charAt(i) == ('Y' & 0x1F) && lvl2String.charAt(i + 1) == '(') { allBlocks.push(new StringBuffer()); i++; continue; } if (lvl2String.charAt(i) == ('Y' & 0x1F) && lvl2String.charAt(i + 1) == ')') { rv.add(ResponseBlockLv2.createResponseBlock(allBlocks.pop().toString())); i++; continue; } allBlocks.peek().append(lvl2String.charAt(i)); } LOG.debug(String.valueOf(rv)); return rv; } // Level 2 style block handlers private class ClockUpdateHandler implements BlockHandler { @Override public boolean accept(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock) { return responseBlock.getCommand() == DgCommand.DG_MSEC && Integer.parseInt(responseBlock.tokenize()[1]) == gameNumber; } @Override public void processBlock(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock) { Lv2TimeUpdate timeUpdate = new Lv2TimeUpdate(responseBlock); ClockStatus clockStatus = clocks.get(timeUpdate.getColor()); clockStatus.setMsec(timeUpdate.getMsec()); LOG.debug("Clock Set: " + clockStatus); } } private class GameStartedHandler implements BlockHandler { @Override public boolean accept(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock) { return responseBlock.getCommand() == DgCommand.DG_MY_GAME_STARTED; } @Override public void processBlock(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock) { Lv2MyGameStarted lv2MyGameStarted = new Lv2MyGameStarted(responseBlock); clocks.put(Piece.WHITE, new ClockStatus()); clocks.put(Piece.BLACK, new ClockStatus()); clocks.get(Piece.WHITE).setInitialMinutes(lv2MyGameStarted.getInitialTime(Piece.WHITE)); clocks.get(Piece.WHITE).setSecondIncrement(lv2MyGameStarted.getIncrement(Piece.WHITE)); clocks.get(Piece.BLACK).setInitialMinutes(lv2MyGameStarted.getInitialTime(Piece.BLACK)); clocks.get(Piece.BLACK).setSecondIncrement(lv2MyGameStarted.getIncrement(Piece.BLACK));"Game starts:" + clocks); } } private class GameEndedHandler implements BlockHandler { @Override public boolean accept(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock) { return responseBlock.getCommand() == DgCommand.DG_MY_GAME_RESULT; } @Override public void processBlock(ResponseBlockLv2 responseBlock) { LOG.trace("Game ends: [" + responseBlock.getData() + "]"); currentBoard = null; gameNumber = -1; opponent = null; while (moveThread != null && moveThread.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException x) { // Ignore } } if (shutdown) { send("quit"); } else if (iccConfig.isReseek()) { reseek(); } } } }