Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Tim Vaughan <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package bacter.model; import bacter.CFEventList; import bacter.Conversion; import bacter.ConversionGraph; import bacter.Locus; import beast.core.Description; import beast.core.Input; import beast.core.State; import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter; import beast.evolution.tree.TreeDistribution; import beast.evolution.tree.coalescent.PopulationFunction; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.PoissonDistributionImpl; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; /** * @author Tim Vaughan <> */ @Description("Appoximation to the coalescent with gene conversion.") public class ACGCoalescent extends TreeDistribution { public Input<PopulationFunction> popFuncInput = new Input<>("populationModel", "Population model.", Input.Validate.REQUIRED); public Input<RealParameter> rhoInput = new Input<>("rho", "Recombination rate parameter.", Input.Validate.REQUIRED); public Input<RealParameter> deltaInput = new Input<>("delta", "Tract length parameter.", Input.Validate.REQUIRED); public Input<Integer> lowerCCBoundInput = new Input<>("lowerConvCountBound", "Lower bound on conversion count.", 0); public Input<Integer> upperCCBoundInput = new Input<>("upperConvCountBound", "Upper bound on conversion count.", Integer.MAX_VALUE); // WARNING: The presence of the following input is a hack. This value is // not directly used by BEAST, but is instead copied via a custom BEAUti // connector to the similarly-named input to ConversionGraph. // // The reason for this ugliness is that BEAUti does not allow users to // alter inputs to Trees. (The Tree input editor is used to set tip dates.) public Input<Boolean> wholeLocusConversionsInput = new Input<>("wholeLocusConversionsOnly", "Only allow whole loci to be converted.", false); ConversionGraph acg; PopulationFunction popFunc; public ACGCoalescent() { treeInput.setRule(Input.Validate.REQUIRED); } @Override public void initAndValidate() { if (!(treeInput.get() instanceof ConversionGraph)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tree input to ACGCoalescent " + "must specify a ConversionGraph."); if (treeIntervalsInput.get() != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ACGCoalescent does not accept " + "the treeIntervals input."); acg = (ConversionGraph) treeInput.get(); popFunc = popFuncInput.get(); } @Override public double calculateLogP() { // Check whether conversion count exceeds bounds. if (acg.getTotalConvCount() < lowerCCBoundInput.get() || acg.getTotalConvCount() > upperCCBoundInput.get()) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; logP = calculateClonalFrameLogP(); double poissonMean = rhoInput.get().getValue() * acg.getClonalFrameLength() * (acg.getTotalConvertibleSequenceLength() + acg.getConvertibleLoci().size() * (deltaInput.get().getValue() - 1.0)); // Probability of conversion count: if (poissonMean > 0.0) { logP += -poissonMean + acg.getTotalConvCount() * Math.log(poissonMean); // - GammaFunction.lnGamma(acg.getConvCount()+1); } else { if (acg.getTotalConvCount() > 0) logP = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } for (Locus locus : acg.getConvertibleLoci()) for (Conversion conv : acg.getConversions(locus)) logP += calculateConversionLogP(conv); // This N! takes into account the permutation invariance of // the individual conversions, and cancels with the N! in the // denominator of the Poissonian above. // logP += GammaFunction.lnGamma(acg.getConvCount() + 1); if (lowerCCBoundInput.get() > 0 || upperCCBoundInput.get() < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { try { logP -= new PoissonDistributionImpl(poissonMean).cumulativeProbability(lowerCCBoundInput.get(), upperCCBoundInput.get()); } catch (MathException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error computing modification to ARG " + "prior density required by conversion number constraint."); } } return logP; } /** * Compute probability of clonal frame under coalescent. * * @return log(P) */ public double calculateClonalFrameLogP() { List<CFEventList.Event> events = acg.getCFEvents(); double thisLogP = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < events.size() - 1; i++) { double timeA = events.get(i).getHeight(); double timeB = events.get(i + 1).getHeight(); double intervalArea = popFunc.getIntegral(timeA, timeB); int k = events.get(i).getLineageCount(); thisLogP += -0.5 * k * (k - 1) * intervalArea; if (events.get(i + 1).getType() == CFEventList.EventType.COALESCENCE) thisLogP += Math.log(1.0 / popFunc.getPopSize(timeB)); } return thisLogP; } /** * Compute probability of recombinant edges under conditional coalescent. * @param conv conversion with which edge is associated * @return log(P) */ public double calculateConversionLogP(Conversion conv) { double thisLogP = 0.0; List<CFEventList.Event> events = acg.getCFEvents(); // Probability density of location of recombinant edge start thisLogP += Math.log(1.0 / acg.getClonalFrameLength()); // Identify interval containing the start of the recombinant edge int startIdx = 0; while (events.get(startIdx + 1).getHeight() < conv.getHeight1()) startIdx += 1; for (int i = startIdx; i < events.size() && events.get(i).getHeight() < conv.getHeight2(); i++) { double timeA = Math.max(events.get(i).getHeight(), conv.getHeight1()); double timeB; if (i < events.size() - 1) timeB = Math.min(conv.getHeight2(), events.get(i + 1).getHeight()); else timeB = conv.getHeight2(); double intervalArea = popFunc.getIntegral(timeA, timeB); thisLogP += -events.get(i).getLineageCount() * intervalArea; } // Probability of single coalescence event thisLogP += Math.log(1.0 / popFunc.getPopSize(conv.getHeight2())); // Probability of start site: if (conv.getStartSite() == 0) { thisLogP += Math.log(deltaInput.get().getValue() / (acg.getConvertibleLoci().size() * (deltaInput.get().getValue() - 1) + acg.getTotalConvertibleSequenceLength())); } else { if (!acg.wholeLocusModeOn()) thisLogP += Math.log(1.0 / (acg.getConvertibleLoci().size() * (deltaInput.get().getValue() - 1) + acg.getTotalConvertibleSequenceLength())); else return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } // Probability of end site: if (conv.getEndSite() == conv.getLocus().getSiteCount() - 1) { thisLogP += (conv.getLocus().getSiteCount() - 1 - conv.getStartSite()) * Math.log(1.0 - 1.0 / deltaInput.get().getValue()); } else { if (!acg.wholeLocusModeOn()) thisLogP += (conv.getEndSite() - conv.getStartSite()) * Math.log(1.0 - 1.0 / deltaInput.get().getValue()) - Math.log(deltaInput.get().getValue()); else return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } return thisLogP; } @Override protected boolean requiresRecalculation() { return true; } @Override public List<String> getArguments() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public List<String> getConditions() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public void sample(State state, Random random) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }