Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2011 Atlas of Living Australia * All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.FloatRange; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange; import; import; import; /** * Encapsulates the way the various bits of data in the items file * are stored and accessed. * It does not support random access - it primarily supports the use case * of CONFOR creating the intkey characters file. */ public class WriteOnceIntkeyItemsFile extends BinaryKeyFile { public static final int CONFOR_INT_MAX = (int) Math.pow(2, 29); private ItemsFileHeader _header; public WriteOnceIntkeyItemsFile(int numCharacters, int numItems, String fileName, BinFileMode mode) { super(fileName, mode); createHeader(numCharacters, numItems); } public void createHeader(int numCharacters, int numItems) { nextAvailableRecord(); _header = new ItemsFileHeader(); _header.setLRec(RECORD_LENGTH_INTEGERS); _header.setNItem(numItems); _header.setNChar(numCharacters); _header.setMajorVer(DATASET_MAJOR_VERSION); _header.setMinorVer(DATASET_MINOR_VERSION); _header.setMaxInt(IntkeyItemsFileWriter.INTEGER_RANGE_MAX_THRESHOLD); // This is done to allocate the first record to the header. // For binary compatibility with CONFOR we only write the first half // now. writeToRecord(1, _header.toInts().subList(0, RECORD_LENGTH_INTEGERS)); } public void writeHeader() { int part2 = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpNext(part2); List<Integer> header = _header.toInts(); overwriteRecord(1, header.subList(0, RECORD_LENGTH_INTEGERS)); List<Integer> headerPart2 = header.subList(RECORD_LENGTH_INTEGERS, header.size()); writeToRecord(part2, headerPart2); } public void writeItemDescriptions(List<String> descriptions) { checkItemListLength(descriptions); checkEmpty(_header.getRpTnam()); int startRecord = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpTnam(startRecord); writeStringsWithOffsetsToRecord(startRecord, descriptions); } public void writeCharacterSpecs(List<Integer> characterTypes, List<Integer> numStates, int maxStates, List<Float> characterReliabilities) { checkCharacterListLength(characterTypes); checkCharacterListLength(numStates); checkCharacterListLength(characterReliabilities); checkEmpty(_header.getRpSpec()); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpSpec(record); _header.setMs(maxStates); record += writeToRecord(record, characterTypes); record += writeToRecord(record, numStates); writeFloatsToRecord(record, characterReliabilities); } public void changeCharacterType(int characterNumber, int newType) { int record = _header.getRpSpec(); List<Integer> charTypes = readIntegerList(record, _header.getNChar()); charTypes.set(characterNumber - 1, newType); overwriteRecord(record, charTypes); } public void writeMinMaxValues(List<IntRange> minMaxValues) { checkCharacterListLength(minMaxValues); checkEmpty(_header.getRpMini()); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpMini(record); List<Integer> minValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> maxValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (IntRange range : minMaxValues) { minValues.add(range.getMinimumInteger()); if (range.getMaximumInteger() == CONFOR_INT_MAX) { maxValues.add(-CONFOR_INT_MAX); } else { maxValues.add(range.getMaximumInteger()); } } record += writeToRecord(record, minValues); record += writeToRecord(record, maxValues); } public void writeCharacterDependencies(List<Integer> dependencyData, List<Integer> invertedDependencyData) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpCdep()); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpCdep(record); _header.setLDep(dependencyData.size()); record += writeToRecord(record, dependencyData); _header.setRpInvdep(record); _header.setLinvdep(invertedDependencyData.size()); writeToRecord(record, invertedDependencyData); } public void writeAttributeBits(int charNumber, List<BitSet> attributes, int numBits) { int record = updateCharacterIndex(charNumber); // Merge the list into a single BitSet. BitSet master = new BitSet(); int offset = 0; for (BitSet set : attributes) { for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++) { if (set.get(i)) { master.set(i + offset); } } offset += numBits; } List<Integer> values = bitSetToInts(master, numBits * attributes.size()); writeToRecord(record, values); } private int[] _attributeIndex = null; private int updateCharacterIndex(int charNumber) { int next = 0; if (_attributeIndex == null) { _attributeIndex = new int[_header.getNChar()]; Arrays.fill(_attributeIndex, 0); } next = nextAvailableRecord(); _attributeIndex[charNumber - 1] = next; return next; } public void writeAttributeIndex() { checkEmpty(_header.getRpCdat()); int indexRecord = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpCdat(indexRecord); writeToRecord(indexRecord, _attributeIndex); } private int[] _keyStateBoundariesIndex; public void writeAttributeFloats(int charNumber, BitSet inapplicableBits, List<FloatRange> values, List<Float> keyStateBoundaries) { int record = updateCharacterIndex(charNumber); List<Integer> inapplicable = bitSetToInts(inapplicableBits, _header.getNItem()); record += writeToRecord(record, inapplicable); List<Float> floats = new ArrayList<Float>(); for (FloatRange range : values) { // Special cases, Float.MAX_VALUE indicates coded unknown. // -Float.MIN_VALUE indicates uncoded unknown if (range.getMinimumFloat() == Float.MAX_VALUE) { // These somewhat strange values are for CONFOR compatibility floats.add((float) CONFOR_INT_MAX); floats.add(-(float) CONFOR_INT_MAX); } else if (range.getMaximumFloat() == -Float.MAX_VALUE) { floats.add(1f); floats.add(0f); } else { floats.add(range.getMinimumFloat()); floats.add(range.getMaximumFloat()); } } writeFloatsToRecord(record, floats); int recordNum = nextAvailableRecord(); writeToRecord(recordNum, keyStateBoundaries.size()); writeFloatsToRecord(recordNum + 1, keyStateBoundaries); if (_keyStateBoundariesIndex == null) { _keyStateBoundariesIndex = new int[_header.getNChar()]; Arrays.fill(_keyStateBoundariesIndex, 0); } _keyStateBoundariesIndex[charNumber - 1] = recordNum; _header.setLSbnd(_header.getLSbnd() + keyStateBoundaries.size()); _header.setLkstat(Math.max(_header.getLkstat(), keyStateBoundaries.size())); } public void writeAttributeStrings(int charNumber, BitSet inapplicableBits, List<String> values) { int record = updateCharacterIndex(charNumber); List<Integer> inapplicable = bitSetToInts(inapplicableBits, _header.getNItem()); record += writeToRecord(record, inapplicable); int maxSingle = 0; int total = 0; for (String value : values) { total += value.length(); maxSingle = Math.max(maxSingle, value.length()); } _header.setMaxSingleText(Math.max(maxSingle, _header.getMaxSingleText())); _header.setTotalText(total + _header.getTotalText()); writeStringsWithOffsetsToRecord(record, values); } public void writeKeyStateBoundariesIndex() { checkEmpty(_header.getRpNkbd()); if (_keyStateBoundariesIndex != null) { int indexRecord = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpNkbd(indexRecord); writeToRecord(indexRecord, _keyStateBoundariesIndex); } } public void writeTaxonImages(List<String> images) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpTimages()); checkItemListLength(images); int indexRecord = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpTimages(indexRecord); writeIndexedValues(indexRecord, images.toArray(new String[images.size()])); } public void writeEnableDeltaOutput(boolean enable) { int checkSum = 0; if (enable) { List<Integer> charTypes = readIntegerList(_header.getRpSpec(), _header.getNChar()); for (int type : charTypes) { checkSum += type; } } _header.setEnableDeltaOutput(checkSum); } public void writeChineseFormat(boolean chineseFormat) { _header.setChineseFmt(toInt(chineseFormat)); } public void writeCharacterSynonymy(List<Boolean> synonomy) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpCsynon()); checkCharacterListLength(synonomy); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpCsynon(record); writeBooleansToRecord(record, synonomy); } public void writeOmitOr(List<Boolean> omitOr) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpOmitOr()); checkCharacterListLength(omitOr); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpOmitOr(record); writeBooleansToRecord(record, omitOr); } public void writeUseControllingFirst(Set<Integer> useControllingChars) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpUseCc()); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpUseCc(record); writeAsBooleans(useControllingChars, record); } private void writeAsBooleans(Set<Integer> useControllingChars, int record) { List<Boolean> values = new ArrayList<Boolean>(_header.getNChar()); for (int i = 0; i < _header.getNChar(); i++) { values.add(useControllingChars.contains(i + 1)); } writeBooleansToRecord(record, values); } public void writeTaxonLinks(int index, List<String> taxonLinks) { int[] taxonLinksIndex = _header.getRpTlinks(); checkEmpty(taxonLinksIndex[index]); checkItemListLength(taxonLinks); int indexRecord = nextAvailableRecord(); taxonLinksIndex[index] = indexRecord; _header.setRpTlinks(taxonLinksIndex); writeIndexedValues(indexRecord, taxonLinks.toArray(new String[taxonLinks.size()])); } public void writeOmitPeriod(Set<Integer> omitPeriod) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpOmitPeriod()); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpOmitPeriod(record); writeAsBooleans(omitPeriod, record); } public void writeNewParagraph(Set<Integer> newParagraph) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpNewPara()); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpNewPara(record); writeAsBooleans(newParagraph, record); } public void writeNonAutoControllingChars(Set<Integer> nonAutoCC) { checkEmpty(_header.getRpNonAutoCc()); int record = nextAvailableRecord(); _header.setRpNonAutoCc(record); writeAsBooleans(nonAutoCC, record); } private int toInt(boolean b) { return b ? 1 : 0; } private void checkEmpty(int recordNum) { if (recordNum > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("This record has already been written"); } } private void checkItemListLength(List<?> taxonList) { if (taxonList.size() != _header.getNItem()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There must be " + _header.getNItem() + " values in the list"); } } private void checkCharacterListLength(List<?> characterList) { if (characterList.size() != _header.getNChar()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There must be " + _header.getNChar() + " values in the list"); } } }