Java tutorial
package; /* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ import java.util.LinkedList; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.classifiers.Evaluation; import weka.core.neighboursearch.*; import weka.classifiers.trees.*; import weka.classifiers.evaluation.auc.AUCCalculator; import weka.classifiers.evaluation.auc.ClassSort; import weka.classifiers.lazy.*; /** ---------------- * Creation Date: * 01/05/2007 * * Modification Date: * 03/09/2010 * 09/11/2010 */ public class Ensemble { private Instances train; private Instances test; private double[] givenValue; // prediction results variables. private int numInstances; private int numClasses; private int numClassifiers = 5; private double[] aucClassifiers = new double[numClassifiers]; // each classifier will give a predict distribution for each instance private double[][][] predictDistribution; // each classifier will give a predict value for each instance private double[][] predictValue; // vote value is given by combining the predict distribution private double[][] voteValue; public Ensemble(Instances train, Instances test) { this.train = train; this.test = test; } // this method evaluate classifiers public void ensemble(String mode) throws Exception { numInstances = test.numInstances(); numClasses = test.numClasses(); givenValue = new double[numInstances]; predictDistribution = new double[numClassifiers][numInstances][numClasses]; predictValue = new double[numClassifiers][numInstances]; voteValue = new double[numInstances][numClasses]; // Setting the given class values of the test instances. for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) { givenValue[i] = test.instance(i).classValue(); } // Calculating the predicted class values using each classifier respectively. // J48 coverTree1NN KStar coverTree3NN coverTree5NN J48 tree = new J48(); tree.setUnpruned(true); aucClassifiers[0] = classify(tree, 0); KStar kstar = new KStar(); aucClassifiers[1] = classify(kstar, 1); IBk ctnn1 = new IBk(1); CoverTree search = new CoverTree(); ctnn1.setNearestNeighbourSearchAlgorithm(search); aucClassifiers[2] = classify(ctnn1, 2); IBk ctnn3 = new IBk(3); ctnn3.setNearestNeighbourSearchAlgorithm(search); aucClassifiers[3] = classify(ctnn3, 3); IBk ctnn5 = new IBk(5); ctnn5.setNearestNeighbourSearchAlgorithm(search); aucClassifiers[4] = classify(ctnn5, 4); // Print the classification results if in print mode. if (mode.equals("v")) { System.out.println("J48 AUC: " + aucClassifiers[0]); System.out.println("KStar AUC: " + aucClassifiers[1]); System.out.println("CTNN1 AUC: " + aucClassifiers[2]); System.out.println("CTNN3 AUC: " + aucClassifiers[3]); System.out.println("CTNN5 AUC: " + aucClassifiers[4]); System.out.println(" - - "); } } // blocking integration public double blocking() { double blockAccuracy = 0.0; // Calculating blocking accuracy (average accuracy). for (int i = 0; i < numClassifiers; i++) { blockAccuracy += aucClassifiers[i]; } blockAccuracy /= numClassifiers; return blockAccuracy; } // voting integration public double voting() { for (int i = 0; i < test.numInstances(); i++) { // combine prediction for (int cId = 0; cId < numClassifiers; cId++) { for (int t = 0; t < test.numClasses(); t++) { voteValue[i][t] += predictDistribution[cId][i][t]; } } for (int t = 0; t < test.numClasses(); t++) { voteValue[i][t] /= numClassifiers; } } int classIndex = 1; double[][] probList = new double[givenValue.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < givenValue.length; i++) { probList[i][0] = voteValue[i][classIndex]; probList[i][1] = givenValue[i]; } double aucEnsemble = areaUnderROC(probList, classIndex); return aucEnsemble * 100; } // kappa diversity public double kappaDiversity() { double diversityScore = 0.0; double phi_1 = 0.0; double phi_2 = 0.0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numClassifiers; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < numClassifiers; j++) { count++; double a0 = 0; double a1 = 0; double b0 = 0; double b1 = 0; int numOfAgree = 0; phi_1 = 0.0; phi_2 = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < numInstances; k++) { //phi_1 = classifier[i] and classifier[j] agree / N if (predictValue[i][k] == predictValue[j][k]) numOfAgree++; if (predictValue[i][k] == 0) a0++; if (predictValue[i][k] == 1) a1++; if (predictValue[j][k] == 0) b0++; if (predictValue[j][k] == 1) b1++; } phi_1 = (double) numOfAgree / (double) numInstances; phi_2 = (a0 / numInstances) * (b0 / numInstances) + (a1 / numInstances) * (b1 / numInstances); double kappa = (phi_1 - phi_2) / (1 - phi_2); kappa = (1 - kappa) / 2; //System.out.println(kappa); diversityScore += kappa; } } diversityScore = (diversityScore / count) * 100; return diversityScore; } // double fault diversity public double doubleFaultDiversity() { double diversityScore = 0.0; double faultValue = 0.0; double overallValue = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < numClassifiers; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < numClassifiers; j++) { int numOfFault = 0; faultValue = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < numInstances; k++) { if (predictValue[i][k] == predictValue[j][k]) { if (givenValue[i] != predictValue[i][k]) numOfFault++; } } faultValue = (double) numOfFault / (double) numInstances; overallValue += faultValue; } } diversityScore = 1 - ((overallValue * 2) / (numClassifiers * (numClassifiers - 1))); diversityScore *= 100; //System.out.println("double fault: " + diversityScore); return diversityScore; } public double classify(Classifier c, int cId) throws Exception { // train the classifier with training data c.buildClassifier(train); // get the predict value and predict distribution from each test instances for (int i = 0; i < test.numInstances(); i++) { predictDistribution[cId][i] = c.distributionForInstance(test.instance(i)); predictValue[cId][i] = c.classifyInstance(test.instance(i)); } // of course, get the AUC for each classifier Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(train); eval.evaluateModel(c, test); return eval.areaUnderROC(1) * 100; } // this function calculate AUC for ensemble public double areaUnderROC(double[][] probList, int classIndex) { LinkedList<ClassSort> classSortLinkedList = new LinkedList<ClassSort>(); for (int i = 0; i < probList.length; i++) { int trueClass; if (classIndex == 0) { if ((int) probList[i][1] == 0) trueClass = 1; else trueClass = 0; } else trueClass = (int) probList[i][1]; double prob = probList[i][0]; //System.out.print(prob + " " + trueClass + "\n"); classSortLinkedList.add(new ClassSort(prob, trueClass)); } double roc = AUCCalculator.getROC(classSortLinkedList); return roc; } }