Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008-2010 Austrian Institute of Technology * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they * will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent * versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * you may not use this work except in compliance with the * Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, software distributed under the Licence is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the Licence. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.Application; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.ErrorMessages; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.ImageFragment; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.ImageRect; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.annotation.ImageAnnotation; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Point; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Polygon; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Polyline; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.image.shape.Shape; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.server.TransformationService; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.server.TransformationServiceAsync; import at.ait.dme.yuma.client.util.AnnotationUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * this composite displays image annotations on google maps. * * @author Christian Sadilek */ public class GoogleMapsComposite extends Composite { // panel of this composite private AbsolutePanel compositePanel = new AbsolutePanel(); // the map private MapWidget map = new MapWidget(); // the annotations to display private Collection<ImageAnnotation> annotations; private Map<ImageAnnotation, Integer> coordinatesCount = new LinkedHashMap<ImageAnnotation, Integer>(); private LatLng mapNorthEast = null; private LatLng mapSouthWest = null; public GoogleMapsComposite(ImageAnnotation annotation) { annotations = new ArrayList<ImageAnnotation>(); annotations.add(annotation); showMap(); } public GoogleMapsComposite(Collection<ImageAnnotation> annotations) { this.annotations = annotations; showMap(); } private void showMap() { initWidget(compositePanel); parseBoundingBox(); this.setStyleName("mapAnnotation-composite"); // show GMap map.addControl(new LargeMapControl()); map.setSize("500px", "300px"); map.setZoomLevel(3); map.setScrollWheelZoomEnabled(true); map.setDraggable(true); createMapOverlays(); compositePanel.add(map); if (Application.isInTileMode()) { Anchor kmlLink = new Anchor(Application.getConstants().kmlExport(), createKmlLink()); kmlLink.setStyleName("mapAnnotation-kml"); compositePanel.add(kmlLink, 10, 240); } } /** * parse the bounding box into 2 instances of LatLng. * one for the north east and one for the south west. */ private void parseBoundingBox() { String bBox = Application.getBbox(); if (bBox == null) return; bBox = bBox.replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", ""); String[] coords = bBox.split(","); if (coords.length != 4) return; mapNorthEast = LatLng.newInstance(Double.parseDouble(coords[0]), Double.parseDouble(coords[1])); mapSouthWest = LatLng.newInstance(Double.parseDouble(coords[2]), Double.parseDouble(coords[3])); } /** * transform a list of points from pixels to LatLng * * @param imageRect * @param XYCoordinate * @return latitude and longitude */ private List<LatLng> transformPoints(final ImageAnnotation annotation, List<XYCoordinate> xyCoords) { List<LatLng> coords = new ArrayList<LatLng>(); for (XYCoordinate xyCoord : xyCoords) { coords.add(transformPoint(annotation, xyCoord)); } return coords; } /** * transform a point from pixels to LatLng using the provided bounding box * * @param imageRect * @param xyCoord * @return latlng */ private LatLng transformPoint(ImageAnnotation annotation, XYCoordinate xyCoord) { ImageRect imageRect = annotation.getFragment().getImageRect(); float xRatio = ((float) imageRect.getWidth() / (xyCoord.x - imageRect.getLeft())); float yRatio = ((float) imageRect.getHeight() / (xyCoord.y - imageRect.getTop())); double lat = mapNorthEast.getLatitude() - ((mapNorthEast.getLatitude() - mapSouthWest.getLatitude()) / yRatio); double lng = mapSouthWest.getLongitude() + ((mapNorthEast.getLongitude() - mapSouthWest.getLongitude()) / xRatio); return LatLng.newInstance(lat, lng); } /** * transform a list of points from pixels to LatLng using the transformation service, in case * no bounding box was provided. * * @param xyCoord */ private void transformPoints(List<XYCoordinate> xyCoords) { TransformationServiceAsync transformationService = (TransformationServiceAsync) GWT .create(TransformationService.class); transformationService.transformCoordinates(Application.getExternalObjectId(), Application.getImageUrl(), xyCoords, new AsyncCallback<List<WGS84Coordinate>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { ErrorMessages errorMessages = (ErrorMessages) GWT.create(ErrorMessages.class); Window.alert(errorMessages.transformationError()); } public void onSuccess(List<WGS84Coordinate> coords) { List<LatLng> latlngCoords = new ArrayList<LatLng>(); for (WGS84Coordinate coord : coords) { latlngCoords.add(LatLng.newInstance(, coord.lon)); } // we need to group the coordinates by annotation and display the overlays int fromIndex = 0; for (ImageAnnotation annotation : coordinatesCount.keySet()) { int coordsCount = coordinatesCount.get(annotation); GoogleMapsComposite.this.drawOverlay( new ArrayList<LatLng>( latlngCoords.subList(fromIndex, fromIndex + coordsCount - 1)), annotation); fromIndex += coordsCount; } } }); } /** * create the map overlays for the provided annotations */ private void createMapOverlays() { List<LatLng> coords = null; List<XYCoordinate> allXyCoordinates = new ArrayList<XYCoordinate>(); for (ImageAnnotation annotation : annotations) { if (!annotation.hasFragment()) continue; List<XYCoordinate> xyCoordinates = new ArrayList<XYCoordinate>(); Shape shape = annotation.getFragment().getShape(); if (shape instanceof Polygon) { Polygon polygon = (Polygon) shape; for (Point p : polygon.getPoints()) { xyCoordinates.add(new XYCoordinate(polygon.getLeft() + p.getX(), polygon.getTop() + p.getY())); } if (!(shape instanceof Polyline)) { // add the first point to close the polygon XYCoordinate firstPoint = xyCoordinates.get(0); xyCoordinates.add(firstPoint); } } else { xyCoordinates.add(new XYCoordinate(shape.getLeft(), shape.getTop())); xyCoordinates.add(new XYCoordinate(shape.getLeft() + shape.getWidth(), shape.getTop())); xyCoordinates.add( new XYCoordinate(shape.getLeft() + shape.getWidth(), shape.getTop() + shape.getHeight())); xyCoordinates.add(new XYCoordinate(shape.getLeft(), shape.getTop() + shape.getHeight())); } // add the center as last point to avoid an extra transformation call xyCoordinates.add(getCenter(annotation.getFragment())); if (Application.getBbox() != null) { coords = transformPoints(annotation, xyCoordinates); if (coords != null) drawOverlay(coords, annotation); } else { // in case we don't have a bounding box we need to contact the server to do a // transformation based on control points. to avoid unnecessary server calls, // we collect the coordinates of all annotations and use a single server call. // coordinatesCount is used to map the returned coordinates back to the // corresponding annotation. allXyCoordinates.addAll(xyCoordinates); coordinatesCount.put(annotation, xyCoordinates.size()); } } if (!allXyCoordinates.isEmpty()) transformPoints(allXyCoordinates); } /** * draw the overlay * * @param coords * @param shape * @return overlay */ private void drawOverlay(List<LatLng> coords, ImageAnnotation annotation) { Shape shape = annotation.getFragment().getShape(); if (!coords.isEmpty()) { LatLng center = coords.remove(coords.size() - 1); map.setCenter(center); map.getInfoWindow().open(center, new InfoWindowContent(annotation.getTitle())); } if (shape instanceof Polyline) { map.addOverlay(new LatLng[0]), shape.getColor().toRGBString(), shape.getStrokeWidth(), 0.5d)); } else { map.addOverlay(new LatLng[0]), shape.getColor().toRGBString(), shape.getStrokeWidth(), 0.5d, shape.getColor().toRGBString(), 0.5d)); } } /** * get the center for the given fragment for google maps * * @param fragment * @return latitude longitude */ private XYCoordinate getCenter(ImageFragment fragment) { Shape fragmentShape = fragment.getShape(); return new XYCoordinate(fragmentShape.getLeft() + (fragmentShape.getWidth() / 2), fragmentShape.getTop() + (fragmentShape.getHeight() / 2)); } /** * create the link to export annotations as KML * * @return href */ private String createKmlLink() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("yuma/tokml?url="); sb.append(Application.getImageUrl()); sb.append("&europeanaUri="); sb.append(Application.getExternalObjectId()); sb.append("&a="); for (ImageAnnotation annotation : annotations) { if (!annotation.hasFragment()) continue; sb.append(AnnotationUtils.shapeToVectorFeature(annotation.getFragment().getShape()).getGeometry() .toString()); sb.append("@" + annotation.getTitle() + "@" + annotation.getText()); sb.append(";"); } return URL.encode(sb.toString()); } }