Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2010 Grameen Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

import org.apache.http.entity.AbstractHttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.database.SQLException;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;
import applab.client.ApplabActivity;
import applab.client.HttpHelpers;
import applab.client.PropertyStorage;
import applab.client.StringHelpers;
import applab.client.XmlEntityBuilder;
import applab.client.XmlHelpers;
import applab.client.farmerregistration.FarmerRegistrationController;

 * The SynchronizationManager is responsible for all the complexity involved in scheduling timers, background threads,
 * coordinating UI, etc.
 * SynchronizationManager handles three main tasks: 1) Ensuring keywords and their associated content is up to date 2)
 * Sending any searches that failed to send in the mainline path 3) Transmitting logs of any searches that have happened
 * on our cached data so that we can track this activity for M&E purposes on our servers
 * TODO: move the general scheduling algorithm into shared code and leverage it
public class SynchronizationManager {
    // by default we will synchronize once every 12 hours
    public static final int SYNCHRONIZATION_INTERVAL = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
    public static final int SYNCHRONIZATION_START_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000; // We run 5 minutes after the app is started

    public static SynchronizationManager singleton = new SynchronizationManager();
    private final static String XML_NAME_SPACE = "";
    private final static String REQUEST_ELEMENT_NAME = "GetKeywordsRequest";
    private final static String VERSION_ELEMENT_NAME = "localKeywordsVersion";
    private final static String CURRENT_MENU_IDS = "menuIds";
    public Timer timer;
    private boolean isSynchronizing;
    private static Boolean synchronizeNow; // This tells us to start sync
    private Handler completionCallback;
    private Context currentContext;
    private Handler progressMessageHandler;
    private Thread backgroundThread;

    /** Search database */
    private static Storage searchDatabase;

    // used for getting messages from the download and parsing threads
    private Handler internalMessageHandler;

    private Boolean launchedFromTimer = false;

    private SynchronizationManager() {

     * performs an unsynchronized check that can be used for dirty read purposes such as UI enablement checks, etc.
    public static boolean isSynchronizing() {
        return SynchronizationManager.singleton.isSynchronizing;

    // TOOD: hook this up to isSynchronizing
    private boolean isRunning() {
        return this.backgroundThread != null && this.backgroundThread.isAlive();

     * Kick off timed synchronization
    public static void synchronizeFromTimer(Context context, Handler completionCallback) {
        synchronize(context, completionCallback, false, true);

     * Kick off an immediate synchronization, usually from the refresh menu
    public static void synchronize(Context context, Handler completionCallback) {
        synchronize(context, completionCallback, true, false);

     * Called when resuming an activity. Will make sure that we have our timer running and that if we're in the middle
     * of a synchronization episode that we attach to any outstanding UI.
    public static void onActivityResume(Context context, Handler completionCallback) {
        synchronize(context, completionCallback, false, false);

     * Check if it's okay to proceed with a synchronization episode. isModal determines if this is a foreground or
     * background synchronization.
    private static void synchronize(Context context, Handler completionCallback, boolean isModal,
            boolean launchedFromTimer) {
        boolean processAlreadyRunning = false;
        synchronizeNow = isModal || launchedFromTimer;

        synchronized (SynchronizationManager.singleton) {
            // if we don't have a timer, set that up
            // Moving this to a service
            // SynchronizationManager.singleton.ensureTimerIsScheduled();

            // Now check if we are in the middle of a synchronization episode
            // and if so, we should attach to the UI
            // TODO: check isRunning instead?
            if (SynchronizationManager.isSynchronizing()) {
                processAlreadyRunning = true;
            } else {
                // check if we have any keywords cached locally. If not, we have to become
                // modal and initialize our local store.
                if (!StorageManager.hasKeywords()) {
                    synchronizeNow = true;

            if (synchronizeNow && (!processAlreadyRunning)) {
                SynchronizationManager.singleton.launchedFromTimer = launchedFromTimer;
                if (isModal) {
                    // start a modal synchronization episode
                    ProgressDialogManager.silentMode = false;

        if (processAlreadyRunning) {
            // SynchronizationManager.singleton.attachActivity(context, completionCallback);
            Toast notification = Toast.makeText(context,
                    context.getResources().getString(R.string.keywords_updating), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
        } else if (synchronizeNow) {
            SynchronizationManager.singleton.startSynchronization(context, completionCallback);

     * completes a synchronization task by releasing associated locks
    public static void completeSynchronization() {
        synchronized (SynchronizationManager.singleton) {
            SynchronizationManager.singleton.isSynchronizing = false;
            SynchronizationManager.singleton.launchedFromTimer = false; // Reset this

     * Make sure our background timer is scheduled. Assumes that it's called under a lock.
     * Returns true if we allocated the timer
    public boolean ensureTimerIsScheduled() {
        boolean scheduledTimer = false;
        if (this.timer == null) {
            this.timer = new Timer();
            // TODO: should we kick off a synchronization episode immediately? If so, change the first parameter here
            // and modify the caller appropriately
            this.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimedSynchronizationTask(), SYNCHRONIZATION_START_INTERVAL,
            scheduledTimer = true;

        return scheduledTimer;

     * By the time this method is called, we know that no synchronization is in progress, so it's our job to kick it off
    private void startSynchronization(Context context, Handler completionCallback) {
        this.currentContext = context;
        if (!this.launchedFromTimer) {
            this.completionCallback = completionCallback;
            this.progressMessageHandler = createProgressMessageHandler();

            this.internalMessageHandler = new Handler() {
                public void handleMessage(Message message) {
        } else {
            this.completionCallback = null;
            this.progressMessageHandler = completionCallback;
            this.internalMessageHandler = completionCallback;

        BackgroundSynchronizationTask task = new BackgroundSynchronizationTask(this, true);
        if (this.launchedFromTimer) {
            // Timer already has it's own thread, so just run the task
        } else {
            // Start a new thread
            this.backgroundThread = new Thread(task);

     * We have a new activity to attach to our progress UI and/or we have to bring up a progress dialog to link into an
     * existing synchronization
     * @deprecated This function is being deprecated in 3.1 due to conflicts with the background process. We now show a
     *             toast instead
    private void attachActivity(Context context, Handler completionCallback) {
        this.completionCallback = completionCallback;
        this.currentContext = context;

        this.progressMessageHandler = createProgressMessageHandler();
        this.internalMessageHandler = new Handler() {

            public void handleMessage(Message message) {


    private void sendInternalMessage(int what) {
        if (this.internalMessageHandler != null) {

    private static Handler createProgressMessageHandler() {
        return new Handler() {
            public void handleMessage(Message message) {
                // Level
                int level = message.getData().getInt("node");
                if (level > 0) {

                // Max
                int max = message.getData().getInt("max");
                if (max > 0) {

     * Show an error dialog that allows the user to either choose "Retry" to attempt synchronization again, or "Cancel"
     * to abandon the process
    private void showErrorDialog(int errorText) {
        // if the progress dialog is still showing, remove it since
        // we're replacing the UI with an error dialog

        // For retries we don't need to claim the lock, since we already have it
        DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickRetry = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
                startSynchronization(currentContext, completionCallback);

        // for the error-out case, release the lock and we'll try again later
        DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickCancel = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
        };, this.currentContext, onClickRetry, "Retry", onClickCancel, "Cancel");

     * Our two background processes (downloading and parsing) communicate with us through Android messaging on the UI
     * thread (so we can react by manipulating UI)
    void handleBackgroundThreadMessage(Message message) {
        switch (message.what) {
        case GlobalConstants.KEYWORD_DOWNLOAD_STARTING:
            // TODO: Can we do this on the UI thread before we offload the process into the background?
            // it would cleanup the code, allow us to easily thread in Global.SETUP_DIALOG when Storage is empty,
            // and avoid a few extra thread switches
            if (!this.launchedFromTimer) {
                ProgressDialogManager.displayProgressDialog(GlobalConstants.UPDATE_DIALOG, this.currentContext);
        case GlobalConstants.CONNECTION_ERROR:
            if (!this.launchedFromTimer) {
        case GlobalConstants.KEYWORD_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS:
            // TODO: do we want to update the progress dialog here?
            // download complete, start parsing
            // NOTE: we do not dismiss the dialog, so that it shows until we receive
            // the Global.KEYWORD_PARSE_GOT_NODE_TOTAL signal
        case GlobalConstants.KEYWORD_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE:
            ProgressDialogManager.tryDestroyProgressDialog(); // Dialog may still be launched in background process
                                                              // as a side-effect
            if (!this.launchedFromTimer) {
        case GlobalConstants.KEYWORD_PARSE_GOT_NODE_TOTAL:
            int nodeCount = message.getData().getInt("nodeCount");
            if (!this.launchedFromTimer) {
                ProgressDialogManager.displayProgressDialog(GlobalConstants.PARSE_DIALOG, this.currentContext,
        case GlobalConstants.KEYWORD_PARSE_SUCCESS:
            Toast updateToast = Toast.makeText(this.currentContext,
                    this.currentContext.getString(R.string.refreshed), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
            // TODO: Decide whether to check for image updates here right after the keyword update and before
            // releasing the synchronization lock.
            // in the error case, this is updated on click of the error dialog "OK" button. On success
            // it should hit this path
        case GlobalConstants.KEYWORD_PARSE_ERROR:
            if (!this.launchedFromTimer) {
        case GlobalConstants.DISMISS_WAIT_DIALOG:

        if (this.completionCallback != null) {

     * Called by our background or timer thread to perform the actual synchronization tasks from a separate thread.
     * @throws XmlPullParserException
    private void performBackgroundSynchronization() throws XmlPullParserException {
        Boolean setupLooper = true;
        if (this.launchedFromTimer) {
            setupLooper = false;

        if (setupLooper) {
            // we may want to associate UI with this task, so create
            // a looper to setup the message pump (by default, background threads
            // don't have a message pump)


        try {
            sendInternalMessage(GlobalConstants.KEYWORD_DOWNLOAD_STARTING); // We send this so that the dialog shows up
                                                                            // immediately
            SynchronizationManager.singleton.isSynchronizing = true;

            // First submit pending farmer registrations and get latest registration form
            String serverUrl = Settings.getServerUrl();
            FarmerRegistrationController farmerRegController = new FarmerRegistrationController();

            // Then submit pending usage logs and incomplete searches
            InboxAdapter inboxAdapter = new InboxAdapter(ApplabActivity.getGlobalContext());


            // Finally update keywords
        } catch (Exception e) {

        if (setupLooper) {
            // TODO: Looper.loop is problematic here. This should be restructured
            Looper looper = Looper.getMainLooper();

     * Sets the version in the update request entity
     * @return XML request entity
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    static AbstractHttpEntity getRequestEntity() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String keywordsVersion = PropertyStorage.getLocal().getValue(GlobalConstants.KEYWORDS_VERSION_KEY,
                "2010-04-04 00:00:00");
        XmlEntityBuilder xmlRequest = new XmlEntityBuilder();
        xmlRequest.writeStartElement(REQUEST_ELEMENT_NAME, XML_NAME_SPACE);
        return xmlRequest.getEntity();

     * Upload the data about searches that have been performed off-line so that the CKW and farmer statistics are
     * updated correctly
    private void submitPendingUsageLogs(InboxAdapter inboxAdapter) {
        List<InboxAdapter.SearchUsage> pendingSearches = inboxAdapter.getLocalSearches();
        for (InboxAdapter.SearchUsage pendingSearch : pendingSearches) {
            String searchResult = pendingSearch.submitSearch();
            if (searchResult != null) {
                inboxAdapter.deleteRecord(InboxAdapter.ACCESS_LOG_DATABASE_TABLE, pendingSearch.getSearchTableId());

     * Perform searches that were unable to be completed earlier due to lack of connectivity
    private void submitIncompleteSearches(InboxAdapter inboxAdapter) {
        List<InboxAdapter.SearchUsage> pendingSearches = inboxAdapter.getPendingSearches();
        for (InboxAdapter.SearchUsage pendingSearch : pendingSearches) {
            String searchResult = pendingSearch.submitSearch();
            if (searchResult != null) {
                inboxAdapter.updateRecord(pendingSearch.getSearchTableId(), searchResult);

    private void parseKeywords(InputStream keywordStream) throws XmlPullParserException, ParseException {
        // Call KeywordParser to parse the keywords result and store the contents in our
        // local database
        // TODO: integrate this code into our synchronization manager?
        JsonSimpleParser keywordParser = new JsonSimpleParser(this.progressMessageHandler,
                this.internalMessageHandler, keywordStream);;

     * Called by our background thread to try and claim the lock. This may fail if for example, a Refresh happens
     * concurrently with our timer firing. In that case we will let the timer fail gracefully
    private boolean tryStartSynchronization() {
        if (isSynchronizing()) {
            return false;

        synchronized (this) {
            if (isSynchronizing()) {
                return false;

            synchronizeNow = true;
            return true;

     * handler that we use to schedule synchronization tasks on a separate thread
     * Used both on-demand and timer-based synchronization. In the on-demand case, we may interact with UI through the
     * message pump
    private class BackgroundSynchronizationTask implements Runnable {
        private SynchronizationManager synchronizationManager;

        // true if we already have the synchronization lock
        private boolean hasLock;

        public BackgroundSynchronizationTask(SynchronizationManager synchronizationManager, boolean hasLock) {
            this.synchronizationManager = synchronizationManager;
            this.hasLock = hasLock;

        public void run() {
            boolean doSynchronization;

            // first determine if there is already a synchronization episode in-progress
            if (this.hasLock) {
                assert (SynchronizationManager
                        .isSynchronizing()) : "if we have the lock, isSynchronizing must be true";
                doSynchronization = true;
            } else {
                doSynchronization = this.synchronizationManager.tryStartSynchronization();

            // and if not, start the heavy lifting from our background thread
            if (doSynchronization) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ProgressDialogManager.tryDestroyProgressDialog(); // Just in case it was showing

     * @throws XmlPullParserException
     * @throws ParseException
    public void updateKeywords() throws XmlPullParserException, ParseException {
        String url = Settings.getNewServerUrl() + ApplabActivity.getGlobalContext().getString(R.string.update_path);

        int networkTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000;

        InputStream keywordStream;
        try {

            keywordStream = HttpHelpers.postJsonRequestAndGetStream(url, (StringEntity) getRequestEntity(),

            // Write the keywords to disk, and then open a FileStream
            String filePath = ApplabActivity.getGlobalContext().getCacheDir() + "/keywords.tmp";
            Boolean downloadSuccessful = HttpHelpers.writeStreamToTempFile(keywordStream, filePath);
            File file = new File(filePath);
            FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);

            if (downloadSuccessful && inputStream != null) {
            } else {

            if (inputStream != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    private static String getMenuIds() {
        ArrayList<String> menuIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (searchDatabase == null) {
            searchDatabase = new Storage(ApplabActivity.getGlobalContext());
        menuIds = searchDatabase.getLocalMenuIds();
        return StringHelpers.commaSeparateValues(menuIds);