Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Pascal Mazars * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package app.web; import static app.web.ApplicationITCase.ClickEventResult.*; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleneseTestBase; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Crawler-like Selenium test that recurses through the application starting from the homepage and visiting all pages available from there * and interacting with all the elements a user can interact with. */ public class Application2ITCase extends SeleneseTestBase { public static final String APPLICATION_HOMEPAGE = "http://localhost:8080/index.html"; //FIXME: read from web.xml public static final String DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = "28000"; //FIXME: reduce to a more sensible value, default 30s private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ApplicationITCase.class); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome", "http://localhost:8080/"); selenium.start(); selenium.setTimeout(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); // selenium.setSpeed("2000"); } @Test public void testApplication() { //goToHomepage();; Stack<Action> actionStack = new Stack<Action>(); actionStack.push(; testPageRecursively(actionStack); } /** * We should not test external links though. * @param actionStack to find your way back */ public void testPageRecursively(final Stack<Action> actionStack) { + "Testing page " + selenium.getLocation()); testHtmlSourceRecursively("//body", actionStack); } public void testHtmlSourceRecursively(final String xpathPrefix, final Stack<Action> actionStack) { //clickAllJSLinks(); includes clickAllAjaxLinks(); new ClickVerifyClick("(" + xpathPrefix + ")//*[@onclick]", actionStack).run(); //clickAllNonJSLinks(); new ClickVerifyClick("(" + xpathPrefix + ")//a[@href and not(@onclick)] | " + " (" + xpathPrefix + ")//form//input[@type='submit' and not(@onclick)]", actionStack, true).run(); } public static class Action { public enum ActionType { NO_CHANGE, OPEN, CLICK_NEW_PAGE, CLICK_SAME_PAGE, CLICK_AJAX, CLICK_DOM_UPDATE } protected ActionType type; protected String target; // where you click on protected String[] value = new String[0]; // url or locator(s) // public Action(ActionType type) { // this(type, null, null); // } // public Action(ActionType type, String target) { // this(type, target, null); // } private Action(ActionType type, String target, String... value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; = target; } public ActionType getType() { return type; } public String getValue() { return value[0]; } public String[] getValues() { return value; } public String getTarget() { return target; } public String toString() { switch (type) { case OPEN: return new StringBuilder(type.toString()).append(" ").append(value[0]).toString(); default: return new StringBuilder(type.toString()).append(" ") .append(value != null ? Arrays.toString(value) : null).toString(); } } public static Action open(String url) { return new Action(ActionType.OPEN, null, url); } public static Action noChange(String target) { return new Action(ActionType.NO_CHANGE, target); } public static Action navigationSamePage(String target) { return new Action(ActionType.CLICK_SAME_PAGE, target); } public static Action navigationNewPage(String target, String value) { return new Action(ActionType.CLICK_NEW_PAGE, target, value); } public static Action domUpdate(String target, String... value) { return new Action(ActionType.CLICK_DOM_UPDATE, target, value); } public static Action ajaxUpdate(String target, String value) { return new Action(ActionType.CLICK_AJAX, target, value); } } public abstract class AbstractClickCallback { String xpath; boolean waitForLoad; // int i; improvement? getLocator()? protected AbstractClickCallback(String xpath) { this(xpath, false); } protected AbstractClickCallback(String xpath, boolean waitForLoad) { this.xpath = xpath; this.waitForLoad = waitForLoad; } public abstract void executeAfterClick(Action result); public boolean isWaitForLoad() { return waitForLoad; } public void run(int padding) { String currentLocation = selenium.getLocation(); // rename testStartLocation int count = selenium.getXpathCount(xpath).intValue();"There are " + count + " links to visit. Let's go!"); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { String locator = "xpath=(" + xpath + ")[" + i + "]"; if (selenium.isVisible(locator)) { + "Clicking '" + getFailSafeText(locator) + "'..."); Action result = clickAndWaitIfNecessary(locator, waitForLoad); + "Result was " + result); executeAfterClick(result); } else { + "There was an invisible element we just did not triggger " + locator); } } } } public class ClickVerifyClick extends AbstractClickCallback { Stack<Action> actionStack; public ClickVerifyClick(String xpath, Stack<Action> actionStack) { super(xpath); this.actionStack = actionStack; } public ClickVerifyClick(String xpath, Stack<Action> actionStack, boolean waitForLoad) { super(xpath, waitForLoad); this.actionStack = actionStack; } @Override public void executeAfterClick(Action result) { verifyFalse(selenium.getTitle().contains("Error")); URL currentLocation = toLocationPath(selenium.getLocation()); if ((result.getType() == Action.ActionType.CLICK_DOM_UPDATE || result.getType() == Action.ActionType.CLICK_AJAX) && result.getValues() != null) { actionStack.push(result); for (String partialLocator : result.getValues()) { testHtmlSourceRecursively(partialLocator, actionStack); //FIXME: refresh by undoing last action } } else { if (!toLocationStack(actionStack).contains(currentLocation)) { actionStack.push(result); // recursion starts here testPageRecursively(actionStack); } else { actionStack.push(result);"We have already visited this page: we are not going to test it again."); } } restoreToPreviousAction(actionStack); } public void run() {; } } public void restoreToPreviousAction(Stack<Action> actionStack) { if (actionStack.size() == 1) { return; // No previous state }"Restore " + actionStack.get(0).getValue());; actionStack.pop(); // remove last action for (int i = 1; i < actionStack.size(); i++) { Action action = actionStack.get(i); if (action.getType() == Action.ActionType.OPEN) { } else {"Restore click " + action.getTarget()); clickAndWaitIfNecessary(action.getTarget(), action.getType() != Action.ActionType.CLICK_DOM_UPDATE); } } } public Stack<URL> toLocationStack(Stack<Action> actionStack) { Stack<URL> locationStack = new Stack<URL>(); for (Action action : actionStack) { if (action.getType() == Action.ActionType.OPEN || action.getType() == Action.ActionType.CLICK_NEW_PAGE) { locationStack.push(toLocationPath(action.getValue())); } } return locationStack; } private String showPadding(int padding) { StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(padding > 1 ? "|-" : ""); for (int i = 1; i < padding; i++) { strBld.append("-"); } return strBld.toString(); } public static int PAGE_LOAD_MAX_WAIT = 2000; private static boolean[] getVisibilityArray(Selenium selenium) { boolean[] visibilityArray = new boolean[selenium.getXpathCount("//*").intValue()]; for (int i = 0; i < visibilityArray.length; i++) { // array is 0-zero, xpath is 1-based visibilityArray[i] = selenium.isVisible("xpath=(//*)[" + (i + 1) + "]"); } return visibilityArray; } public List<Integer> compareVisibilityArray(boolean[] arr1, boolean[] arr2) { assertEquals(arr1.length, arr2.length); List<Integer> results = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { if (!arr1[i] && arr2[i]) { results.add(i); break; // Return only the first mismatch for now } } return results; } /** * Compares before and after ajax call. * @param previousHtmlSource html before ajax * @param currentHtmlSource html after ajax (supposedly containing extra html code) * @return the id of the parent which had ajax content appended to. */ private static String compareHtmlSourceAfterAjaxLoad(String previousHtmlSource, String currentHtmlSource) { String[] previousSplit = previousHtmlSource.split("(?<=>)"); String[] currentSplit = currentHtmlSource.split("(?<=>)"); int i = 0; while (previousSplit.length > i && (currentSplit[i].equals(previousSplit[i]) || (i == 0 || extractIdFromTag(currentSplit[i - 1]) == null))) { // continue incrementing if no mismatch in html code OR previous tag does not have an id attribute. i++; } return extractIdFromTag(currentSplit[i - 1]); } public static final Pattern ID_ATTR_EXTRACTION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\sid=\"(.*?)\""); private static String extractIdFromTag(String htmlTag) { Matcher m = ID_ATTR_EXTRACTION_PATTERN.matcher(htmlTag); String id = null; while (m.find()) { id =; } return id; } public Action clickAndWaitIfNecessary(String locator, boolean forceWaitForLoad) { String previousHtmlSource = selenium.getHtmlSource(); String previousLocation = selenium.getLocation(); boolean[] previousVisibilityArray = getVisibilityArray(selenium);; if (selenium.isConfirmationPresent()) { // consume confirmation or else next text will fail selenium.getConfirmation(); } else if (selenium.isAlertPresent()) { // consume alert or else next text will fail selenium.getAlert(); } boolean isNewPageLoaded = waitForLoadIfNecessary(forceWaitForLoad); if (isNewPageLoaded) { String currentLocation = selenium.getLocation(); return currentLocation.equals(previousLocation) ? Action.navigationSamePage(locator) : Action.navigationNewPage(locator, currentLocation); } else { String currentHtmlSource = selenium.getHtmlSource(); if (!currentHtmlSource.equals(previousHtmlSource)) { // Compare the number of tags if (StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(currentHtmlSource, "<") == StringUtils .countOccurrencesOf(previousHtmlSource, "<")) { List<String> xpathList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int xpathIndex : compareVisibilityArray(previousVisibilityArray, getVisibilityArray(selenium))) { xpathList.add("(//*)[" + (xpathIndex + 1) + "]"); //array 0-based, xpath 1-based } // if (!xpathList.isEmpty()) //"Test newly visible content"); // '" + getFailSafeText(xpathList.get(0)) + "'"); return Action.domUpdate(locator, xpathList.size() > 0 ? xpathList.toArray(new String[xpathList.size()]) : null); } else { String ajaxContentId = compareHtmlSourceAfterAjaxLoad(previousHtmlSource, currentHtmlSource); //"Test new ajax content under id " + ajaxContentId); return Action.ajaxUpdate(locator, "//*[@id='" + ajaxContentId + "']"); } } else { return Action.noChange(locator); } } } public boolean waitForLoadIfNecessary(boolean forceWaitForLoad) { if (forceWaitForLoad) { selenium.waitForPageToLoad(Integer.toString(PAGE_LOAD_MAX_WAIT)); return true; } else { long initTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - initTime < PAGE_LOAD_MAX_WAIT) { try { selenium.waitForPageToLoad("10"); return true; } catch (SeleniumException e) { // We do not want to fail if there was no page reload. } } return false; } } /** * Like assertFalse, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public void verifyFalse(String message, boolean b) { try { assertFalse(message, b); } catch (Error e) { verificationErrors.append(throwableToString(e)); } } private static String throwableToString(Throwable t) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); t.printStackTrace(pw); return sw.toString(); } public static URL toLocationPath(String location) { try { URL fullUrl = new URL(location); // We just throw the query string if any return new URL(fullUrl.getProtocol(), fullUrl.getHost(), fullUrl.getPort(), fullUrl.getPath()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public String getFailSafeText(String locator) { String text = selenium.getText(locator); if (text.length() > 0) { return text; } else { try { return selenium.getValue(locator); } catch (SeleniumException e) { return e.getMessage(); } } } @Deprecated private String getReadyState() { return selenium.getEval("selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.readyState"); } @Deprecated private boolean isAjaxActive() { return !selenium.getEval("selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow()").equals("0"); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { selenium.stop(); super.tearDown(); // do not remove as this would swallow all verification errors. } }