Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2011 Collaborative Research Centre SFB 632 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis.gui.servlets; import annis.libgui.Helper; import annis.libgui.AnnisBaseUI; import annis.libgui.AnnisUser; import annis.service.objects.AnnisBinary; import annis.service.objects.AnnisBinaryMetaData; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This Servlet provides binary-files with a stream of partial-content. The * first GET-request is answered with the status-code 206 Partial Content. * <<<<<<< HEAD * TODO: handle more than one byte-range TODO: ======= * TODO: handle more than one byte-range * >>>>>>> Add basic pdf support based on pdfjs. If you check in a new version of pdfjs, * * @author benjamin * */ public class BinaryServlet extends HttpServlet { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BinaryServlet.class); private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 5 * 1024; // max portion which is transfered over REST at once: 5MB @Override public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException { Map<String, String[]> binaryParameter = request.getParameterMap(); String toplevelCorpusName = binaryParameter.get("toplevelCorpusName")[0]; String documentName = binaryParameter.get("documentName")[0]; String mimeType = binaryParameter.get("mime")[0]; try { ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); String range = request.getHeader("Range"); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); Object annisServiceURLObject = session.getAttribute(AnnisBaseUI.WEBSERVICEURL_KEY); if (annisServiceURLObject == null || !(annisServiceURLObject instanceof String)) { throw new ServletException("AnnisWebService.URL was not set as init parameter in web.xml"); } String annisServiceURL = (String) annisServiceURLObject; WebResource annisRes = Helper.getAnnisWebResource(annisServiceURL, (AnnisUser) session.getAttribute(AnnisBaseUI.USER_KEY)); WebResource binaryRes = annisRes.path("query").path("corpora") .path(URLEncoder.encode(toplevelCorpusName, "UTF-8")) .path(URLEncoder.encode(documentName, "UTF-8")).path("binary").queryParam("mime", mimeType); if (range != null) { responseStatus206(binaryRes, mimeType, out, response, range); } else { responseStatus200(binaryRes, mimeType, out, response); } out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.debug("IOException in BinaryServlet", ex); } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { log.error(null, ex); response.setStatus(500); } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { log.error(null, ex); response.setStatus(500); } } private void responseStatus206(WebResource binaryRes, String mimeType, ServletOutputStream out, HttpServletResponse response, String range) throws RemoteException, IOException { List<AnnisBinaryMetaData> allMeta = binaryRes.path("meta").get(new AnnisBinaryMetaDataListType()); if (allMeta.size() > 0) { AnnisBinaryMetaData bm = allMeta.get(0); for (AnnisBinaryMetaData m : allMeta) { if (mimeType.equals(m.getMimeType())) { bm = m; break; } } // Range: byte=x-y | Range: byte=0- String[] rangeTupel = range.split("-"); int offset = Integer.parseInt(rangeTupel[0].split("=")[1]); int slice; if (rangeTupel.length > 1) { slice = Integer.parseInt(rangeTupel[1]); } else { slice = bm.getLength(); } int lengthToFetch = slice - offset; response.setHeader("Content-Range", "bytes " + offset + "-" + (bm.getLength() - 1) + "/" + bm.getLength()); response.setContentType(bm.getMimeType()); response.setStatus(206); response.setContentLength(lengthToFetch); writeStepByStep(offset, lengthToFetch, binaryRes, out); } } private void responseStatus200(WebResource binaryRes, String mimeType, ServletOutputStream out, HttpServletResponse response) throws RemoteException, IOException { List<AnnisBinaryMetaData> allMeta = binaryRes.path("meta").get(new AnnisBinaryMetaDataListType()); if (allMeta.size() > 0) { AnnisBinaryMetaData binaryMeta = allMeta.get(0); for (AnnisBinaryMetaData m : allMeta) { if (mimeType.equals(m.getMimeType())) { binaryMeta = m; break; } } response.setStatus(200); response.setHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); response.setContentType(binaryMeta.getMimeType()); response.setHeader("Content-Range", "bytes 0-" + (binaryMeta.getLength() - 1) + "/" + binaryMeta.getLength()); response.setContentLength(binaryMeta.getLength()); getCompleteFile(binaryRes, mimeType, out); } } private void getCompleteFile(WebResource binaryRes, String mimeType, ServletOutputStream out) throws RemoteException, IOException { List<AnnisBinaryMetaData> allMeta = binaryRes.path("meta").get(new AnnisBinaryMetaDataListType()); if (allMeta.size() > 0) { AnnisBinaryMetaData binaryMeta = allMeta.get(0); for (AnnisBinaryMetaData m : allMeta) { if (mimeType.equals(m.getMimeType())) { binaryMeta = m; break; } } int offset = 0; int length = binaryMeta.getLength(); writeStepByStep(offset, length, binaryRes, out); } } private void writeStepByStep(int offset, int completeLength, WebResource binaryRes, ServletOutputStream out) throws IOException { int remaining = completeLength; while (remaining > 0) { int stepLength = Math.min(MAX_LENGTH, remaining); AnnisBinary bin = binaryRes.path("" + offset).path("" + stepLength).get(AnnisBinary.class); Validate.isTrue(bin.getLength() == stepLength); out.write(bin.getBytes()); out.flush(); offset += stepLength; remaining = remaining - stepLength; } } private static class AnnisBinaryMetaDataListType extends GenericType<List<AnnisBinaryMetaData>> { public AnnisBinaryMetaDataListType() { } } }