Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Corpuslinguistic working group Humboldt University Berlin. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis.gui.resultview; import annis.CommonHelper; import annis.libgui.MatchedNodeColors; import annis.gui.MetaDataPanel; import annis.libgui.InstanceConfig; import annis.libgui.PluginSystem; import static annis.model.AnnisConstants.*; import annis.resolver.ResolverEntry; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ChameleonTheme; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.graph.GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sCorpusStructure.SDocument; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sDocumentStructure.*; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCore.SFeature; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCore.SGraphTraverseHandler; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCore.SNode; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCore.SRelation; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author thomas */ public class SingleResultPanel extends VerticalLayout implements Button.ClickListener { private static final String HIDE_KWIC = "hide_kwic"; private static final String INITIAL_OPEN = "initial_open"; private static final ThemeResource ICON_RESOURCE = new ThemeResource("info.gif"); private transient SDocument result; private transient Map<SNode, Long> markedAndCovered; private Map<String, String> markedCoveredMap; private Map<String, String> markedExactMap; private transient PluginSystem ps; private List<VisualizerPanel> visualizers; private Button btInfo; private List<String> path; private String segmentationName; private transient List<SToken> token; private HorizontalLayout infoBar; private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SingleResultPanel.class); public SingleResultPanel(final SDocument result, int resultNumber, ResolverProvider resolverProvider, PluginSystem ps, Set<String> visibleTokenAnnos, String segmentationName, InstanceConfig instanceConfig) { = ps; this.result = result; this.segmentationName = segmentationName; calculateHelperVariables(); setWidth("100%"); setHeight("-1px"); infoBar = new HorizontalLayout(); infoBar.addStyleName("docPath"); infoBar.setWidth("100%"); infoBar.setHeight("-1px"); Label lblNumber = new Label("" + (resultNumber + 1)); infoBar.addComponent(lblNumber); lblNumber.setSizeUndefined(); btInfo = new Button(); btInfo.setStyleName(ChameleonTheme.BUTTON_LINK); btInfo.setIcon(ICON_RESOURCE); btInfo.addClickListener((Button.ClickListener) this); infoBar.addComponent(btInfo); path = CommonHelper.getCorpusPath(result.getSCorpusGraph(), result); Collections.reverse(path); Label lblPath = new Label("Path: " + StringUtils.join(path, " > ")); lblPath.setWidth("100%"); lblPath.setHeight("-1px"); infoBar.addComponent(lblPath); infoBar.setExpandRatio(lblPath, 1.0f); infoBar.setSpacing(true); // THIS WAS in attach() addComponent(infoBar); try { ResolverEntry[] entries = resolverProvider.getResolverEntries(result); visualizers = new LinkedList<VisualizerPanel>(); List<VisualizerPanel> openVisualizers = new LinkedList<VisualizerPanel>(); token = result.getSDocumentGraph().getSortedSTokenByText(); List<SNode> segNodes = CommonHelper.getSortedSegmentationNodes(segmentationName, result.getSDocumentGraph()); markedAndCovered = calculateMarkedAndCoveredIDs(result, segNodes); calulcateColorsForMarkedAndCoverd(); String resultID = "" + new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { String htmlID = "resolver-" + resultNumber + "_" + i; VisualizerPanel p = new VisualizerPanel(entries[i], result, token, visibleTokenAnnos, markedAndCovered, markedCoveredMap, markedExactMap, htmlID, resultID, this, segmentationName, ps, instanceConfig); visualizers.add(p); Properties mappings = entries[i].getMappings(); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(mappings.getProperty(INITIAL_OPEN, "false"))) { openVisualizers.add(p); } } // for each resolver entry for (VisualizerPanel p : visualizers) { addComponent(p); } for (VisualizerPanel p : openVisualizers) { p.toggleVisualizer(true, null); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { log.error("problems with initializing Visualizer Panel", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("problems with initializing Visualizer Panel", ex); } } public void setSegmentationLayer(String segmentationName) { this.segmentationName = segmentationName; if (result != null) { List<SNode> segNodes = CommonHelper.getSortedSegmentationNodes(segmentationName, result.getSDocumentGraph()); markedAndCovered = calculateMarkedAndCoveredIDs(result, segNodes); for (VisualizerPanel p : visualizers) { p.setSegmentationLayer(segmentationName, markedAndCovered); } } } public void setVisibleTokenAnnosVisible(Set<String> annos) { for (VisualizerPanel p : visualizers) { p.setVisibleTokenAnnosVisible(annos); } } private void calculateHelperVariables() { markedExactMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); markedCoveredMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (result != null) { SDocumentGraph g = result.getSDocumentGraph(); if (g != null) { for (SNode n : result.getSDocumentGraph().getSNodes()) { SFeature featMatched = n.getSFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_MATCHEDNODE); Long match = featMatched == null ? null : featMatched.getSValueSNUMERIC(); if (match != null) { int color = Math.max(0, Math.min((int) match.longValue() - 1, MatchedNodeColors.values().length - 1)); SFeature feat = n.getSFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_INTERNALID); if (feat != null) { markedExactMap.put("" + feat.getSValueSNUMERIC(), MatchedNodeColors.values()[color].name()); } } } } // end if g not null } // end if result not null } private void calulcateColorsForMarkedAndCoverd() { if (markedAndCovered != null) { for (Entry<SNode, Long> markedEntry : markedAndCovered.entrySet()) { int color = Math.max(0, Math.min((int) markedEntry.getValue().longValue() - 1, MatchedNodeColors.values().length - 1)); SFeature feat = markedEntry.getKey().getSFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_INTERNALID); if (feat != null) { markedCoveredMap.put("" + feat.getSValueSNUMERIC(), MatchedNodeColors.values()[color].name()); } } // end for each entry in markedAndCoverd } // end if markedAndCovered not null } private Map<SNode, Long> calculateMarkedAndCoveredIDs(SDocument doc, List<SNode> segNodes) { Map<SNode, Long> initialCovered = new HashMap<SNode, Long>(); // add all covered nodes for (SNode n : doc.getSDocumentGraph().getSNodes()) { SFeature featMatched = n.getSFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_MATCHEDNODE); Long match = featMatched == null ? null : featMatched.getSValueSNUMERIC(); if (match != null) { initialCovered.put(n, match); } } // calculate covered nodes SingleResultPanel.CoveredMatchesCalculator cmc = new SingleResultPanel.CoveredMatchesCalculator( doc.getSDocumentGraph(), initialCovered); Map<SNode, Long> covered = cmc.getMatchedAndCovered(); if (segmentationName != null) { // filter token Map<SToken, Long> coveredToken = new HashMap<SToken, Long>(); for (Map.Entry<SNode, Long> e : covered.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey() instanceof SToken) { coveredToken.put((SToken) e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } for (SNode segNode : segNodes) { if (segNode != null && !covered.containsKey(segNode)) { long leftTok = segNode.getSFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_LEFTTOKEN).getSValueSNUMERIC(); long rightTok = segNode.getSFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_RIGHTTOKEN).getSValueSNUMERIC(); // check for each covered token if this segment is covering it for (Map.Entry<SToken, Long> e : coveredToken.entrySet()) { long entryTokenIndex = e.getKey().getSFeature(ANNIS_NS, FEAT_TOKENINDEX) .getSValueSNUMERIC(); if (entryTokenIndex <= rightTok && entryTokenIndex >= leftTok) { // add this segmentation node to the covered set covered.put(segNode, e.getValue()); break; } } // end for each covered token } // end if not already contained } // end for each segmentation node } return covered; } @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getButton() == btInfo && result != null) { Window infoWindow = new Window("Info for " + result.getSId()); infoWindow.setModal(false); MetaDataPanel meta = new MetaDataPanel(path.get(0), path.get(path.size() - 1)); infoWindow.setContent(meta); infoWindow.setWidth("400px"); infoWindow.setHeight("400px"); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(infoWindow); } } public static class CoveredMatchesCalculator implements SGraphTraverseHandler { private Map<SNode, Long> matchedAndCovered; private long currentMatchPos; public CoveredMatchesCalculator(SDocumentGraph graph, Map<SNode, Long> initialMatches) { this.matchedAndCovered = initialMatches; currentMatchPos = 1; if (initialMatches.size() > 0) { graph.traverse(new BasicEList<SNode>(initialMatches.keySet()), GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE.TOP_DOWN_DEPTH_FIRST, "CoveredMatchesCalculator", (SGraphTraverseHandler) this, true); } } @Override public void nodeReached(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation edge, SNode fromNode, long order) { if (matchedAndCovered.containsKey(fromNode) && !matchedAndCovered.containsKey(currNode)) { currentMatchPos = matchedAndCovered.get(fromNode); matchedAndCovered.put(currNode, currentMatchPos); } } @Override public void nodeLeft(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SNode currNode, SRelation edge, SNode fromNode, long order) { } @Override public boolean checkConstraint(GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traversalType, String traversalId, SRelation edge, SNode currNode, long order) { if (edge == null || edge instanceof SDominanceRelation || edge instanceof SSpanningRelation) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Map<SNode, Long> getMatchedAndCovered() { return matchedAndCovered; } } }