Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2011 Collaborative Research Centre SFB 632 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package annis; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.xc.JaxbAnnotationIntrospector; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceImpl; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import annis.dao.AnnisDao; import annis.dao.AnnotatedMatch; import annis.dao.MetaDataFilter; import annis.model.Annotation; import annis.model.QueryAnnotation; import annis.model.QueryNode; import annis.ql.parser.AnnisParser; import annis.ql.parser.ParserException; import annis.ql.parser.QueryAnalysis; import annis.ql.parser.QueryData; import annis.service.objects.AnnisAttribute; import annis.service.objects.AnnisCorpus; import annis.service.objects.Match; import annis.service.objects.SaltURIGroup; import annis.service.objects.SaltURIGroupSet; import annis.sqlgen.AnnotateQueryData; import annis.sqlgen.AnnotateSqlGenerator; import annis.sqlgen.LimitOffsetQueryData; import annis.sqlgen.SqlGenerator; import annis.utils.Utils; import; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.SaltProject; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sCorpusStructure.SCorpusGraph; import de.hu_berlin.german.korpling.saltnpepper.salt.saltCommon.sCorpusStructure.SDocument; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.commons.collections.list.SynchronizedList; // TODO: test AnnisRunner public class AnnisRunner extends AnnisBaseRunner { // logging private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnnisRunner.class); // SQL generators for query functions private SqlGenerator<QueryData, List<Match>> findSqlGenerator; private SqlGenerator<QueryData, Integer> countSqlGenerator; private AnnotateSqlGenerator<SaltProject> annotateSqlGenerator; private SqlGenerator<QueryData, List<AnnotatedMatch>> matrixSqlGenerator; private AnnotateSqlGenerator<?> graphSqlGenerator; // dependencies private AnnisDao annisDao; private AnnisParser annisParser; private QueryAnalysis aqlAnalysis; private int context; private int matchLimit; private QueryAnalysis queryAnalysis; // settings private int limit = 10; private int offset; private int left = 5; private int right = 5; private String segmentationLayer = null; private List<Long> corpusList; private boolean clearCaches; private MetaDataFilter metaDataFilter; /** * @return the graphSqlGenerator */ public AnnotateSqlGenerator<?> getGraphSqlGenerator() { return graphSqlGenerator; } /** * @param graphSqlGenerator the graphSqlGenerator to set */ public void setGraphSqlGenerator(AnnotateSqlGenerator<?> graphSqlGenerator) { this.graphSqlGenerator = graphSqlGenerator; } public enum OS { linux, other } // benchmarking private static class Benchmark { private String functionCall; private QueryData queryData; private long avgTimeInMilliseconds; private long bestTimeInMilliseconds; private long worstTimeInMilliseconds; private String sql; private String plan; private int runs; private int errors; private final List<Long> values = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Long>()); public Benchmark(String functionCall, QueryData queryData) { super(); this.functionCall = functionCall; this.queryData = queryData; } public long getMedian() { synchronized (values) { // sort list Collections.sort(values); // get item in the middle int pos = Math.round((float) values.size() / 2.0f); if (pos >= 0 && pos < values.size()) { return values.get(pos); } } // indicate an error return -1; } } private List<AnnisRunner.Benchmark> benchmarks; private static final int SEQUENTIAL_RUNS = 5; public static void main(String[] args) { // get runner from Spring String path = Utils.getAnnisFile("conf/spring/Shell.xml").getAbsolutePath(); AnnisBaseRunner.getInstance("annisRunner", "file:" + path).run(args); } public AnnisRunner() { corpusList = new LinkedList<Long>(); benchmarks = new ArrayList<AnnisRunner.Benchmark>(); } ///// Commands public void doBenchmarkFile(String filename) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), "UTF-8")); try { Map<String, Integer> queryRun = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, Integer> queryId = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int maxId = 0; for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) { // get the id of this query if (!queryId.containsKey(line)) { ++maxId; queryId.put(line, maxId); } int id = queryId.get(line); // get the repetition of this query if (!queryRun.containsKey(line)) { queryRun.put(line, 0); } int run = queryRun.get(line) + 1; queryRun.put(line, run); String[] split = line.split(" ", 2); String queryFunction = split[0]; String annisQuery = split[1]; boolean error = false; QueryData queryData = null; try { queryData = analyzeQuery(annisQuery, queryFunction); } catch (RuntimeException e) { error = true; } if ("count".equals(queryFunction)) { long start = new Date().getTime(); if (!error) { try { int result = annisDao.count(queryData); long end = new Date().getTime(); long runtime = end - start; Object[] output = { queryFunction, annisQuery, result, runtime, id, run }; System.out.println(StringUtils.join(output, "\t")); } catch (RuntimeException e) { error = true; } } if (error) { String result = "ERROR"; long end = new Date().getTime(); long runtime = end - start; Object[] output = { queryFunction, annisQuery, result, runtime, id, run }; System.out.println(StringUtils.join(output, "\t")); } } } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { error(e); } } public void doDebug(String ignore) { doSql("subgraph salt:/pcc2/11299/#tok_1,salt:/pcc2/11299/#tok_2"); } public void doParse(String annisQuery) { out.println(annisParser.dumpTree(annisQuery)); } // FIXME: missing tests public void doSql(String funcCall) { String doSqlFunctionName = "sql_" + funcCall.split("\\s", 2)[0]; SqlGenerator<QueryData, ?> gen = getGeneratorForQueryFunction(funcCall); String annisQuery = getAnnisQueryFromFunctionCall(funcCall); QueryData queryData = analyzeQuery(annisQuery, doSqlFunctionName); out.println( "NOTICE: left = " + left + "; right = " + right + "; limit = " + limit + "; offset = " + offset); out.println(gen.toSql(queryData)); } public void doExplain(String functionCall, boolean analyze) { SqlGenerator<QueryData, ?> generator = getGeneratorForQueryFunction(functionCall); String function = getAnnisQueryFromFunctionCall(functionCall); String annisQuery = getAnnisQueryFromFunctionCall(functionCall); QueryData queryData = analyzeQuery(annisQuery, function); out.println( "NOTICE: left = " + left + "; right = " + right + "; limit = " + limit + "; offset = " + offset); out.println(annisDao.explain(generator, queryData, analyze)); } public void doPlan(String functionCall) { doExplain(functionCall, false); } public void doAnalyze(String functionCall) { doExplain(functionCall, true); } private SqlGenerator<QueryData, ?> getGeneratorForQueryFunction(String funcCall) { String[] split = funcCall.split(" ", 2); Validate.isTrue(split.length == 2, "bad call to plan"); String function = split[0]; SqlGenerator<QueryData, ?> generator = null; if ("count".equals(function)) { generator = countSqlGenerator; } else if ("find".equals(function)) { generator = findSqlGenerator; } else if ("annotate".equals(function)) { generator = annotateSqlGenerator; } else if ("matrix".equals(function)) { generator = matrixSqlGenerator; } else if ("subgraph".equals(function)) { generator = getGraphSqlGenerator(); } Validate.notNull(generator, "don't now query function: " + function); return generator; } private String getAnnisQueryFromFunctionCall(String functionCall) { String[] split = functionCall.split(" ", 2); Validate.isTrue(split.length == 2, "bad call to plan"); return split[1]; } public void doRecord(String dummy) { out.println("recording new benchmark session"); benchmarks.clear(); } public void doBenchmark(String benchmarkCount) { int count = Integer.parseInt(benchmarkCount); out.println("---> executing " + benchmarks.size() + " queries " + count + " times"); AnnisRunner.OS currentOS = AnnisRunner.OS.other; try { currentOS = AnnisRunner.OS.valueOf(System.getProperty("").toLowerCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } List<AnnisRunner.Benchmark> session = new ArrayList<AnnisRunner.Benchmark>(); // create sql + plan for each query and create count copies for each benchmark for (AnnisRunner.Benchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { if (clearCaches) { resetCaches(currentOS); } SqlGenerator<QueryData, ?> generator = getGeneratorForQueryFunction(benchmark.functionCall); benchmark.sql = getGeneratorForQueryFunction(benchmark.functionCall).toSql(benchmark.queryData); out.println("---> SQL query for: " + benchmark.functionCall); out.println(benchmark.sql); try { benchmark.plan = annisDao.explain(generator, benchmark.queryData, false); out.println("---> query plan for: " + benchmark.functionCall); out.println(benchmark.plan); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // nested DataAccessException would be better out.println("---> query plan failed for " + benchmark.functionCall); } benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds = Long.MAX_VALUE; benchmark.worstTimeInMilliseconds = Long.MIN_VALUE; out.println("---> running query sequentially " + SEQUENTIAL_RUNS + " times"); String options = benchmarkOptions(benchmark.queryData); for (int i = 0; i < SEQUENTIAL_RUNS; ++i) { if (i > 0) { out.print(", "); } boolean error = false; long start = new Date().getTime(); try { annisDao.executeQueryFunction(benchmark.queryData, generator); } catch (RuntimeException e) { error = true; } long end = new Date().getTime(); long runtime = end - start; benchmark.values.add(runtime); benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds = Math.min(benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds, runtime); benchmark.worstTimeInMilliseconds = Math.max(benchmark.worstTimeInMilliseconds, runtime); ++benchmark.runs; if (error) { ++benchmark.errors; } out.print(runtime + " ms"); } out.println(); out.println(benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds + " ms best time for '" + benchmark.functionCall + ("".equals(options) ? "'" : "' with " + options)); session.addAll(Collections.nCopies(count, benchmark)); } // clear cache again in order to treat the last query in the list equal to // the others if (clearCaches) { resetCaches(currentOS); } // shuffle the benchmark queries Collections.shuffle(session); out.println(); out.println("---> running queries in random order"); // execute the queries, record test times for (AnnisRunner.Benchmark benchmark : session) { if (benchmark.errors >= 3) { continue; } boolean error = false; SqlGenerator<QueryData, ?> generator = getGeneratorForQueryFunction(benchmark.functionCall); long start = new Date().getTime(); try { annisDao.executeQueryFunction(benchmark.queryData, generator); } catch (RuntimeException e) { error = true; } long end = new Date().getTime(); long runtime = end - start; benchmark.avgTimeInMilliseconds += runtime; benchmark.values.add(runtime); benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds = Math.min(benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds, runtime); benchmark.worstTimeInMilliseconds = Math.max(benchmark.worstTimeInMilliseconds, runtime); ++benchmark.runs; if (error) { ++benchmark.errors; } String options = benchmarkOptions(benchmark.queryData); out.println(runtime + " ms for '" + benchmark.functionCall + ("".equals(options) ? "'" : "' with " + options) + (error ? " ERROR" : "")); } // compute average runtime for each query out.println(); out.println("---> benchmark complete"); for (AnnisRunner.Benchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { benchmark.avgTimeInMilliseconds = Math .round((double) benchmark.avgTimeInMilliseconds / (double) benchmark.runs); String options = benchmarkOptions(benchmark.queryData); out.println(benchmark.getMedian() + " ms (median for " + benchmark.runs + " runs" + (benchmark.errors > 0 ? ", " + benchmark.errors + " errors)" : ")") + " for '" + benchmark.functionCall + ("".equals(options) ? "'" : "' with " + options)); } // show best runtime for each query out.println(); out.println("---> worst times"); for (AnnisRunner.Benchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { String options = benchmarkOptions(benchmark.queryData); out.println(benchmark.worstTimeInMilliseconds + " ms " + (benchmark.errors > 0 ? "(" + benchmark.errors + " errors)" : "") + " for '" + benchmark.functionCall + ("".equals(options) ? "'" : "' with " + options)); } // show best runtime for each query out.println(); out.println("---> best times"); for (AnnisRunner.Benchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { String options = benchmarkOptions(benchmark.queryData); out.println(benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds + " ms " + (benchmark.errors > 0 ? "(" + benchmark.errors + " errors)" : "") + " for '" + benchmark.functionCall + ("".equals(options) ? "'" : "' with " + options)); } out.println(); // CSV output try { CSVWriter csv = new CSVWriter( new FileWriterWithEncoding(new File("annis_benchmark_result.csv"), "UTF-8")); String[] header = new String[] { "corpora", "query", "median", "diff-best", "diff-worst" }; csv.writeNext(header); for (AnnisRunner.Benchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { long median = benchmark.getMedian(); String[] line = new String[5]; line[0] = StringUtils.join(benchmark.queryData.getCorpusList(), ","); line[1] = benchmark.functionCall; line[2] = "" + median; line[3] = "" + Math.abs(benchmark.bestTimeInMilliseconds - median); line[4] = "" + Math.abs(median - benchmark.worstTimeInMilliseconds); csv.writeNext(line); } csv.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } } public String benchmarkOptions(QueryData queryData) { List<Long> corpusList = queryData.getCorpusList(); List<QueryAnnotation> metaData = queryData.getMetaData(); Set<Object> extensions = queryData.getExtensions(); List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!corpusList.isEmpty()) { fields.add("corpus = " + corpusList); } if (!metaData.isEmpty()) { fields.add("meta = " + metaData); } for (Object extension : extensions) { String toString = extension.toString(); if (!"".equals(toString)) { fields.add(toString); } } return StringUtils.join(fields, ", "); } private void resetCaches(AnnisRunner.OS currentOS) { switch (currentOS) { case linux: Writer w = null; try {"resetting caches"); log.debug("syncing"); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sync").waitFor(); File dropCaches = new File("/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"); if (dropCaches.canWrite()) { log.debug("clearing file system cache"); w = new FileWriterWithEncoding(dropCaches, "UTF-8"); w.write("3"); } else { log.warn("Cannot clear file system cache of the operating system"); } File postgresScript = new File("/etc/init.d/postgresql"); if (postgresScript.exists() && postgresScript.isFile()) { log.debug("restarting postgresql"); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(postgresScript.getAbsolutePath() + " restart").waitFor(); } else { log.warn("Cannot restart postgresql"); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } finally { if (w != null) { try { w.close(); } catch (IOException ex1) { log.error(null, ex1); } } } break; default: log.warn("Cannot reset cache on this operating system"); } } public void doSet(String callToSet) { String[] split = callToSet.split(" ", 3); Validate.isTrue(split.length > 0, "syntax error: set " + callToSet); String setting = split[0]; String value = null; boolean show = split.length == 1 && setting.startsWith("?"); if (show) { setting = setting.substring(1); } else { Validate.isTrue(split.length == 3 && "TO".toLowerCase().equals(split[1]), "syntax error: set " + callToSet); value = split[2]; } if ("limit".equals(setting)) { if (show) { value = String.valueOf(limit); } else { limit = Integer.parseInt(value); } } else if ("offset".equals(setting)) { if (show) { value = String.valueOf(offset); } else { offset = Integer.parseInt(value); } } else if ("left".equals(setting)) { if (show) { value = String.valueOf(left); } else { left = Integer.parseInt(value); } } else if ("right".equals(setting)) { if (show) { value = String.valueOf(right); } else { right = Integer.parseInt(value); } } else if ("context".equals(setting)) { if (show) { if (left != right) { value = "(left != right)"; } else { value = String.valueOf(left); } } else { left = Integer.parseInt(value); right = left; } } else if ("timeout".equals(setting)) { if (show) { value = String.valueOf(annisDao.getTimeout()); } else { annisDao.setTimeout(Integer.parseInt(value)); } } else if ("clear-caches".equals(setting)) { if (show) { value = String.valueOf(clearCaches); } else { clearCaches = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } } else if ("corpus-list".equals(setting)) { corpusList.clear(); if (!"all".equals(value)) { String[] list = value.split(" "); for (String corpus : list) { corpusList.add(Long.parseLong(corpus)); } } } else if ("seg".equals(setting)) { if (show) { value = segmentationLayer; } else { segmentationLayer = value; } } else { out.println("ERROR: unknown option: " + setting); } out.println(setting + ": " + value); } public void doShow(String setting) { doSet("?" + setting); } /** * Does the setup for the QueryData object. * * If the query function is "subgraph" or "sql_subgraph" the annisQuery string * should contain space separated salt ids. In this case the annisQuery is not * parsed and the {@link QueryData#getAlternatives()} method should return a * List with dummy QueryNode entries. * Instead of parsing the annisQuery it extracts the salt ids and * put it into the extension's of {@link QueryData}. * * @param annisQuery should include a valid annis query * @param queryFunction should include a method name of {@link AnnisRunner} * which starts with do. * @return {@link QueryData} object, which contains a parsed annis query, the * default context {@link AnnisRunner#left} and {@link AnnisRunner#left} * values and the default {@link AnnisRunner#limit} and * {@link AnnisRunner#offset} values */ private QueryData analyzeQuery(String annisQuery, String queryFunction) { QueryData queryData; log.debug("analyze query for " + queryFunction + " function"); if (queryFunction != null && !queryFunction.matches("(sql_)?subgraph")) { queryData = annisDao.parseAQL(annisQuery, corpusList); } else { queryData = extractSaltIds(annisQuery); } queryData.setCorpusConfiguration(annisDao.getCorpusConfiguration()); // filter by meta data queryData.setDocuments(metaDataFilter.getDocumentsForMetadata(queryData)); if (queryFunction != null && queryFunction.matches("(sql_)?(annotate|find)")) { queryData.addExtension(new AnnotateQueryData(left, right, segmentationLayer)); queryData.addExtension(new LimitOffsetQueryData(offset, limit)); } else if (queryFunction != null && queryFunction.matches("(sql_)?subgraph")) { queryData.addExtension(new AnnotateQueryData(left, right, segmentationLayer)); } if (annisQuery != null) { benchmarks.add(new AnnisRunner.Benchmark(queryFunction + " " + annisQuery, queryData)); } // printing of NOTICE conflicts with benchmarkFile // out.println("NOTICE: corpus = " + queryData.getCorpusList()); return queryData; } public void doCount(String annisQuery) { out.println(annisDao.count(analyzeQuery(annisQuery, "count"))); } public void doMatrix(String annisQuery) { // List<AnnotatedMatch> matches = annisDao.matrix(getCorpusList(), parse(annisQuery)); List<AnnotatedMatch> matches = annisDao.matrix(analyzeQuery(annisQuery, "matrix")); if (matches.isEmpty()) { out.println("(empty"); } else { out.println(WekaHelper.exportAsArff(matches)); } } public void doFind(String annisQuery) { List<Match> matches = annisDao.find(analyzeQuery(annisQuery, "find")); JAXBContext jc = null; try { jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(annis.service.objects.Match.class); } catch (JAXBException ex) { log.error("Problems with writing XML", ex); } for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { try { jc.createMarshaller().marshal(matches.get(i), out); } catch (JAXBException ex) { log.error("Problems with writing XML", ex); } out.println(); } } public void doSubgraph(String saltIds) { QueryData queryData = analyzeQuery(saltIds, "subgraph"); out.println( "NOTICE: left = " + left + "; right = " + right + "; limit = " + limit + "; offset = " + offset); SaltProject result = annisDao.graph(queryData); // write result to File URI path = URI.createFileURI("/tmp/annissalt"); result.saveSaltProject_DOT(path); System.out.println("graph as dot written to /tmp/annissalt"); } public void doAnnotate(String annisQuery) { QueryData queryData = analyzeQuery(annisQuery, "annotate"); out.println( "NOTICE: left = " + left + "; right = " + right + "; limit = " + limit + "; offset = " + offset); SaltProject result = annisDao.annotate(queryData); URI uri = URI.createFileURI("/tmp/annissalt"); result.saveSaltProject_DOT(uri); System.out.println("graph as dot written to /tmp/annissalt"); } public void doCorpus(String list) { corpusList = new LinkedList<Long>(); String[] splits = StringUtils.split(list, " "); for (String split : splits) { try { corpusList.add(Long.parseLong(split)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // check if there is a corpus with this name LinkedList<String> splitList = new LinkedList<String>(); splitList.add(split); corpusList.addAll(annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(splitList)); } } if (corpusList.isEmpty()) { setPrompt("no corpus>"); } else { setPrompt(StringUtils.join(corpusList, ",") + ">"); } } public void doList(String unused) { List<AnnisCorpus> corpora = annisDao.listCorpora(); printAsTable(corpora, "id", "name", "textCount", "tokenCount"); } public void doAnnotations(String doListValues) { boolean listValues = "values".equals(doListValues); List<AnnisAttribute> annotations = annisDao.listAnnotations(getCorpusList(), listValues, true); try { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); AnnotationIntrospector ai = new JaxbAnnotationIntrospector(); DeserializationConfig config = om.getDeserializationConfig().withAnnotationIntrospector(ai); om.setDeserializationConfig(config); om.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true); System.out.println(om.writeValueAsString(annotations)); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("problems with writing result", ex); } } public void doMeta(String corpusId) { LinkedList<Long> corpusIdAsList = new LinkedList<Long>(); try { corpusIdAsList.add(Long.parseLong(corpusId)); List<String> toplevelNames = annisDao.mapCorpusIdsToNames(corpusIdAsList); List<Annotation> corpusAnnotations = annisDao.listCorpusAnnotations(toplevelNames.get(0)); printAsTable(corpusAnnotations, "namespace", "name", "value"); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.print("not a number: " + corpusId); } } public void doSqlDoc(String docCall) { String[] splitted = docCall.split("( )+"); Validate.isTrue(splitted.length > 1, "must have to arguments (toplevel corpus name and document name"); System.out.println(annotateSqlGenerator.getDocumentQuery(splitted[0], splitted[1])); } public void doDoc(String docCall) { String[] splitted = docCall.split("( )+"); Validate.isTrue(splitted.length > 1, "must have to arguments (toplevel corpus name and document name"); SaltProject p = annisDao.retrieveAnnotationGraph(splitted[0], splitted[1]); System.out.println(printSaltAsXMI(p)); } public void doQuit(String dummy) { System.out.println("bye bye!"); System.exit(0); } private void printAsTable(List<? extends Object> list, String... fields) { out.println(new TableFormatter().formatAsTable(list, fields)); } private String printSaltAsXMI(SaltProject project) { try { Resource resource = new XMIResourceImpl(); // add the project itself resource.getContents().add(project); // add all SDocumentGraph elements for (SCorpusGraph corpusGraph : project.getSCorpusGraphs()) { for (SDocument doc : corpusGraph.getSDocuments()) { if (doc.getSDocumentGraph() != null) { resource.getContents().add(doc.getSDocumentGraph()); } } } ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();, null); return new String(outStream.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } return ""; } public AnnisParser getAnnisParser() { return annisParser; } public void setAnnisParser(AnnisParser annisParser) { this.annisParser = annisParser; } public AnnisDao getAnnisDao() { return annisDao; } public void setAnnisDao(AnnisDao annisDao) { this.annisDao = annisDao; } public QueryAnalysis getAqlAnalysis() { return aqlAnalysis; } public void setAqlAnalysis(QueryAnalysis aqlAnalysis) { this.aqlAnalysis = aqlAnalysis; } public List<Long> getCorpusList() { return corpusList; } public void setCorpusList(List<Long> corpusList) { this.corpusList = corpusList; } public int getContext() { return context; } public void setContext(int context) { this.context = context; } public int getMatchLimit() { return matchLimit; } public void setMatchLimit(int matchLimit) { this.matchLimit = matchLimit; } public QueryAnalysis getQueryAnalysis() { return queryAnalysis; } public void setQueryAnalysis(QueryAnalysis queryAnalysis) { this.queryAnalysis = queryAnalysis; } public SqlGenerator<QueryData, Integer> getCountSqlGenerator() { return countSqlGenerator; } public void setCountSqlGenerator(SqlGenerator<QueryData, Integer> countSqlGenerator) { this.countSqlGenerator = countSqlGenerator; } public AnnotateSqlGenerator<SaltProject> getAnnotateSqlGenerator() { return annotateSqlGenerator; } public void setAnnotateSqlGenerator(AnnotateSqlGenerator<SaltProject> annotateSqlGenerator) { this.annotateSqlGenerator = annotateSqlGenerator; } public SqlGenerator<QueryData, List<Match>> getFindSqlGenerator() { return findSqlGenerator; } public void setFindSqlGenerator(SqlGenerator<QueryData, List<Match>> findSqlGenerator) { this.findSqlGenerator = findSqlGenerator; } public SqlGenerator<QueryData, List<AnnotatedMatch>> getMatrixSqlGenerator() { return matrixSqlGenerator; } public void setMatrixSqlGenerator(SqlGenerator<QueryData, List<AnnotatedMatch>> matrixSqlGenerator) { this.matrixSqlGenerator = matrixSqlGenerator; } public MetaDataFilter getMetaDataFilter() { return metaDataFilter; } public void setMetaDataFilter(MetaDataFilter metaDataFilter) { this.metaDataFilter = metaDataFilter; } private QueryData extractSaltIds(String param) { QueryData queryData = new QueryData(); SaltURIGroupSet saltIDs = new SaltURIGroupSet(); Set<String> corpusNames = new TreeSet<String>(); int i = 0; for (String group : param.split("\\s*;\\s*")) { SaltURIGroup urisForGroup = new SaltURIGroup(); for (String id : group.split("[,\\s]+")) { uri; try { uri = new; if (!"salt".equals(uri.getScheme()) || uri.getFragment() == null) { throw new URISyntaxException("not a salt id", uri.toString()); } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { log.error(null, ex); continue; } urisForGroup.getUris().add(uri); } // collect list of used corpora and created pseudo QueryNodes for each URI List<QueryNode> pseudoNodes = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(urisForGroup.getUris().size()); for ( u : urisForGroup.getUris()) { pseudoNodes.add(new QueryNode()); corpusNames.add(CommonHelper.getCorpusPath(u).get(0)); } queryData.addAlternative(pseudoNodes); saltIDs.getGroups().put(++i, urisForGroup); } List<Long> corpusIDs = annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(new LinkedList<String>(corpusNames)); queryData.setCorpusList(corpusIDs); log.debug(saltIDs.toString()); queryData.addExtension(saltIDs); return queryData; } }