Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 ** Copyright (c) 2013, 2015,XiaoYu (Gary) Ge, Stephen Gould,Jochen Renz
 **  Sahan Abeyasinghe, Jim Keys, Kar-Wai Lim, Zain Mubashir,  Andrew Wang, Peng Zhang
 ** All rights reserved.
 **This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 
 **To view a copy of this license, visit 
 *or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

package angryhexclient;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.opencv.core.CvType;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f;
import org.opencv.core.RotatedRect;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;

import Jama.Matrix;

/* OurVision ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

public class OurVision {

    private int _nHeight; // height of the scene
    private int _nWidth; // width of the scene
    private int _scene[][]; // quantized scene colours
    private int _nSegments; // number of segments
    private int _segments[][]; // connected components (0 to _nSegments)
    private int _colours[]; // colour for each segment
    private Rectangle _boxes[]; // bounding box for each segment
    private int _regionThreshold = 10; // minimal pixels in a region

    private static Logger Log = Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);

    // create a vision object for processing a given screenshot
    public OurVision(BufferedImage screenshot) {

    // find slingshot
    // only return one rectangle
    public Rectangle findSlingshot() {
        Rectangle obj;

        // test for slingshot (mainly 345)
        //commented out because it's not used
        //      int nPixel = _nWidth * _nHeight;
        Boolean ignorePixel[][] = new Boolean[_nHeight][_nWidth];

        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                ignorePixel[i][j] = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                if ((_scene[i][j] != 345) || ignorePixel[i][j])
                obj = new Rectangle(j, i, 0, 0);
                LinkedList<Point> l = new LinkedList<Point>();

                LinkedList<Point> pointsinRec = new LinkedList<Point>();

                l.add(new Point(j, i));
                ignorePixel[i][j] = true;
                while (true) {
                    if (l.isEmpty())
                    Point p = l.pop();
                    // check if the colours of the adjacent points of p is
                    // belong to slingshot

                    // check underneath pixel
                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 345 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 418
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 273 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 281
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 209 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 346
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 354 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 282
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 351) && !ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y + 1);
                            pointsinRec.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));

                    // check right pixel
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 345 || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 418
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 346 || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 354
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 273 || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 281
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 209 || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 282
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 351) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x + 1, p.y);
                            pointsinRec.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));

                    // check upper pixel
                    if (p.y > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 345 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 418
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 346 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 354
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 273 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 281
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 209 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 282
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 351) && !ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y - 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y - 1);
                            pointsinRec.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));

                    // check left pixel
                    if (p.x > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 345 || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 418
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 346 || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 354
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 273 || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 281
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 209 || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 282
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 351) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x - 1, p.y);
                            pointsinRec.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));

                    // ignore checked pixels
                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1] = true;
                    if (p.y > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1] = true;

                int[] hist = histogram(obj);

                // abandon shelf underneath
                if (obj.height > 10) {
                    Rectangle col = new Rectangle(obj.x, obj.y, 1, obj.height);
                    int[] histCol = histogram(col);
                    //commented out because it's not used
                    //               int ColColour = histCol[345] + histCol[418] + histCol[346]
                    //                     + histCol[354] + histCol[273] + histCol[281]
                    //                     + histCol[209] + histCol[280] + histCol[351];

                    if (_scene[obj.y][obj.x] == 511 || _scene[obj.y][obj.x] == 447) {
                        for (int m = obj.y; m < obj.y + obj.height; m++) {
                            if (_scene[m][obj.x] == 345 || _scene[m][obj.x] == 418 || _scene[m][obj.x] == 346
                                    || _scene[m][obj.x] == 354 || _scene[m][obj.x] == 273 || _scene[m][obj.x] == 281
                                    || _scene[m][obj.x] == 209 || _scene[m][obj.x] == 282
                                    || _scene[m][obj.x] == 351) {
                                obj.setSize(obj.width, m - obj.y);

                    while (histCol[511] >= obj.height * 0.8) {
                        obj.setBounds(obj.x + 1, obj.y, obj.width - 1, obj.height);
                        col = new Rectangle(obj.x + 1, obj.y, 1, obj.height);
                        histCol = histogram(col);

                    col = new Rectangle(obj.x + obj.width, obj.y, 1, obj.height);
                    histCol = histogram(col);
                    while (histCol[511] >= obj.height * 0.8 && obj.height > 10) {
                        obj.setSize(obj.width - 1, obj.height);
                        col = new Rectangle(obj.x + obj.width, obj.y, 1, obj.height);
                        histCol = histogram(col);

                if (obj.width > obj.height)

                if ((hist[345] > Math.max(32, 0.1 * obj.width * obj.height)) && (hist[64] != 0)) {
                    obj.add(new Rectangle(obj.x - obj.width / 10, obj.y - obj.height / 3, obj.width / 10 * 12,
                            obj.height / 3 * 4));
                    return obj;
        return null;

    // find pigs in the current scene
    public List<Rectangle> findPigs() {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        // find candidates
        Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Arrays.fill(ignore, false);

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if ((_colours[n] != 376) || ignore[n])

            // dilate bounding box of colour 376
            Rectangle bounds = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[n], _boxes[n].width / 2 + 1,
                    _boxes[n].height / 2 + 1);
            Rectangle obj = _boxes[n];

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colour 376
            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 376)
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], _boxes[m].width / 2 + 1,
                        _boxes[m].height / 2 + 1);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colour 250
            Boolean bValidObject = false;
            for (int m = 0; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 250)
                if (bounds.intersects(_boxes[m])) {
                    bValidObject = true;

            // add object if valid
            if (bValidObject) {
                obj = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(obj, obj.width / 2 + 1, obj.height / 2 + 1);
                obj = VisionUtils.cropBoundingBox(obj, _nWidth, _nHeight);

        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findBirds(BirdType b) {
        //System.out.println("Finding "" birds.");
        switch (b) {
        case red:
            return findRedBirds();
        case yellow:
            return findYellowBirds();
        case blue:
            return findBlueBirds();
        case white:
            return findWhiteBirds();
        case black:
            return findBlackBirds();
            // very useful to understand if someone (perhaps the organizers)
            // changes the enum BirdType and we forgot to update this switch
            Log.warning("Unknown Bird Type");
            return null;

    // find birds in the current scene
    public List<Rectangle> findRedBirds() {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        // test for red birds (385, 488, 501)
        Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Arrays.fill(ignore, false);

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if ((_colours[n] != 385) || ignore[n])

            // dilate bounding box around colour 385
            Rectangle bounds = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[n], 1, _boxes[n].height / 2 + 1);
            Rectangle obj = _boxes[n];

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colour 385
            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 385)
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], 1, _boxes[m].height / 2 + 1);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colours 488 and 501
            Boolean bValidObject = false;
            for (int m = 0; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if ((_colours[m] != 488) && (_colours[m] != 501))
                if (bounds.intersects(_boxes[m])) {
                    bValidObject = true;

            if (bValidObject) {
                obj = VisionUtils.cropBoundingBox(obj, _nWidth, _nHeight);

        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findBlueBirds() {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        // test for blue birds (238)
        Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Arrays.fill(ignore, false);

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if ((_colours[n] != 238) || ignore[n])

            // dilate bounding box around colour 238
            Rectangle bounds = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[n], 1, _boxes[n].height / 2 + 1);
            Rectangle obj = _boxes[n];

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colours 238, 165, 280,
            // 344, 488, 416
            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if ((_colours[m] != 238) && (_colours[m] != 165) && (_colours[m] != 280) && (_colours[m] != 344)
                        && (_colours[m] != 488) && (_colours[m] != 416))
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], 2, _boxes[m].height / 2 + 1);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 238)
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], 2, _boxes[m].height / 2 + 1);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colours 488
            Boolean bValidObject = false;
            for (int m = 0; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 488)
                if (bounds.intersects(_boxes[m])) {
                    bValidObject = true;

            if (bValidObject && (obj.width > 3)) {
                obj = VisionUtils.cropBoundingBox(obj, _nWidth, _nHeight);

        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findYellowBirds() {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        // test for blue birds (497)
        Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Arrays.fill(ignore, false);

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if ((_colours[n] != 497) || ignore[n])

            // dilate bounding box around colour 497
            Rectangle bounds = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[n], 2, 2);
            Rectangle obj = _boxes[n];

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colours 497
            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 497)
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], 2, 2);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            // confirm secondary colours 288
            obj = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(obj, 2, 2);
            obj = VisionUtils.cropBoundingBox(obj, _nWidth, _nHeight);
            int[] hist = histogram(obj);
            if (hist[288] > 0) {

        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findWhiteBirds() {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        // test for white birds (490)
        Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Arrays.fill(ignore, false);

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if ((_colours[n] != 490) || ignore[n])

            // dilate bounding box around colour 490
            Rectangle bounds = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[n], 2, 2);
            Rectangle obj = _boxes[n];

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colour 490
            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 490 && _colours[m] != 508 && _colours[m] != 510)
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], 2, 2);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            // confirm secondary colour 510
            obj = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(obj, 2, 2);
            obj = VisionUtils.cropBoundingBox(obj, _nWidth, _nHeight);

            // Jochen's patch July 25th 2013
            // remove objects too high or too low in the image 
            // (probably false positives)
            if ((obj.y < 60) || (obj.y > 385)) {

            int[] hist = histogram(obj);
            if (hist[510] > 0 && hist[508] > 0) {

        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findBlackBirds() {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        // test for white birds (488)
        Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Arrays.fill(ignore, false);

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if ((_colours[n] != 488) || ignore[n])

            // dilate bounding box around colour 488
            Rectangle bounds = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[n], 2, 2);
            Rectangle obj = _boxes[n];

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colour 488
            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 488 && _colours[m] != 146 && _colours[m] != 64 && _colours[m] != 0)
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], 2, 2);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            // confirm secondary colour
            obj = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(obj, 2, 2);
            obj = VisionUtils.cropBoundingBox(obj, _nWidth, _nHeight);
            int[] hist = histogram(obj);
            if ((hist[0] > Math.max(32, 0.1 * obj.width * obj.height)) && hist[64] > 0 && hist[385] == 0) {

        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findStonesAsRectangles() {
        List<Rectangle> retValue = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
        for (Block b : findStones()) {
        return retValue;


    public List<Block> findStones() {
        ArrayList<Block> objects = new ArrayList<Block>();

        // test for stone (mainly 365)
        //commented out because it's not used
        //      int nPixel = _nWidth * _nHeight;
        Boolean ignorePixel[][] = new Boolean[_nHeight][_nWidth];

        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                ignorePixel[i][j] = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                if ((_scene[i][j] != 365) || ignorePixel[i][j])
                Block obj = new Block(j, i);
                LinkedList<Point> l = new LinkedList<Point>();
                l.add(new Point(j, i));
                ignorePixel[i][j] = true;
                while (true) {
                    if (l.isEmpty())
                    Point p = l.pop();
                    // check if the colours of the adjacent points of p is
                    // belong to stone
                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 365) && !ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y + 1);
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 365) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x + 1, p.y);

                    if (p.y > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 365) && !ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y - 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y - 1);

                    if (p.x > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 365) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x - 1, p.y);

                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1] = true;
                    if (p.y > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1] = true;

                if (obj.rectangle.width * obj.rectangle.height > _regionThreshold
                        && !(new Rectangle(0, 0, 190, 55).contains(obj.rectangle)))
        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findIceAsRectangles() {
        List<Rectangle> retValue = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
        for (Block b : findIce()) {
        return retValue;


    public List<Block> findIce() {
        ArrayList<Block> objects = new ArrayList<Block>();

        // test for ice (mainly 311)
        //commented out because it's not used
        //      int nPixel = _nWidth * _nHeight;
        Boolean ignorePixel[][] = new Boolean[_nHeight][_nWidth];

        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                ignorePixel[i][j] = false;


        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                if ((_scene[i][j] != 311) || ignorePixel[i][j])
                Block obj = new Block(j, i);
                LinkedList<Point> l = new LinkedList<Point>();
                l.add(new Point(j, i));
                ignorePixel[i][j] = true;
                while (true) {
                    if (l.isEmpty())
                    Point p = l.pop();
                    // check if the colours of the adjacent points of p is
                    // belong to ice
                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 311 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 247
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 183) && !ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y + 1);
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 311 || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 247
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 183) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x + 1, p.y);
                    if (p.y > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 311 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 247
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 183) && !ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y - 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y - 1);
                    if (p.x > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 311 || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 247
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 183) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x - 1, p.y);

                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1] = true;
                    if (p.y > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1] = true;

                if (obj.rectangle.width * obj.rectangle.height > _regionThreshold
                        && !(new Rectangle(0, 0, 190, 55).contains(obj.rectangle)))
        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findWoodAsRectangles() {
        List<Rectangle> retValue = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
        for (Block b : findWood()) {
        return retValue;

    public List<Block> findWood() {
        ArrayList<Block> objects = new ArrayList<Block>();

        // test for wood (mainly 481)
        //commented out because it's not used
        //      int nPixel = _nWidth * _nHeight;
        // Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Boolean ignorePixel[][] = new Boolean[_nHeight][_nWidth];

        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                ignorePixel[i][j] = false;


        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                if ((_scene[i][j] != 481) || ignorePixel[i][j])
                Block obj = new Block(j, i);
                LinkedList<Point> l = new LinkedList<Point>();
                List<Point> pointBag = new ArrayList<Point>();
                l.add(new Point(j, i));
                pointBag.add(new Point(j, i));
                ignorePixel[i][j] = true;
                while (true) {
                    if (l.isEmpty())
                    Point p = l.pop();
                    // check if the colours of the adjacent points of p is
                    // belong to wood
                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 481 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 408
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 417) && !ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y + 1);
                            pointBag.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 481 || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 408
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 417) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x + 1, p.y);
                            pointBag.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y));
                    if (p.y > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 481 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 408
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 417) && !ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y - 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y - 1);
                            pointBag.add(new Point(p.x, p.y - 1));
                    if (p.x > 0)
                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 481 || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 408
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 417) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x - 1, p.y);
                            pointBag.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y));

                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x < _nWidth - 1)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1] = true;
                    if (p.y > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x] = true;
                    if (p.x > 0)
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1] = true;

                if (obj.rectangle.width * obj.rectangle.height > _regionThreshold
                        && !(new Rectangle(0, 0, 190, 55).contains(obj.rectangle)))

        return objects;

    public List<Rectangle> findTNTs() {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        Boolean ignore[] = new Boolean[_nSegments];
        Arrays.fill(ignore, false);

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if ((_colours[n] != 410) || ignore[n])

            // dilate bounding box around colour 410
            Rectangle bounds = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[n], 2, 2);
            Rectangle obj = _boxes[n];

            // look for overlapping bounding boxes of colour 410
            for (int m = n + 1; m < _nSegments; m++) {
                if (_colours[m] != 410 && _colours[m] != 418)
                final Rectangle bounds2 = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(_boxes[m], 2, 2);
                if (bounds.intersects(bounds2)) {
                    ignore[m] = true;

            obj = VisionUtils.dialateRectangle(obj, 2, 2);
            obj = VisionUtils.cropBoundingBox(obj, _nWidth, _nHeight);

            // check secondary colour
            int[] hist = histogram(obj);
            if (hist[457] > 0 && hist[511] > 0) {

        return objects;

    // find trajectory points
    public ArrayList<Point> findTrajPoints() {
        ArrayList<Point> objects = new ArrayList<Point>();
        ArrayList<Point> objectsRemovedNoise;

        // test for trajectory points
        //commented out because it's not used
        //      int nPixel = _nWidth * _nHeight;
        Boolean ignorePixel[][] = new Boolean[_nHeight][_nWidth];

        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                ignorePixel[i][j] = false;


        for (int i = 0; i < _nHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _nWidth; j++) {
                if ((_scene[i][j] != 365 && _scene[i][j] != 366 && _scene[i][j] != 438) || ignorePixel[i][j])
                Rectangle obj = new Rectangle(j, i, 0, 0);
                LinkedList<Point> l = new LinkedList<Point>();
                l.add(new Point(j, i));
                ignorePixel[i][j] = true;
                while (true) {
                    if (l.isEmpty())
                    Point p = l.pop();
                    // check if the colours of the adjacent points of p is
                    // belong to traj Points
                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1 && p.x < _nWidth - 1 && p.y > 0 && p.x > 0) {
                        if ((_scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 365 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y + 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y + 1);

                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 365 || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x + 1] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x + 1, p.y);

                        if ((_scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 365 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x, p.y - 1));
                            obj.add(p.x, p.y - 1);

                        if ((_scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 365 || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y][p.x - 1] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y));
                            obj.add(p.x - 1, p.y);

                        if ((_scene[p.y - 1][p.x - 1] == 365 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x - 1] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x - 1] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x - 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y - 1));
                            obj.add(p.x - 1, p.y - 1);

                        if ((_scene[p.y - 1][p.x + 1] == 365 || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x + 1] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y - 1][p.x + 1] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x + 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y - 1));
                            obj.add(p.x + 1, p.y - 1);

                        if ((_scene[p.y + 1][p.x + 1] == 365 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x + 1] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x + 1] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x + 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x + 1, p.y + 1));
                            obj.add(p.x + 1, p.y + 1);

                        if ((_scene[p.y + 1][p.x - 1] == 365 || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x - 1] == 366
                                || _scene[p.y + 1][p.x - 1] == 438) && !ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x - 1]) {
                            l.add(new Point(p.x - 1, p.y + 1));
                            obj.add(p.x - 1, p.y + 1);

                    if (p.y < _nHeight - 1 && p.x < _nWidth - 1 && p.y > 0 && p.x > 0) {
                        ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x] = true;
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x + 1] = true;

                        ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x] = true;
                        ignorePixel[p.y][p.x - 1] = true;

                        ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x + 1] = true;
                        ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x + 1] = true;
                        ignorePixel[p.y + 1][p.x - 1] = true;
                        ignorePixel[p.y - 1][p.x - 1] = true;

                //commented out because it's not used
                //            Rectangle menu = new Rectangle(0, 0, 205, 60);
                if (obj.height * obj.width <= 25)
                    objects.add(new Point((int) obj.getCenterX(), (int) obj.getCenterY()));

        objectsRemovedNoise = (ArrayList<Point>) objects.clone();

        // remove noise points
        Matrix W = fitParabola(objects);
        double maxError = 10;
        Rectangle menu = new Rectangle(0, 0, 205, 60);

        for (Point o : objects) {
            if (Math.abs(W.get(0, 0) * Math.pow(o.x, 2) + W.get(1, 0) * o.x + W.get(2, 0) - o.y) > maxError) {

            if (menu.contains(o)) {

        return objectsRemovedNoise;

    // fit parabola using maximum likelihood
    // vector W = (w0,w1,w2)T , y = w0*x^2 + w1*x + w2
    public Matrix fitParabola(List<Point> objects) {
        int trainingSize = 60;
        double arrayPhiX[][] = new double[trainingSize][3]; // Training set
        double arrayY[][] = new double[trainingSize][1];

        Rectangle sling = this.findSlingshot();

        Matrix PhiX, Y;
        Matrix W = new Matrix(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, 3);
        int i = 0;
        for (Point p : objects) {

            // if slingshot not detected, abandon side noises
            if (sling == null) {
                if (Math.abs(p.x - _nWidth / 2) <= _nWidth / 6 && p.y <= _nHeight / 5 * 3 && i < trainingSize) {
                    arrayPhiX[i][0] = Math.pow(p.x, 2);
                    arrayPhiX[i][1] = p.x;
                    arrayPhiX[i][2] = 1;
                    arrayY[i][0] = p.y;

            // if slingshot detected, abandon noises to the left of slingshot
            else {
                if (p.x >= sling.getCenterX() + sling.width * 2 && p.x <= sling.getCenterX() + _nWidth / 3
                        && p.y <= sling.getCenterY() && i < trainingSize) {
                    arrayPhiX[i][0] = Math.pow(p.x, 2);
                    arrayPhiX[i][1] = p.x;
                    arrayPhiX[i][2] = 1;
                    arrayY[i][0] = p.y;

        PhiX = new Matrix(arrayPhiX);
        Y = new Matrix(arrayY);

        // Maximum likelihood
        try {
            W = PhiX.transpose().times(PhiX).inverse().times(PhiX.transpose()).times(Y);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // if Matrix is singular
            // do nothing
        return W;

    // train parabola using gradient descent
    public Matrix trainParabola(ArrayList<Rectangle> objects) {

        double points[][] = new double[objects.size()][2];
        double alpha = 1e-10;
        int trainingSize = 100;

        double trainingSet[][] = new double[trainingSize][2];
        double SquareError;
        Matrix deltaError;

        int i = 0, j = 0;
        for (Rectangle p : objects) {
            points[i][0] = p.getCenterX();
            points[i][1] = p.getCenterY();
            if (Math.abs(p.getCenterX() - _nWidth / 2) <= _nWidth / 4
                    && Math.abs(p.getCenterY() - _nHeight / 2) <= _nHeight / 5 && j < trainingSize) {
                trainingSet[j][0] = points[i][0];
                trainingSet[j][1] = points[i][1];

        //commented out because it's not used
        //      Matrix T = new Matrix(trainingSet);// possible traj points matrix
        Matrix W = new Matrix(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, 3);// parabola
        // parameters
        //commented out because it's not used
        //      Matrix oldW;
        Matrix phiX;
        for (int x = -50; x < 50; x++) {
            if (x + 50 < trainingSize) {
                trainingSet[x + 50][0] = x;
                trainingSet[x + 50][1] = -x * x + 20 * x + 1;

        for (int it = 0; it < 50000; it++) {
            SquareError = 0.;
            for (int n = 0; n < trainingSize; n++) {
                if (trainingSet[n][0] > 0) {
                    double xn = trainingSet[n][0];
                    double yn = trainingSet[n][1];
                    phiX = new Matrix(new double[] { Math.pow(xn, 2), xn, 1. }, 3);

                    deltaError = phiX.times((yn - W.transpose().times(phiX).get(0, 0)));
                    //commented out because it's not used
                    //               oldW = W;

                    W =;
                    SquareError += Math.pow(yn - phiX.transpose().times(W).get(0, 0), 2);

            if (it % 1000 == 0) {
                System.out.print(SquareError + "\n");
                W.print(1, 30);

        return W;

    // find bounding boxes around an arbitrary colour code
    public List<Rectangle> findColour(int colourCode) {
        ArrayList<Rectangle> objects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();

        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if (_colours[n] == colourCode) {

        return objects;

    // query the colour at given pixel
    public Integer query(Point p) {
        if ((p.x >= _nWidth) || (p.y >= _nHeight)) {
            System.err.println("pixel (" + p.x + ", " + p.y + ") is out of range");
            return null;

        return _colours[_segments[p.y][p.x]];

    // query colours within given bounding box
    public Set<Integer> query(Rectangle r) {
        Set<Integer> s = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (int n = 0; n < _nSegments; n++) {
            if (r.contains(_boxes[n])) {
        return s;

    // compute a histogram of colours within a given bounding box
    public int[] histogram(Rectangle r) {
        int[] h = new int[512];
        Arrays.fill(h, 0);

        for (int y = r.y; y < r.y + r.height; y++) {
            if ((y < 0) || (y >= _nHeight))
            for (int x = r.x; x < r.x + r.width; x++) {
                if ((x < 0) || (x >= _nWidth))
                h[_colours[_segments[y][x]]] += 1;

        return h;

    // perform preprocessing of a new screenshot
    private void processScreenShot(BufferedImage screenshot) {
        // extract width and height
        _nHeight = screenshot.getHeight();
        _nWidth = screenshot.getWidth();
        if ((_nHeight != 480) && (_nWidth != 840)) {
            System.err.println("ERROR: expecting 840-by-480 image");

        // quantize to 3-bit colour
        _scene = new int[_nHeight][_nWidth];
        for (int y = 0; y < _nHeight; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < _nWidth; x++) {
                final int colour = screenshot.getRGB(x, y);
                _scene[y][x] = ((colour & 0x00e00000) >> 15) | ((colour & 0x0000e000) >> 10)
                        | ((colour & 0x000000e0) >> 5);

        // find connected components
        _segments = VisionUtils.findConnectedComponents(_scene);
        _nSegments = VisionUtils.countComponents(_segments);
        // System.out.println("...found " + _nSegments + " components");

        _colours = new int[_nSegments];
        for (int y = 0; y < _nHeight; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < _nWidth; x++) {
                _colours[_segments[y][x]] = _scene[y][x];

        // find bounding boxes and segment colours
        _boxes = VisionUtils.findBoundingBoxes(_segments);

     * Detects the ground in the image.
     * @return A list of blocks representing the ground.
    public List<Block> detectGround() {
        Mat binaryImage = new Mat(new Size(_nWidth, _nHeight), CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(1));

        // We only detect right of this margin. The slingshot has some ground
        // colors and would partly be detected as ground. This is not what we
        // want. Trajectories originate at the slingshot, and if there is ground
        // detected at the slingshot, the agent will think, that none of its
        // trajectories are valid. Therefore we start with detecting due right
        // of the slingshot.
        int startAtX = findSlingshot().x + findSlingshot().width * 2;

        // Now we create a binary image of the ground areas. White where there
        // is ground, black otherwise.
        for (int y = 0; y < _nHeight; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < _nWidth; x++) {
                if (x > startAtX && isGround(x, y))
                    binaryImage.put(y, x, 255);
                    binaryImage.put(y, x, 0);

        Mat smoothedImage = new Mat(new Size(_nWidth, _nHeight), CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(1));

        // This median filter improves the detection tremendously. There are a
        // whole lot of single pixels that carry ground colors spread all over
        // the image. We remove them here.
        Imgproc.medianBlur(binaryImage, smoothedImage, 7);

        List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();

        // We use OpenCV to find the contours. Contours are lines, that
        // represent the boundaries of the objects in the binary image.
        Imgproc.findContours(smoothedImage, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL,

        ArrayList<Block> result = new ArrayList<Block>();

        //Now for every contour, we convert it to blocks for communicating them to DLV.
        for (MatOfPoint mp : contours) {
            org.opencv.core.Point[] pts = mp.toArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < pts.length - 1; i++) {
                Block b = new Block((int) pts[i].x, (int) pts[i].y);
                b.add((int) pts[i + 1].x, (int) pts[i + 1].y);

            //One block for the first vertex to the last vertex.
            Block b = new Block((int) pts[pts.length - 1].x, (int) pts[pts.length - 1].y);
            b.add((int) pts[0].x, (int) pts[0].y);

        return result;

     * Returns true if the pixel at the given location has typical ground
     * colors. Colors have been determined manually by retrieving the color of
     * ground pixels.
    private boolean isGround(int x, int y) {
        return _scene[y][x] == 64 || _scene[y][x] == 72 || _scene[y][x] == 136 || _scene[y][x] == 209
                || _scene[y][x] == 210 || _scene[y][x] == 282 || _scene[y][x] == 346;

     * Information about a block, contains not only the bounding rectangle, but
     * also all the pixels that make it up, so that they can also be used.
    public class Block {
         * The bounding rectangle of the block.
        public Rectangle rectangle;

         * All the pixels belonging to the block.
        public List<org.opencv.core.Point> pixels = new LinkedList<org.opencv.core.Point>();

         * Adds the point to the rectangle as well as the pixel list.
        public void add(int x, int y) {
            rectangle.add(x, y);
            pixels.add(new org.opencv.core.Point(x, y));

        public MatOfPoint2f getMatOfPoint2f() {
            MatOfPoint2f matrix = new MatOfPoint2f();
            return matrix;

        public RotatedRect getRBoundingBox() {
            return Imgproc.minAreaRect(getMatOfPoint2f());

        public Block(int x, int y) {
            rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0);
            pixels.add(new org.opencv.core.Point(x, y));
