Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.multi.process; import alluxio.AlluxioTestDirectory; import alluxio.AlluxioURI; import alluxio.Configuration; import alluxio.ConfigurationRule; import alluxio.ConfigurationTestUtils; import alluxio.Constants; import alluxio.PropertyKey; import alluxio.cli.Format; import alluxio.client.file.FileSystem; import alluxio.client.file.FileSystem.Factory; import alluxio.client.file.FileSystemContext; import alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException; import alluxio.master.LocalAlluxioCluster; import alluxio.master.MasterInquireClient; import alluxio.master.SingleMasterInquireClient; import alluxio.master.ZkMasterInquireClient; import; import alluxio.util.CommonUtils; import alluxio.util.WaitForOptions; import; import alluxio.zookeeper.RestartableTestingServer; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; /** * Class for starting, stopping, and interacting with an Alluxio cluster where each master and * worker runs in its own process. * * Compared to {@link LocalAlluxioCluster}, {@link MultiProcessCluster} is * - Slower * - Black box testing only (No access to master/worker internals) * - Destructible (You can kill -9 masters/workers) * - More realistic of real deployments * * Due to the slower speed, [@link LocalAlluxioCluster} should generally be preferred. * {@link MultiProcessCluster} is primarily for tests which want to stop or restart servers. * * The synchronization strategy for this class is to synchronize all public methods. */ @ThreadSafe public final class MultiProcessCluster implements TestRule { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MultiProcessCluster.class); private static final File ARTIFACTS_DIR = new File(Constants.TEST_ARTIFACTS_DIR); private static final File TESTS_LOG = new File(Constants.TESTS_LOG); private final Map<PropertyKey, String> mProperties; private final int mNumMasters; private final int mNumWorkers; private final String mClusterName; private final DeployMode mDeployMode; /** Closer for closing all resources that must be closed when the cluster is destroyed. */ private final Closer mCloser; private final List<Master> mMasters; private final List<Worker> mWorkers; /** Base directory for storing configuration and logs. */ private File mWorkDir; /** Addresses of all masters. Should have the same size as {@link #mMasters}. */ private List<MasterNetAddress> mMasterAddresses; private State mState; private RestartableTestingServer mCuratorServer; /** * Tracks whether the test has succeeded. If mSuccess is never updated before {@link #destroy()}, * the state of the cluster will be saved as a tarball in the artifacts directory. */ private boolean mSuccess; private MultiProcessCluster(Map<PropertyKey, String> properties, int numMasters, int numWorkers, String clusterName, DeployMode mode) { mProperties = properties; mNumMasters = numMasters; mNumWorkers = numWorkers; // Add a unique number so that different runs of the same test use different cluster names. mClusterName = clusterName + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(); mDeployMode = mode; mMasters = new ArrayList<>(); mWorkers = new ArrayList<>(); mCloser = Closer.create(); mState = State.NOT_STARTED; mSuccess = false; } /** * Starts the cluster, launching all server processes. */ public synchronized void start() throws Exception { Preconditions.checkState(mState != State.STARTED, "Cannot start while already started"); Preconditions.checkState(mState != State.DESTROYED, "Cannot start a destroyed cluster"); mWorkDir = AlluxioTestDirectory.createTemporaryDirectory(mClusterName); mState = State.STARTED; mMasterAddresses = generateMasterAddresses(mNumMasters);"Master addresses: {}", mMasterAddresses); switch (mDeployMode) { case NON_HA: MasterNetAddress masterAddress = mMasterAddresses.get(0); mProperties.put(PropertyKey.MASTER_HOSTNAME, masterAddress.getHostname()); mProperties.put(PropertyKey.MASTER_RPC_PORT, Integer.toString(masterAddress.getRpcPort())); mProperties.put(PropertyKey.MASTER_WEB_PORT, Integer.toString(masterAddress.getWebPort())); break; case ZOOKEEPER_HA: mCuratorServer = mCloser.register( new RestartableTestingServer(-1, AlluxioTestDirectory.createTemporaryDirectory("zk"))); mProperties.put(PropertyKey.ZOOKEEPER_ENABLED, "true"); mProperties.put(PropertyKey.ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS, mCuratorServer.getConnectString()); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown deploy mode: " + mDeployMode.toString()); } for (Entry<PropertyKey, String> entry : ConfigurationTestUtils .testConfigurationDefaults(NetworkAddressUtils.getLocalHostName(), mWorkDir.getAbsolutePath()) .entrySet()) { // Don't overwrite explicitly set properties. if (!mProperties.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { mProperties.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } new File(Configuration.get(PropertyKey.MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS)).mkdirs(); formatJournal(); writeConf(); // Start servers"Starting alluxio cluster {} with base directory {}", mClusterName, mWorkDir.getAbsolutePath()); for (int i = 0; i < mNumMasters; i++) { createMaster(i).start(); } for (int i = 0; i < mNumWorkers; i++) { createWorker(i).start(); } } /** * Kills the primary master. * * If no master is currently primary, this method blocks until a primary has been elected, then * kills it. * * @param timeoutMs maximum amount of time to wait, in milliseconds * @return the ID of the killed master */ public synchronized int waitForAndKillPrimaryMaster(int timeoutMs) { final FileSystem fs = getFileSystemClient(); final MasterInquireClient inquireClient = getMasterInquireClient(); CommonUtils.waitFor("a primary master to be serving", new Function<Void, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(Void input) { try { // Make sure the leader is serving. fs.getStatus(new AlluxioURI("/")); return true; } catch (UnavailableException e) { return false; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }, WaitForOptions.defaults().setTimeoutMs(timeoutMs)); int primaryRpcPort; try { primaryRpcPort = inquireClient.getPrimaryRpcAddress().getPort(); } catch (UnavailableException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // Destroy the master whose RPC port matches the primary RPC port. for (int i = 0; i < mMasterAddresses.size(); i++) { if (mMasterAddresses.get(i).getRpcPort() == primaryRpcPort) { mMasters.get(i).close(); return i; } } throw new RuntimeException(String.format("No master found with RPC port %d. Master addresses: %s", primaryRpcPort, mMasterAddresses)); } /** * @return a client for interacting with the cluster */ public synchronized FileSystem getFileSystemClient() { Preconditions.checkState(mState == State.STARTED, "must be in the started state to get an fs client, but state was %s", mState); MasterInquireClient inquireClient = getMasterInquireClient(); return Factory.get(mCloser.register(FileSystemContext.create(null, inquireClient))); } /** * Informs the cluster that the test succeeded. If this method is never called, the cluster will * save a copy of its state during teardown. */ public synchronized void notifySuccess() { mSuccess = true; } /** * Copies the work directory to the artifacts folder. */ public synchronized void saveWorkdir() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(mState == State.STARTED, "cluster must be started before you can save its work directory"); ARTIFACTS_DIR.mkdirs(); File tarball = new File(mWorkDir.getParentFile(), mWorkDir.getName() + ".tar.gz"); // Tar up the work directory. ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("tar", "-czf", tarball.getName(), mWorkDir.getName());; pb.redirectOutput(Redirect.appendTo(TESTS_LOG)); pb.redirectError(Redirect.appendTo(TESTS_LOG)); Process p = pb.start(); try { p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } // Move tarball to artifacts directory. File finalTarball = new File(ARTIFACTS_DIR, tarball.getName()); FileUtils.moveFile(tarball, finalTarball);"Saved cluster {} to {}", mClusterName, finalTarball.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Destroys the cluster. It may not be re-started after being destroyed. */ public synchronized void destroy() throws IOException { if (mState == State.DESTROYED) { return; } if (!mSuccess) { saveWorkdir(); } mCloser.close();"Destroyed cluster {}", mClusterName); mState = State.DESTROYED; } /** * Starts the specified master. * * @param i the index of the master to start */ public synchronized void startMaster(int i) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(mState == State.STARTED, "Must be in a started state to start masters"); mMasters.get(i).start(); } /** * Starts the specified worker. * * @param i the index of the worker to start */ public synchronized void startWorker(int i) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(mState == State.STARTED, "Must be in a started state to start workers"); mWorkers.get(i).start(); } /** * @param i the index of the master to stop */ public synchronized void stopMaster(int i) throws IOException { mMasters.get(i).close(); } /** * @param i the index of the worker to stop */ public synchronized void stopWorker(int i) throws IOException { mWorkers.get(i).close(); } /** * @return return the list of master addresses */ public synchronized List<MasterNetAddress> getMasterAddresses() { return mMasterAddresses; } /** * Stops the Zookeeper cluster. */ public synchronized void stopZk() throws IOException { mCuratorServer.stop(); } /** * Restarts the Zookeeper cluster. */ public synchronized void restartZk() throws Exception { Preconditions.checkNotNull(mCuratorServer, "mCuratorServer"); mCuratorServer.restart(); } /** * Creates the specified master without starting it. * * @param i the index of the master to create */ private synchronized Master createMaster(int i) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(mState == State.STARTED, "Must be in a started state to create masters"); MasterNetAddress address = mMasterAddresses.get(i); File confDir = new File(mWorkDir, "conf"); File logsDir = new File(mWorkDir, "logs-master" + i); logsDir.mkdirs(); Map<PropertyKey, String> conf = new HashMap<>(); conf.put(PropertyKey.LOGGER_TYPE, "MASTER_LOGGER"); conf.put(PropertyKey.CONF_DIR, confDir.getAbsolutePath()); conf.put(PropertyKey.LOGS_DIR, logsDir.getAbsolutePath()); conf.put(PropertyKey.MASTER_HOSTNAME, address.getHostname()); conf.put(PropertyKey.MASTER_RPC_PORT, Integer.toString(address.getRpcPort())); conf.put(PropertyKey.MASTER_WEB_PORT, Integer.toString(address.getWebPort())); Master master = mCloser.register(new Master(logsDir, conf)); mMasters.add(master); return master; } /** * Creates the specified worker without starting it. * * @param i the index of the worker to create */ private synchronized Worker createWorker(int i) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(mState == State.STARTED, "Must be in a started state to create workers"); File confDir = new File(mWorkDir, "conf"); File logsDir = new File(mWorkDir, "logs-worker" + i); File ramdisk = new File(mWorkDir, "ramdisk" + i); logsDir.mkdirs(); ramdisk.mkdirs(); int rpcPort = PortUtils.getFreePort(); int dataPort = PortUtils.getFreePort(); int webPort = PortUtils.getFreePort(); Map<PropertyKey, String> conf = new HashMap<>(); conf.put(PropertyKey.LOGGER_TYPE, "WORKER_LOGGER"); conf.put(PropertyKey.CONF_DIR, confDir.getAbsolutePath()); conf.put(PropertyKey.Template.WORKER_TIERED_STORE_LEVEL_DIRS_PATH.format(0), ramdisk.getAbsolutePath()); conf.put(PropertyKey.LOGS_DIR, logsDir.getAbsolutePath()); conf.put(PropertyKey.WORKER_RPC_PORT, Integer.toString(rpcPort)); conf.put(PropertyKey.WORKER_DATA_PORT, Integer.toString(dataPort)); conf.put(PropertyKey.WORKER_WEB_PORT, Integer.toString(webPort)); Worker worker = mCloser.register(new Worker(logsDir, conf)); mWorkers.add(worker);"Created worker with (rpc, data, web) ports ({}, {}, {})", rpcPort, dataPort, webPort); return worker; } private void formatJournal() throws Exception { try (Closeable c = new ConfigurationRule(PropertyKey.MASTER_JOURNAL_FOLDER, mProperties.get(PropertyKey.MASTER_JOURNAL_FOLDER)).toResource()) { Format.format(Format.Mode.MASTER); } } private MasterInquireClient getMasterInquireClient() { switch (mDeployMode) { case NON_HA: Preconditions.checkState(mMasters.size() == 1, "Running with multiple masters requires Zookeeper to be enabled"); return new SingleMasterInquireClient(new InetSocketAddress(mMasterAddresses.get(0).getHostname(), mMasterAddresses.get(0).getRpcPort())); case ZOOKEEPER_HA: return ZkMasterInquireClient.getClient(mCuratorServer.getConnectString(), Configuration.get(PropertyKey.ZOOKEEPER_ELECTION_PATH), Configuration.get(PropertyKey.ZOOKEEPER_LEADER_PATH)); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown deploy mode: " + mDeployMode.toString()); } } /** * Writes the contents of {@link #mProperties} to the configuration file. */ private void writeConf() throws IOException { File confDir = new File(mWorkDir, "conf"); confDir.mkdirs(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry<PropertyKey, String> entry : mProperties.entrySet()) { sb.append(String.format("%s=%s%n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(confDir, ""))) { fos.write(sb.toString().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); } } @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base, Description description) { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { destroy(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to clean up test cluster processes: {}", e.toString()); } } })); return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { try { start(); base.evaluate(); } finally { try { destroy(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Failed to destroy cluster", t); } } } }; } private static List<MasterNetAddress> generateMasterAddresses(int numMasters) throws IOException { List<MasterNetAddress> addrs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numMasters; i++) { addrs.add(new MasterNetAddress(NetworkAddressUtils.getLocalHostName(), PortUtils.getFreePort(), PortUtils.getFreePort())); } return addrs; } private enum State { NOT_STARTED, STARTED, DESTROYED; } /** * Deploy mode for the cluster. */ public enum DeployMode { NON_HA, ZOOKEEPER_HA } /** * Builder for {@link MultiProcessCluster}. */ public static final class Builder { private Map<PropertyKey, String> mProperties = new HashMap<>(); private int mNumMasters = 1; private int mNumWorkers = 1; private String mClusterName = "AlluxioMiniCluster"; private DeployMode mDeployMode = DeployMode.NON_HA; private Builder() { } // Should only be instantiated by newBuilder(). /** * @param key the property key to set * @param value the value to set * @return the builder */ public Builder addProperty(PropertyKey key, String value) { Preconditions.checkState(!key.equals(PropertyKey.ZOOKEEPER_ENABLED), "Enable Zookeeper via #setDeployMode instead of #addProperty"); mProperties.put(key, value); return this; } /** * @param properties alluxio properties for launched masters and workers * @return the builder */ public Builder addProperties(Map<PropertyKey, String> properties) { for (Entry<PropertyKey, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) { addProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return this; } /** * @param mode the deploy mode for the cluster * @return the builder */ public Builder setDeployMode(DeployMode mode) { mDeployMode = mode; return this; } /** * @param numMasters the number of masters for the cluster * @return the builder */ public Builder setNumMasters(int numMasters) { mNumMasters = numMasters; return this; } /** * @param numWorkers the number of workers for the cluster * @return the builder */ public Builder setNumWorkers(int numWorkers) { mNumWorkers = numWorkers; return this; } /** * @param clusterName a name for the cluster * @return the builder */ public Builder setClusterName(String clusterName) { mClusterName = clusterName; return this; } /** * @return a constructed {@link MultiProcessCluster} */ public MultiProcessCluster build() { return new MultiProcessCluster(mProperties, mNumMasters, mNumWorkers, mClusterName, mDeployMode); } } /** * @return a new builder for an {@link MultiProcessCluster} */ public static Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(); } }