Java tutorial
/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.job.persist; import alluxio.AlluxioURI; import alluxio.client.ReadType; import alluxio.client.block.AlluxioBlockStore; import alluxio.client.block.BlockWorkerInfo; import alluxio.client.file.BaseFileSystem; import alluxio.client.file.FileInStream; import alluxio.client.file.FileSystem; import alluxio.client.file.FileSystemContext; import alluxio.client.file.URIStatus; import alluxio.client.file.options.OpenFileOptions; import alluxio.collections.Pair; import alluxio.job.AbstractVoidJobDefinition; import alluxio.job.JobMasterContext; import alluxio.job.JobWorkerContext; import alluxio.job.util.JobUtils; import alluxio.job.util.SerializableVoid; import alluxio.metrics.MetricsSystem; import alluxio.resource.CloseableResource; import; import alluxio.underfs.UfsManager; import alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem; import alluxio.underfs.options.CreateOptions; import alluxio.underfs.options.MkdirsOptions; import alluxio.wire.WorkerInfo; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Stack; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; /** * A job that persists a file into the under storage. */ @NotThreadSafe public final class PersistDefinition extends AbstractVoidJobDefinition<PersistConfig, SerializableVoid> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersistDefinition.class); private final FileSystemContext mFileSystemContext; private final FileSystem mFileSystem; /** * Constructs a new {@link PersistDefinition}. */ public PersistDefinition() { mFileSystemContext = FileSystemContext.get(); mFileSystem = BaseFileSystem.get(FileSystemContext.get()); } /** * Constructs a new {@link PersistDefinition} with FileSystem context and instance. * * @param context file system context * @param fileSystem file system client */ public PersistDefinition(FileSystemContext context, FileSystem fileSystem) { mFileSystemContext = context; mFileSystem = fileSystem; } @Override public Map<WorkerInfo, SerializableVoid> selectExecutors(PersistConfig config, List<WorkerInfo> jobWorkerInfoList, JobMasterContext jobMasterContext) throws Exception { if (jobWorkerInfoList.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("No worker is available"); } AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(config.getFilePath()); List<BlockWorkerInfo> alluxioWorkerInfoList = AlluxioBlockStore.create(mFileSystemContext).getAllWorkers(); BlockWorkerInfo workerWithMostBlocks = JobUtils.getWorkerWithMostBlocks(alluxioWorkerInfoList, mFileSystem.getStatus(uri).getFileBlockInfos()); // Map the best Alluxio worker to a job worker. Map<WorkerInfo, SerializableVoid> result = Maps.newHashMap(); boolean found = false; if (workerWithMostBlocks != null) { for (WorkerInfo workerInfo : jobWorkerInfoList) { if (workerInfo.getAddress().getHost().equals(workerWithMostBlocks.getNetAddress().getHost())) { result.put(workerInfo, null); found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { result.put(jobWorkerInfoList.get(new Random().nextInt(jobWorkerInfoList.size())), null); } return result; } @Override public SerializableVoid runTask(PersistConfig config, SerializableVoid args, JobWorkerContext context) throws Exception { AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(config.getFilePath()); String ufsPath = config.getUfsPath(); // check if the file is persisted in UFS and delete it, if we are overwriting it UfsManager.UfsClient ufsClient = context.getUfsManager().get(config.getMountId()); try (CloseableResource<UnderFileSystem> ufsResource = ufsClient.acquireUfsResource()) { UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get(); if (ufs == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to create UFS instance for " + ufsPath); } if (ufs.exists(ufsPath)) { if (config.isOverwrite()) {"File {} is already persisted in UFS. Removing it.", config.getFilePath()); ufs.deleteFile(ufsPath); } else { throw new IOException("File " + config.getFilePath() + " is already persisted in UFS, to overwrite the file, please set the overwrite flag" + " in the config."); } } FileSystem fs = FileSystem.Factory.get(); long bytesWritten; try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) { OpenFileOptions options = OpenFileOptions.defaults().setReadType(ReadType.NO_CACHE); FileInStream in = closer.register(fs.openFile(uri, options)); AlluxioURI dstPath = new AlluxioURI(ufsPath); // Create ancestor directories from top to the bottom. We cannot use recursive create // parents here because the permission for the ancestors can be different. Stack<Pair<String, MkdirsOptions>> ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions = new Stack<>(); AlluxioURI curAlluxioPath = uri.getParent(); AlluxioURI curUfsPath = dstPath.getParent(); // Stop at the Alluxio root because the mapped directory of Alluxio root in UFS may not // exist. while (!ufs.isDirectory(curUfsPath.toString()) && curAlluxioPath != null) { URIStatus curDirStatus = fs.getStatus(curAlluxioPath); ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions.push(new Pair<>(curUfsPath.toString(), MkdirsOptions.defaults().setCreateParent(false).setOwner(curDirStatus.getOwner()) .setGroup(curDirStatus.getGroup()) .setMode(new Mode((short) curDirStatus.getMode())))); curAlluxioPath = curAlluxioPath.getParent(); curUfsPath = curUfsPath.getParent(); } while (!ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions.empty()) { Pair<String, MkdirsOptions> ufsDirAndPerm = ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions.pop(); // UFS mkdirs might fail if the directory is already created. If so, skip the mkdirs // and assume the directory is already prepared, regardless of permission matching. if (!ufs.mkdirs(ufsDirAndPerm.getFirst(), ufsDirAndPerm.getSecond()) && !ufs.isDirectory(ufsDirAndPerm.getFirst())) { throw new IOException("Failed to create " + ufsDirAndPerm.getFirst() + " with permission " + ufsDirAndPerm.getSecond().toString()); } } URIStatus uriStatus = fs.getStatus(uri); OutputStream out = closer.register( ufs.create(dstPath.toString(), CreateOptions.defaults().setOwner(uriStatus.getOwner()) .setGroup(uriStatus.getGroup()).setMode(new Mode((short) uriStatus.getMode())))); bytesWritten = IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out); incrementPersistedMetric(ufsClient.getUfsMountPointUri(), bytesWritten); }"Persisted file {} with size {}", ufsPath, bytesWritten); } return null; } private void incrementPersistedMetric(AlluxioURI ufsMountPointUri, long bytes) { String mountPoint = MetricsSystem.escape(ufsMountPointUri); String metricName = String.format("BytesPersisted-Ufs:%s", mountPoint); MetricsSystem.counter(metricName).inc(bytes); } @Override public Class<PersistConfig> getJobConfigClass() { return PersistConfig.class; } }