Java tutorial
/* * Grakn - A Distributed Semantic Database * Copyright (C) 2016 Grakn Labs Limited * * Grakn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Grakn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Grakn. If not, see <>. */ package ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.query; import ai.grakn.GraknGraph; import ai.grakn.concept.Concept; import ai.grakn.concept.RelationType; import ai.grakn.exception.GraqlQueryException; import ai.grakn.concept.Type; import ai.grakn.graql.Graql; import ai.grakn.graql.Var; import ai.grakn.graql.admin.Answer; import ai.grakn.graql.admin.AnswerExplanation; import ai.grakn.graql.admin.Atomic; import ai.grakn.graql.admin.Conjunction; import ai.grakn.graql.admin.ReasonerQuery; import ai.grakn.graql.admin.Unifier; import ai.grakn.graql.admin.VarPatternAdmin; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.query.QueryAnswer; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.UnifierImpl; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.atom.Atom; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.atom.AtomicFactory; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.atom.binary.Relation; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.atom.binary.TypeAtom; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.cache.Cache; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.cache.LazyQueryCache; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.cache.QueryCache; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.explanation.LookupExplanation; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.explanation.RuleExplanation; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.iterator.ReasonerQueryIterator; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.rule.InferenceRule; import ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.rule.RuleTuple; import; import; import javafx.util.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import static ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.query.QueryAnswerStream.entityTypeFilter; import static ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.query.QueryAnswerStream.knownFilterWithInverse; import static ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.utils.ReasonerUtils.getListPermutations; import static ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.utils.ReasonerUtils.getUnifiersFromPermutations; /** * * <p> * Base reasoner atomic query. An atomic query is a query constrained to having at most one rule-resolvable atom * together with its accompanying constraints (predicates and types). * </p> * * @author Kasper Piskorski * */ public class ReasonerAtomicQuery extends ReasonerQueryImpl { private Atom atom; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReasonerAtomicQuery.class); ReasonerAtomicQuery(Conjunction<VarPatternAdmin> pattern, GraknGraph graph) { super(pattern, graph); atom = selectAtoms().stream().findFirst().orElse(null); } ReasonerAtomicQuery(ReasonerQueryImpl query) { super(query); atom = selectAtoms().stream().findFirst().orElse(null); } ReasonerAtomicQuery(Atom at) { super(at); atom = selectAtoms().stream().findFirst().orElse(null); } @Override public ReasonerQuery copy() { return new ReasonerAtomicQuery(this); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return !(obj == null || this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) && super.equals(obj); } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode() + 37; } @Override public boolean isAtomic() { return true; } /** * @return the atom constituting this atomic query */ public Atom getAtom() { return atom; } @Override public boolean addAtomic(Atomic at) { if (super.addAtomic(at)) { if (atom == null && at.isSelectable()) atom = (Atom) at; return true; } else return false; } @Override public boolean removeAtomic(Atomic at) { if (super.removeAtomic(at)) { if (at.equals(atom)) atom = null; return true; } else return false; } @Override public Set<Atom> selectAtoms() { Set<Atom> selectedAtoms = super.selectAtoms(); if (selectedAtoms.size() != 1) { throw GraqlQueryException.nonAtomicQuery(this); } return selectedAtoms; } @Override public Unifier getUnifier(ReasonerQuery p) { if (p == this) return new UnifierImpl(); ReasonerAtomicQuery parent = (ReasonerAtomicQuery) p; Unifier unifier = getAtom().getUnifier(parent.getAtom()); //get type unifiers Set<Atom> unified = new HashSet<>(); getAtom().getTypeConstraints().forEach(type -> { Set<Atom> toUnify = Sets.difference(parent.getEquivalentAtoms(type), unified); Atom equiv =; //only apply if unambiguous if (equiv != null && toUnify.size() == 1) { unifier.merge(type.getUnifier(equiv)); unified.add(equiv); } }); return unifier; } /** * resolve the query by performing either a db or memory lookup, depending on which is more appropriate * @param cache container of already performed query resolutions */ public Stream<Answer> lookup(Cache<ReasonerAtomicQuery, ?> cache) { boolean queryVisited = cache.contains(this); return queryVisited ? cache.getAnswerStream(this) : DBlookup(cache); } /** * check whether specific answer to this query exists in cache/db * @param cache qieru cache * @param sub specific answer * @return found answer if any, otherwise empty answer */ Answer lookupAnswer(QueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> cache, Answer sub) { boolean queryVisited = cache.contains(this); if (queryVisited) { Answer answer = cache.getAnswer(this, sub); if (!answer.isEmpty()) return answer; } List<Answer> match = new ReasonerAtomicQuery(this).addSubstitution(sub).getMatchQuery().execute(); return match.isEmpty() ? new QueryAnswer() : match.iterator().next(); } Pair<Stream<Answer>, Unifier> lookupWithUnifier(Cache<ReasonerAtomicQuery, ?> cache) { boolean queryVisited = cache.contains(this); return queryVisited ? cache.getAnswerStreamWithUnifier(this) : new Pair<>(DBlookup(), new UnifierImpl()); } private Stream<Answer> DBlookup() { return getMatchQuery().admin().stream().map(QueryAnswer::new) .map(a -> a.explain(new LookupExplanation(this))); } /** * resolve the query by performing a db lookup with subsequent cache update */ private Stream<Answer> DBlookup(Cache<ReasonerAtomicQuery, ?> cache) { return cache.record(this, DBlookup()); } /** * execute insert on the query and return inserted answers */ private Stream<Answer> insert() { return Graql.insert(getPattern().getVars()).withGraph(graph()).stream(); } public Stream<Answer> materialise(Answer answer) { ReasonerAtomicQuery queryToMaterialise = new ReasonerAtomicQuery(this); queryToMaterialise.addSubstitution(answer); return queryToMaterialise.insert().map(ans -> ans.setExplanation(answer.getExplanation())); } private Set<Unifier> getPermutationUnifiers(Atom headAtom) { if (!(atom.isRelation() && headAtom.isRelation())) return Collections.singleton(new UnifierImpl()); //if atom is match all atom, add type from rule head and find unmapped roles Relation relAtom = atom.getType() == null ? ((Relation) AtomicFactory.create(atom, atom.getParentQuery())).addType(headAtom.getType()) : (Relation) atom; List<Var> permuteVars = new ArrayList<>(relAtom.getUnmappedRolePlayers()); if (!(atom.isRelation() && headAtom.isRelation()) || permuteVars.isEmpty()) return Collections.singleton(new UnifierImpl()); List<List<Var>> varPermutations = getListPermutations(new ArrayList<>(permuteVars)).stream() .filter(l -> !l.isEmpty()).collect(Collectors.toList()); return getUnifiersFromPermutations(permuteVars, varPermutations); } private Stream<Answer> getIdPredicateAnswerStream(Stream<Answer> stream) { Answer idPredicateAnswer = getSubstitution(); return -> { AnswerExplanation exp = answer.getExplanation(); return answer.merge(idPredicateAnswer).explain(exp); }); } private Stream<Answer> getFilteredAnswerStream(Stream<Answer> answers) { Set<Var> vars = getVarNames(); Set<TypeAtom> mappedTypeConstraints = atom.getMappedTypeConstraints(); return getIdPredicateAnswerStream(answers).filter(a -> entityTypeFilter(a, mappedTypeConstraints)) .map(a -> a.filterVars(vars)); } /** * attempt query resolution via application of a specific rule * @param rule rule to apply to resolve the query * @param subGoals set of visited subqueries * @param cache collection of performed query resolutions * @param materialise materialisation flag * @return answers from rule resolution */ private Stream<Answer> resolveViaRule(InferenceRule rule, Unifier ruleUnifier, Unifier permutationUnifier, Set<ReasonerAtomicQuery> subGoals, Cache<ReasonerAtomicQuery, ?> cache, Cache<ReasonerAtomicQuery, ?> dCache, boolean materialise, boolean explanation, boolean differentialJoin) { Atom atom = this.getAtom(); LOG.trace("Applying rule to: " + this + rule); LOG.trace("t: " + ruleUnifier); LOG.trace("tp: " + permutationUnifier); ReasonerQueryImpl ruleBody = rule.getBody(); ReasonerAtomicQuery ruleHead = rule.getHead(); Set<Var> varsToRetain = rule.hasDisconnectedHead() ? ruleBody.getVarNames() : ruleHead.getVarNames(); subGoals.add(this); Stream<Answer> answers = ruleBody .computeJoin(subGoals, cache, dCache, materialise, explanation, differentialJoin) .map(a -> a.filterVars(varsToRetain)).distinct() .map(ans -> ans.explain(new RuleExplanation(this, rule))); if (materialise || rule.requiresMaterialisation(atom)) { if (!cache.contains(ruleHead)) dCache.record(ruleHead, ruleHead.lookup(cache)); //filter known to make sure no duplicates are inserted (put behaviour) Map<Pair<Var, Concept>, Set<Answer>> known = cache.getInverseAnswerMap(ruleHead); Map<Pair<Var, Concept>, Set<Answer>> dknown = dCache.getInverseAnswerMap(ruleHead); answers = answers.filter(a -> knownFilterWithInverse(a, known)) .filter(a -> knownFilterWithInverse(a, dknown)).flatMap(ruleHead::materialise); answers = dCache.record(ruleHead, answers); } //unify answers boolean isHeadEquivalent = this.isEquivalent(ruleHead); Set<Var> queryVars = this.getVarNames().size() < ruleHead.getVarNames().size() ? ruleUnifier.keySet() : ruleHead.getVarNames(); answers = -> a.filterVars(queryVars)).map(a -> a.unify(ruleUnifier)) .map(a -> a.unify(permutationUnifier)).filter(a -> !a.isEmpty()); //if query not exactly equal to the rule head, do some conversion return isHeadEquivalent ? dCache.record(this, answers) : dCache.record(this, getFilteredAnswerStream(answers)); } /** * resolves the query by performing lookups and rule resolution and returns a stream of new answers * @param subGoals visited subGoals (recursive queries) * @param cache global query cache * @param dCache differential query cache * @param materialise whether inferred information should be materialised * @return stream of differential answers */ Stream<Answer> answerStream(Set<ReasonerAtomicQuery> subGoals, Cache<ReasonerAtomicQuery, ?> cache, Cache<ReasonerAtomicQuery, ?> dCache, boolean materialise, boolean explanation, boolean differentialJoin) { boolean queryAdmissible = !subGoals.contains(this); LOG.trace("AQ: " + this); Stream<Answer> answerStream = cache.contains(this) ? Stream.empty() : dCache.record(this, lookup(cache)); if (queryAdmissible) { Iterator<RuleTuple> ruleIterator = getRuleIterator(); while (ruleIterator.hasNext()) { RuleTuple ruleContext =; InferenceRule rule = ruleContext.getRule(); Unifier u = ruleContext.getRuleUnifier(); Unifier pu = ruleContext.getPermutationUnifier(); Answer sub = this.getSubstitution().unify(u.inverse()); rule.getHead().addSubstitution(sub); rule.getBody().addSubstitution(sub); Stream<Answer> localStream = resolveViaRule(rule, u, pu, subGoals, cache, dCache, materialise, explanation, differentialJoin); answerStream = Stream.concat(answerStream, localStream); } } return dCache.record(this, answerStream); } @Override public Stream<Answer> resolve(boolean materialise, boolean explanation, LazyQueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> cache, LazyQueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> dCache) { if (!this.getAtom().isRuleResolvable()) { return this.getMatchQuery().admin().stream().map(QueryAnswer::new); } else { return new QueryAnswerIterator(materialise, explanation, cache, dCache).hasStream(); } } @Override public Iterator<Answer> iterator(Answer sub, Set<ReasonerAtomicQuery> subGoals, QueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> cache) { Iterator<ReasonerAtomicQueryIterator> qIterator = getQueryStream(sub) .map(q -> new ReasonerAtomicQueryIterator(q, sub, subGoals, cache)).iterator(); return Iterators.concat(qIterator); } /** * @return stream of atomic query obtained by inserting all inferred possible types (if ambiguous) */ private Stream<ReasonerAtomicQuery> getQueryStream(Answer sub) { Atom atom = getAtom(); if (!atom.isRelation() || atom.getType() != null) return Stream.of(this); else { List<RelationType> relationTypes = ((Relation) atom).inferPossibleRelationTypes(sub); LOG.trace("AQ: " + this + ": inferred rel types for: " +; return .map(type -> ((Relation) AtomicFactory.create(atom, atom.getParentQuery())).addType(type)) .map(ReasonerAtomicQuery::new); } } /** * @return iterator of all rules applicable to this atomic query including permuted cases when the role types are blank */ Iterator<RuleTuple> getRuleIterator() { return getAtom().getApplicableRules().stream().flatMap(r -> { r.rewriteToUserDefined(getAtom()); Unifier ruleUnifier = r.getUnifier(getAtom()); Unifier ruleUnifierInv = ruleUnifier.inverse(); return getPermutationUnifiers(r.getHead().getAtom()) .stream().map( permutationUnifier -> new RuleTuple( new InferenceRule(r).propagateConstraints(getAtom(), permutationUnifier.combine(ruleUnifierInv)), ruleUnifier, permutationUnifier)); }).sorted(Comparator.comparing(rt -> -rt.getRule().resolutionPriority())).iterator(); } /** * * <p> * Iterator for query answers maintaining the iterative behaviour of QSQ scheme. * </p> * * @author Kasper Piskorski * */ private class QueryAnswerIterator extends ReasonerQueryIterator { private int iter = 0; private long answers = 0; private final boolean materialise; private final boolean explanation; private final Set<ReasonerAtomicQuery> subGoals = new HashSet<>(); private final LazyQueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> cache; private final LazyQueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> dCache; private Iterator<Answer> answerIterator; QueryAnswerIterator(boolean materialise, boolean explanation, LazyQueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> cache, LazyQueryCache<ReasonerAtomicQuery> dCache) { this.materialise = materialise; this.explanation = explanation; this.cache = cache; this.dCache = dCache; this.answerIterator = query().answerStream(subGoals, cache, dCache, materialise, explanation, iter != 0) .iterator(); } private ReasonerAtomicQuery query() { return ReasonerAtomicQuery.this; } /** * @return stream constructed out of the answer iterator */ @Override public Stream<Answer> hasStream() { Iterable<Answer> iterable = () -> this; return, false).distinct().peek(ans -> answers++); } private void computeNext() { iter++; subGoals.clear(); answerIterator = query().answerStream(subGoals, cache, dCache, materialise, explanation, iter != 0) .iterator(); } /** * check whether answers available, if answers not fully computed compute more answers * @return true if answers available */ @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (answerIterator.hasNext()) return true; //iter finished else { updateCache(); long dAns = differentialAnswerSize(); if (dAns != 0 || iter == 0) { LOG.debug("Atom: " + query().getAtom() + " iter: " + iter + " answers: " + answers + " dAns = " + dAns); computeNext(); return answerIterator.hasNext(); } else return false; } } private void updateCache() { dCache.remove(cache); cache.add(dCache); cache.reload(); } /** * @return single answer to the query */ @Override public Answer next() { return; } private long differentialAnswerSize() { return dCache.answerSize(subGoals); } } }