Java tutorial
/* * Grakn - A Distributed Semantic Database * Copyright (C) 2016 Grakn Labs Limited * * Grakn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Grakn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Grakn. If not, see <>. */ package ai.grakn.engine; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.AuthController; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.CommitLogController; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.ConceptController; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.DashboardController; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.GraqlController; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.SystemController; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.TasksController; import ai.grakn.engine.controller.UserController; import ai.grakn.engine.factory.EngineGraknGraphFactory; import ai.grakn.engine.session.RemoteSession; import ai.grakn.engine.tasks.TaskManager; import ai.grakn.engine.tasks.connection.RedisConnection; import ai.grakn.engine.user.UsersHandler; import ai.grakn.engine.util.EngineID; import ai.grakn.engine.util.JWTHandler; import ai.grakn.exception.GraknBackendException; import ai.grakn.exception.GraknServerException; import ai.grakn.util.REST; import mjson.Json; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import spark.Request; import spark.Response; import spark.Service; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import static org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace; /** * Main class in charge to start a web server and all the REST controllers. * * @author Marco Scoppetta */ public class GraknEngineServer implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraknEngineServer.class); private static final int WEBSOCKET_TIMEOUT = 3600000; private static final Set<String> unauthenticatedEndPoints = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList(REST.WebPath.NEW_SESSION_URI, REST.WebPath.REMOTE_SHELL_URI, REST.WebPath.System.CONFIGURATION, REST.WebPath.IS_PASSWORD_PROTECTED_URI)); private final GraknEngineConfig prop; private final EngineID engineId =; private final Service spark = Service.ignite(); private final TaskManager taskManager; private final EngineGraknGraphFactory factory; private final RedisConnection redis; private GraknEngineServer(GraknEngineConfig prop) { this.prop = prop; String redisUrl = prop.getProperty(GraknEngineConfig.REDIS_SERVER_URL); int redisPort = prop.getPropertyAsInt(GraknEngineConfig.REDIS_SERVER_PORT); redis = RedisConnection.create(redisUrl, redisPort); factory = EngineGraknGraphFactory.create(prop.getProperties()); taskManager = startTaskManager(); startHTTP(); printStartMessage(prop.getProperty(GraknEngineConfig.SERVER_HOST_NAME), prop.getProperty(GraknEngineConfig.SERVER_PORT_NUMBER)); } public static void main(String[] args) { GraknEngineConfig prop = GraknEngineConfig.create(); // Start Engine GraknEngineServer server = start(prop); // close GraknEngineServer on SIGTERM Thread closeThread = new Thread(server::close, "GraknEngineServer-shutdown"); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(closeThread); } public static GraknEngineServer start(GraknEngineConfig prop) { return new GraknEngineServer(prop); } @Override public void close() { stopHTTP(); stopTaskManager(); } /** * Check in with the properties file to decide which type of task manager should be started */ private TaskManager startTaskManager() { String taskManagerClassName = prop.getProperty(GraknEngineConfig.TASK_MANAGER_IMPLEMENTATION); try { Class<TaskManager> taskManagerClass = (Class<TaskManager>) Class.forName(taskManagerClassName); Constructor<TaskManager> constructor = taskManagerClass.getConstructor(EngineID.class, GraknEngineConfig.class, RedisConnection.class); return constructor.newInstance(engineId, prop, redis); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or unavailable TaskManager class", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw (RuntimeException) e.getCause(); } } public void startHTTP() { boolean passwordProtected = prop.getPropertyAsBool(GraknEngineConfig.PASSWORD_PROTECTED_PROPERTY, false); // TODO: Make sure controllers handle the null case Optional<String> secret = prop.tryProperty(GraknEngineConfig.JWT_SECRET_PROPERTY); @Nullable JWTHandler jwtHandler =; UsersHandler usersHandler = UsersHandler.create(prop.getProperty(GraknEngineConfig.ADMIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTY), factory); configureSpark(spark, prop, jwtHandler); // Start the websocket for Graql RemoteSession graqlWebSocket = passwordProtected ? RemoteSession.passwordProtected(usersHandler) : RemoteSession.create(); spark.webSocket(REST.WebPath.REMOTE_SHELL_URI, graqlWebSocket); String defaultKeyspace = prop.getProperty(GraknEngineConfig.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE_PROPERTY); int postProcessingDelay = prop.getPropertyAsInt(GraknEngineConfig.POST_PROCESSING_TASK_DELAY); // Start all the controllers new GraqlController(factory, spark); new ConceptController(factory, spark); new DashboardController(factory, spark); new SystemController(factory, spark); new AuthController(spark, passwordProtected, jwtHandler, usersHandler); new UserController(spark, usersHandler); new CommitLogController(spark, defaultKeyspace, postProcessingDelay, taskManager); new TasksController(spark, taskManager); // This method will block until all the controllers are ready to serve requests spark.awaitInitialization(); } public static void configureSpark(Service spark, GraknEngineConfig prop, @Nullable JWTHandler jwtHandler) { // Set host name spark.ipAddress(prop.getProperty(GraknEngineConfig.SERVER_HOST_NAME)); // Set port spark.port(prop.getPropertyAsInt(GraknEngineConfig.SERVER_PORT_NUMBER)); // Set the external static files folder spark.staticFiles.externalLocation(prop.getPath(GraknEngineConfig.STATIC_FILES_PATH)); spark.webSocketIdleTimeoutMillis(WEBSOCKET_TIMEOUT); //Register filter to check authentication token in each request boolean isPasswordProtected = prop.getPropertyAsBool(GraknEngineConfig.PASSWORD_PROTECTED_PROPERTY, false); if (isPasswordProtected) { spark.before((req, res) -> checkAuthorization(spark, req, jwtHandler)); } //Register exception handlers spark.exception(GraknBackendException.class, (e, req, res) -> handleGraknServerError(e, res)); spark.exception(Exception.class, (e, req, res) -> handleInternalError(e, res)); } public void stopHTTP() { spark.stop(); // Block until server is truly stopped // This occurs when there is no longer a port assigned to the Spark server boolean running = true; while (running) { try { spark.port(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { LOG.debug("Spark server has been stopped"); running = false; } } } private void stopTaskManager() { try { taskManager.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public TaskManager getTaskManager() { return taskManager; } public EngineGraknGraphFactory factory() { return factory; } /** * If authorization is enabled, check the client has correct JWT Token before allowing * access to specific endpoints. * @param request request information from the client */ private static void checkAuthorization(Service spark, Request request, JWTHandler jwtHandler) { //we dont check authorization token if the path requested is one of the unauthenticated ones if (!unauthenticatedEndPoints.contains(request.pathInfo())) { //add check to see if string contains substring "Bearer ", for now a lot of optimism here boolean authenticated; try { if (request.headers("Authorization") == null || !request.headers("Authorization").startsWith("Bearer ")) { throw GraknServerException.authenticationFailure(); } String token = request.headers("Authorization").substring(7); authenticated = jwtHandler.verifyJWT(token); request.attribute(REST.Request.USER_ATTR, jwtHandler.extractUserFromJWT(token)); } catch (GraknBackendException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { //request is malformed, return 400 throw GraknServerException.serverException(400, e); } if (!authenticated) { spark.halt(401, "User not authenticated."); } } } /** * Handle any {@link GraknBackendException} that are thrown by the server. Configures and returns * the correct JSON response. * * @param exception exception thrown by the server * @param response response to the client */ private static void handleGraknServerError(Exception exception, Response response) { LOG.error("REST error", exception); response.status(((GraknServerException) exception).getStatus()); response.body(Json.object("exception", exception.getMessage()).toString()); response.type(ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getMimeType()); } /** * Handle any exception thrown by the server * @param exception Exception by the server * @param response response to the client */ private static void handleInternalError(Exception exception, Response response) { LOG.error("REST error", exception); response.status(500); response.body(Json.object("exception", exception.getMessage()).toString()); response.type(ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getMimeType()); } /** * Method that prints a welcome message, listening address and path to the LOG that will be used. * * @param host Host address to which Grakn Engine is bound to * @param port Web server port number */ private static void printStartMessage(String host, String port) { String address = "http://" + host + ":" + port;"\n==================================================");"\n" + String.format(GraknEngineConfig.GRAKN_ASCII, address));"\n=================================================="); } }