Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* * * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand */ package adams.gui.visualization.instance; import adams.core.CleanUpHandler; import adams.core.Properties; import adams.core.Range; import adams.core.StatusMessageHandler; import adams.core.Utils; import; import; import; import adams.env.Environment; import adams.env.InstanceExplorerDefinition; import adams.gui.core.AntiAliasingSupporter; import adams.gui.core.BasePanel; import adams.gui.core.BaseStatusBar; import adams.gui.core.BaseTabbedPane; import adams.gui.core.BaseTable; import adams.gui.core.GUIHelper; import adams.gui.core.MenuBarProvider; import adams.gui.core.RecentFilesHandler; import adams.gui.core.SearchPanel; import adams.gui.core.SearchPanel.LayoutType; import adams.gui.event.DataChangeEvent; import adams.gui.event.DataChangeListener; import adams.gui.event.RecentItemEvent; import adams.gui.event.RecentItemListener; import adams.gui.event.SearchEvent; import adams.gui.goe.GenericObjectEditorDialog; import adams.gui.sendto.SendToActionSupporter; import adams.gui.sendto.SendToActionUtils; import adams.gui.visualization.container.ContainerListManager; import adams.gui.visualization.container.ContainerTable; import adams.gui.visualization.core.ColorProvider; import adams.gui.visualization.core.Paintlet; import; import; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSink; import weka.experiment.InstanceQuery; import weka.gui.sql.SqlViewerDialog; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; /** * A panel for exploring Instances visually. * * @author fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz) * @version $Revision$ */ public class InstanceExplorer extends BasePanel implements MenuBarProvider, StatusMessageHandler, ContainerListManager<InstanceContainerManager>, DataChangeListener, CleanUpHandler, SendToActionSupporter { /** for serialization. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4478483903068117980L; /** the name of the props file. */ public final static String FILENAME = "InstanceExplorer.props"; /** the file to store the recent files in. */ public final static String SESSION_FILE = "InstanceExplorerSession.props"; /** the properties. */ protected static Properties m_Properties; /** the panel for displaying. */ protected InstancePanel m_PanelInstance; /** the status bar. */ protected BaseStatusBar m_StatusBar; /** the menu bar, if used. */ protected JMenuBar m_MenuBar; /** the "load recent" submenu. */ protected JMenu m_MenuItemLoadRecent; /** the menu item for view related stuff. */ protected JMenu m_MenuView; /** the toggle zoom overview menu item. */ protected JMenuItem m_MenuItemViewZoomOverview; /** the toggle anti-aliasing menu item. */ protected JMenuItem m_MenuItemViewAntiAliasing; /** the color provider menu item. */ protected JMenuItem m_MenuItemViewColorProvider; /** the paintlet menu item. */ protected JMenuItem m_MenuItemViewPaintlet; /** the clear data menu item. */ protected JMenuItem m_MenuItemClearData; /** the tabbed pane for the data to display. */ protected BaseTabbedPane m_TabbedPane; /** the reports. */ protected ReportFactory.Panel m_Reports; /** for searching the fields in the reports. */ protected SearchPanel m_SearchPanel; /** the dialog for loading datasets. */ protected LoadDatasetDialog m_LoadFromDiskDialog; /** the SQL viewer dialog. */ protected SqlViewerDialog m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog; /** the recent files handler. */ protected RecentFilesHandler<JMenu> m_RecentFilesHandler; /** the dialog for the histogram setup. */ protected HistogramFactory.SetupDialog m_HistogramSetup; /** the dialog for selecting the color provider. */ protected GenericObjectEditorDialog m_DialogColorProvider; /** the dialog for selecting the paintlet. */ protected GenericObjectEditorDialog m_DialogPaintlet; /** * Initializes the members. */ @Override protected void initialize() { super.initialize(); m_LoadFromDiskDialog = null; m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog = null; m_RecentFilesHandler = null; m_HistogramSetup = null; m_DialogColorProvider = null; m_DialogPaintlet = null; } /** * Initializes the widgets. */ @Override protected void initGUI() { JPanel panel; JPanel panelData; JPanel panelReports; super.initGUI(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); m_TabbedPane = new BaseTabbedPane(); add(m_TabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // 1. page: graph panelData = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); m_TabbedPane.addTab("Data", panelData); m_TabbedPane.addChangeListener((ChangeEvent e) -> { ContainerTable dtable = getInstanceContainerList().getTable(); // data if (m_TabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { BaseTable rtable = m_Reports.getReportContainerList().getTable(); if ((rtable == null) || (rtable.getSelectedRowCount() != 1)) return; int row = rtable.getSelectedRow(); dtable.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); dtable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(row, row); } // reports else if (m_TabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { if (dtable.getSelectedRowCount() != 1) return; m_Reports.setCurrentTable(dtable.getSelectedRow()); } }); // the instances m_PanelInstance = new InstancePanel(); m_PanelInstance.getContainerManager().addDataChangeListener(this); m_PanelInstance.setStatusMessageHandler(this); panelData.add(m_PanelInstance, BorderLayout.CENTER); // 2. page: information panelReports = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); m_TabbedPane.addTab("Information", panelReports); m_Reports = newReportPanel(); m_Reports.setDataContainerPanel(m_PanelInstance); panelReports.add(m_Reports, BorderLayout.CENTER); m_SearchPanel = new SearchPanel(LayoutType.HORIZONTAL, true); m_SearchPanel.addSearchListener((SearchEvent e) -> {, m_SearchPanel.isRegularExpression()); m_SearchPanel.grabFocus(); }); panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(m_SearchPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); panelReports.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // the status bar m_StatusBar = new BaseStatusBar(); add(m_StatusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } /** * Returns the panel for painting the instances. * * @return the panel */ public InstancePanel getInstancePanel() { return m_PanelInstance; } /** * Returns the panel listing the instances. * * @return the panel */ public InstanceContainerList getInstanceContainerList() { return (InstanceContainerList) m_PanelInstance.getContainerList(); } /** * Displays a message. * * @param msg the message to display */ public void showStatus(String msg) { m_StatusBar.showStatus(msg); } /** * Creates a new tabbed pane for the reports. * * @return the tabbed pane */ protected InstanceReportFactory.Panel newReportPanel() { return new InstanceReportFactory.Panel(); } /** * Gets called if the data of the instance panel has changed. * * @param e the event that the instance panel sent */ public void dataChanged(DataChangeEvent e) { updateMenu(); } /** * Returns the current container manager. * * @return the manager */ public InstanceContainerManager getContainerManager() { return m_PanelInstance.getContainerManager(); } /** * Sets the manager for handling the containers. * * @param value the manager */ public void setContainerManager(InstanceContainerManager value) { m_PanelInstance.setContainerManager(value); } /** * updates the enabled state of the menu items. */ protected void updateMenu() { boolean dataLoaded; if (m_MenuBar == null) return; dataLoaded = (getContainerManager().count() > 0); m_MenuItemClearData.setEnabled(dataLoaded); m_MenuItemLoadRecent.setEnabled(m_RecentFilesHandler.size() > 0); m_MenuItemViewAntiAliasing .setEnabled(getInstancePanel().getDataPaintlet() instanceof AntiAliasingSupporter); m_MenuItemViewAntiAliasing.setSelected(getInstancePanel().isAntiAliasingEnabled()); } /** * Creates a menu bar (singleton per panel object). Can be used in frames. * * @return the menu bar */ public JMenuBar getMenuBar() { JMenuBar result; JMenu menu; JMenu submenu; JMenuItem menuitem; if (m_MenuBar == null) { result = new JMenuBar(); // File menu = new JMenu("File"); result.add(menu); menu.setMnemonic('F'); menu.addChangeListener((ChangeEvent e) -> updateMenu()); // File/Clear menuitem = new JMenuItem("Clear"); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('C'); menuitem.setAccelerator(GUIHelper.getKeyStroke("ctrl pressed N")); menuitem.setIcon(GUIHelper.getIcon("new.gif")); menuitem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> clearData()); m_MenuItemClearData = menuitem; menu.addSeparator(); // File/Database menuitem = new JMenuItem("Database..."); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('D'); menuitem.setAccelerator(GUIHelper.getKeyStroke("ctrl pressed D")); menuitem.setIcon(GUIHelper.getIcon("database.gif")); menuitem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> loadDataFromDatabase()); // File/Load from file menuitem = new JMenuItem("Open..."); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('o'); menuitem.setAccelerator(GUIHelper.getKeyStroke("ctrl pressed O")); menuitem.setIcon(GUIHelper.getIcon("open.gif")); menuitem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> loadDataFromDisk()); // File/Recent files submenu = new JMenu("Open recent"); menu.add(submenu); m_RecentFilesHandler = new RecentFilesHandler<>(SESSION_FILE, getProperties().getInteger("MaxRecentFiles", 5), submenu); m_RecentFilesHandler.addRecentItemListener(new RecentItemListener<JMenu, File>() { public void recentItemAdded(RecentItemEvent<JMenu, File> e) { // ignored } public void recentItemSelected(RecentItemEvent<JMenu, File> e) { loadDataFromDisk(e.getItem()); } }); m_MenuItemLoadRecent = submenu; // File/Send to menu.addSeparator(); if (SendToActionUtils.addSendToSubmenu(this, menu)) menu.addSeparator(); // File/Close menuitem = new JMenuItem("Close"); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('C'); menuitem.setAccelerator(GUIHelper.getKeyStroke("ctrl pressed Q")); menuitem.setIcon(GUIHelper.getIcon("exit.png")); menuitem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> close()); // View menu = new JMenu("View"); result.add(menu); menu.setMnemonic('V'); menu.addChangeListener((ChangeEvent e) -> updateMenu()); m_MenuView = menu; // View/Display zoom overview menuitem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Display zoom overview"); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('Z'); menuitem.setSelected(isZoomOverviewPanelVisible()); menuitem.addActionListener( (ActionEvent e) -> setZoomOverviewPanelVisible(m_MenuItemViewZoomOverview.isSelected())); m_MenuItemViewZoomOverview = menuitem; // View/Anti-aliasing menuitem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Anti-aliasing"); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('A'); menuitem.setSelected(getInstancePanel().isAntiAliasingEnabled()); menuitem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> getInstancePanel() .setAntiAliasingEnabled(m_MenuItemViewAntiAliasing.isSelected())); m_MenuItemViewAntiAliasing = menuitem; // View/Color provider menuitem = new JMenuItem("Color provider..."); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('d'); menuitem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> selectColorProvider()); m_MenuItemViewColorProvider = menuitem; // View/Paintlet menuitem = new JMenuItem("Paintlet..."); menu.add(menuitem); menuitem.setMnemonic('P'); menuitem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> selectPaintlet()); m_MenuItemViewPaintlet = menuitem; // update menu m_MenuBar = result; updateMenu(); } else { result = m_MenuBar; } return result; } /** * Removes all the data. */ public void clearData() { getContainerManager().clear(); } /** * pops up SQL Viewer for SQL statement. */ public void loadDataFromDatabase() { InstanceQuery query; List<InstanceContainer> data; Instances dataset; Instance inst; int i; if (m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog == null) { if ((getParentFrame() != null) && (getParentFrame() instanceof JFrame)) m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog = new SqlViewerDialog((JFrame) getParentFrame()); else m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog = new SqlViewerDialog(null); } m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.setVisible(true); if (m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.getReturnValue() != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) return; try { showStatus("Executing query: " + m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.getQuery()); query = new InstanceQuery(); query.setDatabaseURL(m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.getURL()); query.setUsername(m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.getUser()); query.setPassword(m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.getPassword()); query.setQuery(m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.getQuery()); query.setSparseData(m_LoadFromDatabaseDialog.getGenerateSparseData()); if (query.isConnected()) query.disconnectFromDatabase(); query.connectToDatabase(); showStatus("Loading data..."); data = new ArrayList<>(); dataset = query.retrieveInstances(); for (i = 0; i < dataset.numInstances(); i++) { inst = new Instance(); inst.set(dataset.instance(i)); inst.setID(dataset.relationName() + "." + i); data.add(getContainerManager().newContainer(inst)); showStatus("Loading data " + (i + 1) + "/" + dataset.numInstances()); } loadData(dataset, data); } catch (Exception e) { GUIHelper.showErrorMessage(this, "Failed to load data from database:\n" + Utils.throwableToString(e), "Database error"); } showStatus(""); } /** * pops up file dialog for loading dataset form disk. */ public void loadDataFromDisk() { loadDataFromDisk(null); } /** * pops up file dialog for loading dataset form disk. * * @param file an optional file, use null to ignore */ public void loadDataFromDisk(File file) { if (m_LoadFromDiskDialog == null) { if (getParentDialog() != null) m_LoadFromDiskDialog = new LoadDatasetDialog(getParentDialog()); else m_LoadFromDiskDialog = new LoadDatasetDialog(getParentFrame()); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setCurrent(new File(getProperties().getPath("InitialDir", "%h"))); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultAttributeRange(getProperties().getPath("AttributeRange", "first-last")); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultClassIndex(getProperties().getPath("ClassIndex", "")); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultSortIndex(getProperties().getPath("SortIndex", "")); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultIncludeAttributes(Attribute.NUMERIC, getProperties().getBoolean("IncludeNumericAttributes", true)); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultIncludeAttributes(Attribute.DATE, getProperties().getBoolean("IncludeDateAttributes", false)); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultIncludeAttributes(Attribute.NOMINAL, getProperties().getBoolean("IncludeNominalAttributes", false)); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultIncludeAttributes(Attribute.STRING, getProperties().getBoolean("IncludeStringAttributes", false)); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setDefaultIncludeAttributes(Attribute.RELATIONAL, getProperties().getBoolean("IncludeRelationalAttributes", false)); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setAcceptListener((ChangeEvent e) -> { int[] indices = m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getIndices(); if (indices == null) return; if (m_RecentFilesHandler != null) m_RecentFilesHandler.addRecentItem(m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getCurrent()); HashSet<Integer> attTypes = new HashSet<>(); if (m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getIncludeAttributes(Attribute.NUMERIC)) attTypes.add(Attribute.NUMERIC); if (m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getIncludeAttributes(Attribute.DATE)) attTypes.add(Attribute.DATE); if (m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getIncludeAttributes(Attribute.NOMINAL)) attTypes.add(Attribute.NOMINAL); if (m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getIncludeAttributes(Attribute.STRING)) attTypes.add(Attribute.STRING); if (m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getIncludeAttributes(Attribute.RELATIONAL)) attTypes.add(Attribute.RELATIONAL); showStatus("Loading data..."); List<InstanceContainer> data = new ArrayList<>(); Instances dataset = m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getDataset(); int[] additional = m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getAdditionalAttributes(); Range range = m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getCurrentAttributeRange(); int id = m_LoadFromDiskDialog.getCurrentIDIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { weka.core.Instance winst = dataset.instance(indices[i]); Instance inst = new Instance(); inst.set(winst, i, additional, range, attTypes); if (id == -1) { inst.setID((indices[i] + 1) + "." + dataset.relationName()); } else { if (winst.attribute(id).isNumeric()) inst.setID("" + winst.value(id)); else inst.setID(winst.stringValue(id)); } data.add(getContainerManager().newContainer(inst)); showStatus("Loading data " + (i + 1) + "/" + dataset.numInstances()); } loadData(dataset, data); showStatus(""); }); } if (file != null) m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setCurrent(file); m_LoadFromDiskDialog.setVisible(true); } /** * Loads the given data into the container manager. * * @param dataset the dataset * @param data the data to add to the manager */ protected void loadData(Instances dataset, List<InstanceContainer> data) { boolean hasDBID; InstanceContainerList listInst; ReportContainerList listReport; // turn off anti-aliasing to speed up display if (getContainerManager().count() + data.size() > getProperties() .getInteger("MaxNumContainersWithAntiAliasing", 50)) { if (getInstancePanel().isAntiAliasingEnabled()) getInstancePanel().setAntiAliasingEnabled(false); } listInst = (InstanceContainerList) m_PanelInstance.getContainerList(); listReport = m_Reports.getReportContainerList(); hasDBID = (dataset.attribute(ArffUtils.getDBIDName()) != null); listInst.setDisplayDatabaseID(hasDBID); listReport.setDisplayDatabaseID(hasDBID); getContainerManager().addAll(data); } /** * closes the dialog/frame. */ public void close() { cleanUp(); if (getParentFrame() != null) { getParentFrame().setVisible(false); getParentFrame().dispose(); } else if (getParentDialog() != null) { getParentDialog().setVisible(false); getParentDialog().dispose(); } } /** * Whether to display the side panel or not. * * @param visible if true, then the side panel will be displayed */ public void setSidePanelVisible(boolean visible) { m_PanelInstance.setSidePanelVisible(visible); } /** * Returns whether the side panel is visible or not. * * @return true if the side panel is visible */ public boolean isSidePanelVisible() { return m_PanelInstance.isSidePanelVisible(); } /** * Returns the side panel. * * @return the side panel */ public JPanel getSidePanel() { return m_PanelInstance.getSidePanel(); } /** * Sets the zoom overview panel visible or not. * * @param value if true then the panel is visible */ public void setZoomOverviewPanelVisible(boolean value) { m_PanelInstance.setZoomOverviewPanelVisible(value); } /** * Returns whether the zoom overview panel is visible or not. * * @return true if visible */ public boolean isZoomOverviewPanelVisible() { return m_PanelInstance.isZoomOverviewPanelVisible(); } /** * Lets the user select a new color provider. */ protected void selectColorProvider() { if (m_DialogColorProvider == null) { if (getParentDialog() != null) m_DialogColorProvider = new GenericObjectEditorDialog(getParentDialog(), ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL); else m_DialogColorProvider = new GenericObjectEditorDialog(getParentFrame(), true); m_DialogColorProvider.setTitle("Select color provider"); m_DialogColorProvider.getGOEEditor().setClassType(ColorProvider.class); m_DialogColorProvider.getGOEEditor().setCanChangeClassInDialog(true); } m_DialogColorProvider.setCurrent(getContainerManager().getColorProvider().shallowCopy()); m_DialogColorProvider.setLocationRelativeTo(m_DialogColorProvider.getParent()); m_DialogColorProvider.setVisible(true); if (m_DialogColorProvider.getResult() != GenericObjectEditorDialog.APPROVE_OPTION) return; getContainerManager().setColorProvider(((ColorProvider) m_DialogColorProvider.getCurrent()).shallowCopy()); } /** * Lets the user select a new paintlet. */ protected void selectPaintlet() { Paintlet paintlet; boolean zoomVisible; if (m_DialogPaintlet == null) { if (getParentDialog() != null) m_DialogPaintlet = new GenericObjectEditorDialog(getParentDialog(), ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL); else m_DialogPaintlet = new GenericObjectEditorDialog(getParentFrame(), true); m_DialogPaintlet.setTitle("Select paintlet"); m_DialogPaintlet.getGOEEditor().setClassType(AbstractInstancePaintlet.class); m_DialogPaintlet.getGOEEditor().setCanChangeClassInDialog(true); } m_DialogPaintlet.setCurrent(getInstancePanel().getDataPaintlet().shallowCopy()); m_DialogPaintlet.setLocationRelativeTo(m_DialogPaintlet.getParent()); m_DialogPaintlet.setVisible(true); if (m_DialogPaintlet.getResult() != GenericObjectEditorDialog.APPROVE_OPTION) return; paintlet = (Paintlet) m_DialogPaintlet.getCurrent(); if (paintlet instanceof AntiAliasingSupporter) ((AntiAliasingSupporter) paintlet).setAntiAliasingEnabled(getInstancePanel().isAntiAliasingEnabled()); getInstancePanel().setDataPaintlet(paintlet); zoomVisible = getInstancePanel().isZoomOverviewPanelVisible(); getInstancePanel().getZoomOverviewPanel().setDataContainerPanel(getInstancePanel()); getInstancePanel().setZoomOverviewPanelVisible(zoomVisible); } /** * Returns the classes that the supporter generates. * * @return the classes */ public Class[] getSendToClasses() { return new Class[] { PlaceholderFile.class, JComponent.class }; } /** * Checks whether something to send is available. * * @param cls the classes to retrieve an item for * @return true if an object is available for sending */ public boolean hasSendToItem(Class[] cls) { return (getContainerManager().countVisible() > 0); } /** * Returns the object to send. * * @param cls the classes to retrieve the item for * @return the item to send */ public Object getSendToItem(Class[] cls) { Object result; Instances inst; result = null; if (SendToActionUtils.isAvailable(PlaceholderFile.class, cls)) { if (getContainerManager().countVisible() > 0) { result = SendToActionUtils.nextTmpFile("instanceexplorer", "arff"); inst = m_PanelInstance.getInstances(); try { DataSink.write(((PlaceholderFile) result).getAbsolutePath(), inst); } catch (Exception e) { GUIHelper.showErrorMessage(this, "Failed to write instances to '" + result + "'!"); result = null; } } } else if (SendToActionUtils.isAvailable(JComponent.class, cls)) { if (getContainerManager().countVisible() > 0) { result = this; } } return result; } /** * Cleans up data structures, frees up memory. */ public void cleanUp() { m_PanelInstance.cleanUp(); if (m_DialogColorProvider != null) { m_DialogColorProvider.dispose(); m_DialogColorProvider = null; } if (m_DialogPaintlet != null) { m_DialogPaintlet.dispose(); m_DialogPaintlet = null; } } /** * Returns the properties that define the editor. * * @return the properties */ public static synchronized Properties getProperties() { if (m_Properties == null) m_Properties = Environment.getInstance().read(InstanceExplorerDefinition.KEY); return m_Properties; } }