Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Este programa es software libre; usted puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los terminos
 * de la licencia "GNU General Public License" publicada por la Fundacion "Free Software Foundation".
 * Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que pueda ser util, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTIA;
 * vea la licencia "GNU General Public License" para obtener mas informacion.
package adalid.util.velocity;

import adalid.commons.util.FilUtils;
import adalid.commons.util.StrUtils;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.CopyOption;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * @author Jorge Campins
public class BaseBuilder {

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="static fields">
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BaseBuilder.class);

    private static final String project = "jee1ap101";

    private static final String PROJECT = "JEE1AP101";

    private static final String FS = System.getProperties().getProperty("file.separator");

    private static final String B = "^";

    private static final String E = "$";

    private static final String X = ".*";

    private static final String S = RegexPathFilter.SEPARATOR;

    private static final String D = "\\.";

    private static final Charset WINDOWS_CHARSET = Charset.forName("windows-1252");
    // </editor-fold>

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="instance fields">
    private final File rootFolder;

    private final File projectFolder;

    private final File velocityFolder;

    private final File velocityPlatformsTargetFolder;

    private final File velocityTemplatesTargetFolder;

    private final String rootFolderPath;

    private final String projectFolderPath;

    private final String velocityFolderPath;

    private final String velocityPlatformsTargetFolderPath;

    private final String velocityTemplatesTargetFolderPath;

    private final String projectRoot, application, development, management, resources;

    private final String[] preservableFiles;

    private final Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> extensionCharsetMap;

    private int binaryFilesCopied, textFilesCopied, propertiesFilesCreated, readingWarnings, readingErrors,

    private boolean excludeOracle;

    private Set<String> optionalEntityNames;
    // </editor-fold>

    public BaseBuilder() {
        rootFolder = PropertiesHandler.getRootFolder();
        if (rootFolder != null && rootFolder.isDirectory()) {
            rootFolderPath = rootFolder.getPath();
            projectFolderPath = rootFolderPath + FS + project;
            velocityFolderPath = rootFolderPath + FS + "adalid" + FS + "source" + FS + "development" + FS
                    + "resources" + FS + "velocity";
            velocityPlatformsTargetFolderPath = velocityFolderPath + FS + "platforms" + FS + "jee1" + FS + "base";
            velocityTemplatesTargetFolderPath = velocityFolderPath + FS + "templates" + FS + "jee1" + FS + "base";
            preservableFiles = new String[] { "javascript3.js" };
            projectFolder = new File(projectFolderPath);
            velocityFolder = new File(velocityFolderPath);
            if (velocityFolder.isDirectory()) {
                velocityPlatformsTargetFolder = new File(velocityPlatformsTargetFolderPath);
                velocityTemplatesTargetFolder = new File(velocityTemplatesTargetFolderPath);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("invalid velocity folder: " + velocityFolder);
            projectRoot = S + rootFolder.getName() + S + project + S;
            application = projectRoot + "source" + S + project + S;
            development = projectRoot + "source" + S + "development" + S;
            management = projectRoot + "source" + S + "management" + S;
            resources = management + "resources" + S;
            extensionCharsetMap = new TreeMap<>();
            logger.debug("projectRoot " + projectRoot);
            logger.debug("application " + application);
            logger.debug("management " + management);
            logger.debug("resources " + resources);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid root folder: " + rootFolder);

    public boolean isExcludeOracle() {
        return excludeOracle;

    public void setExcludeOracle(boolean excludeOracle) {
        this.excludeOracle = excludeOracle;

    public Set<String> getOptionalEntityNames() {
        return optionalEntityNames;

    public void setOptionalEntityNames(Set<String> optionalEntityNames) {
        this.optionalEntityNames = optionalEntityNames;

    public void build() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {

    private void init() {
        binaryFilesCopied = 0;
        textFilesCopied = 0;
        propertiesFilesCreated = 0;
        readingWarnings = 0;
        readingErrors = 0;
        writingErrors = 0;

    private void cleanVelocityDirectories() throws IOException {

    private static final String PROJECT_ALIAS = "${project.alias}";

    private static final String PROJECT_ALIAS_UPPER_CASE = "${project.alias.toUpperCase()}";

    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "${project.databaseName}";

    private static final String ROOT_FOLDER_SLASHED_PATH = "${rootFolderSlashedPath}";

    private static final String BASE_FOLDER_NAME = "${project.baseFolderName}";

    private static final String ROOT_FOLDER_NAME = "${project.rootFolderName}";

    private static final String ROOT_PACKAGE_NAME = "${project.rootPackageName}";

    private boolean copyBinaryFiles() {
        Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(projectFolder, binaryFileFilter(), binaryDirFilter());
        //      ColUtils.sort(files);
        String source, target, folder;
        for (File file : files) {
            source = file.getPath();
            target = source.replace(projectFolderPath, velocityTemplatesTargetFolderPath);
            folder = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(target, FS);
            try {
                copy(source, target);
                createBinaryFilePropertiesFile(source, target);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                logger.fatal("\t" + source + " could not be copied ");
        return true;

    private void createBinaryFilePropertiesFile(String source, String target) {
        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
        String properties = source.replace(projectFolderPath, velocityPlatformsTargetFolderPath) + ".properties";
        String folder = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(properties, FS);
        String template = StringUtils.substringAfter(target, velocityFolderPath + FS).replace(FS, "/");
        String path = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(StringUtils.substringAfter(source, projectFolderPath), FS)
                .replace(FS, "/").replace(project, PROJECT_ALIAS);
        path = replaceAliasWithRootFolderName(path);
        path = finalisePath(path);
        String file = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(source, FS).replace(project, PROJECT_ALIAS);
        lines.add("template = " + template);
        lines.add("template-type = document");
        lines.add("path = " + path);
        lines.add("file = " + file);
        lines.add("preserve = true");
        if (write(properties, lines, WINDOWS_CHARSET)) {

    private static final String PACKAGE_REGEX = "^package [\\w\\.]*;$";

    private boolean copyTextFiles() {
        Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(projectFolder, textFileFilter(), textDirFilter());
        //      ColUtils.sort(files);
        final String oldJava1 = "textoFilasPorPagina1Validator1.setMaximum(50L);";
        final String newJava1 = "textoFilasPorPagina1Validator1.setMaximum(${Constants.getDefaultRowsPerPageLimit()}L);";
        final String oldJSP01 = "id=\"table1\" width=\"1200\"";
        final String newJSP01 = "id=\"table1\" width=\"${project_max_view_width}\"";
        final String oldJSP02 = "id=\"tableRowGroup1\" rows=\"10\"";
        final String newJSP02 = "id=\"tableRowGroup1\" rows=\"${Constants.getDefaultRowsPerPage()}\"";
        final String oldJSP03 = "style=\"width: 1200px\" styleClass=\"pdq-grid-detalle-1\"";
        final String newJSP03 = "style=\"width: ${project_max_view_width}px\" styleClass=\"pdq-grid-detalle-1\"";
        final String oldJSPF1 = "id=\"messageGroup1\" style=\"width: 1200px";
        final String newJSPF1 = "id=\"messageGroup1\" style=\"width: ${project_max_view_width}px";
        String source, target, targetParent;
        boolean java, jrxml, jsp, jspf, properties, sh, bat, sql, xml;
        String[] precedingWords = { "extends", "import", "new", "@see", "@throws" };
        SmallFile smallSource;
        List<String> sourceLines;
        List<String> targetLines = new ArrayList<>();
        for (File file : files) {
            source = file.getPath();
            java = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".java");
            jrxml = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".jrxml");
            jsp = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".jsp");
            jspf = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".jspf");
            properties = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".properties");
            sh = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".sh");
            bat = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".bat");
            sql = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".sql");
            xml = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".xml");
            target = source.replace(projectFolderPath, velocityTemplatesTargetFolderPath);
            targetParent = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(target, FS);
            if (java) {
            } else if (jsp || jspf) {
            } else if (properties) {
            } else if (sql) {
            } else if (xml || jrxml) {
            } else {
            smallSource = new SmallFile(source);
            sourceLines =;
            if (smallSource.isNotEmpty()) {
                for (String line : sourceLines) {
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(line)) {
                        if (java && line.matches(PACKAGE_REGEX)) {
                            line = "package $package;";
                        } else {
                            line = line.replace("$", "${dollar}");
                            line = line.replace("#", "${pound}");
                            line = line.replace("\\", "${backslash}");
                            line = line.replace(project, PROJECT_ALIAS);
                            line = line.replace(PROJECT, PROJECT_ALIAS_UPPER_CASE);
                            if (java) {
                                for (String word : precedingWords) {
                                    line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, word + " ", ".");
                                line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, "String BASE_NAME = ", ".");
                                line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, "new ResourceBundleHandler(", ".");
                                line = line.replace(oldJava1, newJava1);
                            if (jrxml) {
                                line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, "<import value=\"", ".");
                            if (jsp) {
                                line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, "<%@ page import=\"", ".");
                                line = line.replace(oldJSP01, newJSP01);
                                line = line.replace(oldJSP02, newJSP02);
                                line = line.replace(oldJSP03, newJSP03);
                            if (jspf) {
                                line = line.replace(oldJSPF1, newJSPF1);
                            if (properties) {
                                line = StrUtils.replaceAfter(line, PROJECT_ALIAS + ".", ROOT_PACKAGE_NAME + ".",
                                line = StrUtils.replaceAfter(line, PROJECT_ALIAS + ".", ROOT_PACKAGE_NAME + ".",
                                line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, "log4j.category.", "=");
                                line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, "log4j.additivity.", "=");
                            if (sh) {
                                line = StrUtils.replaceAfter(line, PROJECT_ALIAS, DATABASE_NAME, "dbname=");
                            if (bat) {
                                line = StrUtils.replaceAfter(line, PROJECT_ALIAS, DATABASE_NAME, "dbname=");
                            if (xml) {
                                line = replaceAliasWithDatabaseName(line, "jdbc/", "");
                                line = replaceAliasWithDatabaseName(line, "localhost:5432/", "");
                                line = StrUtils.replaceAfter(line, PROJECT_ALIAS + "-pool", DATABASE_NAME + "-pool",
                                line = replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(line, "<logger category=\"", "\">");
            if (write(target, targetLines, WINDOWS_CHARSET)) {
                createTextFilePropertiesFile(source, target);
        return true;

    private void javaHeading(List<String> targetLines) {
        //      targetLines.add("#parseJavaMacros()");
        //      targetLines.add("#setJavaVariables()");

    private void jspHeading(List<String> targetLines) {

    private void propertiesHeading(List<String> targetLines) {
        //      targetLines.add("#parsePropertiesMacros()");
        //      targetLines.add("#setPropertiesVariables()");

    private void sqlHeading(List<String> targetLines) {
        //      targetLines.add("#parseSQLMacros()");
        //      targetLines.add("#setSQLVariables()");

    private void xmlHeading(List<String> targetLines) {
        //      targetLines.add("#parseXMLMacros()");
        //      targetLines.add("#setXMLVariables()");

    private void genericHeading(List<String> targetLines) {
        //      targetLines.add("#setGlobalVariables()");

    private String replaceAliasWithDatabaseName(String line, String prefix, String suffix) {
        return line.replace(prefix + PROJECT_ALIAS + suffix, prefix + DATABASE_NAME + suffix);

    private String replaceAliasWithRootPackageName(String line, String prefix, String suffix) {
        return line.replace(prefix + PROJECT_ALIAS + suffix, prefix + ROOT_PACKAGE_NAME + suffix);

    private static final String SRC = "/src/";

    private void createTextFilePropertiesFile(String source, String target) {
        boolean java = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".java");
        boolean bundle = StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(source, ".properties");
        File sourceFile = new File(source);
        String sourceFileName = sourceFile.getName();
        String sourceFileSimpleName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(sourceFileName, ".");
        String sourceFolderName = sourceFile.getParentFile().getName();
        String sourceFolderSimpleName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(sourceFolderName, ".");
        String sourceEntityName = getOptionalEntityName(sourceFileSimpleName, sourceFolderSimpleName);
        String properties = source.replace(projectFolderPath, velocityPlatformsTargetFolderPath) + ".properties";
        String folder = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(properties, FS);
        String template = StringUtils.substringAfter(target, velocityFolderPath + FS).replace(FS, "/");
        String path = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(StringUtils.substringAfter(source, projectFolderPath), FS)
                .replace(FS, "/").replace(project, PROJECT_ALIAS).replace("eclipse.settings", ".settings");
        path = replaceAliasWithRootFolderName(path);
        String pack = null;
        if (java || bundle) {
            String s1 = StringUtils.substringAfter(path, SRC);
            if (StringUtils.contains(s1, PROJECT_ALIAS)) {
                String s2 = StringUtils.substringBefore(s1, PROJECT_ALIAS);
                String s3 = SRC + s2;
                String s4 = StringUtils.substringBefore(path, s3) + s3;
                String s5 = StringUtils.substringAfter(s1, PROJECT_ALIAS).replace("/", ".");
                path = StringUtils.removeEnd(s4, "/");
                pack = ROOT_PACKAGE_NAME + s5;
        path = finalisePath(path);
        String file = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(source, FS).replace(project, PROJECT_ALIAS)
                .replace("eclipse.project", ".project");
        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
        lines.add("template = " + template);
        //      lines.add("template-type = velocity");
        lines.add("path = " + path);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pack)) {
            lines.add("package = " + pack);
        lines.add("file = " + file);
        if (sourceFileSimpleName.equals("eclipse") || sourceFolderSimpleName.equals("eclipse")
                || sourceFolderSimpleName.equals("nbproject")) {
            lines.add("disabled = true");
        } else if (sourceEntityName != null) {
            lines.add("disabled-when-missing = " + sourceEntityName);
        if (source.endsWith(".css") || source.endsWith(".jrtx")) {
            lines.add("preserve = true");
        } else if (ArrayUtils.contains(preservableFiles, sourceFileName)) {
            lines.add("preserve = true");
        lines.add("dollar.string = $");
        lines.add("pound.string = #");
        lines.add("backslash.string = \\\\");
        if (write(properties, lines, WINDOWS_CHARSET)) {

    private static final String SOURCE_PROJECT_ALIAS = "/source/" + PROJECT_ALIAS + "/";

    private static final String SOURCE_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME = "/source/" + ROOT_FOLDER_NAME + "/";

    private String replaceAliasWithRootFolderName(String path) {
        String p = path + "/";
        if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p, SOURCE_PROJECT_ALIAS)) {
            p = SOURCE_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(p, SOURCE_PROJECT_ALIAS);
            p = StringUtils.removeEnd(p, "/");
            return p;
        return path;





            + "-resources/";

    private String finalisePath(String path) {
        String p = path + "/";
        if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p, SOURCE_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME)) {
            if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p, RESOURCES_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME)) {
                p = "${resourcesProjectFolderPath}/"
                        + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(p, RESOURCES_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME);
                p = p.replace("/src/conf/", "/${resourcesConfigurationFilesFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/code/", "/${resourcesJavaMainFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/copy/", "/${resourcesPacketsFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/crop/", "/${resourcesBundlesFolder}/");
            } else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p, LIB_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME)) {
                p = "${libProjectFolderPath}/" + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(p, LIB_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME);
                p = p.replace("/src/conf/", "/${libConfigurationFilesFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/code/", "/${libJavaMainFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/copy/", "/${libJavaCopyFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/crop/", "/${libJavaSourcesFolder}/");
            } else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p, WAR_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME)) {
                p = "${warProjectFolderPath}/" + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(p, WAR_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME);
                p = p.replace("/src/conf/", "/${warConfigurationFilesFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/code/", "/${webJavaMainFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/copy/", "/${webJavaCopyFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/copy-1/", "/${webJavaCopy1Folder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/copy-2/", "/${webJavaCopy2Folder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/crop/", "/${webJavaSourcesFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/web/WEB-INF/", "/${webConfigurationFilesFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/web/code/", "/${webPagesMainFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/web/copy/", "/${webPagesCopyFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/web/crop/", "/${webPagesSourcesFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/web/", "/${webPagesFolder}/");
            } else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p, EJB_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME)) {
                p = "${ejbProjectFolderPath}/" + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(p, EJB_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME);
                p = p.replace("/src/conf/", "/${ejbConfigurationFilesFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/code/", "/${ejbJavaMainFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/copy/", "/${ejbJavaCopyFolder}/");
                p = p.replace("/src/java/crop/", "/${ejbJavaSourcesFolder}/");
            } else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(p, EAR_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME)) {
                p = "${earProjectFolderPath}/" + StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(p, EAR_PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME);
                p = p.replace("/src/conf/", "/${earConfigurationFilesFolder}/");
            } else {
                p = ROOT_FOLDER_SLASHED_PATH + "/" + BASE_FOLDER_NAME + p;
            p = StringUtils.removeEnd(p, "/");
            return p;
        return ROOT_FOLDER_SLASHED_PATH + "/" + BASE_FOLDER_NAME + path;

    private String getOptionalEntityName(String sourceFileSimpleName, String sourceFolderSimpleName) {
        if (optionalEntityNames != null) {
            for (String entityName : optionalEntityNames) {
                if (check1(sourceFileSimpleName, sourceFolderSimpleName, entityName)) {
                    return entityName;
        return null;

    private boolean check1(String sourceFileSimpleName, String sourceFolderSimpleName, String entityName) {
        String underscoredName = StrUtils.getHumplessCase(entityName, '_');
        String hyphenatedName = StrUtils.getHumplessCase(entityName, '-');
        return check2(sourceFileSimpleName, sourceFolderSimpleName, underscoredName)
                || check2(sourceFileSimpleName, sourceFolderSimpleName, hyphenatedName)
                || check2(sourceFileSimpleName, sourceFolderSimpleName, entityName);

    private boolean check2(String sourceFileSimpleName, String sourceFolderSimpleName, String someName) {
        String delimited = "$" + someName + "$";
        return sourceFileSimpleName.equalsIgnoreCase(someName) || sourceFolderSimpleName.equalsIgnoreCase(someName)
                || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(sourceFileSimpleName, delimited)
                || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(sourceFolderSimpleName, delimited);

    private void printSummary() { + " binary files copied "); + " text files copied "); + textFilesCopied + " files copied "); + " files created "); + " reading warnings "); + " reading errors "); + " writing errors ");
        Map<String, Integer> map;
        for (String extension : extensionCharsetMap.keySet()) {
            map = extensionCharsetMap.get(extension);
            for (String charset : map.keySet()) {
                logger.trace("\t" + StringUtils.rightPad(charset + " ", 20, '.') + " " + map.get(charset));

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="filters">
    private IOFileFilter binaryFileFilter() {
        IOFileFilter[] ayes = new IOFileFilter[] { new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "gif" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "jpg" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "png" + E) };
        return FileFilterUtils.or(ayes);

    private IOFileFilter binaryDirFilter() {
        IOFileFilter[] noes = new IOFileFilter[] { new RegexFileFilter(B + "build" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "dist" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + "private" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "release" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + "test" + E) };
        return FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(FileFilterUtils.or(noes));

    private IOFileFilter textFileFilter() {
        IOFileFilter[] noes = new IOFileFilter[] {
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + projectRoot + "delete" + X + D + "bat" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + projectRoot + "home-compare" + D + "bat" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-ejb" + S + "nbproject" + S + "project" + D
                        + "properties" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-ejb" + S + "src" + S + "conf" + S
                        + "persistence" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-ejb" + S + "src" + S + "conf" + S
                        + "sun-ejb-jar" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-lib" + S + "nbproject" + S + "project" + D
                        + "properties" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-resources" + S + "nbproject" + S + "project"
                        + D + "properties" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "nbproject" + S + "project" + D
                        + "properties" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "WEB-INF" + S
                        + "faces-config" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "WEB-INF" + S
                        + "glassfish-web" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "WEB-INF" + S + "web"
                        + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "ayuda" + D + "html" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "error" + D + "jsp" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "index" + D + "html" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "index" + D + "jsp" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "login" + D + "jsp" + E),
                //  RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "redirect" + D + "html" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + "src" + S + "conf" + S + "application" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + "src" + S + "conf" + S + "glassfish-application" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + development + "resources" + S + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S
                        + "clean-jasper-reports" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + development + "resources" + S + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S
                        + "copy-properties" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + development + "resources" + S + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S
                        + "xcopy-jboss-modules" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + development + "resources" + S + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S
                        + "xcopy-wildfly-modules" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "[\\w\\-\\_]*" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "[\\w\\-\\_]*" + D + "password" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "[\\w\\-\\_]*" + D + "sh" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "[\\w\\-\\_]*" + D + "txt" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "reporting" + S + X + D + "jasper" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "reporting" + S + X + D + "jrxml" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "reporting" + S + X + D + "pdf" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S + "postgresql" + S
                        + "dump-table-tokens" + D + "txt" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + management + "setup" + S + "scripts" + S + "linux" + S + "ln-s" + D + "sh" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "setup" + S + "scripts" + S + "linux" + S
                        + "variables-conf" + D + "sh" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "setup" + S + "scripts" + S + "linux" + S
                        + "variables-home" + D + "sh" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + management + "setup" + S + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S + "ln-s" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "setup" + S + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S
                        + "variables-conf" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "setup" + S + "scripts" + S + "windows" + S
                        + "variables-home" + D + "bat" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "cli" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "err" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "gif" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "jpg" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "lnk" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "log" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "out" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + X + D + "png" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "Thumbs" + D + "db" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "ant-deploy" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "build-impl" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "build" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "eclipse" + D + "classpath" + E),
                //  RegexFileFilter(B + "eclipse" + D + "project" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "faces-config" + D + "NavData" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "genfiles" + D + "properties" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "org" + D + "eclipse" + D + "wst" + D + "common" + D + "project" + D
                        + "facet" + D + "core" + D + "xml" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "redirect" + D + "html" + E),
                excludeOracle ? new RegexFileFilter(B + "variables-oracle" + D + X + E)
                        : new RegexFileFilter(B + E) };
        //      return FileFilterUtils.and(FileFilterUtils.or(ayes), FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(FileFilterUtils.or(noes)));
        return FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(FileFilterUtils.or(noes));

    private IOFileFilter textDirFilter() {
        IOFileFilter[] noes = new IOFileFilter[] { new RegexPathFilter(B + X + projectRoot + "release" + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + "EarContent" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + "eclipse.settings" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-ejb" + S + "ejbModule" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-ejb" + S + "setup" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-ejb" + S + "src" + S + "java" + S + "crop" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-lib" + S + "src" + S + "java" + S + "crop" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-resources" + S + "src" + S + "crop" + X + E),
                //  RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-resources" + S + "src" + S + "i18n" + S + "en" + S + project + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-resources" + S + "src" + S + "i18n" + S + "es"
                        + S + project + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "src" + S + "java" + S + "crop" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "META-INF" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + project + "-war" + S + "web" + S + "crop" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + application + "nbproject" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "backup" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "dist" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "logs" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "config" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "database" + S + "postgresql" + S + "data" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + resources + "database" + S + "postgresql" + S + "data-migration" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "database" + S + "postgresql" + S + "views" + S
                        + "custom-made" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "database" + S + "postgresql" + S + "views" + S
                        + "data-provider" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "database" + S + "postgresql" + S + "views" + S
                        + "jasper-report" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(
                        B + X + resources + "database" + S + "postgresql" + S + "views" + S + "system" + X + E),
                //  RegexPathFilter(B + X + resources + "reporting" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "setup" + S + "config" + S + "jboss" + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "setup" + S + "config" + S + "wildfly" + S + X + S
                        + "9.0.0" + S + X + E),
                new RegexPathFilter(B + X + management + "sql" + X + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + "build" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "dist" + E), new RegexFileFilter(B + "private" + E),
                new RegexFileFilter(B + "test" + E),
                excludeOracle ? new RegexFileFilter(B + "oracle" + E) : new RegexFileFilter(B + E) };
        return FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(FileFilterUtils.or(noes));
    // </editor-fold>

    private void copy(String source, String target) throws IOException {
        Path sourcePath = Paths.get(source);
        Path targetPath = Paths.get(target);
        //overwrite existing file, if exists
        CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[] { StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING,
                StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES };
        Files.copy(sourcePath, targetPath, options);

    private void check(SmallFile sf) {
        String cs;
        Integer count;
        Map<String, Integer> map;
        if (sf != null) {
            Charset charset = sf.getCharset();
            String name = sf.getName();
            String extension = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(sf.getExtension().toLowerCase(), "?");
            if (charset == null) {
                logger.error(name + " could not be read using any of the specified character sets ");
            } else if (sf.isEmpty()) {
                logger.warn(name + " is empty ");
            } else {
                cs = charset.toString();
                switch (cs) {
                case "UTF-8":
                    if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("java")) {
                    } else {
                        logger.warn(cs + "/" + extension + " " + name);
                case "ISO_8859_1":
                    logger.warn(cs + "/" + extension + " " + name);
                map = extensionCharsetMap.get(extension);
                if (map == null) {
                    map = new TreeMap<>();
                count = map.get(cs);
                if (count == null) {
                    map.put(cs, 1);
                } else {
                    map.put(cs, ++count);
                extensionCharsetMap.put(extension, map);

    private boolean write(String target, List<String> lines, Charset charset) {
        try {
            Path path = Paths.get(target);
            Files.write(path, lines, charset);
            return true;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.fatal("\t" + target + " could not be written ");
        return false;
