Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2016, RadiantBlue Technologies, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package access.deploy;


import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException;
import org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException;

import access.database.DatabaseAccessor;
import access.deploy.geoserver.AuthHeaders;
import access.util.AccessUtilities;
import exception.GeoServerException;
import exception.InvalidInputException;
import model.logger.AuditElement;
import model.logger.Severity;
import util.PiazzaLogger;
import util.UUIDFactory;

 * Class that manages the GeoServer Deployments held by this component. 
 * A deployment is, in this current context, a GeoServer layer being stood up. In the future, this may be expanded to
 * other deployment solutions, as requested by users in the Access Job.
 * @author Patrick.Doody
public class Deployer {
    private PiazzaLogger pzLogger;
    private UUIDFactory uuidFactory;
    private AccessUtilities accessUtilities;
    private DatabaseAccessor accessor;
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;
    private AuthHeaders authHeaders;

    private static final String ADD_LAYER_ENDPOINT = "/rest/workspaces/piazza/datastores/piazza/featuretypes/";
    private static final String CAPABILITIES_URL = "/piazza/wfs?service=wfs&version=2.0.0&request=GetCapabilities";

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Deployer.class);
    private static final String ACCESS = "access";

     * Creates a new deployment from the dataResource object.
     * @param dataResource
     *            The resource metadata, describing the object to be deployed.
     * @return A deployment for the object.
     * @throws GeoServerException
    public Deployment createDeployment(DataResource dataResource) throws GeoServerException {
        // Create the GeoServer Deployment based on the Data Type
        Deployment deployment;

        final DataType dType = dataResource.getDataType();

        try {
            if (dType instanceof ShapefileDataType || dType instanceof PostGISDataType
                    || dType instanceof GeoJsonDataType) {

                // GeoJSON allows for empty feature sets. If a GeoJSON with no features, then do not deploy.
                if (dType instanceof GeoJsonDataType && dataResource.getSpatialMetadata().getNumFeatures() != null
                        && dataResource.getSpatialMetadata().getNumFeatures() == 0) {

                    // If no GeoJSON features, then do not deploy.
                    throw new GeoServerException(String.format(
                            "Could not create deployment for %s. This Data contains no features or feature schema.",

                // Deploy from an existing PostGIS Table
                deployment = deployPostGisTable(dataResource);

            } else if (dType instanceof RasterDataType) {
                // Deploy a GeoTIFF to GeoServer
                deployment = deployRaster(dataResource);
            } else {
                // Unsupported Data type has been specified.
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Cannot deploy the following Data Type to GeoServer: " + dType.getClass().getSimpleName());
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            String error = String.format("There was an error deploying the to GeoServer instance: %s",
            LOGGER.error(error, exception);
            throw new GeoServerException(error);

        // Insert the Deployment into the Database
        deployment.createdOn = new DateTime();

        // Log information
                String.format("Created Deployment %s for Data %s on host %s", deployment.getDeploymentId(),
                        deployment.getDataId(), deployment.getHost()),
                new AuditElement(ACCESS, "createNewDeployment", deployment.getDeploymentId()));

        // Return Deployment reference
        return deployment;

     * Deploys a PostGIS Table resource to GeoServer. This will create a new GeoServer layer that will reference the
     * PostGIS table.
     * PostGIS tables can be created via the Ingest process by, for instance, ingesting a Shapefile or a WFS into the
     * Database.
     * @param dataResource
     *            The DataResource to deploy.
     * @return The Deployment
     * @throws GeoServerException
     * @throws IOException
    private Deployment deployPostGisTable(DataResource dataResource) throws GeoServerException, IOException {
        // Create the JSON Payload for the Layer request to GeoServer
        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
        InputStream templateStream = null;
        String featureTypeRequestBody = null;
        try {
            templateStream = classLoader
                    .getResourceAsStream("templates" + File.separator + "featureTypeRequest.xml");
            featureTypeRequestBody = IOUtils.toString(templateStream);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            LOGGER.error("Error reading GeoServer Template.", exception);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (templateStream != null) {
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                LOGGER.error("Error closing GeoServer Template Stream.", exception);

        // Get the appropriate Table Name from the DataResource
        String tableName = null;
        if (dataResource.getDataType() instanceof ShapefileDataType) {
            tableName = ((ShapefileDataType) dataResource.getDataType()).getDatabaseTableName();
        } else if (dataResource.getDataType() instanceof PostGISDataType) {
            tableName = ((PostGISDataType) dataResource.getDataType()).getTable();
        } else if (dataResource.getDataType() instanceof GeoJsonDataType) {
            tableName = ((GeoJsonDataType) dataResource.getDataType()).databaseTableName;

        // Inject the Metadata from the Data Resource into the Payload
        String requestBody = String.format(featureTypeRequestBody, tableName, tableName, tableName,
                dataResource.getSpatialMetadata().getEpsgString(), "EPSG:4326");

        // Execute the POST to GeoServer to add the FeatureType
        HttpStatus statusCode = postGeoServerFeatureType(ADD_LAYER_ENDPOINT, requestBody);

        // Ensure the Status Code is OK
        if (statusCode != HttpStatus.CREATED) {
                            "Failed to Deploy PostGIS Table name %s for Resource %s to GeoServer. HTTP Code: %s",
                            tableName, dataResource.getDataId(), statusCode),
                    new AuditElement(ACCESS, "failedToCreatePostGisTable", dataResource.getDataId()));
            throw new GeoServerException(
                    "Failed to Deploy to GeoServer; the Status returned a non-OK response code: " + statusCode);

        // Create a new Deployment for this Resource
        String deploymentId = uuidFactory.getUUID();
        String capabilitiesUrl = String.format("%s%s", accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), CAPABILITIES_URL);

        pzLogger.log(String.format("Created PostGIS Table for Resource %s", dataResource.getDataId()),
                Severity.INFORMATIONAL, new AuditElement(ACCESS, "createPostGisTable", dataResource.getDataId()));

        return new Deployment(deploymentId, dataResource.getDataId(), accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), null,
                tableName, capabilitiesUrl);

     * Deploys a GeoTIFF resource to GeoServer. This will create a new GeoServer data store and layer. This will upload
     * the file directly to GeoServer using the GeoServer REST API.
     * @param dataResource
     *            The DataResource to deploy.
     * @return The Deployment
     * @throws InvalidInputException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
    private Deployment deployRaster(DataResource dataResource)
            throws GeoServerException, IOException, InvalidInputException {
        // Get the File Bytes of the Raster to be uploaded
        byte[] fileBytes = accessUtilities.getBytesForDataResource(dataResource);

        // Create the Request that will upload the File
        authHeaders.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "image/tiff");
        HttpEntity<byte[]> request = new HttpEntity<>(fileBytes, authHeaders.get());

        // Send the Request
        String url = String.format("%s/rest/workspaces/piazza/coveragestores/%s/file.geotiff",
                accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), dataResource.getDataId());
        try {
            pzLogger.log(String.format("Creating new Raster Deployment to %s", url), Severity.INFORMATIONAL,
                    new AuditElement(ACCESS, "deployGeoServerRasterLayer", dataResource.getDataId()));
  , HttpMethod.PUT, request, String.class);
        } catch (HttpClientErrorException | HttpServerErrorException exception) {
            if (exception.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED) {
                // If 405 NOT ALLOWED is encountered, then the layer may already exist on the GeoServer. Check if it
                // exists already. If it does, then use this layer for the Deployment.
                if (!doesGeoServerLayerExist(dataResource.getDataId())) {
                    // If it doesn't exist, throw an error. Something went wrong.
                    String error = String.format(
                            "GeoServer would not allow for layer creation, despite an existing layer not being present: url: %s, statusCode: %s, exceptionBody: %s",
                            url, exception.getStatusCode().toString(), exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
                    pzLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR);
                    LOGGER.error(error, exception);
                    throw new GeoServerException(error);
            } else if ((exception.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
                    && (exception.getResponseBodyAsString().contains("Error persisting"))) {
                // If a 500 is received, then it's possible that GeoServer is processing this layer already via a
                // simultaneous POST, and there is a collision. Add this information to the response.
                // TODO: In the future, we should persist a lookup table where only one Data ID is persisted at a time
                // to GeoServer, to avoid this collision.
                String error = String.format(
                        "Creating Layer on GeoServer at URL %s returned HTTP Status %s with Body: %s. This may be the result of GeoServer processing this Data Id simultaneously by another request. Please try again.",
                        url, exception.getStatusCode().toString(), exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
                pzLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR,
                        new AuditElement(ACCESS, "failedToDeployRaster", dataResource.getDataId()));
                LOGGER.error(error, exception);
                throw new GeoServerException(error);
            } else {
                // For any other errors, report back this error to the user and fail the job.
                String error = String.format(
                        "Creating Layer on GeoServer at URL %s returned HTTP Status %s with Body: %s", url,
                        exception.getStatusCode().toString(), exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
                pzLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR,
                        new AuditElement(ACCESS, "failedToDeployRaster", dataResource.getDataId()));
                LOGGER.error(error, exception);
                throw new GeoServerException(error);

        // Create a Deployment for this Resource
        String deploymentId = uuidFactory.getUUID();
        String capabilitiesUrl = String.format("%s%s", accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), CAPABILITIES_URL);
        String deploymentLayerName = dataResource.getDataId();
        return new Deployment(deploymentId, dataResource.getDataId(), accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), null,
                deploymentLayerName, capabilitiesUrl);

     * Deletes a deployment, as specified by its Id. This will remove the Deployment from GeoServer, delete the lease
     * and the deployment from the Database.
     * @param deploymentId
     *            The Id of the deployment.
     * @throws GeoServerException
     * @throws InvalidInputException
    public void undeploy(String deploymentId) throws GeoServerException, InvalidInputException {
        // Get the Deployment from the Database to delete. If the Deployment had
        // a lease, then the lease is automatically removed when the deployment
        // is deleted.
        Deployment deployment = accessor.getDeployment(deploymentId);
        if (deployment == null) {
            throw new InvalidInputException("Deployment does not exist matching Id " + deploymentId);
        // Delete the Deployment Layer from GeoServer
        HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<>(authHeaders.get());
        String url = String.format("%s/rest/layers/%s", accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(),
        try {
            pzLogger.log(String.format("Deleting Deployment from Resource %s", url), Severity.INFORMATIONAL,
                    new AuditElement(ACCESS, "undeployGeoServerLayer", deploymentId));
  , HttpMethod.DELETE, request, String.class);
        } catch (HttpClientErrorException | HttpServerErrorException exception) {
            // Check the status code. If it's a 404, then the layer has likely
            // already been deleted by some other means.
            if (exception.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
                String warning = String.format(
                        "Attempted to undeploy GeoServer layer %s while deleting the Deployment Id %s, but the layer was already deleted from GeoServer. This layer may have been removed by some other means. If this was a Vector Source, then this message can be safely ignored.",
                        deployment.getLayer(), deploymentId);
                pzLogger.log(warning, Severity.WARNING);
            } else {
                // Some other exception occurred. Bubble it up.
                String error = String.format(
                        "Error deleting GeoServer Layer for Deployment %s via request %s: Code %s with Error %s",
                        deploymentId, url, exception.getStatusCode(), exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
                pzLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR,
                        new AuditElement(ACCESS, "failedToDeleteGeoServerLayer", deploymentId));
                LOGGER.error(error, exception);
                throw new GeoServerException(error);

        // If this was a Raster dataset that contained its own unique data store, then delete that Coverage Store.
        url = String.format("%s/rest/workspaces/piazza/coveragestores/%s?purge=all&recurse=true",
                accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), deployment.getDataId());
        try {
            pzLogger.log(String.format("Deleting Coverage Store from Resource %s", url), Severity.INFORMATIONAL,
                    new AuditElement(ACCESS, "deleteGeoServerCoverageStore", deployment.getDataId()));
  , HttpMethod.DELETE, request, String.class);
        } catch (HttpClientErrorException | HttpServerErrorException exception) {
            // Check the status code. If it's a 404, then the layer has likely
            // already been deleted by some other means.
            if (exception.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
                String warning = String.format(
                        "Attempted to delete Coverage Store for GeoServer %s while deleting the Deployment Id %s, but the Coverage Store was already deleted from GeoServer. This Store may have been removed by some other means.",
                        deployment.getLayer(), deploymentId);
                pzLogger.log(warning, Severity.WARNING);
            } else {
                // Some other exception occurred. Bubble it up.
                String error = String.format(
                        "Error deleting GeoServer Coverage Store for Deployment %s via request %s: Code %s with Error: %s",
                        deploymentId, url, exception.getStatusCode(), exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
                pzLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR,
                        new AuditElement(ACCESS, "failedToUndeployLayer", deploymentId));
                LOGGER.error(error, exception);
                throw new GeoServerException(error);

        pzLogger.log(String.format("Successfully deleted Deployment for %s", deploymentId), Severity.INFORMATIONAL);
        // Remove the Deployment from the Database

     * Executes the POST request to GeoServer to create the FeatureType as a Layer.
     * @param featureType
     *            The JSON Payload of the POST request
     * @return The HTTP Status code of the request to GeoServer for adding the layer. GeoServer will typically not
     *         return any payload in the response, so the HTTP Status is the best we can do in order to check for
     *         success.
     * @throws GeoServerException
    private HttpStatus postGeoServerFeatureType(String restURL, String featureType) throws GeoServerException {
        // Construct the URL for the Service
        String url = String.format("%s%s", accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), restURL);"Attempting to push a GeoServer Featuretype {} to URL {}", featureType, url);

        // Create the Request template and execute
        HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<>(featureType, authHeaders.get());

        ResponseEntity<String> response = null;
        try {
            pzLogger.log(String.format("Creating GeoServer Feature Type for Resource %s", url),
                    Severity.INFORMATIONAL, new AuditElement(ACCESS, "createGeoServerFeatureType", url));
            response =, HttpMethod.POST, request, String.class);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            String error = String.format("There was an error creating the Coverage Layer to URL %s with errors %s",
                    url, exception.getMessage());
            pzLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR,
                    new AuditElement(ACCESS, "failedToCreateGeoServerFeatureType", url));
            LOGGER.error(error, exception);
            throw new GeoServerException(error);

        // Return the HTTP Status
        return response.getStatusCode();

     * Checks GeoServer to determine if a Layer exists.
     * @param layerId
     *            The ID of the layer. Corresponds with the Data ID.
     * @return True if the layer exists on GeoServer, false if not.
     * @throws GeoServerException
    public boolean doesGeoServerLayerExist(String layerId) throws GeoServerException {
        HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<>(authHeaders.get());
        String url = String.format("%s/rest/layers/%s.json", accessUtilities.getGeoServerBaseUrl(), layerId);
        try {
            pzLogger.log(String.format("Checking GeoServer if Layer Exists %s", layerId), Severity.INFORMATIONAL,
                    new AuditElement(ACCESS, "checkGeoServerLayerExists", url));
            ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET, request, String.class);
            return response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (HttpClientErrorException | HttpServerErrorException exception) {
            // Check the status code. If it's a 404, then the layer does not exist.
            if (exception.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
                return false;
            } else {
                // Some other exception occurred. Bubble it up as an exception.
                String error = String.format(
                        "Error while checking status of Layer %s. GeoServer returned with Code %s and error %s: ",
                        layerId, exception.getStatusCode(), exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
                pzLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR,
                        new AuditElement(ACCESS, "failedToCheckGeoServerLayerStatus", layerId));
                LOGGER.error(error, exception);
                throw new GeoServerException(error);

     * Checks to see if the DataResource currently has a deployment in the system or not.
     * @param dataId
     *            The Data Id to check for Deployment.
     * @return True if a deployment exists for the Data Id, false if not.
    public boolean doesDeploymentExist(String dataId) {
        return accessor.getDeploymentByDataId(dataId) != null ? true : false;