abfab3d.io.output.GridSaver.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for abfab3d.io.output.GridSaver.java


 *                        Shapeways, Inc Copyright (c) 2011
 *                               Java Source
 * This source is licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1
 * Please read http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html for more information
 * This software comes with the standard NO WARRANTY disclaimer for any
 * purpose. Use it at your own risk. If there's a problem you get to fix it.

package abfab3d.io.output;

import abfab3d.grid.Grid;
import abfab3d.grid.AttributeGrid;
import abfab3d.grid.util.ExecutionStoppedException;
import abfab3d.io.output.IsosurfaceMaker;
import abfab3d.io.output.MeshExporter;

import abfab3d.util.Units;
import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;

import abfab3d.mesh.*;

import abfab3d.util.MathUtil;
import abfab3d.util.TriangleCounter;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

import static java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis;
import static abfab3d.util.Output.fmt;
import static abfab3d.util.Output.printf;
import static abfab3d.util.Output.time;
import static abfab3d.util.MathUtil.extendBounds;

import org.web3d.vrml.sav.BinaryContentHandler;

import javax.vecmath.Point3d;

 * Common code for saving grids.
 * @author Alan Hudson
public class GridSaver {

    static final boolean DEBUG = true;

    protected double m_meshErrorFactor = 0.1;
    protected double m_meshSmoothingWidth = 0.2;

    final static public double VOLUME_UNDEFINED = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
    final static public int SHELLS_COUNT_UNDEFINED = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    int m_maxShellsCount = SHELLS_COUNT_UNDEFINED;
    double m_minShellVolume = VOLUME_UNDEFINED;

    int m_maxThreads = 0;
    int m_maxTrianglesCount = 2000000;
    int m_maxDecimationCount = 10;
    int m_svr = 255;

    public static final int TYPE_UNDEFINED = -1;
    public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
    public static final int TYPE_STL = 1;
    public static final int TYPE_X3D = 2;
    public static final int TYPE_X3DB = 3;
    public static final int TYPE_SVX = 4;

    int m_savingType = TYPE_UNDEFINED;

    public GridSaver() {


    public void setMaxTrianglesCount(int value) {
        m_maxTrianglesCount = value;

    public void setMeshErrorFactor(double value) {
        m_meshErrorFactor = value;

    public void setMeshSmoothingWidth(double value) {
        m_meshSmoothingWidth = value;

    public void setMaxShellsCount(int value) {
        m_maxShellsCount = value;

    public void setMaxThreads(int value) {
        m_maxThreads = value;

    public void setMinShellVolume(double value) {
        m_minShellVolume = value;

    static int getOutputType(String fname) {

        fname = fname.toLowerCase();

        if (fname.endsWith(".stl"))
            return TYPE_STL;
        if (fname.endsWith(".svx"))
            return TYPE_SVX;
        if (fname.endsWith(".x3d"))
            return TYPE_X3D;
        if (fname.endsWith(".x3db"))
            return TYPE_X3DB;
        return TYPE_UNKNOWN;

    public void write(AttributeGrid grid, String outFile) throws IOException {

        // Write output to a file
        int type = getOutputType(outFile);
        switch (type) {
            throw new RuntimeException(fmt("unknow output file type: '%s'", outFile));
        case TYPE_STL: {
            WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = getMesh(grid);
            STLWriter stl = new STLWriter(outFile);
        case TYPE_X3D:
        case TYPE_X3DB: {
            WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = getMesh(grid);
            writeMesh(mesh, outFile);
        case TYPE_SVX: {
            SVXWriter writer = new SVXWriter();
            writer.write(grid, outFile);

    public void write(AttributeGrid grid, OutputStream os, int type) throws IOException {

        // TODO: Handle other file types
        WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = getMesh(grid);
        STLWriter stl = new STLWriter(os, mesh.getTriangleCount());
                // Write output to a file
           throw new RuntimeException(fmt("unknow output file type: '%s'", type));
                   case TYPE_STL:           
               WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = getMesh(grid);            
               STLWriter stl = new STLWriter(os, mesh.getTriangleCount());
                   case TYPE_X3D:
                   case TYPE_X3DB:
               double[] bounds_min = new double[3];
               double[] bounds_max = new double[3];
               double max_axis = Math.max(bounds_max[0] - bounds_min[0], bounds_max[1] - bounds_min[1]);
               max_axis = Math.max(max_axis, bounds_max[2] - bounds_min[2]);
               double z = 2 * max_axis / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4);
               float[] pos = new float[] {0,0,(float) z};
               if (x3dWriter == null) createX3DWriter();
               GridSaver.writeMesh(mesh, 10,x3dWriter,x3dParams,true);
               // TODO: not certain who should call this yet
               // TODO: and this makes the passed in x3dWriter invalid for future usage
               WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = getMesh(grid);                        
               writeMesh(mesh, outFile);
                   case TYPE_SVX:
               SVXWriter writer = new SVXWriter();
               writer.write(grid, outFile);                

    public WingedEdgeTriangleMesh getMesh(AttributeGrid grid) {

        double voxelSize = grid.getVoxelSize();

        if (DEBUG)
            printf("error factor: %f\n", m_meshErrorFactor);
        double maxDecimationError = m_meshErrorFactor * voxelSize * voxelSize;

        // Write out the grid to an STL file
        MeshMakerMT meshmaker = new MeshMakerMT();

        IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder(160000);
        meshmaker.makeMesh(grid, its);

        if (DEBUG)
            printf("decimated mesh vertices: %d faces: %d\n", its.getVertexCount(), its.getFaceCount());

        WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), its.getFaces());

        if (m_minShellVolume != VOLUME_UNDEFINED || m_maxShellsCount != SHELLS_COUNT_UNDEFINED) {
            ShellResults sr = GridSaver.getLargestShells(mesh, m_maxShellsCount, m_minShellVolume);
            mesh = sr.getLargestShell();
            int regions_removed = sr.getShellsRemoved();
            if (DEBUG)
                printf("shells removed: %d\n", regions_removed);

        return mesh;

     * Write a grid using the IsoSurfaceMaker to the specified file
     * @param grid
     * @param smoothSteps
     * @param maxCollapseError
     * @throws IOException
    public static void _writeIsosurfaceMaker(String filename, Grid grid, int smoothSteps, double maxCollapseError) throws IOException {
    int nx = grid.getWidth();
    int ny = grid.getHeight();
    int nz = grid.getDepth();
    double vs = grid.getVoxelSize();
    double gbounds[] = new double[]{-nx*vs/2,nx*vs/2,-ny*vs/2,ny*vs/2,-nz*vs/2,nz*vs/2};
    double ibounds[] = extendBounds(gbounds, -vs/2);
    String encoding = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
    IsosurfaceMaker im = new IsosurfaceMaker();
    im.setGridSize(nx, ny, nz);
    IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder();
    im.makeIsosurface(new IsosurfaceMaker.SliceGrid(grid, gbounds, 0), its);
    int[] faces = its.getFaces();
    WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), faces);
    double centerWeight = 1.0; // any non negative value is OK
    LaplasianSmooth ls = new LaplasianSmooth();
    long t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    printf("smoothMesh(%d)\n", smoothSteps);
    t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    ls.processMesh(mesh, smoothSteps);
    printf("mesh smoothed in %d ms\n",(currentTimeMillis() - t0));
    int fcount = faces.length;
    if (maxCollapseError > 0) {
        mesh = decimateMesh(mesh, maxCollapseError);
    if (encoding.equals("stl")) {
        MeshExporter.writeMeshSTL(mesh, fmt(filename, fcount));
    } else if (encoding.startsWith("x3d")) {
        MeshExporter.writeMesh(mesh, fmt(filename, fcount));
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported file format: " + encoding);
     * Write a grid using the IsoSurfaceMaker to the specified file
     * @param grid
     * @param smoothSteps
     * @param maxCollapseError
     * @throws IOException
    public static void writeIsosurfaceMaker(Grid grid, OutputStream os, String encoding, int smoothSteps,
            double maxCollapseError) throws IOException {
        int nx = grid.getWidth();
        int ny = grid.getHeight();
        int nz = grid.getDepth();
        double vs = grid.getVoxelSize();

        double gbounds[] = new double[] { -nx * vs / 2, nx * vs / 2, -ny * vs / 2, ny * vs / 2, -nz * vs / 2,
                nz * vs / 2 };
        double ibounds[] = extendBounds(gbounds, -vs / 2);

        IsosurfaceMaker im = new IsosurfaceMaker();
        im.setGridSize(nx, ny, nz);

        IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder();

        im.makeIsosurface(new IsosurfaceMaker.SliceGrid(grid, gbounds, 0), its);
        int[] faces = its.getFaces();
        WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), faces);

        double centerWeight = 1.0; // any non negative value is OK

        LaplasianSmooth ls = new LaplasianSmooth();


        long t0 = currentTimeMillis();
        printf("smoothMesh(%d)\n", smoothSteps);
        t0 = currentTimeMillis();
        ls.processMesh(mesh, smoothSteps);
        printf("mesh smoohed in %d ms\n", (currentTimeMillis() - t0));

        int fcount = faces.length;

        if (maxCollapseError > 0) {
            mesh = decimateMesh(mesh, maxCollapseError);

        float[] pos = new float[] { 0, 0, (float) getViewDistance(grid) };

        if (encoding.equals("stl")) {
            // TODO: Need to implement streaming version
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported file format: " + encoding);
            //MeshExporter.writeMeshSTL(mesh, os, encoding);
        } else if (encoding.startsWith("x3d")) {
            MeshExporter.writeMesh(mesh, os, encoding, pos);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported file format: " + encoding);

     * Write a grid using the IsoSurfaceMaker to the specified file
     * @param grid
     * @param smoothSteps
     * @param maxCollapseError
     * @throws IOException
    public static void writeIsosurfaceMaker(Grid grid, BinaryContentHandler writer, Map<String,Object> params, int smoothSteps, double maxCollapseError) throws IOException {
    int nx = grid.getWidth();
    int ny = grid.getHeight();
    int nz = grid.getDepth();
    double vs = grid.getVoxelSize();
    double gbounds[] = new double[]{-nx*vs/2,nx*vs/2,-ny*vs/2,ny*vs/2,-nz*vs/2,nz*vs/2};
    double ibounds[] = extendBounds(gbounds, -vs/2);
    IsosurfaceMaker im = new IsosurfaceMaker();
    im.setGridSize(nx, ny, nz);
    IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder();
    im.makeIsosurface(new IsosurfaceMaker.SliceGrid(grid, gbounds, 0), its);
    int[] faces = its.getFaces();
    WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), faces);
    double centerWeight = 1.0; // any non negative value is OK
    LaplasianSmooth ls = new LaplasianSmooth();
    long t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    printf("smoothMesh(%d)\n", smoothSteps);
    t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    ls.processMesh(mesh, smoothSteps);
    printf("mesh smoothed in %d ms\n",(currentTimeMillis() - t0));
    int fcount = faces.length;
    if (maxCollapseError > 0) {
        mesh = decimateMesh(mesh, maxCollapseError);
    float[] pos = new float[] {0,0,(float) getViewDistance(grid)};
    MeshExporter.writeMesh(mesh, writer, params, pos);
     * Write a grid using the IsoSurfaceMaker to the specified file
     * @param grid
     * @param smoothSteps
     * @throws IOException
    public static WingedEdgeTriangleMesh createIsosurface(Grid grid, int smoothSteps) throws IOException {
    int nx = grid.getWidth();
    int ny = grid.getHeight();
    int nz = grid.getDepth();
    double vs = grid.getVoxelSize();
    double gbounds[] = new double[]{-nx*vs/2,nx*vs/2,-ny*vs/2,ny*vs/2,-nz*vs/2,nz*vs/2};
    double ibounds[] = extendBounds(gbounds, -vs/2);
    IsosurfaceMaker im = new IsosurfaceMaker();
    im.setGridSize(nx, ny, nz);
    long t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    //IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder();
    //printf("using OLD IndexedTriangleSetBuilder\n");
    int estimatedFaceCount = (nx*ny + ny*nz + nx*nz)*2*2;
    IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder(estimatedFaceCount);
    im.makeIsosurface(new IsosurfaceMaker.SliceGrid(grid, gbounds, 0), its);
    printf("using NEW IsosurfaceMaker");
    printf("makeIsosurface() done in %d ms\n", (currentTimeMillis() - t0));
    //return null;
    if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
        throw new ExecutionStoppedException();
    t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    printf("making WingedEdgeTriangleMesh\n");
    WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), its.getFaces());
    printf("making WingedEdgeTriangleMesh done: %d\n", (currentTimeMillis()-t0));
    if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
        throw new ExecutionStoppedException();
    double centerWeight = 1.0; // any non negative value is OK
    LaplasianSmooth ls = new LaplasianSmooth();
    t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    ls.processMesh(mesh, smoothSteps);
    printf("mesh smoothed in %d ms\n",(currentTimeMillis() - t0));
    return mesh;
     * Write a grid using the IsoSurfaceMaker to the specified file
     * @param grid
     * @param smoothSteps
     * @param maxCollapseError
     * @throws IOException
    public static void writeIsosurfaceMaker(Grid grid, BinaryContentHandler writer, Map<String,Object> params,
                                        int smoothSteps, double maxCollapseError, boolean meshOnly) throws IOException {
    int nx = grid.getWidth();
    int ny = grid.getHeight();
    int nz = grid.getDepth();
    double vs = grid.getVoxelSize();
    double gbounds[] = new double[]{-nx*vs/2,nx*vs/2,-ny*vs/2,ny*vs/2,-nz*vs/2,nz*vs/2};
    double ibounds[] = extendBounds(gbounds, -vs/2);
    IsosurfaceMaker im = new IsosurfaceMaker();
    im.setGridSize(nx, ny, nz);
    IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder();
    im.makeIsosurface(new IsosurfaceMaker.SliceGrid(grid, gbounds, 0), its);
    int[] faces = its.getFaces();
    WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), faces);
    double centerWeight = 1.0; // any non negative value is OK
    LaplasianSmooth ls = new LaplasianSmooth();
    long t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    printf("smoothMesh(%d)\n", smoothSteps);
    t0 = currentTimeMillis();
    ls.processMesh(mesh, smoothSteps);
    printf("mesh processed: %d ms\n",(currentTimeMillis() - t0));
    // We could release the grid at this point
    int fcount = faces.length;
    if (maxCollapseError > 0) {
        mesh = decimateMesh(mesh, maxCollapseError);
    writeMesh(mesh, getViewDistance(grid), writer, params, meshOnly);

     * Write a grid mesh into output
     * @throws IOException
    public static void writeMesh(WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh, String filename) throws IOException {

        MeshExporter.writeMesh(mesh, filename);


     * Write a grid mesh into output
     * @throws IOException
    public static void writeMesh(WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh, double viewDistance, BinaryContentHandler writer,
            Map<String, Object> params, boolean meshOnly) throws IOException {

        float[] pos = new float[] { 0, 0, (float) viewDistance };

        MeshExporter.writeMesh(mesh, writer, params, pos, meshOnly, null);


       retuns good viewpoint for given box
    public static double getViewDistance(Grid grid) {

        double bounds[] = new double[6];

        double sizex = bounds[1] - bounds[0];
        double sizey = bounds[3] - bounds[2];
        double sizez = bounds[5] - bounds[4];

        double max = sizex;
        if (sizey > max)
            max = sizey;
        if (sizez > max)
            max = sizez;

        double z = 2 * max / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4);
        return z;


       returns mesh with largest shell
    public static ShellResults getLargestShell(WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh, int minVolume) {

        ShellFinder shellFinder = new ShellFinder();
        ShellFinder.ShellInfo shells[] = shellFinder.findShells(mesh);
        printf("shellsCount: %d\n", shells.length);

        int regions_removed = 0;

        if (shells.length > 1) {

            ShellFinder.ShellInfo maxShell = shells[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < shells.length; i++) {

                printf("shell: %d faces\n", shells[i].faceCount);
                if (shells[i].faceCount > maxShell.faceCount) {
                    maxShell = shells[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < shells.length; i++) {

                if (shells[i] != maxShell) {
                    if (shells[i].faceCount >= minVolume) {
            printf("extracting largest shell: %d\n", maxShell.faceCount);
            IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder(maxShell.faceCount);
            shellFinder.getShell(mesh, maxShell.startFace, its);
            mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), its.getFaces());
            return new ShellResults(mesh, regions_removed);

        } else {

            return new ShellResults(mesh, regions_removed);

     * Returns up to numShells shells that are above the minimum volume.
     * @param mesh The mesh
     * @param numShells The maximum number of shells
     * @param minVolume The minimum volume
    public static ShellResults getLargestShells(WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh, int numShells, double minVolume) {

        ShellFinder shellFinder = new ShellFinder();
        ShellFinder.ShellInfo shells[] = shellFinder.findShells(mesh);
        printf("shellsCount: %d\n", shells.length);

        int regions_removed = 0;

        //System.out.println("Minimum volume: " + (minVolume / Units.CM3));
        ArrayList<ShellData> saved_shells = new ArrayList<ShellData>();
        int face_count = 0;
        int cnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < shells.length; i++) {
            AreaCalculator ac = new AreaCalculator();
            shellFinder.getShell(mesh, shells[i].startFace, ac);
            double volume = ac.getVolume();

            //System.out.println("   vol: " + (volume / Units.CM3));
            if (volume >= minVolume) {
                //System.out.println("Keeping shell: " + volume / Units.CM3);
                saved_shells.add(new ShellData(shells[i], volume));
                if (cnt < numShells) {
                    face_count += shells[i].faceCount;
            } else {
                //System.out.println("Removing shell.  vol: " + (volume / Units.CM3));

        Collections.sort(saved_shells, Collections.reverseOrder());

        IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder(face_count);
        int shell_cnt = 0;
        for (ShellData sd : saved_shells) {
            shellFinder.getShell(mesh, sd.info.startFace, its);
            if (shell_cnt >= numShells)

        printf("extracting largest shells: %d\n", face_count);
        mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(), its.getFaces());

        return new ShellResults(mesh, regions_removed);

    public static WingedEdgeTriangleMesh decimateMesh(WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh, double maxCollapseError) {


        MeshDecimator md = new MeshDecimator();
        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        int fcount = mesh.getTriangleCount();
        int target = fcount / 2;
        int current = fcount;
        printf("   Original face count: " + fcount);

        while (true) {
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                throw new ExecutionStoppedException();

            target = mesh.getTriangleCount() / 2;
            printf("   Target face count : %d\n", target);
            md.processMesh(mesh, target);

            current = mesh.getFaceCount();
            printf("   Current face count: %d \n", current);
            if (current >= target * 1.25) {
                // not worth continuing
        fcount = current;
        printf("   Final face count: %d \n", fcount);
        return mesh;

     * Write a grid mesh into output
     * @param maxCollapseError
     * @throws IOException
    public static void writeMesh(WingedEdgeTriangleMesh mesh, 
                             double sizex, double sizey, double sizez, 
                             BinaryContentHandler writer, Map<String,Object> params,
                             double maxCollapseError, boolean meshOnly,
                             boolean writeLargestShellOnly) throws IOException {
    // We could release the grid at this point
    int fcount = mesh.getFaceCount();
    if (maxCollapseError > 0) {
        MeshDecimator md = new MeshDecimator();
        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int target = mesh.getTriangleCount() / 2;
        int current = fcount;
        System.out.println("Original face count: " + fcount);
        while(true) {
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                throw new ExecutionStoppedException();
            target = mesh.getTriangleCount() / 2;
            System.out.println("Target face count : " + target);
            md.processMesh(mesh, target);
            current = mesh.getFaceCount();
            System.out.println("Current face count: " + current);
            if (current >= target * 1.25) {
                // not worth continuing
        fcount = mesh.getFaceCount();            
        System.out.println("Final face count: " + fcount);
        System.out.println("Decimate time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time)  + " ms");
    if(writeLargestShellOnly) {
        ShellFinder shellFinder = new ShellFinder();
        long t0 = time();
        ShellFinder.ShellInfo shells[] = shellFinder.findShells(mesh);
        printf("shellsCount: %d\n",shells.length);
        if(shells.length > 1){
            ShellFinder.ShellInfo maxShell = shells[0];
            for(int i = 0; i < shells.length; i++){
                printf("shell: %d faces\n",shells[i].faceCount);
                if(shells[i].faceCount > maxShell.faceCount){
                    maxShell = shells[i];
            printf("extracting largest shell: %d\n",maxShell.faceCount);               
            IndexedTriangleSetBuilder its = new IndexedTriangleSetBuilder(maxShell.faceCount);
            shellFinder.getShell(mesh, maxShell.startFace, its);
            mesh = new WingedEdgeTriangleMesh(its.getVertices(),its.getFaces());
        printf("shell extraction: %d ms\n", (time() - t0));
    double max_axis = Math.max(gh * sh, gw * vs);
    max_axis = Math.max(max_axis, gd * vs);
    double z = 2 * max_axis / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4);
    float[] pos = new float[] {0,0,(float) z};
    MeshExporter.writeMesh(mesh, writer, params, pos, meshOnly, null);