Java tutorial
/* Dashboard Builder. Copyright (C) 2017 DISIT Lab - University of Florence This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import org.openrdf.query.QueryLanguage; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQuery; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.openrdf.repository.Repository; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.sparql.SPARQLRepository; import virtuoso.sesame2.driver.VirtuosoRepository; import utility.Configuration; import utility.Utility; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Properties; import org.disit.model.*; public class ManagerQuery implements Runnable, Serializable { protected String idProc = null; private String descrip = null; private String query = null; private String queryType = null; private String metricType = null; private String processType = null; private String sparqlEndpoint = null; private String sparqlType = null; private int maxTime = 0; private String km4cVersion = null; private String dataSourceId = null; private Map<String, String[]> map_dbAcc = null; private Configuration conf = null; private boolean started; private Long sleepTime; //private AlarmManager almMng; //private Integer thresholdTime; private long sameDataAlarmCount; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()); public ManagerQuery(String id, String desc, String query, String queryType, String metricType, String processType, Long freq, String dataSourceId, Map<String, String[]> map_dbAccess /*AlarmManager alarmMng,*/ /*Integer thresholdTime,*/) { this.map_dbAcc = map_dbAccess; this.conf = Configuration.getInstance(); this.sparqlEndpoint = conf.get("sparqlEndpoint", (map_dbAccess.get("Km4CityRDF")[0])); this.sparqlType = conf.getSet("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); this.maxTime = 3 * 60 * (sparqlType.equals("virtuoso") ? 1000 : 1); //3 min this.km4cVersion = conf.getSet("km4cVersion", "new"); this.idProc = id; this.descrip = desc; this.query = query; this.queryType = queryType; this.metricType = metricType; this.processType = processType; this.sleepTime = freq; this.dataSourceId = dataSourceId; //this.almMng = alarmMng; //this.thresholdTime = thresholdTime; } public void run() { double lastMetricValue; this.started = true; try { Thread.sleep((int) (Math.random() * 5000)); //aspetta tempo random 0-5 secondi } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } while (this.started) { switch (this.processType) { case "JVNum1": lastMetricValue = executeQueryJVNum(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { this.checkMetricWidgetsRules(lastMetricValue); } break; case "JVPerc": lastMetricValue = executeQueryJVPerc(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { this.checkMetricWidgetsRules(lastMetricValue); } break; case "JVTable": executeQueryJVTable(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { //CI AGGIUNGERAI LA SUA VERSIONE DEL METODO DI CONTROLLO SOGLIA } break; case "JVRidesAtaf": executeQueryJVRidesAtaf(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { //CI AGGIUNGERAI LA SUA VERSIONE DEL METODO DI CONTROLLO SOGLIA } break; case "JVSceOnNodes": executeQueryJVSce(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { //CI AGGIUNGERAI LA SUA VERSIONE DEL METODO DI CONTROLLO SOGLIA } break; case "jVPark": lastMetricValue = executeQueryJVFreePark(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { this.checkMetricWidgetsRules(lastMetricValue); } break; case "JVWifiOp": lastMetricValue = executeQueryJVWifiOp(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { this.checkMetricWidgetsRules(lastMetricValue); } break; case "JVSmartDs": executeQueryJVSmartDs(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { //CI AGGIUNGERAI LA SUA VERSIONE DEL METODO DI CONTROLLO SOGLIA } break; case "JVTwRet": executeQueryJVTwRet(); if (this.checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime()) { System.out.println("Dati costanti per troppi campionamenti per metrica: " + this.idProc); notifyEvent("Same data for too much time", "Process: " + this.idProc); } else { //CI AGGIUNGERAI LA SUA VERSIONE DEL METODO DI CONTROLLO SOGLIA } break; default: break; } try { System.out.println(this.idProc + ": Sleep " + sleepTime); Thread.sleep(this.sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException exp) { //System.out.println(exp.getMessage()); Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); } } } private void checkMetricWidgetsRules(double lastMetricValue) { Parameters parameters; Rule rule; Gson gson = new Gson(); boolean notifyEvents; //String min; //String max; String op; String thr1; String thr2; String desc; String widgetId; String widgetName; String widgetTitle; String dashboardId; String dashboardTitle; Properties conf2 = new Properties(); FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream("./"); conf2.load(in); in.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Reperimento elenco delle regole dagli widget che mostrano la metrica in esame Connection conn; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(conf2.getProperty("url"), conf2.getProperty("user"), conf2.getProperty("psw")); Statement stm = conn.createStatement(); String getRulesQuery = "SELECT widgets.Id AS widgetId, widgets.name_w AS widgetName, widgets.title_w AS widgetTitle, widgets.id_dashboard AS dashboardId, widgets.parameters AS parameters, " + "dashboards.name_dashboard AS dashboardTitle " + "FROM Dashboard.Config_widget_dashboard AS widgets " + "INNER JOIN Dashboard.Config_dashboard AS dashboards " + "ON dashboards.Id = widgets.id_dashboard " + "WHERE widgets.type_w IN('widgetBarContent', 'widgetColunmContent', 'widgetGaugeChart', 'widgetSingleContent', 'widgetSpeedometer', 'widgetTimeTrend', 'widgetTimeTrendCompare') " + //Questo elenco temporaneo, verr ampliato via via che gestiamo pi widgets "AND widgets.parameters IS NOT NULL " + "AND widgets.parameters <> '{}'" + "AND widgets.id_metric = '" + this.idProc + "'"; ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(getRulesQuery); if (rs != null) { try { while ( { parameters = gson.fromJson(rs.getString("parameters"), Parameters.class); if ((parameters == null) || (parameters.getThresholdObject() == null)) { System.out.println("Widget " + rs.getString("widgetId") + " has invalid parameters " + rs.getString("parameters")); this.notifyEvent("Invalid parameters", "Widget name: " + rs.getString("widgetName") + " - Widget id: " + rs.getString("widgetId")); continue; } for (SingleRule singleRule : parameters.getThresholdObject()) { rule = new Rule(singleRule.getNotifyEvents(), singleRule.getOp(), singleRule.getThr1(), singleRule.getThr2(), singleRule.getDesc(), String.valueOf(rs.getInt("widgetId")), rs.getString("widgetName"), rs.getString("widgetTitle"), this.idProc, String.valueOf(rs.getInt("dashboardId")), rs.getString("dashboardTitle")); notifyEvents = singleRule.getNotifyEvents(); //Ma sono usati questi valori? Sembra di no (forse erano nel println?), provare a rimuoverli (commenta) op = singleRule.getOp(); thr1 = singleRule.getThr1(); thr2 = singleRule.getThr2(); desc = singleRule.getDesc(); widgetId = String.valueOf(rs.getInt("widgetId")); widgetName = rs.getString("widgetName"); widgetTitle = rs.getString("widgetTitle"); dashboardId = String.valueOf(rs.getInt("dashboardId")); dashboardTitle = rs.getString("dashboardTitle"); //System.out.println("Thr1: " + rule.getThr1() + " - Thr2: " + rule.getThr2()); if (this.checkThrViolation(lastMetricValue, rule) && notifyEvents) { System.out.println("Notifica eseguita"); this.notifyEvent(lastMetricValue, rule); } else { System.out.println("Notifica NON eseguita"); } } } conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public boolean checkConstantDataForTooMuchTime() { String metricData = ""; int oldDataInt = -1; int newDataInt = -1; double oldDataDouble = -1; double newDataDouble = -1; String oldDataString = ""; String newDataString = ""; Properties conf2 = new Properties(); FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream("./"); conf2.load(in); in.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } Connection conn; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(conf2.getProperty("url"), conf2.getProperty("user"), conf2.getProperty("psw")); Statement stm = conn.createStatement(); //SELEZIONA IL METRIC TYPE E, IN BASE AD ESSO, USA IL CAMPO GIUSTO DELLA TABELLA DEI DATI. switch (this.metricType) { case "Intero": metricData = "value_num"; break; case "Float": metricData = "value_num"; break; case "Testuale": metricData = "value_text"; break; case "Series": metricData = "series"; break; } if (this.metricType.contains("Percentuale")) { metricData = "value_perc1"; } String localQuery1 = "SELECT Descriptions.sameDataAlarmCount FROM Dashboard.Descriptions WHERE Descriptions.IdMetric = '" + this.idProc + "' AND sameDataAlarmCount IS NOT NULL"; ResultSet rs1; try { rs1 = stm.executeQuery(localQuery1); if (rs1 != null) { try { if ( { this.sameDataAlarmCount = rs1.getLong("sameDataAlarmCount"); String localQuery2 = "SELECT Data." + metricData + " " + "FROM Dashboard.Data " + "WHERE Data.IdMetric_data = '" + this.idProc + "' " + "ORDER BY Data.computationDate DESC " + "LIMIT " + this.sameDataAlarmCount; ResultSet rs2 = stm.executeQuery(localQuery2); if (rs2 != null) { try { while ( { if (rs2.isFirst()) { switch (this.metricType) { case "Intero": oldDataInt = rs2.getInt(metricData); newDataInt = rs2.getInt(metricData); break; case "Float": oldDataDouble = rs2.getDouble(metricData); newDataDouble = rs2.getDouble(metricData); break; case "Testuale": oldDataString = rs2.getString(metricData); newDataString = rs2.getString(metricData); break; case "Series": oldDataString = rs2.getString(metricData); newDataString = rs2.getString(metricData); break; } if (this.metricType.contains("Percentuale")) { oldDataDouble = rs2.getDouble(metricData); newDataDouble = rs2.getDouble(metricData); } } else { switch (this.metricType) { case "Intero": oldDataInt = newDataInt; newDataInt = rs2.getInt(metricData); if (oldDataInt != newDataInt) { return false; } break; case "Float": oldDataDouble = newDataDouble; newDataDouble = rs2.getDouble(metricData); if (oldDataDouble != newDataDouble) { return false; } break; case "Testuale": oldDataString = newDataString; newDataString = rs2.getString(metricData); if (!oldDataString.equals(newDataString)) { return false; } break; case "Series": oldDataString = newDataString; newDataString = rs2.getString(metricData); if (!oldDataString.equals(newDataString)) { return false; } break; } if (this.metricType.contains("Percentuale")) { oldDataDouble = newDataDouble; newDataDouble = rs2.getDouble(metricData); if (oldDataDouble != newDataDouble) { return false; } } } } //Se si esce dal ciclo senza aver mai ritornato, allora i dati sono costanti return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } } else { return false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } } private boolean checkThrViolation(Double value, Rule rule) { boolean result = false; switch (rule.getOp()) { case "less": if (value < Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) { result = true; } break; case "lessEqual": if (value <= Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) { result = true; } break; case "greater": if (value > Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) { result = true; } break; case "greaterEqual": if (value >= Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) { result = true; } break; case "equal": if (value == Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) { result = true; } break; case "notEqual": if (value != Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) { result = true; } break; case "intervalOpen": if ((value > Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) && (value < Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr2()))) { result = true; } break; case "intervalClosed": if ((value >= Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) && (value <= Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr2()))) { result = true; } break; case "intervalLeftOpen": if ((value > Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) && (value <= Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr2()))) { result = true; } break; case "intervalRightOpen": if ((value >= Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr1())) && (value < Double.parseDouble(rule.getThr2()))) { result = true; } break; } return result; } //Per mandare eventi sulle metriche (dati costanti da troppo tempo, ...) private void notifyEvent(String eventType, String furtherDetails) { Properties conf2 = new Properties(); try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("./"); conf2.load(in); in.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } String url = conf2.getProperty("notificatorRestInterfaceUrl"); String charset =; String apiUsr = conf2.getProperty("notificatorRestInterfaceUsr"); String apiPwd = conf2.getProperty("notificatorRestInterfacePwd"); String operation = "notifyEvent"; String generatorOriginalName = this.idProc; String generatorOriginalType = this.metricType; String containerName = this.dataSourceId; Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String eventTime = sdf.format(date.getTime()); String appName = "Dashboard Data Process"; String params = null; URL obj = null; HttpURLConnection con = null; try { obj = new URL(url); con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod("POST"); con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", charset); con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=" + charset); params = String.format( "apiUsr=%s&apiPwd=%s&appName=%s&operation=%s&generatorOriginalName=%s&generatorOriginalType=%s&containerName=%s&eventType=%s&eventTime=%s&furtherDetails=%s", URLEncoder.encode(apiUsr, charset), URLEncoder.encode(apiPwd, charset), URLEncoder.encode(appName, charset), URLEncoder.encode(operation, charset), URLEncoder.encode(generatorOriginalName, charset), URLEncoder.encode(generatorOriginalType, charset), URLEncoder.encode(containerName, charset), URLEncoder.encode(eventType, charset), URLEncoder.encode(eventTime, charset), URLEncoder.encode(furtherDetails, charset)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // Questo rende la chiamata una POST con.setDoOutput(true); DataOutputStream wr = null; try { wr = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream()); wr.writeBytes(params); wr.flush(); wr.close(); int responseCode = con.getResponseCode(); String responseMessage = con.getResponseMessage(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } //Per mandare eventi sugli widget, cio sulle soglie d'allarme poste sui valori. private void notifyEvent(double valueNum, Rule rule) { Properties conf2 = new Properties(); try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("./"); conf2.load(in); in.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } String url = conf2.getProperty("notificatorRestInterfaceUrl"); String charset =; String apiUsr = conf2.getProperty("notificatorRestInterfaceUsr"); String apiPwd = conf2.getProperty("notificatorRestInterfacePwd"); String operation = "notifyEvent"; String generatorOriginalName = rule.getWidgetTitle(); String generatorOriginalType = rule.getMetricName(); String containerName = rule.getDashboardTitle(); String eventType = rule.getEventType(); String value = Double.toString(valueNum); Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String eventTime = sdf.format(date.getTime()); String appName = "Dashboard Manager"; String params = null; URL obj = null; HttpURLConnection con = null; try { obj = new URL(url); con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod("POST"); con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", charset); con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=" + charset); params = String.format( "apiUsr=%s&apiPwd=%s&appName=%s&operation=%s&generatorOriginalName=%s&generatorOriginalType=%s&containerName=%s&eventType=%s&eventTime=%s&value=%s", URLEncoder.encode(apiUsr, charset), URLEncoder.encode(apiPwd, charset), URLEncoder.encode(appName, charset), URLEncoder.encode(operation, charset), URLEncoder.encode(generatorOriginalName, charset), URLEncoder.encode(generatorOriginalType, charset), URLEncoder.encode(containerName, charset), URLEncoder.encode(eventType, charset), URLEncoder.encode(eventTime, charset), URLEncoder.encode(value, charset)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // Questo rende la chiamata una POST con.setDoOutput(true); DataOutputStream wr = null; try { wr = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream()); wr.writeBytes(params); wr.flush(); wr.close(); int responseCode = con.getResponseCode(); String responseMessage = con.getResponseMessage(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private double executeQueryJVNum() { double sumFixed = -1; try { if (this.queryType.equals("SPARQL")) { Repository repo = buildSparqlRepository(); repo.initialize(); RepositoryConnection con = repo.getConnection(); TupleQuery tupleQueryNum = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, this.query); TupleQueryResult resultNum = tupleQueryNum.evaluate(); if (this.idProc.equals("Events_Day")) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date data_inizio = new Date(); String data_inizio_fixed = df.format(data_inizio); if (resultNum != null) { int count = 0; while (resultNum.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent =; String valueOfEDate = ""; String valueOfSDate = ""; if (bindingSetEvent.getValue("endDate") != null) { valueOfEDate = bindingSetEvent.getValue("endDate").stringValue(); } if (bindingSetEvent.getValue("startDate") != null) { valueOfSDate = bindingSetEvent.getValue("startDate").stringValue(); } if ((!valueOfEDate.equals("")) || (valueOfEDate.equals("") && (valueOfSDate.equals(data_inizio_fixed)))) { count++; } } sumFixed = count; } } else { if (resultNum != null) { while (resultNum.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent =; String sum = "0"; if (bindingSetEvent.getValue("sum") != null) { sum = bindingSetEvent.getValue("sum").stringValue(); } sumFixed = Double.parseDouble(sum); } } } } else if (this.queryType.equals("SQL")) { DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(this.query, this); if (resultSet != null) { while ( { String sum = resultSet.getString(1); if (sum != null) { sumFixed = Double.parseDouble(sum); } } } mysql_access.close(); } if (sumFixed != -1) { //this.almMng.updateStatusOnMeasuredValue(Utility.round(sumFixed, 2)); System.out.println(this.idProc + " " + sumFixed); DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data_attuale = new Date(); String data_attuale_fixed = df2.format(data_attuale); //System.out.println(data_attuale_fixed); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, quant_perc1) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\"," + ((int) sumFixed) + "," + sumFixed + ")"; mysql_access2.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access2.close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { System.out.println("Exception for metric: " + this.idProc); exp.printStackTrace(); Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); //ErrorEmailSetUp(this.idProc, this.descrip, exp); } return sumFixed; } private double executeQueryJVPerc() { double percent = -1; int sumFixed = 0; int tot = 0; try { if (this.queryType.equals("SPARQL")) { Repository repo = buildSparqlRepository(); repo.initialize(); RepositoryConnection con = repo.getConnection(); if (this.idProc.equals("Meteo_Rt") || this.idProc.equals("Park_Rt") || this.idProc.equals("Sensors_Rt")) { TupleQuery tupleQueryPerc = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, this.query); TupleQueryResult resultPerc = tupleQueryPerc.evaluate(); if (resultPerc != null) { while (resultPerc.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetPerc =; String sum = bindingSetPerc.getValue("sum").stringValue(); sumFixed = Integer.parseInt(sum); } } String[] parts_metricType = this.metricType.split("\\/"); tot = Integer.parseInt(parts_metricType[1]); } else if (this.idProc.equals("Ataf_Rt")) { String[] queries = this.query.split("\\|"); if (queries.length > 1) { TupleQuery tupleQueryPerc2 = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queries[1].trim()); TupleQueryResult resultPerc2 = tupleQueryPerc2.evaluate(); if (resultPerc2 != null) { while (resultPerc2.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent2 =; String sum = bindingSetEvent2.getValue("sum").stringValue(); sumFixed = Integer.parseInt(sum); } } String[] dataSources = this.dataSourceId.split("\\|"); DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(dataSources[0].trim())); ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries[0].trim(), this); while ( { tot = Integer.parseInt(resultSet.getString("Sum")); } mysql_access.close(); } else { System.out.println("ATAF_RT: manca seconda query"); } } else if (this.idProc.equals("Services_Duplicate")) { TupleQuery tupleQueryPerc3 = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, this.query); TupleQueryResult resultPerc3 = tupleQueryPerc3.evaluate(); if (resultPerc3 != null) { while (resultPerc3.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent =; String totServ = bindingSetEvent.getValue("totServ").stringValue(); String perc = bindingSetEvent.getValue("result").stringValue(); percent = Double.parseDouble(perc); tot = Integer.parseInt(totServ); } } } else { if (!this.query.contains("|")) { TupleQuery tupleQueryPerc = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, this.query); TupleQueryResult resultPerc = tupleQueryPerc.evaluate(); if (resultPerc != null) { String p1 = resultPerc.getBindingNames().get(0); String p2 = null; if (resultPerc.getBindingNames().size() > 1) { p2 = resultPerc.getBindingNames().get(1); } if (resultPerc.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent =; String v1 = bindingSetEvent.getValue(p1).stringValue(); if (p2 == null) { if (this.metricType.contains("/")) { sumFixed = Integer.parseInt(v1); tot = Integer.parseInt(this.metricType.split("\\/")[1]); } else { percent = Double.parseDouble(v1); } } else { String v2 = bindingSetEvent.getValue(p2).stringValue(); sumFixed = Integer.parseInt(v1); tot = Integer.parseInt(v2); } } } } else { String[] queries = this.query.split("\\|"); TupleQuery tupleQueryPerc1 = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queries[0].trim()); TupleQueryResult resultPerc1 = tupleQueryPerc1.evaluate(); if (resultPerc1 != null) { String p1 = resultPerc1.getBindingNames().get(0); if (resultPerc1.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent =; String v1 = bindingSetEvent.getValue(p1).stringValue(); sumFixed = Integer.parseInt(v1); } } //TBD gestire caso in cui seconda query e' SQL e non SPARQL TupleQuery tupleQueryPerc2 = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queries[1].trim()); TupleQueryResult resultPerc2 = tupleQueryPerc2.evaluate(); if (resultPerc2 != null) { String p1 = resultPerc2.getBindingNames().get(0); if (resultPerc2.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent =; String v1 = bindingSetEvent.getValue(p1).stringValue(); tot = Integer.parseInt(v1); } } } } } else if (this.queryType.equals("SQL")) { String[] queries2 = this.query.split("\\|"); DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); if (queries2.length > 1) { ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries2[1].trim(), this); while ( { String tot_extract = resultSet.getString(1); if (tot_extract != null) { tot = Integer.parseInt(tot_extract); } } } ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries2[0].trim(), this); while ( { String value = resultSet.getString(1); if (value != null) { if (tot != 0) { sumFixed = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount() > 1) { tot = resultSet.getInt(2); sumFixed = resultSet.getInt(1); } else { if (this.metricType.contains("/")) { sumFixed = resultSet.getInt(1); tot = Integer.parseInt(this.metricType.split("\\/")[1]); } else { percent = resultSet.getDouble(1); } } } } mysql_access.close(); } if (!(this.idProc.equals("Services_Duplicate")) && tot != 0) { percent = (sumFixed * 100.0) / tot; } if (percent >= 0) { //this.almMng.updateStatusOnMeasuredValue(Utility.round(percent, 2)); System.out.println(this.idProc + " " + percent); DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data_attuale = new Date(); String data_attuale_fixed = df.format(data_attuale); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_perc1, quant_perc1, tot_perc1) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\",\"" + percent + "\",\"" + sumFixed + "\",\"" + tot + "\")"; mysql_access2.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access2.close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } return percent; } private void executeQueryJVTable() { try { String labels1 = ""; String labels2 = ""; String desc = ""; String series = ""; if (this.queryType.equals("SPARQL")) { Repository repo = buildSparqlRepository(); repo.initialize(); RepositoryConnection con = repo.getConnection(); TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, this.query); TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate(); if (result != null) { desc = result.getBindingNames().get(0); for (int i = 1; i < result.getBindingNames().size(); i++) { if (!labels1.isEmpty()) labels1 += ","; labels1 += "\"" + result.getBindingNames().get(i) + "\""; } while (result.hasNext()) { BindingSet binding =; if (!series.isEmpty()) series += ", "; series += "["; for (int i = 0; i < result.getBindingNames().size(); i++) { String n = result.getBindingNames().get(i); String v = ""; if (binding.getValue(n) != null) { v = binding.getValue(n).stringValue(); } if (i == 0) { if (!labels2.isEmpty()) labels2 += ", "; labels2 += "\"" + v + "\""; } else { if (i > 1) series += ", "; if (v.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?")) series += v; else series += "\"" + v + "\""; } } series += "]"; } } } else if (this.queryType.equals("SQL")) { DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(this.query, this); if (resultSet != null) { int nCols = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); if (nCols > 0) { desc = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(1); } for (int i = 2; i <= nCols; i++) { if (!labels1.isEmpty()) { labels1 += ","; } labels1 += "\"" + resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(i) + "\""; } while ( { if (!series.isEmpty()) { series += ", "; } series += "["; for (int i = 1; i <= nCols; i++) { String v = resultSet.getString(i); if (i == 1) { if (!labels2.isEmpty()) { labels2 += ", "; } labels2 += "\"" + v + "\""; } else { if (i > 2) { series += ", "; } if (v.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?")) { series += v; } else { series += "\"" + v + "\""; } } } series += "]"; } } mysql_access.close(); } if (!labels1.isEmpty()) { //this.almMng.updateStatusOnMeasuredValue(sumFixed); String json = "{\"firstAxis\": {\"desc\": \"\",\"labels\": [" + labels1 + "]},\"secondAxis\": {\"desc\": \"" + desc + "\",\"labels\":[" + labels2 + "],\"series\":[" + series + "]}}"; System.out.println(this.idProc + " " + json); DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data_attuale = new Date(); String data_attuale_fixed = df2.format(data_attuale); //System.out.println(data_attuale_fixed); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, series) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\",'" + json.replace("'", "\\'") + "')"; mysql_access2.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access2.close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { exp.printStackTrace(); Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } } private double executeQueryJVFreePark() { double percent = -1; int free_total = 0; int total_capacity = 0; try { Repository repo = buildSparqlRepository(); repo.initialize(); RepositoryConnection con = repo.getConnection(); TupleQuery tupleQueryParkFree = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, this.query); TupleQueryResult resultEvent = tupleQueryParkFree.evaluate(); if (resultEvent != null) { while (resultEvent.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetEvent =; String free = bindingSetEvent.getValue("free").stringValue(); String capacity = bindingSetEvent.getValue("capacity").stringValue(); free_total = free_total + Integer.parseInt(free); total_capacity = total_capacity + Integer.parseInt(capacity); } if (total_capacity != 0) { percent = (free_total * 100.0) / total_capacity; DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); System.out.println("Posti liberi parcheggi di : " + free_total); System.out.println("Capacit parcheggi di : " + total_capacity); System.out.println("Precentuale posti liberi parcheggi di : " + percent); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data_attuale = new Date(); String data_attuale_fixed = df.format(data_attuale); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text, quant_perc1, quant_perc2, quant_perc3, tot_perc1, tot_perc2, tot_perc3) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\",null,\"" + percent + "\" ,null,null, \"\",\"" + free_total + "\",null,null,\"" + total_capacity + "\",null,null)"; mysql_access.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access.close(); } else { DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); String LastCompDateQuery = "SELECT MAX(computationDate) as lastCompDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text FROM Dashboard.Data WHERE IdMetric_data=\"" + this.idProc + "\" ORDER BY computationDate DESC"; ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access2.readDataBase(LastCompDateQuery, this); Timestamp lastTimestamp = null; Double[] lastValues = new Double[(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount()) - 1]; while ( { lastTimestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp("lastCompDate"); lastValues[0] = Double.parseDouble((resultSet.getString("value_perc1").trim())); } mysql_access2.close(); //this.almMng.updateStatusOnComputingDate(lastTimestamp, lastValues); } } } catch (Exception exp) { Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } return percent; } private void executeQueryJVRidesAtaf() { try { Repository repo = buildSparqlRepository(); repo.initialize(); RepositoryConnection con = repo.getConnection(); TupleQuery tupleQueryRitAntAvm = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, this.query); TupleQueryResult resultEvent = tupleQueryRitAntAvm.evaluate(); double percent_inOrario = -1; double percent_inAnticipo = -1; double percent_inRitardo = -1; int num_inOrario = -1; int num_inAnticipo = -1; int num_inRitardo = -1; int num_total = 0; if (resultEvent != null) { while (resultEvent.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetRides =; String state = bindingSetRides.getValue("state").stringValue().trim(); String sum = bindingSetRides.getValue("sum").stringValue(); if (state.equals("In orario")) { num_inOrario = Integer.parseInt(sum); num_total = num_total + Integer.parseInt(sum); } else if (state.equals("Ritardo")) { num_inRitardo = Integer.parseInt(sum); num_total = num_total + Integer.parseInt(sum); } else if (state.equals("Anticipo")) { num_inAnticipo = Integer.parseInt(sum); num_total = num_total + Integer.parseInt(sum); } } if (num_total != 0 && num_inOrario != -1 && num_inRitardo != -1 && num_inAnticipo != -1) { percent_inOrario = (num_inOrario * 100.0) / num_total; percent_inAnticipo = (num_inAnticipo * 100.0) / num_total; percent_inRitardo = (num_inRitardo * 100.0) / num_total; DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); System.out.println("Percentuale in orario : " + percent_inOrario); System.out.println("Percentuale in anticipo : " + percent_inAnticipo); System.out.println("Percentuale in ritardo : " + percent_inRitardo); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data_attuale = new Date(); String data_attuale_fixed = df.format(data_attuale); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text, quant_perc1, quant_perc2, quant_perc3, tot_perc1, tot_perc2, tot_perc3) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\", null,\"" + percent_inOrario + "\" ,\"" + percent_inAnticipo + "\",\"" + percent_inRitardo + "\", \"\",\"" + num_inOrario + "\",\"" + num_inAnticipo + "\",\"" + num_inRitardo + "\",\"" + num_total + "\",\"" + num_total + "\",\"" + num_total + "\")"; mysql_access.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access.close(); } else { DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); String LastCompDateQuery = "SELECT MAX(computationDate) as lastCompDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text FROM Dashboard.Data WHERE IdMetric_data=\"" + this.idProc + "\" ORDER BY computationDate DESC"; ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access2.readDataBase(LastCompDateQuery, this); Timestamp lastTimestamp = null; Double[] lastValues = new Double[(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount()) - 1]; while ( { lastTimestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp("lastCompDate"); lastValues[0] = Double.parseDouble((resultSet.getString("value_perc1").trim())); lastValues[1] = Double.parseDouble((resultSet.getString("value_perc2").trim())); lastValues[2] = Double.parseDouble((resultSet.getString("value_perc3").trim())); } mysql_access2.close(); //this.almMng.updateStatusOnComputingDate(lastTimestamp, lastValues); } } } catch (Exception exp) { String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } } private void executeQueryJVTwRet() { try { int num_total = 0; int num_twitte = -1; int num_retwitte = -1; String[] queries = this.query.split("\\|"); DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries[1].trim(), this); while ( { String count = resultSet.getString("count"); if (count != null) { num_total = Integer.parseInt(count); System.out.println("Numero totale twitte/retwitte: " + num_total); } } ResultSet resultSet3 = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries[0].trim(), this); while ( { String count = resultSet3.getString("count"); if (count != null) { num_retwitte = Integer.parseInt(count); System.out.println("Numero totale retwitte: " + num_retwitte); } } mysql_access.close(); if (num_total != 0 && num_retwitte != -1) { //this.almMng.updateStatusOnMeasuredValue(Utility.round(new Integer(num_total).doubleValue(), 2)); DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); num_twitte = num_total - num_retwitte; System.out.println("Numero totale twitte: " + num_twitte); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data_attuale = new Date(); String data_attuale_fixed = df.format(data_attuale); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text, quant_perc1, quant_perc2, quant_perc3, tot_perc1, tot_perc2, tot_perc3) VALUES" + "(\"" + idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\",\"" + num_twitte + "\",null,null,null, \"\",\"" + num_retwitte + "\",null,null,null,null,null)"; mysql_access2.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access2.close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } } private double executeQueryJVWifiOp() { double percent = -1; try { String[] queries = this.query.split("\\|"); //query = "SELECT min(latitude) as minlat, min(longitude) as minlng, max(latitude) as maxlat, max(longitude) as maxlng FROM sensors.sensors where network_name like 'FirenzeWiFi' and type='wifi'"; /*double minlat = -1; double minlng = -1; double maxlat = -1; double maxlng = -1; DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnectionMySQL(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries[0].trim()); while ( { minlat = Double.parseDouble(resultSet.getString("minlat")); minlng = Double.parseDouble(resultSet.getString("minlng")); maxlat = Double.parseDouble(resultSet.getString("maxlat")); maxlng = Double.parseDouble(resultSet.getString("maxlng")); }*/ //mysql_access.close(); HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams(); // Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. // The default value is zero, that means the timeout is not used. HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParameters, 20000); // Set the default socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) // in milliseconds which is the timeout for waiting for data. HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, 20000); HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters); //String apiUrl = "" + minlat + "%3B" + minlng + "%3B" + maxlat + "%3B" + maxlng + "%3B&categories=Wifi&format=json&maxResults=1000"; //la query che determina l'area dei firenzewifi ritorna una area enorme che non copre la sola firenze Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String apiUrl = conf.get("servicemapApiBaseUrl", "") + "?selection=COMUNE%20di%20FIRENZE&categories=Wifi&format=json&maxResults=1000"; System.out.println(apiUrl); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(apiUrl); httpGet.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet); String result = null; if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed : HTTP error code : " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((response.getEntity().getContent()))); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String output; while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(output + "\n"); } //System.out.println(sb.toString()); JSONObject job = new JSONObject(sb.toString()); JSONObject job2 = job.getJSONObject("Servizi"); JSONArray jsonarray = job2.getJSONArray("features"); int num_total = 0; if (jsonarray.length() > 0) { JSONObject elemlast = jsonarray.getJSONObject((jsonarray.length()) - 1); num_total = Integer.parseInt(elemlast.get("id").toString()); } //query = "SELECT count(distinct MAC_address) as Sum FROM sensors.sensors where network_name='FirenzeWiFi' and type='wifi'"; int num_oper = -1; //mysql_access.setConnectionMySQL(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); ResultSet resultSet2 = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries[1].trim(), this); while ( { num_oper = Integer.parseInt(resultSet2.getString("sum")); } mysql_access.close(); if (num_oper != -1 && num_total != 0) { percent = (num_oper * 100.0) / num_total; System.out.println("Percentuale Wifi operativi: " + percent); //this.almMng.updateStatusOnMeasuredValue(Utility.round(percent, 2)); DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); Date data_attuale = new Date(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String data_attuale_fixed = df.format(data_attuale); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text, quant_perc1, quant_perc2, quant_perc3, tot_perc1, tot_perc2, tot_perc3) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\", null,\"" + percent + "\",null,null, \"\",\"" + num_oper + "\",null,null,\"" + num_total + "\",null,null)"; mysql_access2.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access2.close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } return percent; } private void executeQueryJVSce() { try { String[] queries = this.query.split("\\|"); String id_nodes[] = new String[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { id_nodes[i] = null; } double value_nodes[] = new double[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { value_nodes[i] = -1; } int num_nodes = 0; double result = -1; double cpu_load_total = 0; DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(queries[0].trim(), this); int j = 0; if (resultSet != null) { while ( { id_nodes[j] = resultSet.getString("IdNode").trim(); j++; } for (int i = 0; i < id_nodes.length; i++) { if (id_nodes[i] != null) { String queryNode = (queries[1].trim()).replace("%%nodei%%", id_nodes[i]); ResultSet resultSet2 = mysql_access.readDataBase(queryNode, this); while ( { String value = resultSet2.getString("value"); String ipAddress = resultSet2.getString("value"); if (value != null) { //Reperimento di cpuload(i) value_nodes[i] = Double.parseDouble(value); System.out.println("Value node: " + value_nodes[i]); num_nodes++; } } } } if (this.idProc.equals("Sce_CPU")) { if (num_nodes != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < value_nodes.length; i++) { if (value_nodes[i] != -1) { cpu_load_total = cpu_load_total + value_nodes[i]; } } result = cpu_load_total / num_nodes; System.out.println("Avg Cpu load: " + result); } } else if (this.idProc.equals("Sce_Mem")) { double mem_total = 0; if (num_nodes != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < value_nodes.length; i++) { if (value_nodes[i] != -1) { mem_total = mem_total + value_nodes[i]; } } result = mem_total; System.out.println("Total memory: " + result); } } } mysql_access.close(); if (result != -1) { //this.almMng.updateStatusOnMeasuredValue(Utility.round(result, 2)); DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); Date data_attuale = new Date(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String data_attuale_fixed = df.format(data_attuale); String query_insert = null; if (this.idProc.equals("Sce_CPU")) { query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text, quant_perc1, quant_perc2, quant_perc3, tot_perc1, tot_perc2, tot_perc3) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\", null,\"" + result + "\" ,null,null, \"\",\"" + cpu_load_total + "\",null,null,\"" + num_nodes + "\",null,null)"; } else if (this.idProc.equals("Sce_Mem")) { query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text, quant_perc1, quant_perc2, quant_perc3, tot_perc1, tot_perc2, tot_perc3) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\", null,\"" + result + "\" ,null,null, \"\",null,null,null,null,null,null)"; } mysql_access2.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access2.close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } } private void executeQueryJVSmartDs() { try { String objective = null; double percent_green = -1; double percent_white = -1; double percent_red = -1; DBAccess mysql_access = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get(this.dataSourceId)); ResultSet resultSet = mysql_access.readDataBase(this.query, this); while ( { objective = resultSet.getString("objective"); String green = resultSet.getString("green"); if (green != null) { percent_green = Double.parseDouble(green); } String white = resultSet.getString("white"); if (white != null) { percent_white = Double.parseDouble(white); } String red = resultSet.getString("red"); if (red != null) { percent_red = Double.parseDouble(red); } String end_exec = resultSet.getString("end_exec"); System.out.println("Processo SmartDS: " + objective); System.out.println("Processo SmartDS: " + green); System.out.println("Processo SmartDS: " + white); System.out.println("Processo SmartDS: " + red); System.out.println("Processo SmartDS: " + end_exec); } mysql_access.close(); if (percent_green != -1 && percent_white != -1 && percent_red != -1) { double percentTot = percent_green + percent_white + percent_red; //this.almMng.updateStatusOnMeasuredValue(Utility.round(percentTot, 2)); DBAccess mysql_access2 = new DBAccess(this.map_dbAcc.get("AlarmEmail")); mysql_access2.setConnection(this.map_dbAcc.get("Dashboard")); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date data_attuale = new Date(); String data_attuale_fixed = df.format(data_attuale); String query_insert = "INSERT INTO Dashboard.Data" + "(IdMetric_data, computationDate, value_num, value_perc1, value_perc2, value_perc3, value_text, quant_perc1, quant_perc2, quant_perc3, tot_perc1, tot_perc2, tot_perc3) VALUES" + "(\"" + this.idProc + "\",\"" + data_attuale_fixed + "\", null,\"" + percent_green + "\",\"" + percent_white + "\",\"" + percent_red + "\",\"" + objective + "\", null,null,null,null,null,null)"; mysql_access2.writeDataBaseData(query_insert); mysql_access2.close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { Utility.WriteExcepLog(this.logger, exp); String msgBody = Utility.exceptionMessage(exp, this.getClass().getName(), this.idProc + " - " + this.descrip); this.notifyEvent("Import data error", msgBody); } } private Repository buildSparqlRepository() { Repository r; String[] ds = this.dataSourceId.split("\\|"); String[] data = null; for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++) { data = this.map_dbAcc.get(ds[i]); if (data != null && data[4].equalsIgnoreCase("RDFstore")) break; } String url = data[0]; if (url.startsWith("jdbc:virtuoso:")) { String user = data[2]; String passwd = data[3]; r = new VirtuosoRepository(url, user, passwd); } else r = new SPARQLRepository(url); return r; } }