Source code

Java tutorial


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* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TDW available.
* Copyright (C) 2014 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use 
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed 
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS 
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;

import Comm.Util;
import Comm.ConstVar;
import Comm.SEException;
import FormatStorage.BlockIndex;
import FormatStorage.FieldMap;
import FormatStorage.FormatDataFile;
import FormatStorage.Head;
import FormatStorage.Segment;
import FormatStorage.SegmentIndex;
import FormatStorage.Unit;
import FormatStorage.UnitIndex;
import FormatStorage.BlockIndex.IndexInfo;

import FormatStorage.FieldMap.Field;
import FormatStorage.Unit.DataChunk;
import FormatStorage.Unit.FieldValue;
import FormatStorage.Unit.FixedBitSet;
import FormatStorage.Unit.Record;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class FormatStorageBasicTest extends TestCase {

    String prefix = "se_test/fs/basic/";
    int full7chunkLen = 42;
    int full6chunkLen = 28;

    public void testGetFieldLen() {
        try {
            if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("byte len fail");

            if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_Char) != ConstVar.Sizeof_Char) {
                fail("byte len fail");

            if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_Short) != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("byte len fail");

            if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_Int) != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                fail("byte len fail");

            if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_Long) != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                fail("byte len fail");

            if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_Float) != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                fail("byte len fail");

            if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_Double) != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
                fail("byte len fail");
            try {
                if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_String) != 0) {
                    fail("byte len fail");
            } catch (Exception e) {


            try {
                if (Util.type2len(ConstVar.FieldType_User) != 0) {
                    fail("byte len fail");
            } catch (Exception e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testFixedBitSet() {
        try {
            FixedBitSet fixedBitSet = new FixedBitSet(2);
            if (fixedBitSet.size() != 1) {
                fail("error size:" + fixedBitSet.size());
            if (fixedBitSet.length() != 8) {
                fail("error len:" + fixedBitSet.length());
            if (fixedBitSet.needByte(2) != 1) {
                fail("error needByte:" + fixedBitSet.needByte(2));
            if (fixedBitSet.bytes().length != 1) {
                fail("error bytes.len:" + fixedBitSet.bytes().length);


            if (fixedBitSet.get(0)) {
                fail("0 should false");
            if (!fixedBitSet.get(1)) {
                fail("1 should true");

            if (!fixedBitSet.get(7)) {
                fail("7 should true");

            try {
                fail("should exception");
            } catch (Exception e) {


            if (fixedBitSet.size() != 3) {
                fail("error size:" + fixedBitSet.size());
            if (fixedBitSet.length() != 24) {
                fail("error len:" + fixedBitSet.length());
            if (fixedBitSet.bytes().length != 3) {
                fail("error bytes.len:" + fixedBitSet.bytes().length);

            if (fixedBitSet.size() != 3) {
                fail("error size:" + fixedBitSet.size());
            if (fixedBitSet.length() != 24) {
                fail("error len:" + fixedBitSet.length());
            if (fixedBitSet.bytes().length != 3) {
                fail("error bytes.len:" + fixedBitSet.bytes().length);


            if (!fixedBitSet.get(4)) {
                fail("error 4 should true");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testBoolean2bytes() {
        boolean v = false;
        byte[] bytes = Util.boolean2bytes(v);

        if (bytes.length != 1) {
            fail("boolean2bytes fail, len != 1");

        if (bytes[0] != 0) {
            fail("boolean2bytes fail, value != 0");

        boolean v2 = Util.bytes2boolean(bytes);
        if (v2) {
            fail("bytes2boolean fail, value != false");

    public void testShort2bytes() {
        short v = 17;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Short];
        Util.short2bytes(bytes, v);

        short v2 = Util.bytes2short(bytes, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short);

        if (v2 != v) {
            fail("bytes2short fail, s:" + v + "s2:" + v2);

    public void testInt2bytes() {
        int v = 17;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Int];
        Util.int2bytes(bytes, v);

        int v2 = Util.bytes2int(bytes, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int);

        if (v2 != v) {
            fail("bytes2int fail, s:" + v + "s2:" + v2);

    public void testLong2bytes() {
        int v = 17;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Long];
        Util.long2bytes(bytes, v);

        long v2 = Util.bytes2long(bytes, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long);

        if (v2 != v) {
            fail("bytes2long fail, s:" + v + "s2:" + v2);

    public void testFloat2bytes() {
        float v = (float) 17.12;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Float];
        Util.float2bytes(bytes, v);

        float v2 = Util.bytes2float(bytes, 0);

        if (v2 != v) {
            fail("bytes2float fail, s:" + v + "s2:" + v2);

    public void testDouble2bytes() {
        double v = 17.12;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Double];
        Util.double2bytes(bytes, v);

        double v2 = Util.bytes2double(bytes, 0);

        if (v2 != v) {
            fail("bytes2double fail, s:" + v + "s2:" + v2);

    public void testGetVarType() {
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Unknown)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type1");
        if (!Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_User)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type2");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Boolean)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type3");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Char)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type4");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type5");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Short)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type6");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Int)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type7");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Float)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type8");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Long)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type9");
        if (Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_Double)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type10");
        if (!Util.isVarType(ConstVar.FieldType_String)) {
            fail("isVarType wrong type11");

    public void testGetValidType() {
        if (Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Unknown)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type1");
        if (Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_User)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type2");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Boolean)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type3");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Char)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type4");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type5");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Short)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type6");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Int)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type7");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Float)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type8");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Long)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type9");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_Double)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type10");
        if (!Util.isValidType(ConstVar.FieldType_String)) {
            fail("isValidType wrong type11");

    public void testGetFieldValue() {
        try {
            byte[] bb = new byte[1];
            bb[0] = 11;
            byte b2 = (byte) Util.getValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, bb);
            if (b2 != 11) {
                fail("getValue fail, 11");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            byte[] bs = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Short];
            short s = 12;
            Util.short2bytes(bs, s);
            short s2 = (short) Util.getValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, bs);
            if (s2 != 12) {
                fail("getValue fail, 12");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            byte[] is = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Int];
            int i = 13;
            Util.int2bytes(is, i);
            int i2 = (int) Util.getValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, is);
            if (i2 != 13) {
                fail("getValue fail, 13");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            byte[] ls = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Long];
            long l = 14;
            Util.long2bytes(ls, l);
            long l2 = Util.getValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ls);
            if (l2 != 14) {
                fail("getValue fail, 14");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            byte[] fs = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Float];

            long v = Util.getValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, fs);
            if (v != 0) {
                fail("getValue fail, 17");

        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testAddLineIndexInfo() {
        BlockIndex lineIndex = new BlockIndex();
        IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();

        lineIndex.addIndexInfo(indexInfo, ConstVar.LineMode);

        if (lineIndex.lineIndexInfos().size() != 1) {
            fail("add line index fail, size != 1");

        if (lineIndex.len() != ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen) {
            fail("add line index fail, len:" + lineIndex.len() + ":" + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen);

    public void testAddKeyIndexInfo() {
        BlockIndex keyIndex = new BlockIndex();
        IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();

        keyIndex.addIndexInfo(indexInfo, ConstVar.KeyMode);
        if (keyIndex.keyIndexInfos().size() != 1) {
            fail("add key index fail, size != 1");

        if (keyIndex.len() != ConstVar.KeyIndexRecordLen) {
            fail("add key index fail, len:" + keyIndex.len() + ":" + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen);

    public void testGetIndexInfoNull() {
        BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex();

        try {
            IndexInfo info = index.getIndexInfo(0);
            if (info != null) {
                fail("should get null");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("should not exception");


    public void testGetIndexInfo() {
        BlockIndex index1 = new BlockIndex();
        IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();

        index1.addIndexInfo(indexInfo, ConstVar.LineMode);
        try {
            IndexInfo info = index1.getIndexInfo(0);
            if (info == null) {
                fail("should not null");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("should not exception");

        BlockIndex index2 = new BlockIndex();

        index2.addIndexInfo(indexInfo, ConstVar.KeyMode);
        try {
            IndexInfo info = index2.getIndexInfo(0);
            if (info != null) {
                fail("should get null");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetIndexInfoByLine() {
        BlockIndex index1 = new BlockIndex();
        IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
        indexInfo.beginLine = 0;
        indexInfo.endLine = 10;
        indexInfo.offset = 11;
        indexInfo.len = 12;
        indexInfo.idx = 13;

        index1.addIndexInfo(indexInfo, ConstVar.LineMode);
        try {
            IndexInfo info = index1.getIndexInfoByLine(0);
            if (info == null) {
                fail("testGetIndexInfoByLine0 should not null");
            } else {
                if (info.offset != 11) {
                    fail("offset fail");
                if (info.len != 12) {
                    fail("len fail");
                if (info.idx != 13) {
                    fail("idx fail");

            info = index1.getIndexInfoByLine(8);
            if (info == null) {
                fail("testGetIndexInfoByLine8 should not null");
            } else {
                if (info.offset != 11) {
                    fail("offset fail");
                if (info.len != 12) {
                    fail("len fail");
                if (info.idx != 13) {
                    fail("idx fail");

            info = index1.getIndexInfoByLine(10);
            if (info != null) {
                fail("testGetIndexInfoByLine10 should  null");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("testGetIndexInfoByLine should not exception");

    public void testGetIndexInfoByKey() {
        BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex();
        IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
        indexInfo.beginKey = 0;
        indexInfo.endKey = 10;

        index.addIndexInfo(indexInfo, ConstVar.KeyMode);
        try {
            IndexInfo[] info = index.getIndexInfoByKey(0);
            if (info != null) {
                fail("testGetIndexInfoByKey0 should null");

        } catch (SEException.InnerException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("testGetIndexInfoByKey0 should not others exception");

        try {
            indexInfo.beginLine = 20;
            indexInfo.endKey = 30;
            indexInfo.offset = 11;
            indexInfo.len = 12;
            indexInfo.idx = 13;
            index.addIndexInfo(indexInfo, ConstVar.LineMode);

            IndexInfo[] info = index.getIndexInfoByKey(0);
            if (info == null) {
                fail("getIndexInfoByKey0 should not null");
            } else if (info.length != 1) {
                fail("getIndexInfoByKey0 should return 1 item");
            } else {
                if (info[0].offset != 11) {
                    fail("offset fail");
                if (info[0].len != 12) {
                    fail("len fail");
                if (info[0].idx != 13) {
                    fail("idx fail");

            info = index.getIndexInfoByKey(10);
            if (info == null) {
                fail("getIndexInfoByKey10 should not null");
            } else if (info.length != 1) {
                fail("getIndexInfoByKey10 should return 1 item");
            } else {
                if (info[0].offset != 11) {
                    fail("offset fail");
                if (info[0].len != 12) {
                    fail("len fail");
                if (info[0].idx != 13) {
                    fail("idx fail");

        catch (Exception e) {
            fail("getIndexInfoByKey:" + e.getMessage());

        try {
            IndexInfo indexInfo2 = new IndexInfo();
            indexInfo2.beginKey = 1;
            indexInfo2.endKey = 11;
            indexInfo2.beginLine = 40;
            indexInfo2.endLine = 50;
            indexInfo2.offset = 21;
            indexInfo2.len = 22;
            indexInfo2.idx = 23;
            index.addIndexInfo(indexInfo2, ConstVar.KeyMode);
            index.addIndexInfo(indexInfo2, ConstVar.LineMode);

            IndexInfo[] info = index.getIndexInfoByKey(8);
            if (info == null) {
                fail("getIndexInfoByKey8 should not null");
            } else if (info.length != 2) {
                fail("getIndexInfoByKey10 should return 2 item");
            } else {
                if (info[0].offset != 11 || info[1].offset != 21) {
                    fail("offset fail:" + info[0].offset + "," + info[1].offset);
                if (info[0].len != 12 || info[1].len != 22) {
                    fail("len fail:" + info[0].len + "," + info[1].len);
                if (info[0].idx != 13 || info[1].idx != 23) {
                    fail("idx fail:" + info[0].idx + "," + info[1].idx);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("testGetIndexInfoByKey8 should not exception");

    public void testGetIndexLen() {
        BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex();
        IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();

        index.addIndexInfo(info, ConstVar.LineMode);

        if (index.len() != ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen) {
            fail("fail line index.len():" + index.len());

        index.addIndexInfo(info, ConstVar.KeyMode);
        if (index.len() != ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen + ConstVar.KeyIndexRecordLen) {
            fail("fail line&key index.len():" + index.len());

        BlockIndex index2 = new BlockIndex();
        index2.addIndexInfo(info, ConstVar.KeyMode);

        if (index2.len() != ConstVar.KeyIndexRecordLen) {
            fail("fail key index.len():" + index2.len());

    public void testSetIndexMode() {
        try {
            BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex();
            if (index.indexMode != ConstVar.LineMode) {
                fail("fail init LineIndexMode");

            if (index.indexMode != ConstVar.LineMode) {
                fail("fail set LineIndexMode");

            if (index.indexMode != ConstVar.KeyMode) {
                fail("fail set KeyIndexMode");

            try {
            } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {


        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("testSetIndexMode should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddIndexMode() {
        BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex();

        if ((index.indexMode & ConstVar.LineMode) == 0) {
            fail("fail addLineMode");
        if ((index.indexMode & ConstVar.KeyMode) != 0) {
            fail("fail addLineMode");

        if ((index.indexMode & ConstVar.LineMode) == 0) {
            fail("fail addKeyMode");
        if ((index.indexMode & ConstVar.KeyMode) == 0) {
            fail("fail addKeyMode");

    public void testPersistentLineIndexInfo() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentLineIndexInfo";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.beginLine = 11;
            info.endLine = 22;
            info.offset = 33;
            info.len = 44;
            info.idx = 55;


            FSDataInputStream in =;

            int beginLine = in.readInt();
            int endLine = in.readInt();
            long offset = in.readLong();
            long len = in.readLong();
            int idx = in.readInt();

            if (beginLine != 11) {
                fail("beginLine fail:" + beginLine);
            if (endLine != 22) {
                fail("endLine fail:" + endLine);
            if (offset != 33) {
                fail("offset fail:" + offset);
            if (len != 44) {
                fail("len fail:" + len);
            if (idx != 55) {
                fail("idx fail:" + idx);

        } catch (IOException e) {


    public void testPersistentKeyIndexInfo() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentKeyIndexInfo";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.beginKey = 111;
            info.endKey = 222;


            FSDataInputStream in =;

            int beginKey = in.readInt();
            int endKey = in.readInt();

            if (beginKey != 111) {
                fail("beginKey fail:" + beginKey);
            if (endKey != 222) {
                fail("beginKey fail:" + beginKey);

        } catch (IOException e) {


    public void testUnpersistentLineIndexInfo() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentLineIndexInfo";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();

            if (info.beginLine != 11) {
                fail("beginLine fail:" + info.beginLine);
            if (info.endLine != 22) {
                fail("endLine fail:" + info.endLine);
            if (info.offset != 33) {
                fail("offset fail:" + info.offset);
            if (info.len != 44) {
                fail("len fail:" + info.len);
            if (info.idx != 55) {
                fail("idx fail:" + info.idx);

        } catch (IOException e) {


    public void testUnpersistentKeyIndexInfo() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentKeyIndexInfo";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();

            if (info.beginKey != 111) {
                fail("beginKey fail:" + info.beginKey);
            if (info.endKey != 222) {
                fail("beginKey fail:" + info.beginKey);

        } catch (IOException e) {

    public void testPersistentLineIndex() {
        try {
            BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
                info.beginLine = i;
                info.endLine = i + 10;
                info.offset = i;
                info.len = i + 20;
                info.idx = i;

                index.addIndexInfo(info, ConstVar.LineMode);

            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentLineIndex";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);


            FSDataInputStream in =;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                int beginLine = in.readInt();
                int endLine = in.readInt();
                long offset = in.readLong();
                long len = in.readLong();
                int idx = in.readInt();

                if (beginLine != i) {
                    fail("beginLine fail:" + beginLine);
                if (endLine != i + 10) {
                    fail("endLine fail:" + endLine);
                if (offset != i) {
                    fail("offset fail:" + offset);
                if (len != i + 20) {
                    fail("len fail:" + len);
                if (idx != i) {
                    fail("idx fail:" + idx);
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public void testPersistentKeyIndex() {
        try {
            BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
                info.beginKey = i;
                info.endKey = i + 10;

                index.addIndexInfo(info, ConstVar.KeyMode);

            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentKeyIndex";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);


            FSDataInputStream in =;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                int beginKey = in.readInt();
                int endKey = in.readInt();

                if (beginKey != i) {
                    fail("beginKey fail:" + beginKey);
                if (endKey != i + 10) {
                    fail("endKey fail:" + endKey);
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public void testAddField() {
        try {
            FieldMap fm1 = new FieldMap();
            if (fm1.len() != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("fail fm1.len:" + fm1.len());
            if (fm1.fieldNum() != 0) {
                fail("fail fm1.fieldNum:" + fm1.fieldNum());

            FieldMap fm2 = new FieldMap();
            Field f = new Field();
            if (fm2.fieldNum() != 1) {
                fail("fail fm1.fieldNum2:" + fm2.fieldNum());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("addField:" + e.getMessage());

        try {
            FieldMap fm3 = new FieldMap();
            for (int i = 0; i < 200000; i++) {
                Field f = new Field();
            if (fm3.fieldNum() != Short.MAX_VALUE) {
                fail("fail fm3.fieldNum3:" + fm3.fieldNum() + "size:" + fm3.fields.size());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("addField:" + e.getMessage());

        try {
            FieldMap fm4 = new FieldMap();
            Field f = new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 0);

            if (!fm4.var()) {
                fail("fm4 should var");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("addField:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetFieldNum() {
        try {
            FieldMap fm = new FieldMap();
            if (fm.fieldNum() != 0) {
                fail("fail fieldNum:" + fm.fieldNum());

            for (int i = 0; i < 111; i++) {
                Field f = new Field();
            if (fm.fieldNum() != 111) {
                fail("fail fieldNum:" + fm.fieldNum());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("getFieldNum fail:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetFieldMapLen() {
        try {
            FieldMap fm = new FieldMap();
            if (fm.len() != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("fail fieldMapLen1:" + fm.len());

            Field f = new Field();
            if (fm.len() != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short + 7) {
                fail("fail fieldMapLen2:" + fm.len());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("fieldMapLen fail:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetFieldType() {
        try {
            FieldMap fm1 = new FieldMap();
            fm1.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 1));
            fm1.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 3));
            fm1.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 5));
            fm1.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 7));

            byte type = fm1.getFieldType((short) 3);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                fail("getFieldType1:" + type);

            type = fm1.getFieldType((short) 5);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                fail("getFieldType2:" + type);

            try {
                type = fm1.getFieldType((short) 4);
                fail("should exception");
            } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("getFieldType3 fail:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testPersistentField() throws IOException {
            String file = prefix + "testPersistentField";
            Path path = new Path(file);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            Field field = new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 1);
            if (out.getPos() != 7) {
                fail("error out.pos:" + out.getPos());

            FSDataInputStream in =;
            byte type = in.readByte();
            int len = in.readInt();
            short idx = in.readShort();

            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("fail type:" + type);
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("fail len:" + len);
            if (idx != 1) {
                fail("fail idx:" + idx);


    public void testPersistentFieldMap() {
        try {
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());

            String file1 = prefix + "testPersistentFieldMap1";
            Path path = new Path(file1);
            FSDataOutputStream out1 = fs.create(path);

            FieldMap fm1 = new FieldMap();
            if (out1.getPos() != 2) {
                fail("persisitent null fieldmap fail, pos:" + out1.getPos());

            FSDataInputStream in1 =;
            short fieldNum = in1.readShort();
            if (fieldNum != 0) {
                fail("persistent null fieldmap fail, fieldNum:" + fieldNum);

            String file2 = prefix + "testPersistentFieldMap2";
            path = new Path(file2);
            FSDataOutputStream out2 = fs.create(path);

            FieldMap fm2 = new FieldMap();
            fm2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 1));
            fm2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 3));
            fm2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 5));
            fm2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 7));
            if (out2.getPos() != (2 + 4 * 7)) {
                fail("persistent 4 field fail, pos:" + out2.getPos());

            FSDataInputStream in2 =;
            fieldNum = in2.readShort();
            if (fieldNum != 4) {
                fail("persistent 4 field fail, fieldNum:" + fieldNum);

            byte type = in2.readByte();
            int len = in2.readInt();
            short idx = in2.readShort();
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("fail type:" + type);
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("fail len:" + len);
            if (idx != 1) {
                fail("fail idx:" + idx);

            type = in2.readByte();
            len = in2.readInt();
            idx = in2.readShort();
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                fail("fail type:" + type);
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("fail len:" + len);
            if (idx != 3) {
                fail("fail idx:" + idx);

            type = in2.readByte();
            len = in2.readInt();
            idx = in2.readShort();
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                fail("fail type:" + type);
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                fail("fail len:" + len);
            if (idx != 5) {
                fail("fail idx:" + idx);

            type = in2.readByte();
            len = in2.readInt();
            idx = in2.readShort();
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                fail("fail type:" + type);
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                fail("fail len:" + len);
            if (idx != 7) {
                fail("fail idx:" + idx);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("testPersistentField fail1:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("testPersistentField fail2:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testUnpersistentFieldMap() {
        try {
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());

            String file1 = prefix + "testPersistentFieldMap1";
            Path path = new Path(file1);
            FSDataInputStream in1 =;

            FieldMap fm1 = new FieldMap();

            if (fm1.len() != 2) {
                fail("unpersistent fieldMap fail, len:" + fm1.len());
            if (fm1.fieldNum() != 0) {
                fail("unpersistent fieldMap fail, fieldNum:" + fm1.fieldNum());

            String file2 = prefix + "testPersistentFieldMap2";
            path = new Path(file2);
            FSDataInputStream in2 =;

            FieldMap fm2 = new FieldMap();
            if (fm2.len() != 2 + 4 * 7) {
                fail("unpersistent fieldMap fail, len:" + fm2.len());
            if (fm2.fieldNum() != 4) {
                fail("unpersistent fieldMap fail, fieldNum:" + fm2.fieldNum());

            Field field = fm2.fields.get((short) 1);
            if (field.type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("unpersistent fail type:" + field.type);
            if (field.len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("unpersistent fail len:" + field.len);
            if (field.index != 1) {
                fail("unpersistent fail idx:" + field.index);

            field = fm2.fields.get((short) 3);
            if (field.type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                fail("unpersistent fail type:" + field.type);
            if (field.len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("unpersistent fail len:" + field.len);
            if (field.index != 3) {
                fail("unpersistent fail idx:" + field.index);

            field = fm2.fields.get((short) 5);
            if (field.type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                fail("unpersistent fail type:" + field.type);
            if (field.len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                fail("unpersistent fail len:" + field.len);
            if (field.index != 5) {
                fail("unpersistent fail idx:" + field.index);

            field = fm2.fields.get((short) 7);
            if (field.type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                fail("unpersistent fail type:" + field.type);
            if (field.len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                fail("unpersistent fail len:" + field.len);
            if (field.index != 7) {
                fail("unpersistent fail idx:" + field.index);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("unpersistent fieldMap fail:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("unpersistent failMap fail:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testInitHead() {
        Head head = new Head();
        if (head.compress() != 0) {
            fail("compress not 0");
        if (head.encode() != 0) {
            fail("encode != 0");
        if (head.var() != 0) {
            fail("var != 0");
        if (head.primaryIndex() != -1) {
            fail("primary index != -1");
        if (head.magic() != ConstVar.DataMagic) {
            fail("invalid init magic");
        if (head.ver() != ConstVar.Ver) {
            fail("invalid init ver");

    public void testGetHeadLen() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            if (head.len() != 15) {
                fail("invalid head init len:" + head.len());

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field());


            if (head.len() != 24) {
                fail("error head.len:" + head.len());

            String key = "hello konten";
            if (head.len() != 22 + key.length() + 2) {
                fail("error head.len:" + head.len());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testPersistentHead() {

        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentHead";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            Head head = new Head();
            if (out.getPos() != 17) {
                fail("persistent error pos:" + out.getPos());

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            int magic = in.readInt();
            short ver = in.readShort();
            byte var = in.readByte();
            byte compress = in.readByte();
            byte compressStyle = in.readByte();
            short primaryIndex = in.readShort();
            byte encode = in.readByte();
            byte encodeStyle = in.readByte();
            short keyLen = in.readShort();
            short fieldNum = in.readShort();

            if (magic != head.magic()) {
                fail("error magic:" + magic);
            if (ver != head.ver()) {
                fail("error ver:" + ver);
            if (var != 0) {
                fail("error var:" + var);
            if (compress != head.compress()) {
                fail("error compress:" + compress);
            if (compressStyle != head.compressStyle()) {
                fail("error compressStyle:" + compressStyle);
            if (primaryIndex != head.primaryIndex()) {
                fail("error primaryIndex:" + primaryIndex);
            if (encode != head.encode()) {
                fail("error encode:" + encode);
            if (encodeStyle != head.encodeStyle()) {
                fail("error encodeStyle:" + encodeStyle);
            if (keyLen != 0) {
                fail("error keyLen:" + keyLen);
            if (fieldNum != 0) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + fieldNum);

            fileName = prefix + "testPersistentHead2";
            path = new Path(fileName);
            FSDataOutputStream out2 = fs.create(path);

            Head head2 = new Head();
            String key = "hello konten";

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));

            if (out2.getPos() != 13 + 2 + key.length() + fieldMap.len()) {
                fail("persistent error pos:" + out.getPos());

            FSDataInputStream in2 =;

            magic = in2.readInt();
            ver = in2.readShort();
            var = in2.readByte();
            compress = in2.readByte();
            compressStyle = in2.readByte();
            primaryIndex = in2.readShort();
            encode = in2.readByte();
            encodeStyle = in2.readByte();

            keyLen = in2.readShort();
            if (keyLen == 0) {
                fail("error keyLen:" + keyLen);
            byte[] buf = new byte[keyLen];
            String keykey = new String(buf);
            if (!key.equals(keykey)) {
                fail("error key:" + keykey);

            FieldMap fieldMap22 = new FieldMap();
            if (fieldMap22.fieldNum() != 2) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + fieldMap22.fieldNum());
            Field field = fieldMap22.getField((short) 0);
            if (field.type() != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("fail field type:" + field.type());
            if (field.len() != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("fail field len:" + field.len());
            if (field.index() != 0) {
                fail("fail index:" + field.index());

            field = fieldMap22.getField((short) 1);
            if (field.type() != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                fail("fail field type:" + field.type());
            if (field.len() != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("fail field len:" + field.len());
            if (field.index() != 1) {
                fail("fail index:" + field.index());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testUnpersistentHead() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentHead2";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            Head head = new Head();


            if (head.compress() != 0) {
                fail("compress not 0");
            if (head.encode() != 0) {
                fail("encode != 0");
            if (head.var() != 0) {
                fail("var != 0");
            if (head.primaryIndex() != -1) {
                fail("primary index != -1");
            if (head.magic() != ConstVar.DataMagic) {
                fail("invalid init magic");
            if (head.ver() != ConstVar.Ver) {
                fail("invalid init ver");

            String key = "hello konten";
            if (!head.key.equals(key)) {
                fail("error key:" + head.key);

            FieldMap fieldMap = head.fieldMap();
            if (fieldMap.fieldNum() != 2) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + fieldMap.fieldNum());
            Field field = fieldMap.getField((short) 0);
            if (field.type() != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("fail field type:" + field.type());
            if (field.len() != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("fail field len:" + field.len());
            if (field.index() != 0) {
                fail("fail index:" + field.index());

            field = fieldMap.getField((short) 1);
            if (field.type() != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                fail("fail field type:" + field.type());
            if (field.len() != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("fail field len:" + field.len());
            if (field.index() != 1) {
                fail("fail index:" + field.index());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testToJobConf() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            String key = "hello konten";

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));

            JobConf conf = new JobConf();

            Head head2 = new Head();

            if (head2.magic != head.magic) {
                fail("error magic:" + head2.magic);
            if (head2.compress != head.compress) {
                fail("error compress:" + head2.compress);
            if (head2.compressStyle != head.compressStyle) {
                fail("error compressStyle:" + head2.compressStyle);
            if (head2.encode != head.encode) {
                fail("error encode:" + head2.encode);
            if (head2.encodeStyle != head.encodeStyle) {
                fail("error encodeStyle:" + head2.encodeStyle);
            if (!head2.key.equals(head.key)) {
                fail("error key:" + head2.key);
            if (head2.primaryIndex != head.primaryIndex) {
                fail("error primary index:" + head2.primaryIndex);
            if (head2.var != head.var) {
                fail("error var:" + head2.var);
            if (head2.ver != head.ver) {
                fail("error ver:" + head2.ver);

            if (head2.fieldMap.fieldNum() != head.fieldMap.fieldNum()) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + head2.fieldMap.fieldNum());

            Field f1 = head.fieldMap.getField((short) 0);
            Field f2 = head2.fieldMap.getField((short) 0);
            if (f1.type() != f2.type()) {
                fail("error type:" + f2.type());
            if (f1.len() != f2.len()) {
                fail("error len:" + f2.len());
            if (f1.index() != f2.index()) {
                fail("error index:" + f2.index());

            f1 = head.fieldMap.getField((short) 1);
            f2 = head2.fieldMap.getField((short) 1);
            if (f1.type() != f2.type()) {
                fail("error type:" + f2.type());
            if (f1.len() != f2.len()) {
                fail("error len:" + f2.len());
            if (f1.index() != f2.index()) {
                fail("error index:" + f2.index());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddFieldValue() {
        try {
            Record record = new Record(1);

            FieldValue fieldValue = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, null, (short) 0);
            if (record.fieldValues().get(0).value != null) {
                fail("value should null");
            if (record.fieldValues().get(0).len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("error len:" + record.fieldValues().get(0).len);
            if (record.fieldValues().get(0).type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + record.fieldValues().get(0).type);

            try {
                FieldValue f2 = new FieldValue();
                fail("error fieldNum");
            } catch (SEException.FieldValueFull e) {


            try {
                FieldValue f2 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, null, (short) 1);
                fail("shoud exception");
            } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {


            try {
                FieldValue f3 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, null, (short) 1);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                fail("shoud not exception");

            short fieldNum = 7;
            Record record2 = new Record(fieldNum);

            byte[] bb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte];
            bb[0] = 1;
            FieldValue fieldValue1 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, bb, (short) 10);

            byte[] sb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Short];
            short s = 2;
            Util.short2bytes(sb, s);
            FieldValue fieldValue2 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, sb,
                    (short) 11);

            byte[] ib = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Int];
            int i = 3;
            Util.int2bytes(ib, i);
            FieldValue fieldValue3 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, ib, (short) 12);

            byte[] lb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Long];
            long l = 4;
            Util.long2bytes(lb, l);
            FieldValue fieldValue4 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, lb, (short) 13);

            byte[] fb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Float];
            float f = (float) 5.5;
            Util.float2bytes(fb, f);
            FieldValue fieldValue5 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, fb,
                    (short) 14);

            byte[] db = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Double];
            double d = 6.6;
            Util.double2bytes(db, d);
            FieldValue fieldValue6 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, db,
                    (short) 15);

            String str = "hello konten";
            FieldValue fieldValue7 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, (short) str.length(), str.getBytes(),
                    (short) 16);

            int index = 0;
            byte[] buf = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            if (buf[0] != 1) {
                fail("error value:" + buf[0]);
            byte type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            int len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            short idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 10) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);

            index = 1;
            buf = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            short sval = Util.bytes2short(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short);
            if (sval != 2) {
                fail("error value:" + sval);
            type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 11) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);

            index = 2;
            buf = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            int ival = Util.bytes2int(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int);
            if (ival != 3) {
                fail("error value:" + ival);
            type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 12) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);

            index = 3;
            buf = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            long lval = Util.bytes2long(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long);
            if (lval != 4) {
                fail("error value:" + lval);
            type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 13) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);

            index = 4;
            buf = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            float fval = Util.bytes2float(buf, 0);
            if (fval != 5.5) {
                fail("error value:" + fval);
            type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 14) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);

            index = 5;
            buf = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            double dval = Util.bytes2double(buf, 0);
            if (dval != 6.6) {
                fail("error value:" + dval);
            type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 15) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);

            index = 6;
            buf = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            str = new String(buf);
            if (!str.equals(new String("hello konten"))) {
                fail("error val:" + str);
            type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != str.length()) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 16) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);

        } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {
            fail("get seexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testValidFieldType() {
        try {
            FieldValue f = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Unknown, (short) 0, null, (short) 0);
            fail("should exception");
        } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not this exception:" + e.getMessage());

        try {
            FieldValue f = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_User, (short) 0, null, (short) 0);
            fail("should exception");
        } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not this exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddMuchFieldValue() {
        int size = 128;

        try {
            Record record = new Record(size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                record.addValue(new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, null, (short) i));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

        size = 32767;
        try {
            Record record = new Record(size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                record.addValue(new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, null, (short) i));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

        size = 32768;
        try {
            Record record = new Record(size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                record.addValue(new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, null, (short) i));
            fail("should exception");
        } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not this exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testValueTrunk() {
        try {
            String str1 = "hello konten";
            FieldValue f1 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, (short) 100, str1.getBytes(), (short) 0);
            fail("should exception");
        } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not this exception");

        try {
            String str1 = "hello konten";
            FieldValue f1 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, (short) 3, str1.getBytes(), (short) 0);
            fail("should exception");
        } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not this exception");

        try {
            FieldValue f1 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, new byte[10], (short) 0);
            fail("should exception");
        } catch (SEException.InvalidParameterException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not this exception");

    public void testRecordMerage() {
        try {
            Record record1 = new Record(2);
            record1.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 1));
            record1.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 3));

            Record record2 = new Record(2);
            record2.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 5));
            record2.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 7));

            Record record = new Record();
            if (record.fieldNum != 2) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + record.fieldNum);

            if (record.fieldNum != 4) {
                fail("error fieldNum2:" + record.fieldNum);


            if (record1.fieldNum != 4) {
                fail("error fieldNum3:" + record1.fieldNum);


            if (record1.fieldNum != 6) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + record1.fieldNum);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    void judgeMeragedRecord(Record record) {
        short index = 0;
        byte type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        int len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        short idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        byte[] value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
            fail("error type:" + type);
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (idx != 1) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);
        byte bv = value[0];
        if (bv != 1) {
            fail("error value:" + bv);

        index = 1;
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
            fail("error type:" + type);
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (idx != 3) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);
        short sv = Util.bytes2short(value, 0, 2);
        if (sv != 2) {
            fail("error value:" + sv);

        index = 2;
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
            fail("error type:" + type);
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (idx != 5) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);
        int iv = Util.bytes2int(value, 0, 4);
        if (iv != 3) {
            fail("error value:" + iv);

        index = 3;
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
            fail("error type:" + type);
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (idx != 7) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);
        long lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, 8);
        if (lv != 4) {
            fail("error value:" + lv);


    public void testRecordToList() {


    public void testRecordTrim() {


    public void testInitChunk() {
        try {
            short fieldNum = 3;
            Record record = new Record(fieldNum);

            byte[] lb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Long];
            long l = 4;
            Util.long2bytes(lb, l);
            FieldValue fieldValue4 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, lb, (short) 13);

            byte[] fb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Float];
            float f = (float) 5.5;
            Util.float2bytes(fb, f);
            FieldValue fieldValue5 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, fb,
                    (short) 14);

            String str = "hello konten";
            FieldValue fieldValue7 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, (short) str.length(), str.getBytes(),
                    (short) 16);

            DataChunk chunk = new DataChunk(record);
            if (chunk.fieldNum != fieldNum) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + chunk.fieldNum);
            if (chunk.len != (1 + 8 + 4 + 2 + str.length())) {
                fail("error len:" + chunk.len);

            BitSet bitSet = chunk.bitset;
            if(bitSet.length() != fieldNum)
                fail("error bitSet length:"+bitSet.length());
            for(int i = 0; i < bitSet.length(); i++)
                    fail("bitSet null, i:"+i);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

        try {
            short fieldNum = 3;
            Record record = new Record(fieldNum);

            byte[] lb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Long];
            long l = 4;
            Util.long2bytes(lb, l);
            FieldValue fieldValue4 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, lb, (short) 13);

            FieldValue fieldValue5 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, null,
                    (short) 14);

            String str = "hello konten";

            FieldValue fieldValue7 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, str.length(), str.getBytes(),
                    (short) 16);

            DataChunk chunk = new DataChunk(record);
            if (chunk.fieldNum != fieldNum) {
                fail("error fieldNum:" + chunk.fieldNum);
            if (chunk.len != (1 + 8 + 4 + 2 + str.length())) {
                fail("error len:" + chunk.len);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testChunkToRecord() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testChunkToRecord";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            short fieldNum = 3;
            Record record = new Record(fieldNum);

            byte[] lb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Long];
            long l = 4;
            Util.long2bytes(lb, l);
            FieldValue fieldValue4 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, lb, (short) 13);

            byte[] fb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Float];
            float f = (float) 5.5;
            Util.float2bytes(fb, f);
            FieldValue fieldValue5 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, fb,
                    (short) 14);

            String str = "hello konten";
            FieldValue fieldValue7 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, (short) str.length(), str.getBytes(),
                    (short) 16);

            DataChunk chunk = new DataChunk(record);

            out.write(chunk.values, 0, (int) chunk.len);

            if (out.getPos() != chunk.len) {
                fail("error pos:" + out.getPos() + "chunk.len:" + chunk.len);

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            FixedBitSet bitSet = new FixedBitSet(fieldNum);
  , 0, bitSet.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldNum; i++) {
                if (!bitSet.get(i)) {
                    fail("should set:" + i);

            byte[] value = new byte[8];
            long lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, 8);
            if (lv != 4) {
                fail("error long value:" + lv);

            value = new byte[4];
            float fv = Util.bytes2float(value, 0);
            if (fv != 5.5) {
                fail("error float value:" + fv);

            short strLen = in.readShort();
            if (strLen != str.length()) {
                fail("error strLen:" + strLen);
            value = new byte[strLen];
            String strv = new String(value);
            if (!strv.equals(str)) {
                fail("error strv:" + strv);

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, 8, (short) 13));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, 4, (short) 14));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 8, (short) 16));

            int valuelen = 1 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 12;
            DataChunk chunk2 = new DataChunk(fieldNum);

            ArrayList<byte[]> arrayList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(64);
            DataInputBuffer inputBuffer = new DataInputBuffer();
            byte[] buf = new byte[valuelen];
  , 0, valuelen);
            inputBuffer.reset(buf, 0, valuelen);
            chunk2.unpersistent(0, valuelen, inputBuffer);
            Record record2 = chunk2.toRecord(fieldMap, true, arrayList);

            bitSet = chunk2.fixedBitSet;
            if (bitSet.length() != (fieldNum / 8 + 1) * 8) {
                fail("bitSet.len:" + bitSet.length());

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldNum; i++) {
                if (!bitSet.get(i)) {
                    fail("bitSet should set:" + i);
            record = record2;

            int index = 0;
            byte type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            int len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            short idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            value = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 13) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            if (value == null) {
                fail("error value null");

            lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, len);
            if (lv != 4) {
                fail("error long value:" + lv);

            index = 1;
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 14) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            if (value == null) {
                fail("error value null");
            fv = Util.bytes2float(value, 0);
            if (fv != 5.5) {
                fail("error float value:" + fv);

            index = 2;
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

            str = "hello konten";
            if (len != str.length()) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 16) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            if (value == null) {
                fail("error value null");
            String sv = new String(value, 0, len);
            if (!str.equals(sv)) {
                fail("error string value:" + sv);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testChunkToRecordNull() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testChunkToRecord2";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            short fieldNum = 3;
            Record record = new Record(fieldNum);

            byte[] lb = new byte[ConstVar.Sizeof_Long];
            long l = 4;
            Util.long2bytes(lb, l);
            FieldValue fieldValue4 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, lb, (short) 13);

            FieldValue fieldValue5 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, null,
                    (short) 14);

            String str = "hello konten";
            FieldValue fieldValue7 = new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_String, (short) str.length(), str.getBytes(),
                    (short) 16);

            DataChunk chunk = new DataChunk(record);

            out.write(chunk.values, 0, (int) chunk.len);

            if (out.getPos() != chunk.len) {
                fail("error pos:" + out.getPos() + "chunk.len:" + chunk.len);

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            FixedBitSet bitSet = new FixedBitSet(fieldNum);
  , 0, bitSet.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldNum; i++) {
                if (bitSet.get(1)) {
                    fail("shoud not set");

                if (!bitSet.get(i) && i != 1) {
                    fail("should set:" + i);

            byte[] value = new byte[8];
            long lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, 8);
            if (lv != 4) {
                fail("error long value:" + lv);


            short strLen = in.readShort();
            if (strLen != str.length()) {
                fail("error strLen:" + strLen);
            value = new byte[strLen];
            String strv = new String(value, 0, strLen);
            if (!strv.equals(str)) {
                fail("error strv:" + strv);

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, 8, (short) 13));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, 4, (short) 14));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 8, (short) 16));

            int valuelen = 1 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 12;
            DataChunk chunk2 = new DataChunk(fieldNum);

            ArrayList<byte[]> arrayList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(64);

            DataInputBuffer inputBuffer = new DataInputBuffer();
            byte[] buf = new byte[valuelen];
  , 0, valuelen);
            inputBuffer.reset(buf, 0, valuelen);
            chunk2.unpersistent(0, valuelen, inputBuffer);
            Record record2 = chunk2.toRecord(fieldMap, true, arrayList);

            bitSet = chunk2.fixedBitSet;

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldNum; i++) {
                if (bitSet.get(1)) {
                    fail("shoud not set");

                if (!bitSet.get(i) && i != 1) {
                    fail("should set:" + i);
            record = record2;

            int index = 0;
            byte type = record2.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            int len = record2.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            short idx = record2.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            value = record2.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 13) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            if (value == null) {
                fail("error value null");
            lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, 8);
            if (lv != 4) {
                fail("error long value:" + lv);

            index = 1;
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 14) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            if (value != null) {
                fail("error value not null");

            index = 2;
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            value = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;

            str = "hello konten";
            if (len != str.length()) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 16) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            if (value == null) {
                fail("error value null");
            String sv = new String(value, 0, len);
            if (!str.equals(sv)) {
                fail("error string value:" + sv);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("should not exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testInitUnit() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.beginKey = 1;
            info.endKey = 11;
            info.beginLine = 2;
            info.endLine = 22;
            info.offset = 300;
            info.len = 100;
            info.idx = 7;

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.head = new Head();
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);

            Unit unit2 = new Unit(info, seg);
            if (unit2.offset() != 300) {
                fail("error offset:" + unit2.offset());
            if (unit2.len() != 100 + (0 * 8) + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                fail("error len:" + unit2.len());
            if (unit2.beginKey() != 1) {
                fail("error beginkey:" + unit2.beginKey());
            if (unit2.endKey() != 11) {
                fail("error endKey:" + unit2.endKey());
            if (unit2.beginLine() != 2) {
                fail("error beginLine:" + unit2.beginLine());
            if (unit2.endLine() != 22) {
                fail("error endLine:" + unit2.endLine());

            Head head = new Head();
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnitInit", head);
            for (int i = 0; i < 67; i++) {

            Unit unit3 = new Unit(info, seg);
            if (unit3.beginLine() != 67) {
                fail("error beginLine:" + unit3.beginLine());
            if (unit3.endLine() != 67) {
                fail("error endLine:" + unit3.endLine());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddOneRecordUnit() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnitAddOneRecord", head);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);

            Record record = new Record(7);
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));


            if (unit.offset() != 0) {
                fail("error offset:" + unit.offset());
            if (unit.len() != full7chunkLen + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                fail("error len:" + unit.len());
            if (unit.recordNum() != 1) {
                fail("error recordNum:" + unit.recordNum());
            if (unit.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error beginLine:" + unit.beginLine());
            if (unit.endLine() != 1) {
                fail("error endLine:" + unit.endLine());
            if (unit.beginKey() != 0) {
                fail("error beginKey:" + unit.beginKey());
            if (unit.endKey() != 0) {
                fail("error endKey:" + unit.endKey());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddMuchRecordUnit() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnitAddMuchRecord", head);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);

            Record record = new Record(7);
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

            int count = 0;
            try {
                for (count = 1;; count++) {
            } catch (SEException.UnitFullException e) {


            if (unit.offset() != 0) {
                fail("error offset:" + unit.offset());
            if (unit.len() != full7chunkLen * count + count * 8 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                fail("error len:" + unit.len() + "count:" + count);
            if (unit.recordNum() != count) {
                fail("error recordNum:" + unit.recordNum());
            if (unit.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error beginLine:" + unit.beginLine());
            if (unit.endLine() != count) {
                fail("error endLine:" + unit.endLine());
            if (unit.beginKey() != 0) {
                fail("error beginKey:" + unit.beginKey());
            if (unit.endKey() != 0) {
                fail("error endKey:" + unit.endKey());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testPersistentUnitVar() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testPersistentUnitVar_tmp", head);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);

            Record record = new Record(7);
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

            int count = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

            String file = prefix + "testPersistentUnitVar";
            Path path = new Path(file);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            long pos = out.getPos();
            if (pos != full7chunkLen * count + count * 8 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                fail("error pos:" + pos);

            long len = unit.len();
            if (len != count * full7chunkLen + count * 8 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                fail("error unit.len" + len);

            FSDataInputStream in =;
   - 8 - 4);
            long metaOffset = in.readLong();
            if (metaOffset != full7chunkLen * count) {
                fail("error metaOffset:" + metaOffset);

   - 8 - 4 - 4);
            int recordNum = in.readInt();
            if (recordNum != count) {
                fail("error recordNum:" + recordNum);

            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                long offset = in.readLong();
                if (offset != full7chunkLen * i) {
                    fail("error offset:" + offset + "i:" + i);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testPersistentUnitNotVar() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testPersistentUnitNotVar_tmp", head);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);

            Record record = new Record(6);
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));

            int count = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

            String file = prefix + "testPersistentUnitNotVar";
            Path path = new Path(file);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            long pos = out.getPos();
            if (pos != full6chunkLen * count + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                fail("error pos:" + pos);

            long len = unit.len();
            if (len != count * full6chunkLen + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                fail("error unit.len" + len);

            FSDataInputStream in =;
   - 8 - 4);
            long metaOffset = in.readLong();
            if (metaOffset != full6chunkLen * count) {
                fail("error metaOffset:" + metaOffset);

   - 8 - 4 - 4);
            int recordNum = in.readInt();
            if (recordNum != count) {
                fail("error recordNum:" + recordNum);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testUnpersistenUnitVar() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.head = head;

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;
            info.len = 100 * full7chunkLen + 100 * 8 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);

            String file = prefix + "testPersistentUnitVar";
            Path path = new Path(file);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            byte[] buffer = unit.loadUnitBuffer(in);

            unit.loadDataMeta(buffer, true);

            if (unit.recordNum() != 100) {
                fail("error recordNum:" + unit.recordNum());

            if (unit.offsetArray() == null) {
                fail("error offsetArray, null");

            if (unit.offsetArray().length != 100) {
                fail("error offsetArray len:" + unit.offsetArray().length);

            ArrayList<byte[]> arrayList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(64);

            ByteArrayInputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
            DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(stream1);
            DataInputBuffer inputBuffer = new DataInputBuffer();
            inputBuffer.reset(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < unit.offsetArray().length; i++) {
                if (unit.offsetArray()[i] != full7chunkLen * i) {
                    fail("error meta offset:" + unit.offsetArray()[i] + "i:" + i);

                DataChunk chunk = new DataChunk((short) 7);
                chunk.unpersistent(unit.offsetArray()[i], full7chunkLen, inputBuffer);

                Record record = chunk.toRecord(fieldMap, true, arrayList);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testUnpersistenUnitNotVar() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));

            Head head = new Head();

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.head = head;

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;
            info.len = 100 * full6chunkLen + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);

            String file = prefix + "testPersistentUnitNotVar";
            Path path = new Path(file);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            byte[] buffer = unit.loadUnitBuffer(in);

            unit.loadDataMeta(buffer, false);

            if (unit.recordNum() != 100) {
                fail("error recordNum:" + unit.recordNum());

            ArrayList<byte[]> arrayList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(64);

            ByteArrayInputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
            DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(stream1);
            DataInputBuffer inputBuffer = new DataInputBuffer();
            inputBuffer.reset(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                DataChunk chunk = new DataChunk((short) 6);
                chunk.unpersistent(i * 29, full6chunkLen, inputBuffer);

                Record record = chunk.toRecord(fieldMap, true, arrayList);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testTransferUnit() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testTransferUnitOneRecord_tmp", head);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 123;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);

            Record record = new Record(7);
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

            if (unit.offset() != 123) {
                fail("error offset1:" + unit.offset());

            DataInputBuffer inputBuffer = new DataInputBuffer();
            inputBuffer.reset(((DataOutputBuffer) unit.metasBuffer).getData(), 0,
                    ((DataOutputBuffer) unit.metasBuffer).getLength());
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                long value = inputBuffer.readLong();
                if (value != 123 + i * full7chunkLen) {
                    fail("error data offset1:" + value + "i:" + i);

            if (unit.metaOffset() != 123 + full7chunkLen * 100) {
                fail("error metaOffset1:" + unit.metaOffset());


            if (unit.offset() != 2000) {
                fail("error offset2:" + unit.offset());

            inputBuffer.reset(((DataOutputBuffer) unit.metasBuffer).getData(), 0,
                    ((DataOutputBuffer) unit.metasBuffer).getLength());
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                long value = inputBuffer.readLong();
                if (value != 2000 + i * full7chunkLen) {
                    fail("error data offset2:" + value + "i:" + i);
            if (unit.metaOffset() != 2000 + full7chunkLen * 100) {
                fail("error metaOffset2:" + unit.metaOffset());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineUnit() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnitGetRecordByLine_tmp", head);

            String fileName = prefix + "testUnitGetRecordByLine";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 123;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (0 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (1 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (2 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (3 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (4.4 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (5.55 + i), (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) 6));



            if (unit.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error beginLine:" + unit.beginLine());
            if (unit.endLine() != 100) {
                fail("error endLine:" + unit.endLine());
            byte[] buf = new byte[(int) unit.offset()];


            info.len = unit.len();
            info.beginLine = unit.beginLine();
            info.endLine = unit.endLine();

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd2.head = head;
            Segment seg2 = new Segment(info, fd2);
            Unit unit2 = new Unit(info, seg2);

            if (unit2.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error begin line:" + unit2.beginLine());
            if (unit2.endLine() != 100) {
                fail("error end line :" + unit2.endLine());

            try {
                Record record = unit2.getRecordByLine(-1);
                if (record != null) {
                    fail("should get null");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());
            try {
                Record record = unit2.getRecordByLine(120);
                if (record != null) {
                    fail("should get null");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                try {
                    Record record = unit2.getRecordByLine(i);

                    short index = 0;
                    byte type = record.getType(index);
                    int len = record.getLen(index);
                    byte[] value = record.getValue(index);
                    short idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 0) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    byte bv = value[0];
                    if (bv != i + index) {
                        fail("error value:" + bv);

                    index = 1;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 1) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    short sv = Util.bytes2short(value, 0, 2);
                    if (sv != i + index) {
                        fail("error value:" + sv);

                    index = 2;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 2) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    int iv = Util.bytes2int(value, 0, 4);
                    if (iv != i + index) {
                        fail("error value:" + iv);

                    index = 3;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 3) {
                        fail("fail idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    long lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, 8);
                    if (lv != i + index) {
                        fail("error value:" + lv);

                    index = 4;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 4) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    float fv = Util.bytes2float(value, 0);
                    if (fv != (float) (4.4 + i)) {
                        fail("error value:" + fv);

                    index = 5;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 5) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    double dv = Util.bytes2double(value, 0);
                    if (dv != (double) (5.55 + i)) {
                        fail("error value:" + dv);

                    index = 6;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 6) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    String str = "hello konten" + i;
                    if (len != str.length()) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");

                    String strv = new String(value, 0, len);
                    if (!str.equals(strv)) {
                        fail("error value:" + strv);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByOrderUnit() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnitGetRecordByOrder_tmp", head);

            String fileName = prefix + "testUnitGetRecordByOrder";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 123;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (0 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (1 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (2 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (3 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (4.4 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (5.55 + i), (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) 6));



            if (unit.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error beginLine:" + unit.beginLine());
            if (unit.endLine() != 100) {
                fail("error endLine:" + unit.endLine());
            byte[] buf = new byte[(int) unit.offset()];


            info.len = unit.len();
            info.beginLine = unit.beginLine();
            info.endLine = unit.endLine();

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd2.head = head;
            Segment seg2 = new Segment(info, fd2);
            Unit unit2 = new Unit(info, seg2);

            if (unit2.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error begin line:" + unit2.beginLine());
            if (unit2.endLine() != 100) {
                fail("error end line :" + unit2.endLine());

            Record[] records = unit2.getRecordByValue(null, 0, ConstVar.OP_GetAll);
            if (records.length != 100) {
                fail("error record.len:" + records.length);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                Record record = records[i];
                try {
                    short index = 0;
                    byte type = record.getType(index);
                    int len = record.getLen(index);
                    byte[] value = record.getValue(index);
                    short idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 0) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    byte bv = value[0];
                    if (bv != (byte) (i + index)) {
                        fail("error value:" + bv);

                    index = 1;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 1) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    short sv = Util.bytes2short(value, 0, 2);
                    if (sv != i + index) {
                        fail("error value:" + sv);

                    index = 2;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 2) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    int iv = Util.bytes2int(value, 0, 4);
                    if (iv != i + index) {
                        fail("error value:" + iv);

                    index = 3;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 3) {
                        fail("fail idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    long lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, 8);
                    if (lv != i + index) {
                        fail("error value:" + sv);

                    index = 4;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 4) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    float fv = Util.bytes2float(value, 0);
                    if (fv != (float) (4.4 + i)) {
                        fail("error value:" + fv);

                    index = 5;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 5) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    double dv = Util.bytes2double(value, 0);
                    if (dv != (double) (5.55 + i)) {
                        fail("error value:" + dv);

                    index = 6;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 6) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    String str = "hello konten" + i;
                    if (len != str.length()) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");

                    String strv = new String(value);
                    if (!str.equals(strv)) {
                        fail("error value:" + strv);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByValueUnit() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnitGetRecordByValue_tmp", head);

            String fileName = prefix + "testUnitGetRecordByValue";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 123;
            Segment seg = new Segment(info, fd);
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, seg);
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (0 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (1 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (2 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (3 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (4.4 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (5.55 + i), (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) 6));



            if (unit.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error beginLine:" + unit.beginLine());
            if (unit.endLine() != 100) {
                fail("error endLine:" + unit.endLine());
            byte[] buf = new byte[(int) unit.offset()];


            info.len = unit.len();
            info.beginLine = unit.beginLine();
            info.endLine = unit.endLine();

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd2.head = head;
            Segment seg2 = new Segment(info, fd2);
            Unit unit2 = new Unit(info, seg2);

            if (unit2.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error begin line:" + unit2.beginLine());
            if (unit2.endLine() != 100) {
                fail("error end line :" + unit2.endLine());

            FieldValue[] values1 = new FieldValue[2];
            values1[0] = new FieldValue((short) (3), (short) 3);
            values1[1] = new FieldValue((int) (3), (short) 5);
            Record[] records1 = unit2.getRecordByValue(values1, values1.length, ConstVar.OP_GetSpecial);
            if (records1 != null) {
                fail("should return null");


            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                int base = 0;
                FieldValue[] values = new FieldValue[2];
                values[0] = new FieldValue((short) (1 + i), (short) 1);
                values[1] = new FieldValue((int) (2 + i), (short) 2);
                Record[] records = unit2.getRecordByValue(values, values.length, ConstVar.OP_GetSpecial);
                if (i < 100) {
                    if (records == null) {
                        fail("records null:" + i);

                    if (records.length != 1) {
                        fail("error record.len:" + records.length + "i:" + i);
                } else {
                    if (records != null) {
                        fail("should return null:" + i);

                if (records == null) {

                Record record = records[0];
                try {
                    short index = 0;
                    byte type = record.getType(index);
                    int len = record.getLen(index);
                    byte[] value = record.getValue(index);
                    short idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 0) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    byte bv = value[0];
                    if (bv != (byte) (i + index + base)) {
                        fail("error value:" + bv);

                    index = 1;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 1) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    short sv = Util.bytes2short(value, 0, 2);
                    if (sv != i + index + base) {
                        fail("error value:" + sv);

                    index = 2;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 2) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    int iv = Util.bytes2int(value, 0, 4);
                    if (iv != i + index + base) {
                        fail("error value:" + iv);

                    index = 3;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 3) {
                        fail("fail idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    long lv = Util.bytes2long(value, 0, 8);
                    if (lv != i + index + base) {
                        fail("error value:" + sv);

                    index = 4;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 4) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    float fv = Util.bytes2float(value, 0);
                    if (fv != (float) (4.4 + i + base)) {
                        fail("error value:" + fv);

                    index = 5;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 5) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");
                    double dv = Util.bytes2double(value, 0);
                    if (dv != (double) (5.55 + i + base)) {
                        fail("error value:" + dv);

                    index = 6;
                    type = record.getType(index);
                    len = record.getLen(index);
                    value = record.getValue(index);
                    idx = record.getIndex(index);
                    if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                        fail("fail type:" + type);
                    if (idx != 6) {
                        fail("error idx:" + idx);
                    String str = "hello konten" + (i + base);
                    if (len != str.length()) {
                        fail("fail len:" + len);
                    if (value == null) {
                        fail("error value null");

                    String strv = new String(value);
                    if (!str.equals(strv)) {
                        fail("error value:" + strv);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testInitSegment() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            if (segment.beginKey() != 0) {
                fail("error begin key:" + segment.beginKey());
            if (segment.endKey() != 0) {
                fail("error end key:" + segment.endKey());
            if (segment.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error begin line:" + segment.beginLine());
            if (segment.endLine() != 0) {
                fail("error endLine:" + segment.endLine());

            if (segment.offset() != -1) {
                fail("error offset:" + segment.offset());
            if (segment.currentOffset() != -1) {
                fail("error current offset:" + segment.currentOffset());
            if (segment.recordNum() != 0) {
                fail("error record num :" + segment.recordNum());
            if ( != 64 * 1024 * 1024) {
                fail("error total:" +;
            if (segment.remain() != {
                fail("error remain:" + segment.remain());
            if (segment.unitNum() != 0) {
                fail("error unitNum:" + segment.unitNum());
            if (segment.units().size() != 0) {
                fail("error units.size:" + segment.units().size());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testInitSegment_tmp1", new Head());

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            if (segment.beginKey() != 0) {
                fail("error begin key:" + segment.beginKey());
            if (segment.endKey() != 0) {
                fail("error end key:" + segment.endKey());
            if (segment.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error begin line:" + segment.beginLine());
            if (segment.endLine() != 0) {
                fail("error endLine:" + segment.endLine());

            if (segment.offset() != 12) {
                fail("error offset:" + segment.offset());
            if (segment.currentOffset() != 12) {
                fail("error current offset:" + segment.currentOffset());
            if (segment.recordNum() != 0) {
                fail("error record num :" + segment.recordNum());
            if ( != 64 * 1024 * 1024 - 12) {
                fail("error total:" +;
            if (segment.remain() != - 24) {
                fail("error remain:" + segment.remain());
            if (segment.unitNum() != 0) {
                fail("error unitNum:" + segment.unitNum());
            if (segment.units().size() != 0) {
                fail("error units.size:" + segment.units().size());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddRecordSegment() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testAddRecordSegment_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));


            if (segment.beginKey() != 0) {
                fail("error begin key:" + segment.beginKey());
            if (segment.endKey() != 0) {
                fail("error end key:" + segment.endKey());
            if (segment.beginLine() != 0) {
                fail("error begin line:" + segment.beginLine());
            if (segment.endLine() != 0) {
                fail("error endLine:" + segment.endLine());

            if (segment.offset() != 12) {
                fail("error offset:" + segment.offset());
            if (segment.currentOffset() != 12) {
                fail("error current offset:" + segment.currentOffset());
            if (segment.recordNum() != 0) {
                fail("error record num :" + segment.recordNum());
            if ( != 64 * 1024 * 1024 - 12) {
                fail("error total:" +;
            if (segment.remain() != - 24) {
                fail("error remain:" + segment.remain());
            if (segment.unitNum() != 0) {
                fail("error unitNum:" + segment.unitNum());
            if (segment.units().size() != 0) {
                fail("error units.size:" + segment.units().size());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddRecordSegmentFull() {
        int count = 1;
        Segment segment = null;
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testAddRecordSegmentFull_tmp", head);

            segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            for (int i = 0;; i++, count++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

                record = null;

                if (count == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                    fail("should seg full exception");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (SEException.SegmentFullException e) {
            if (segment.recordNum() != count - segment.currentUnit().recordNum()) {
                fail("error record num:" + segment.recordNum());

            try {
                if (segment.remain() > segment.currentUnit().len()) {
                    fail("should add, remain:" + segment.remain() + ",unit.len:" + segment.currentUnit().len());
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                fail("get exception len:" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddUnitSegment() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testAddUnitSegment_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitSize = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                addRecord2Unit(unit, 100);
                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                if (unit.len() != (100 * full7chunkLen + 8 * 100 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset)) {
                    fail("error unit.len:" + unit.len());

            int unitlen = (100 * full7chunkLen + 8 * 100 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset);

            if (segment.beginLine() != 100) {
                fail("error begin line:" + segment.beginLine());
            if (segment.endLine() != 1100) {
                fail("error end line:" + segment.endLine());
            if (segment.beginKey() != 0) {
                fail("error begin key:" + segment.beginKey());
            if (segment.endKey() != 0) {
                fail("error end key:" + segment.endKey());
            if (segment.offset() != 12) {
                fail("error offset:" + segment.offset());
            if (segment.currentOffset() != 12 + unitlen * 10) {
                fail("error current offset:" + segment.currentOffset());
            if (segment.unitNum() != unitSize) {
                fail("error unitNum:" + segment.unitNum());

            if (segment.unitIndex().len() != unitSize * ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen) {
                fail("error unit index len:" + segment.unitIndex().len());

            long total = fd.confSegmentSize() - 12;
            if (segment.remain() != total - unitlen * unitSize - unitSize * ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen
                    - ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset) {
                fail("error remain:" + segment.remain());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddUnitSegmentFull() {
        int count = 0;
        Segment segment = null;
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testAddUnitSegmentFull_tmp", head);

            segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            for (int i = 0;; i++, count++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (SEException.SegmentFullException e) {
            if (segment.unitNum() != count) {
                fail("error unit num:" + segment.unitNum());

            if (segment.remain() > 77 + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen) {
                fail("should add, remain:" + segment.remain() + ",need len:" + (77 + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddUnitLineIndex() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testAddUnitLineIndex_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitSize = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;

            if (segment.unitIndex().len() != ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen * unitSize) {
                fail("error unitIndex len:" + segment.unitIndex().len());

            if (segment.unitIndex().lineIndexInfos().size() != unitSize) {
                fail("error line index size:" + segment.unitIndex().lineIndexInfos().size());
            if (segment.unitIndex().keyIndexInfos().size() != 0) {
                fail("error key index size:" + segment.unitIndex().keyIndexInfos().size());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddUnitKeyIndex() {


    public void testGetSegmentLen() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testGetSegmentLen_tmp1", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));


            if (segment.recordNum() != 0) {
                fail("error record num:" + segment.recordNum());
            if (segment.len() != ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset) {
                fail("error len:" + segment.len());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:e" + e.getMessage());

        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testGetSegmentLen_tmp2", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitSize = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                addRecord2Unit(unit, 100);
                if (unit.len() != 100 * full7chunkLen + 8 * 100 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                    fail("error unitlen:" + unit.len());

            int unitlen = 100 * full7chunkLen + 8 * 100 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset;
            if (segment.len() != unitSize * unitlen + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen * unitSize
                    + ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset) {
                fail("error segment.len:" + segment.len());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetDummyLen() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testGetDummyLen_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitlen = 100 * full7chunkLen + 8 * 100 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset;
            int unitSize = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                addRecord2Unit(unit, 100);

                if (unit.len() != unitlen) {
                    fail("error unit.len:" + unit.len());


            long total = fd.confSegmentSize() - 12;
            if (segment.remain() != total - unitSize * unitlen - ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen * unitSize
                    - ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset) {
                fail("error segment.remain:" + segment.remain());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testPersistentLineUnitIndex() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testPersistentLineUnitIndex_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitSize = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                addRecord2Unit(unit, 100);

                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;


            int unitlen = full7chunkLen * 100 + 8 * 100 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset;
            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentLineUnitIndex";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            if (out.getPos() != unitSize * ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen) {
                fail("error pos:" + out.getPos());

            if (segment.lineIndexOffset() != 0) {
                fail("error line index offset:" + segment.lineIndexOffset());
            if (segment.keyIndexOffset() != -1) {
                fail("error key index offset:" + segment.keyIndexOffset());

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                int beginLine = in.readInt();
                int endLine = in.readInt();
                long offset = in.readLong();
                long len = in.readLong();
                int idx = in.readInt();

                if (beginLine != (i + 1) * 100) {
                    fail("error begin line:" + beginLine + " i:" + i);
                if (endLine != (i + 2) * 100) {
                    fail("error end line:" + endLine + " i:" + i);
                if (offset != i * 100) {
                    fail("error offset:" + offset + " i:" + i);
                if (len != unitlen) {
                    fail("error len:" + len + " i:" + i);
                if (idx != i) {
                    fail("error idx:" + idx + " i:" + i);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testPersistentKeyUnitIndex() {


    public void testPersistentUnitIndexMeta() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testPersistentUnitIndexMeta_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitSize = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;

            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentUnitIndexMeta";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            segment.recordNum = 234;

            if (out.getPos() != ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset) {
                fail("error pos:" + out.getPos());

            FSDataInputStream in =;

            int recordNum = in.readInt();
            int unitNum = in.readInt();
            long keyIndexOffset = in.readLong();
            long lineIndexOffset = in.readLong();

            if (recordNum != 234) {
                fail("error recordnum:" + recordNum);
            if (unitNum != unitSize) {
                fail("error unitNum:" + unitNum);
            if (keyIndexOffset != -1) {
                fail("error key index offset:" + keyIndexOffset);
            if (lineIndexOffset != -1) {
                fail("error line inded offset:" + lineIndexOffset);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testPersistentDummy() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testPersistentDummy_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitSize = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;

            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentDummy";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);


            segment.recordNum = 234;

            if (out.getPos() != segment.unitIndex().len() + ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset + segment.remain()) {
                fail("error pos:" + out.getPos());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testUnpersistentUnitIndexMeta() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnpersistentUnitIndexMeta_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentUnitIndexMeta";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            int unitSize = 100;


            if (segment.recordNum() != 234) {
                fail("error record num:" + segment.recordNum());
            if (segment.unitNum() != unitSize) {
                fail("error unit num:" + segment.unitNum());
            if (segment.keyIndexOffset() != -1) {
                fail("error keyIndex offset:" + segment.keyIndexOffset());
            if (segment.lineIndexOffset() != -1) {
                fail("error lineIndexOffset:" + segment.lineIndexOffset());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testUnpersistentLineUnitIndex() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 12;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testUnpersistentLineUnitIndex_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentLineUnitIndex";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            int unitSize = 100;

            segment.setUnitIndex(new UnitIndex());

            if (segment.unitIndex().len() != ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen * unitSize) {
                fail("error unitIndex len:" + segment.unitIndex().len());

            if (segment.unitIndex().lineIndexInfos().size() != unitSize) {
                fail("error line index size:" + segment.unitIndex().lineIndexInfos().size());
            if (segment.unitIndex().keyIndexInfos().size() != 0) {
                fail("error key index size:" + segment.unitIndex().keyIndexInfos().size());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testUnpersistentKeyUnitIndex() {


    public void testCanPersistentSegment() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;

            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testCanPersistentSegment_tmp", head);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            info.len = 64 * 1024 * 1024 - ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen - ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset;
            Unit unit = new Unit(info, segment);

            if (!segment.canPersistented()) {
                fail("shoud can persistent, remain:" + segment.remain() + "need:"
                        + (unit.len() + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen));

            info.len = 64 * 1024 * 1024 - ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen - ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset + 1;
            Unit unit2 = new Unit(info, segment);

            if (segment.canPersistented()) {
                fail("should not persistent, remain:" + segment.remain() + "need:"
                        + (unit.len() + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    private void addRecord2Unit(Unit unit, int count) throws Exception {
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Record record = new Record(7);
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));


    public void testPersistentSegment() {
        try {
            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testPersistentSegment_tmp", head);

            String fileName = prefix + "testPersistentSegment";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            Segment segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int unitSize = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
                indexInfo.offset = i * 100;
                indexInfo.len = 77;
                indexInfo.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                indexInfo.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                indexInfo.idx = i;

                Unit unit = new Unit(indexInfo, segment);
                addRecord2Unit(unit, 100);
                unit.beginLine = (i + 1) * 100;
                unit.endLine = (i + 2) * 100;
                if (unit.len() != 100 * full7chunkLen + 100 * 8 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset) {
                    fail("error unit.len:" + unit.len());

            segment.recordNum = 234;


            if (out.getPos() != fd.confSegmentSize()) {
                System.out.println("seg.len:" + segment.len() + "seg.remain:" + segment.remain() + "index.len"
                        + segment.unitIndex().len());
                fail("error pos:" + out.getPos());

            int unitlen = full7chunkLen * 100 + 8 * 100 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset;
            FSDataInputStream in =;


            info.offset = 0;
            info.len = segment.len();
            Segment segment2 = new Segment(info, fd);
            if (segment2.recordNum() != 234) {
                fail("error recordnum:" + segment2.recordNum());
            if (segment2.unitNum() != unitSize) {
                fail("error unitNum:" + segment2.unitNum());
            if (segment2.keyIndexOffset() != -1) {
                fail("error key index offset:" + segment2.keyIndexOffset());
            if (segment2.lineIndexOffset() != unitlen * unitSize) {
                fail("error line index offset:" + segment2.lineIndexOffset());
            if (segment2.units().size() != unitSize) {
                fail("error units.size:" + segment2.units().size());

            UnitIndex index = segment2.unitIndex();
            if (index.lineIndexInfos().size() != unitSize) {
                fail("error line unit index size:" + index.lineIndexInfos().size());
            if (index.keyIndexInfos().size() != 0) {
                fail("error key unit index size:" + index.keyIndexInfos().size());

            for (int i = 0; i < unitSize; i++) {
                IndexInfo ii = index.lineIndexInfos().get(i);
                if (ii.beginLine() != (1 + i) * 100) {
                    fail("error beginline:" + ii.beginLine() + "i:" + i);
                if (ii.endLine() != (2 + i) * 100) {
                    fail("error end line:" + ii.endLine() + "i:" + i);
                if (ii.offset() != i * 100) {
                    fail("error offset:" + ii.offset() + "i:" + i);
                if (ii.len != unitlen) {
                    fail("error len:" + ii.len() + "i:" + i);
                if (ii.idx() != i) {
                    fail("error idx:" + ii.idx() + "i:" + i);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get Exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineSegment() {
        Segment segment = null;
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineSegment";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.head = head;

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;

            segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int recordNum = 150000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

                record = null;


            FSDataInputStream in =;


            info.offset = 0;
            info.len = segment.len();
            info.beginLine = 0;
            info.endLine = 1500000;
            Segment segment2 = new Segment(info, fd);
            Record record = segment2.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = segment2.getRecordByLine(150000);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");
            record = segment2.getRecordByLine(150001);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = segment2.getRecordByLine(0);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");


            int line = 150000 - 1;
            record = segment2.getRecordByLine(line);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");


        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByValueSegment() {

    public void testGetRecordByOrderSegment() {
        Segment segment = null;
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByValueSegment";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(path);

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.head = head;

            IndexInfo info = new IndexInfo();
            info.offset = 0;

            segment = new Segment(info, fd);

            int recordNum = 150000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

                record = null;


            FSDataInputStream in =;


            info.offset = 0;
            info.len = segment.len();

            Segment segment2 = new Segment(info, fd);

            FieldValue[] values = new FieldValue[2];
            values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 2);
            values[1] = new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 3);
            Record[] records = segment2.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
            if (records != null) {
                fail("should get null, index error, records.len:" + records.length);

            values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0);
            values[1] = new FieldValue((short) 3, (short) 1);
            records = segment2.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
            if (records != null) {
                fail("should get null, value error");

            values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0);
            values[1] = new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1);
            records = segment2.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
            if (records == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            if (records.length != 150000) {
                fail("error result size:" + records.length);

            for (int i = 0; i < 150000; i++) {

            records = segment2.getRecordByOrder(null, 0);
            if (records == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            if (records.length != 150000) {
                fail("error result size:" + records.length);

            for (int i = 0; i < 150000; i++) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testSetNoPreFileName() {
        try {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testSetNoPreFileName";
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            if (!fs.isFile(path)) {
                fail("create file fail");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());


    public void testSetPreFileName() {
        try {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            Head head = new Head();

            //String fileName = "hdfs://tdw-172-25-38-246:54310/user/tdwadmin/testSetPreFileName";
            String fileName = "/user/tdwadmin/se_test/fs/basic/testSetPreFileName";
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            if (!fs.isFile(path)) {
                fail("create file fail");
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testSetInvalidFileName() {
        try {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = "hdfs://tdw-172-25-38-246:54310/user/tdwadmin/se_test/testSetInvalidFileName";
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            fail("invalid file name");
        } catch (IOException e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testGetUnitSize() {
        try {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            long unitSize = fd.confUnitSize();
            if (unitSize == 0) {
                fail("get unit size fail:" + unitSize);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testGetSegmentSize() {
        try {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            long segSize = fd.confSegmentSize();
            if (segSize == 0) {
                fail("get seg size fail:" + segSize);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testUnitSizeGreatThanSegmentSize() {
        try {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testWriteHead() {
        try {
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            String fileName = prefix + "testWriteHead";

            Head head = new Head();

            fd.create(fileName, head);

            long fileLen = fd.getFileLen();
            long realLen = head.len() + ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset;
            if (fileLen != realLen) {
                fail("fileLen != realLen, fileLen:" + fileLen + "realLen:" + realLen);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testAddRecord() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testAddRecord", head);

            int size = 100;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

            if (fd.recordNum() != size) {
                fail("error record num:" + fd.recordNum());
            if (fd.currentSegment().currentUnit() == null) {
                fail("null current unit");
            if (fd.currentSegment() == null) {
                fail("null current seg");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testAddRecordMoreSegment() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testAddRecordMoreSegment", head);

            int size = 200 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

            if (fd.recordNum() != size) {
                fail("error record num:" + fd.recordNum());
            if (fd.currentSegment().currentUnit() == null) {
                fail("null current unit");
            if (fd.currentSegment() == null) {
                fail("null current seg");
            if (fd.segmentNum() != 1) {
                fail("error segment num:" + fd.segmentNum());

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testClose() {
        try {
            Head head = new Head();
            head.setVar((byte) 1);
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(prefix + "testClose", head);

            int size = 100 * 10000;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));

            if (fd.recordNum() != size) {
                fail("error record num:" + fd.recordNum());
            if (fd.currentSegment().currentUnit() == null) {
                fail("null current unit");
            if (fd.currentSegment() == null) {
                fail("null current seg");
            if (fd.segmentNum() != 0) {
                fail("error segment num:" + fd.segmentNum());

            int headLen = head.len();
            long currentUnitLen = fd.currentSegment().currentUnit().len();
            long segmentLen = fd.currentSegment().len() + currentUnitLen + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen;
            long remain = fd.currentSegment().remain();
            int unitNum = fd.currentSegment().unitNum();

            int indexLen = ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen * fd.segmentNum();
            int metaLen = ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset;

            long fileLen = fd.getFileLen();

            if (fileLen != headLen + segmentLen + indexLen + metaLen) {
                fail("error file len:" + fileLen);

            if ( != null) {
                fail("in should set null");
            if (fd.out() != null) {
                fail("out should set null");
            if (fd.recordNum() != 0) {
                fail("record num should set 0");
            if (fd.keyIndexOffset != -1) {
                fail("key index offset not -1");
            if (fd.lineIndexOffset != -1) {
                fail("line index offset not -1");
            if (fd.currentOffset != -1) {
                fail("current offset not -1");
            if (fd.hasLoadAllSegmentDone) {
                fail("has load all segment Done not false");

            String fileName = prefix + "testClose";
            Path path = new Path(fileName);
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            FSDataInputStream in =;

            long metaOffset = fileLen - ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset;

            int recordNum = in.readInt();
            int segNum = in.readInt();
            long keyIndexOffset = in.readLong();
            long lineIndexOffset = in.readLong();

            if (recordNum != size) {
                fail("error record num:" + recordNum);
            if (segNum != 1) {
                fail("error segNum:" + segNum);
            if (keyIndexOffset != -1) {
                fail("error key index offset:" + keyIndexOffset);
            if (lineIndexOffset != (headLen + segmentLen)) {
                fail("error line index offset:" + lineIndexOffset);

            for (int i = 0; i < segNum; i++) {
                int beginLine = in.readInt();
                int endLine = in.readInt();
                long offset = in.readLong();
                long len = in.readLong();
                int idx = in.readInt();

                if (beginLine != 0) {
                    fail("error beginLine:" + beginLine);
                if (endLine != size) {
                    fail("error end line:" + endLine);
                if (offset != head.len()) {
                    fail("error offset:" + offset);
                long tlen = size * full7chunkLen + size * 8 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset * (unitNum + 1)
                        + 28 * (unitNum + 1) + 24;
                if (len != tlen) {
                    fail("error len:" + len);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testNoFillLastSegment() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testNoFillLastSegment";
            Head head = new Head();

            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));


            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            Record record = new Record(7);
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) 3, (short) 2));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) 4, (short) 3));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) 5.5, (short) 4));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) 6.6, (short) 5));
            record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten", (short) 6));



            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
            long fileLen = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(fileName)).getLen();

            int tlen = head.len() + full7chunkLen + 8 + ConstVar.DataChunkMetaOffset + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen
                    + ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset + ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen + ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset;
            if (fileLen != tlen) {
                fail("error file len:" + fileLen);

            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(new Configuration());
            if (fd2.recordNum() != 1) {
                fail("error record num:" + fd2.recordNum());
            if (fd2.segmentNum() != 1) {
                fail("error segment num:" + fd2.segmentNum());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testOpenNoRecord() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testOpenNoRecord";
            Head head = new Head();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(new Configuration());
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
            long fileLen = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(fileName)).getLen();
            if (fileLen != head.len() + ConstVar.IndexMetaOffset) {
                fail("error file len:" + fileLen);

            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(new Configuration());
            if (fd2.recordNum() != 0) {
                fail("error record num:" + fd2.recordNum());
            if (fd2.segmentNum() != 0) {
                fail("error segment num:" + fd2.segmentNum());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testOpen() {
        try {
            String fileName = prefix + "testAddRecordMoreSegment";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            int recordNum = 200 * 10000;
            if (fd.segmentNum() != 2) {
                fail("error segment num:" + fd.segmentNum());
            if (fd.recordNum() != recordNum) {
                fail("error record num:" + recordNum);
            if (fd.segmentIndex().len() != ConstVar.LineIndexRecordLen * 2) {
                fail("error index len:" + fd.segmentIndex().len());
            if (fd.segmentIndex().lineIndexInfos().size() != 2) {
                fail("error unit index size:" + fd.segmentIndex().lineIndexInfos().size());
            if (fd.segmentIndex().keyIndexInfos().size() != 0) {
                fail("error key index size:" + fd.segmentIndex().keyIndexInfos().size());
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testGetRecordByLineFD() {
        Segment segment = null;
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testAddRecordMoreSegment";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            int recordNum = 200 * 10000;

            Record record = fd.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");
            record = fd.getRecordByLine(0);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");


            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum - 1);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(45687);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFDNotVar() {
        Segment segment = null;
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDNotVar";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 200 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(6);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) 5));



            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            Record record = fd2.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");
            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(0);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");

            judgeNotFixedRecord(record, 0);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum - 1);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(record, recordNum - 1);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(45687);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(record, 45687);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByOrderFD() {
        Segment segment = null;
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testAddRecordMoreSegment";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            int recordNum = 200 * 10000;

            FieldValue[] values = new FieldValue[2];
            values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 2);
            values[1] = new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 3);

            Record[] records = fd.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
            if (records != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) 2, (short) 1);
            values[1] = new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 3);

            records = fd.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
            if (records != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) 1, (short) 0);
            values[1] = new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 1);

            records = fd.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
            if (records == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            if (records.length != recordNum) {
                fail("error record len:" + records.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFD2() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFD2";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 200 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) 6));



            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            Record record = fd2.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");
            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(0);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");

            judgeNotFixedRecord(record, 0);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum - 1);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(record, recordNum - 1);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(45687);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(record, 45687);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByOrderFD2() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFD2";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            FieldValue[] values = new FieldValue[2];
            values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) 2, (short) 1);
            values[1] = new FieldValue((short) 2, (short) 3);

            Record[] records = fd.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
            if (records != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
                values[0] = new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0);
                values[1] = new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1);

                records = fd.getRecordByOrder(values, values.length);
                if (records == null) {
                    fail("should not get null");
                if (records.length != 31) {
                    fail("error record len:" + records.length);

                judgeNotFixedRecord(records[0], i);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFD3() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFD3";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 200 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) 6));



            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            Record value = new Record();
            Record record = fd2.getRecordByLine(-1, value);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");
            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(0, value);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");

            judgeNotFixedRecord(value, 0);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum - 1, value);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(value, recordNum - 1);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum, value);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(45687, value);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(value, 45687);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFD3NotVar() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFD3NotVar";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 200 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(6);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) 5));



            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            Record value = new Record();
            Record record = fd2.getRecordByLine(-1, value);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");
            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(0, value);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");

            judgeNotFixedRecord(value, 0);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum - 1, value);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(value, recordNum - 1);

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum, value);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd2.getRecordByLine(45687, value);
            if (record == null) {
                fail("should not get null");
            judgeNotFixedRecord(value, 45687);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFDReadManyTimes() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) (i * 7 + 0)));
                fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) (i * 7 + 1)));
                fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) (i * 7 + 2)));
                fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) (i * 7 + 3)));
                fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) (i * 7 + 4)));
                        new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) (i * 7 + 5)));
                fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) (i * 7 + 6)));
            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDReadManyTimes1";

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(70);
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                    record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 0)));
                    record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 1)));
                    record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 2)));
                    record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 3)));
                    record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 4)));
                    record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 5)));
                    record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) (j * 7 + 6)));

            FieldMap fieldMap2 = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) (0)));
            fieldMap2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) (1)));
            fieldMap2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) (2)));
            fieldMap2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) (3)));
            fieldMap2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) (4)));
            fieldMap2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) (5)));
            fieldMap2.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) (6)));

            Head head2 = new Head();
            String fileName2 = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDReadManyTimes2";
            FormatDataFile fd2 = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd2.create(fileName2, head2);
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) 6));



            FormatDataFile fd3 = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            Record value = new Record();
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = fd3.getRecordByLine(i, value);
                judgeNotFixedRecordMuchFields(record, i);

            FormatDataFile fd4 = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            Record value2 = new Record();
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = fd4.getRecordByLine(i, value2);
                judgeNotFixedRecord(record, i);

            Record value3 = new Record();
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = fd3.getRecordByLine(i, value3);
                judgeNotFixedRecordMuchFields(record, i);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFDNullField() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();

            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) (1)));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) (3)));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) (5)));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) (7)));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) (9)));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) (11)));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) (13)));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDNullField";

            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                int j = 0;
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 1)));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 3)));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, null, (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 7)));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 9)));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) (j * 7 + 11)));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) (j * 7 + 13)));


            FormatDataFile fd3 = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            Record value = new Record();
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = fd3.getRecordByLine(i, value);
                judgeNotFixedRecordNullField(record, i);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testNotRecordFormatDataFile() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();

            String fileName = prefix + "testNotRecordFormatDataFile";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);


            SegmentIndex segmentIndex = fd.segmentIndex();
            if (segmentIndex == null) {
                fail("segmentIndex should not null");

            ArrayList<IndexInfo> infos = segmentIndex.indexInfo();
            if (infos == null) {
                fail("infos should not null");

            if (infos.size() != 0) {
                fail("infos.size() should 0");

            FormatDataFile fd1 = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            segmentIndex = fd1.segmentIndex();
            if (segmentIndex == null) {
                fail("segmentIndex should not null 2");

            infos = segmentIndex.indexInfo();
            if (infos == null) {
                fail("infos should not null 2");

            if (infos.size() != 0) {
                fail("infos.size() should 0 2");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get ioexception:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFDCompress() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setCompress((byte) 1);

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDCompress";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 1000 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(7);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) 5));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue("hello konten" + i, (short) 6));



            Record record = fd.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                record = fd.getRecordByLine(i);
                if (record == null) {
                    fail("should not get null:" + i);

                judgeNotFixedRecord(record, i);
            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByLineFDCompressNotVar() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setCompress((byte) 1);

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDCompressNotVar";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);
            fd.create(fileName, head);

            int recordNum = 1000 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                Record record = new Record(6);
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) (1 + i), (short) 0));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) (2 + i), (short) 1));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((int) (3 + i), (short) 2));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((long) (4 + i), (short) 3));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((float) (5.5 + i), (short) 4));
                record.addValue(new FieldValue((double) (6.6 + i), (short) 5));



            Record record = fd.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                record = fd.getRecordByLine(i);
                if (record == null) {
                    fail("should not get null:" + i);

                judgeNotFixedRecord(record, i);
            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetRecordByOrderFDCompress() {
        System.out.println("getRecordByOrderFDCompress not support!");

    public void testGetRecordByLineFDCompressMR() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setCompress((byte) 1);

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDCompress";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);

            Record record = fd.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            Record valueRecord = new Record();
            int recordNum = 1000 * 10000;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                record = fd.getRecordByLine(i, valueRecord);
                if (record == null) {
                    fail("should not get null:" + i);

                judgeNotFixedRecord(record, i);
            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum, valueRecord);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetNextRecordFDCompress() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setCompress((byte) 1);

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDCompress";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);


            int recordNum = 1000 * 10000;
            Record record = fd.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                record = fd.getNextRecord();
                if (record == null) {
                    fail("should not get null:" + i);

                judgeNotFixedRecord(record, i);

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetNextRecordFDCompressNotVar() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setCompress((byte) 1);

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDCompressNotVar";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);


            int recordNum = 1000 * 10000;
            Record record = fd.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                record = fd.getNextRecord();
                if (record == null) {
                    fail("should not get null:" + i);

                judgeNotFixedRecord(record, i);

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    public void testGetNextRecordFDCompressMR() {
        try {
            FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5));
            fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_String, 0, (short) 6));

            Head head = new Head();
            head.setCompress((byte) 1);

            String fileName = prefix + "testGetRecordByLineFDCompress";
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();
            FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf);


            int recordNum = 1000 * 10000;
            Record record = fd.getRecordByLine(-1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            Record valueRecord = new Record();
            for (int i = 0; i < recordNum; i++) {
                record = fd.getNextRecord(valueRecord);
                if (record == null) {
                    fail("should not get null:" + i);

                judgeNotFixedRecord(valueRecord, i);

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

            record = fd.getRecordByLine(recordNum + 1);
            if (record != null) {
                fail("should get null");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("get IOException:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("get exception:" + e.getMessage());

    void judgeNotFixedRecordNullField(Record record, int line) {
        int index = 0;
        byte[] buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        if (buf[0] != (byte) (1 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + buf[0]);
        byte type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        int len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        short idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 1) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 1;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        short sval = Util.bytes2short(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short);
        if (sval != (short) (2 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + sval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 3) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 2;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf != null) {
            fail("value should null");

        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 5) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 3;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        long lval = Util.bytes2long(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long);
        if (lval != 4 + line) {
            fail("error value:" + lval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 7) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 4;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        float fval = Util.bytes2float(buf, 0);
        if (fval != (float) (5.5 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + fval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 9) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 5;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        double dval = Util.bytes2double(buf, 0);
        if (dval != (double) (6.6 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + dval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 11) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        if (record.fieldNum == 7) {
            index = 6;
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");

            String tstr = "hello konten" + line;
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != tstr.length()) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 13) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            String str = new String(buf, 0, len);
            if (!str.equals(tstr)) {
                fail("error val:" + str);

    void judgeNotFixedRecord(Record record, int line) {
        int index = 0;
        byte[] buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        if (buf[0] != (byte) (1 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + buf[0] + ", line:" + line);
        byte type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        int len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        short idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 0) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 1;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        short sval = Util.bytes2short(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short);
        if (sval != (short) (2 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + sval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 1) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 2;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        int ival = Util.bytes2int(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int);
        if (ival != 3 + line) {
            fail("error value:" + ival);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 2) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 3;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        long lval = Util.bytes2long(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long);
        if (lval != 4 + line) {
            fail("error value:" + lval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 3) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 4;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        float fval = Util.bytes2float(buf, 0);
        if (fval != (float) (5.5 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + fval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 4) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 5;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        double dval = Util.bytes2double(buf, 0);
        if (dval != (double) (6.6 + line)) {
            fail("error value:" + dval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 5) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        if (record.fieldNum == 7) {
            index = 6;
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");

            String tstr = "hello konten" + line;
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != tstr.length()) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 6) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            String str = new String(buf, 0, len);
            if (!str.equals(tstr)) {
                fail("error val:" + str + ",line:" + line);

    void judgeNotFixedRecordMuchFields(Record record, int line) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            int index = (i * 7 + 0);
            byte[] buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            if (buf[0] != (byte) (1 + line)) {
                fail("error value:" + buf[0]);
            byte type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            int len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            short idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);

            index = (i * 7 + 1);
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            short sval = Util.bytes2short(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short);
            if (sval != (short) (2 + line)) {
                fail("error value:" + sval);
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);

            index = (i * 7 + 2);
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            int ival = Util.bytes2int(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int);
            if (ival != 3 + line) {
                fail("error value:" + ival);
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);

            index = (i * 7 + 3);
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            long lval = Util.bytes2long(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long);
            if (lval != 4 + line) {
                fail("error value:" + lval);
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);

            index = (i * 7 + 4);
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            float fval = Util.bytes2float(buf, 0);
            if (fval != (float) (5.5 + line)) {
                fail("error value:" + fval);
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);

            index = (i * 7 + 5);
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            double dval = Util.bytes2double(buf, 0);
            if (dval != (double) (6.6 + line)) {
                fail("error value:" + dval);
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);

            index = (i * 7 + 6);
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");

            String tstr = "hello konten" + line;
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != tstr.length()) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);

            String str = new String(buf, 0, len);
            if (!str.equals(tstr)) {
                fail("error val:" + str);

    void judgeFixedRecord(Record record) {
        int index = 0;
        byte[] buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        if (buf[0] != 1) {
            fail("error value:" + buf[0]);
        byte type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        int len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        short idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Byte) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 0) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 1;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        short sval = Util.bytes2short(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short);
        if (sval != (short) 2) {
            fail("error value:" + sval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Short) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Short) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 1) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 2;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        int ival = Util.bytes2int(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int);
        if (ival != 3) {
            fail("error value:" + ival);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Int) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Int) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 2) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 3;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        long lval = Util.bytes2long(buf, 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long);
        if (lval != 4) {
            fail("error value:" + lval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Long) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Long) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 3) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 4;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        float fval = Util.bytes2float(buf, 0);
        if (fval != (float) 5.5) {
            fail("error value:" + fval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Float) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Float) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 4) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        index = 5;
        buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
        if (buf == null) {
            fail("value should not null");
        double dval = Util.bytes2double(buf, 0);
        if (dval != (double) 6.6) {
            fail("error value:" + dval);
        type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
        len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
        idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
        if (len != ConstVar.Sizeof_Double) {
            fail("error len:" + len);
        if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_Double) {
            fail("error fieldType:" + type);
        if (idx != 5) {
            fail("error idx:" + idx);

        if (record.fieldNum == 7) {
            index = 6;
            String valueString = "hello konten";
            type = record.fieldValues().get(index).type;
            len = record.fieldValues().get(index).len;
            idx = record.fieldValues().get(index).idx;
            if (len != valueString.length()) {
                fail("error len:" + len);
            if (type != ConstVar.FieldType_String) {
                fail("error fieldType:" + type);
            if (idx != 6) {
                fail("error idx:" + idx);
            buf = record.fieldValues().get(index).value;
            if (buf == null) {
                fail("value should not null");
            String str = new String(buf, 0, len);
            if (!str.equals(valueString)) {
                fail("error val:" + str);

    public void setUp() {

    public void tearDown() {
