Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2015 by ATOM Project * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /** * @author Min Du, Feifei Li * @email, */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.math.*; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.DenseInstance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.filters.Filter; import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Standardize; import weka.attributeSelection.AttributeSelection; import weka.attributeSelection.PrincipalComponents; import weka.attributeSelection.Ranker; public class PCADetector { // store original data matrix private ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> m_oriDataMatrix = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>(); // private ArrayList<String> TimeStamps = new ArrayList<String>(); private double c_alpha; private int m_nDims; private Instances m_scaledInstances; private ArrayList<Integer> m_normalPts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private ArrayList<Integer> m_abnormalPts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> m_susDims = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>(); // suspicious dimensions for each abnormal point private ArrayList<Double> m_SPE = new ArrayList<Double>(); // squared projection error onto residual space plus threshold // private double m_SPE; private double m_threshold; private ArrayList<Double> m_projPCs = new ArrayList<Double>(); // squared projection onto principal space private ArrayList<Double> m_pcRec = new ArrayList<Double>(); // sum of reconstruction of PCs private ArrayList<Double> m_eigens = new ArrayList<Double>(); // eigen values of each dim public PCADetector() { } public PCADetector(int nAttrs) { this.m_nDims = nAttrs; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_nDims; i++) { m_oriDataMatrix.add(new ArrayList<Double>()); // one list for each attribute } } public PCADetector(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> oriDataMatrix, double cAlpha) { this.m_oriDataMatrix = oriDataMatrix; this.m_nDims = oriDataMatrix.size(); assert (m_nDims > 0); this.c_alpha = cAlpha; } public int[] Sort(double[] eigenValues, double[][] eigenVectors) { int numDims = eigenValues.length; int numRows = eigenVectors.length; int[] order = Utils.sort(eigenValues); double[] sortedEigenValues = new double[numDims]; double[][] sortedEigenVectors = new double[eigenVectors.length][numDims]; for (int i = 0; i < numDims; i++) { sortedEigenValues[i] = eigenValues[order[numDims - 1 - i]]; for (int j = 0; j < numRows; j++) { sortedEigenVectors[j][i] = eigenVectors[j][order[numDims - 1 - i]]; } } for (int i = 0; i < numDims; i++) { eigenValues[i] = sortedEigenValues[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numRows; j++) { eigenVectors[j][i] = sortedEigenVectors[j][i]; } } return order; } public double computeThreshold(double[] sortedEigenValues, int startDim) { double phi_1 = 0.0; double phi_2 = 0.0; double phi_3 = 0.0; ArrayList<Double> varList = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = startDim; i < sortedEigenValues.length; i++) { double lamda = sortedEigenValues[i]; phi_1 += lamda; phi_2 += lamda * lamda; phi_3 += lamda * lamda * lamda; varList.add(lamda); } double h_0 = 1 - 2 * phi_1 * phi_3 / (3 * phi_2 * phi_2); double h_0_reci = 1 / h_0; double first_fraction = c_alpha * Math.sqrt(2 * phi_2 * h_0 * h_0) / phi_1; double second_fraction = phi_2 * h_0 * (h_0 - 1) / (phi_1 * phi_1); double base = first_fraction + 1 + second_fraction; double delta_alpha_square = phi_1 * Math.pow(base, h_0_reci); return delta_alpha_square; } public Instances getInstances() { int numAtts = m_oriDataMatrix.size(); if (numAtts < 0) return null; ArrayList<Attribute> atts = new ArrayList<Attribute>(numAtts); for (int att = 0; att < numAtts; att++) { atts.add(new Attribute(Integer.toString(att), att)); } int numInstances = m_oriDataMatrix.get(0).size(); if (numInstances <= 0) return null; Instances dataset = new Instances("MetricInstances", atts, numInstances); for (int inst = 0; inst < numInstances; inst++) { Instance newInst = new DenseInstance(numAtts); for (int att = 0; att < numAtts; att++) { newInst.setValue(att, m_oriDataMatrix.get(att).get(inst)); } dataset.add(newInst); } return dataset; } public double[] getScaled(ArrayList<Double> newData) { double[] scaled = new double[this.m_nDims]; double[] means = AtomUtils.getMean(m_oriDataMatrix); double[] stds = AtomUtils.getStandardDeviation(m_oriDataMatrix); for (int i = 0; i < this.m_nDims; i++) { scaled[i] = (newData.get(i) - means[i]) / stds[i]; } return scaled; } // compute the squared projection onto PCs, only for comparison purpose in demo public double computeProjPCs(double[][] sortedEigenVectors, int residualStartDimension, ArrayList<Double> newData) { double[] thisSample = getScaled(newData); double[] transP_newSample = new double[residualStartDimension]; double[] Y = new double[m_nDims]; // trans(sortedEigenVectors) * m_newestSample for (int i = 0; i < residualStartDimension; i++) { double temp = 0; for (int j = 0; j < m_nDims; j++) { temp += sortedEigenVectors[j][i] * thisSample[j]; } transP_newSample[i] = temp; } // sortedEigenVectors * transP_newSample for (int i = 0; i < m_nDims; i++) { double temp = 0; for (int j = 0; j < residualStartDimension; j++) { temp += sortedEigenVectors[i][j] * transP_newSample[j]; } Y[i] = temp; } double projPCs = 0; double trend = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Y.length; i++) { trend += Y[i]; projPCs += Y[i] * Y[i]; } m_projPCs.clear(); m_projPCs.add(projPCs); m_pcRec.clear(); m_pcRec.add(trend); return projPCs; } public boolean checkSPE(double[][] sortedEigenVectors, int residualStartDimension, ArrayList<Double> newData) { boolean ret = false; double[] thisSample = getScaled(newData); // starting from residualStartDimension, use sortedEigenVectros * // trans(sortedEigenVectors) * m_newestSample int residualDims = sortedEigenVectors.length - residualStartDimension; double[] transP_newSample = new double[residualDims]; double[] Y = new double[m_nDims]; int eigenVectorNum = sortedEigenVectors[0].length; // trans(sortedEigenVectors) * m_newestSample for (int i = residualStartDimension; i < eigenVectorNum; i++) { double temp = 0; for (int j = 0; j < m_nDims; j++) { temp += sortedEigenVectors[j][i] * thisSample[j]; } transP_newSample[i - residualStartDimension] = temp; } // sortedEigenVectors * transP_newSample for (int i = 0; i < m_nDims; i++) { double temp = 0; for (int j = residualStartDimension; j < eigenVectorNum; j++) { temp += sortedEigenVectors[i][j] * transP_newSample[j - residualStartDimension]; } Y[i] = temp; } double SPE = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Y.length; i++) { SPE += Y[i] * Y[i]; } m_SPE.clear(); m_SPE.add(SPE); m_SPE.add(m_threshold); boolean bAddNew = true; if (SPE - m_threshold > 0.000001) { // abnormal ret = true; if (SPE > 2 * m_threshold) { // do not add a "too abnormal" point into sliding window bAddNew = false; } } if (bAddNew) { // only add normal points AtomUtils.addNewData(newData, m_oriDataMatrix); } return ret; } public double[] getNormalMean() { int numInsts = m_normalPts.size(); assert (numInsts > 0); double[] Means = new double[m_nDims]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nDims; i++) { double att1 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numInsts; j++) { att1 += m_oriDataMatrix.get(i).get(m_normalPts.get(j)); } Means[i] = att1 / numInsts; } return Means; } public double[] getNormalSTD() { int numInsts = m_normalPts.size(); assert (numInsts > 0); double[] att1 = new double[numInsts]; double[] std = new double[m_nDims]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nDims; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numInsts; j++) { att1[j] = m_oriDataMatrix.get(i).get(m_normalPts.get(j)); } std[i] = Math.sqrt(Utils.variance(att1)); } return std; } public ArrayList<Double> getSPE() { return this.m_SPE; } public double getThreshold() { return this.m_threshold; } public ArrayList<Double> getProjPCs() { return this.m_projPCs; } public ArrayList<Double> getPCRec() { return this.m_pcRec; } public ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> getDataset() { return this.m_oriDataMatrix; } public void diagnosis(double[][] sortedEigenVectors, int residualStartDimension, ArrayList<Double> newData) { assert (m_abnormalPts.size() != 0); double[] changePct = new double[m_nDims]; // naive way, to check the original metric change, how far the abnormal // points away from the previous mean double[] normalAvg = AtomUtils.getMean(m_oriDataMatrix); double[] normalStd = AtomUtils.getStandardDeviation(m_oriDataMatrix); ArrayList<Integer> newSusDims = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_nDims; i++) { if (Math.abs((m_oriDataMatrix.get(i).get(m_oriDataMatrix.get(0).size() - 1) - normalAvg[i])) < 0.000001) changePct[i] = 0; else if (normalStd[i] < 0.0000001) changePct[i] = Double.MAX_VALUE; else changePct[i] = Math .abs((m_oriDataMatrix.get(i).get(m_oriDataMatrix.get(0).size() - 1) - normalAvg[i]) / normalStd[i]); if (changePct[i] > 3) { newSusDims.add(i); } } // Now what to do with the newSusDims ??? // m_susDims.put(m_abnormalPts.get(id), newSusDims); // System.out.println("Suspicious point id: "+ m_abnormalPts.get(id) + "; supicious dimension for this point: "+newSusDims); // } return; } // modify m_oriDataMatrix based on current sliding window size. // If slidewdSz becomes bigger, the first several rounds have smaller points. public boolean prepareData(ArrayList<Double> newData, int slidewdSz) { assert (this.m_nDims > 0); if (m_oriDataMatrix.get(0).size() < slidewdSz) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_nDims; i++) { m_oriDataMatrix.get(i).add(newData.get(i)); } return false; } if (m_oriDataMatrix.get(0).size() < slidewdSz) return false; // not enough data for PCA int toRm = m_oriDataMatrix.get(0).size() - slidewdSz; for (int i = 0; i < m_nDims; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < toRm; j++) m_oriDataMatrix.get(i).remove(8); // remove toRm values for each list, first 7 ones are for stable threshold and spe } return true; } public void verifyData(ArrayList<Double> newData) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_nDims; i++) { if (newData.get(i) < 0) // set as the last received value newData.set(i, m_oriDataMatrix.get(i).get(m_oriDataMatrix.get(0).size() - 1)); } } public ArrayList<Double> setEigens(double[] eigens) { for (int i = 0; i < eigens.length; i++) m_eigens.add(eigens[i]); return m_eigens; } public ArrayList<Double> getEigens() { return m_eigens; } public boolean runPCA(ArrayList<Double> newData, int slidewdSz, double cAlpha, int nAttrs) { try { if (m_nDims == 0) { m_nDims = nAttrs; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_nDims; i++) { m_oriDataMatrix.add(new ArrayList<Double>()); // one list for each attribute } } verifyData(newData); this.c_alpha = cAlpha; if (false == prepareData(newData, slidewdSz)) return false; Instances oriDataInsts = getInstances(); if (oriDataInsts != null) { // standardization + PCA covariance matrix m_scaledInstances = new Instances(oriDataInsts); Standardize filter = new Standardize(); filter.setInputFormat(m_scaledInstances); m_scaledInstances = Standardize.useFilter(m_scaledInstances, filter); // standardization PrincipalComponents PCA = new PrincipalComponents(); PCA.setVarianceCovered(1.0); // means 100% PCA.setMaximumAttributeNames(-1); PCA.setCenterData(true); Ranker ranker = new Ranker(); AttributeSelection selector = new AttributeSelection(); selector.setSearch(ranker); selector.setEvaluator(PCA); selector.SelectAttributes(m_scaledInstances); // Instances transformedData = selector.reduceDimensionality(m_scaledInstances); // get sorted eigens double[] eigenValues = PCA.getEigenValues(); // eigenVectors[i][j] i: rows; j: cols double[][] eigenVectors = PCA.getUnsortedEigenVectors(); Sort(eigenValues, eigenVectors); setEigens(eigenValues); // get residual start dimension int residualStartDimension = -1; double sum = 0; double major = 0; for (int ss = 0; ss < eigenValues.length; ss++) { sum += eigenValues[ss]; } for (int ss = 0; ss < eigenValues.length; ss++) { major += eigenValues[ss]; if ((residualStartDimension < 0) && (major / sum > 0.95)) { residualStartDimension = ss + 1; break; } } // System.out.println("residualStartDim: "+residualStartDimension); m_threshold = computeThreshold(eigenValues, residualStartDimension); // check new data abnormal or not boolean bAbnormal = checkSPE(eigenVectors, residualStartDimension, newData); computeProjPCs(eigenVectors, residualStartDimension, newData); // only for demo if (bAbnormal) { // anomaly, now to diagnosis // check original space using all the lists diagnosis(eigenVectors, residualStartDimension, newData); } } } catch (Exception exc) { } return true; } public double[] getStandardDeviation(Instances Matrix) { int numAtts = Matrix.numAttributes(); int numInsts = Matrix.numInstances(); double[] att1 = new double[numInsts]; double[] std = new double[numAtts]; for (int i = 0; i < numAtts; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numInsts; j++) { att1[j] = Matrix.instance(j).value(i); } std[i] = Math.sqrt(Utils.variance(att1)); } return std; } }