Java tutorial
//package com.java2s; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.database.Cursor; import*; import; import; import; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.provider.MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns; import android.util.Log; import*; public class Main { private static final int UNCONSTRAINED = -1; public static int MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; public static final Bitmap EMPTY_BITMAP = Bitmap.createBitmap(1, 1, Config.ARGB_8888); public static Bitmap load(ContentResolver contentResolver, Uri uri) { return load(contentResolver, uri, UNCONSTRAINED, MAX_SIZE); } public static Bitmap load(ContentResolver contentResolver, Uri uri, int minSideLen, int maxSize) { Bitmap result = EMPTY_BITMAP; try { Options opts = new Options(); opts.inJustDecodeBounds = true; BitmapFactory.decodeStream(contentResolver.openInputStream(uri), null, opts); result = load(contentResolver.openInputStream(uri), computeSampleSize(opts, minSideLen, maxSize)); if (isMediaUri(uri) && result != null && result != EMPTY_BITMAP) { result = rotateMediaImage(contentResolver, uri, result); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.e("LoadImage", e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("LoadImage", e.getMessage(), e); } if (result == null) { result = EMPTY_BITMAP; } return result; } public static Bitmap load(File file, int minSideLen, int maxSize) throws IOException { FileInputStream is = null; try { Options opts = new Options(); opts.inJustDecodeBounds = true; is = new FileInputStream(file); BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, opts); is.close(); is = new FileInputStream(file); return load(is, computeSampleSize(opts, minSideLen, maxSize)); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } public static Bitmap load(byte[] data, int inSampleSize) { try { Options opts = new Options(); opts.inSampleSize = inSampleSize; opts.inDither = false; opts.inPreferredConfig = Config.ARGB_8888; Bitmap result = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, opts); return result == null ? EMPTY_BITMAP : result; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.e("LoadImage", e.getMessage(), e); } return EMPTY_BITMAP; } public static Bitmap load(InputStream inputStream, int inSampleSize) { try { Options opts = new Options(); opts.inSampleSize = inSampleSize; opts.inDither = false; opts.inPreferredConfig = Config.ARGB_8888; Bitmap result = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, opts); return result == null ? EMPTY_BITMAP : result; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.e("LoadImage", e.getMessage(), e); } return EMPTY_BITMAP; } public static int computeSampleSize(Options options, int minSideLength, int maxNumOfPixels) { int initialSize = computeInitialSampleSize(options, minSideLength, maxNumOfPixels); int roundedSize = nextPowerOfTwo(initialSize); return roundedSize > initialSize ? roundedSize / 2 : roundedSize; } private static boolean isMediaUri(Uri uri) { return uri != null && ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(uri.getScheme()) && MediaStore.AUTHORITY.equals(uri.getAuthority()); } private static Bitmap rotateMediaImage(ContentResolver contentResolver, Uri uri, Bitmap image) throws FileNotFoundException { Cursor c = contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null); try { if (c != null) { if (c.moveToFirst()) { int index = c.getColumnIndex(ImageColumns.ORIENTATION); int degrees = index < 0 ? 0 : c.getInt(index); if (degrees != 0) { return rotate(image, degrees); } return image; } } } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } return image; } private static int computeInitialSampleSize(Options options, int minSideLength, int maxNumOfPixels) { double w = options.outWidth; double h = options.outHeight; int lowerBound = (maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED) ? 1 : (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(w * h / maxNumOfPixels)); int upperBound = (minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED) ? 128 : (int) Math.min(Math.floor(w / minSideLength), Math.floor(h / minSideLength)); if (upperBound < lowerBound) { // return the larger one when there is no overlapping zone. return lowerBound; } if ((maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED) && (minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED)) { return 1; } else if (minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED) { return lowerBound; } else { return upperBound; } } public static int nextPowerOfTwo(int value) { if (value == 0) { return 1; } else { --value; value |= value >> 1; value |= value >> 2; value |= value >> 4; value |= value >> 8; value |= value >> 16; return value + 1; } } public static Bitmap rotate(Bitmap b, int degrees) { if (degrees != 0 && b != null) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setRotate(degrees, (float) b.getWidth() / 2, (float) b.getHeight() / 2); try { Bitmap b2 = Bitmap.createBitmap(b, 0, 0, b.getWidth(), b.getHeight(), m, true); if (b != b2) { b.recycle(); b = b2; } } catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) { // We have no memory to rotate. Return the original bitmap. } } return b; } }