Example usage for Java weka.clusterers ClusterEvaluation fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
ClusterEvaluation() Constructor. |
String | clusterResultsToString() return the results of clustering. |
double | crossValidateModel(DensityBasedClusterer clusterer, Instances data, int numFolds, Random random) Perform a cross-validation for DensityBasedClusterer on a set of instances. |
void | evaluateClusterer(Instances test) Evaluate the clusterer on a set of instances. |
void | evaluateClusterer(Instances test, String testFileName, boolean outputModel) Evaluate the clusterer on a set of instances. |
void | evaluateClusterer(Instances test, String testFileName) Evaluate the clusterer on a set of instances. |
String | evaluateClusterer(Clusterer clusterer, String[] options) Evaluates a clusterer with the options given in an array of strings. |
int[] | getClassesToClusters() Return the array (ordered by cluster number) of minimum error class to cluster mappings |
double[] | getClusterAssignments() Return an array of cluster assignments corresponding to the most recent set of instances clustered. |
double | getLogLikelihood() Return the log likelihood corresponding to the most recent set of instances clustered. |
int | getNumClusters() Return the number of clusters found for the most recent call to evaluateClusterer |
void | mapClasses(int numClusters, int lev, int[][] counts, int[] clusterTotals, double[] current, double[] best, int error) Finds the minimum error mapping of classes to clusters. |
void | setClusterer(Clusterer clusterer) set the clusterer |