Example usage for Java weka.classifiers.meta EnsembleSelection fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | setOptions(String[] options) Valid options are: -L </path/to/modelLibrary> Specifies the Model Library File, continuing the list of all models. -W </path/to/working/directory> Specifies the Working Directory, where all models will be stored. -B <numModelBags> Set the number of bags, i.e., number of iterations to run the ensemble selection algorithm. -E <modelRatio> Set the ratio of library models that will be randomly chosen to populate each bag of models. -V <validationRatio> Set the ratio of the training data set that will be reserved for validation. -H <hillClimbIterations> Set the number of hillclimbing iterations to be performed on each model bag. -I <sortInitialization> Set the the ratio of the ensemble library that the sort initialization algorithm will be able to choose from while initializing the ensemble for each model bag -X <numFolds> Sets the number of cross-validation folds. -P <hillclimbMettric> Specify the metric that will be used for model selection during the hillclimbing algorithm. |