Example usage for weka.classifiers Evaluation toSummaryString

List of usage examples for weka.classifiers Evaluation toSummaryString


In this page you can find the example usage for weka.classifiers Evaluation toSummaryString.


public String toSummaryString() 

Source Link


Calls toSummaryString() with no title and no complexity stats.


From source file:FlexDMThread.java

License:Open Source License

public void run() {
    try {/*from   w w w .  ja  v a2  s .  c  o m*/
        //Get the data from the source

        Instances data = dataset.getSource().getDataSet();

        //Set class attribute if undefined
        if (data.classIndex() == -1) {
            data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);

        //Process hyperparameters for classifier
        String temp = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < classifier.getNumParams(); i++) {
            temp += classifier.getParameter(i).getName();
            temp += " ";
            if (classifier.getParameter(i).getValue() != null) {
                temp += classifier.getParameter(i).getValue();
                temp += " ";

        String[] options = weka.core.Utils.splitOptions(temp);

        //Print to console- experiment is starting
        if (temp.equals("")) { //no parameters
            temp = "results_no_parameters";
            try {
                System.out.println("STARTING CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName().substring(dataset.getName().lastIndexOf("\\") + 1)
                        + " with no parameters");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("STARTING CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName() + " with no parameters");
        } else { //parameters
            try {
                System.out.println("STARTING CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName().substring(dataset.getName().lastIndexOf("\\") + 1)
                        + " with parameters " + temp);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("STARTING CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName() + " with parameters " + temp);

        //Create classifier, setting parameters
        weka.classifiers.Classifier x = createObject(classifier.getName());

        //Process the test selection
        String[] tempTest = dataset.getTest().split("\\s");

        //Create evaluation object for training and testing classifiers
        Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(data);
        StringBuffer predictions = new StringBuffer();

        //Train and evaluate classifier
        if (tempTest[0].equals("testset")) { //specified test file
            //Build classifier

            //Open test file, load data
            //DataSource testFile = new DataSource(dataset.getTest().substring(7).trim());
            // Instances testSet = testFile.getDataSet();
            Instances testSet = dataset.getTestFile().getDataSet();

            //Set class attribute if undefined
            if (testSet.classIndex() == -1) {
                testSet.setClassIndex(testSet.numAttributes() - 1);

            //Evaluate model
            Object[] array = { predictions, new Range(), new Boolean(true) };
            eval.evaluateModel(x, testSet, array);
        } else if (tempTest[0].equals("xval")) { //Cross validation
            //Build classifier

            //Cross validate
            eval.crossValidateModel(x, data, Integer.parseInt(tempTest[1]), new Random(1), predictions,
                    new Range(), true);
        } else if (tempTest[0].equals("leavexval")) { //Leave one out cross validation
            //Build classifier

            //Cross validate
            eval.crossValidateModel(x, data, data.numInstances() - 1, new Random(1), predictions, new Range(),
        } else if (tempTest[0].equals("percent")) { //Percentage split of single data set
            //Set training and test sizes from percentage
            int trainSize = (int) Math.round(data.numInstances() * Double.parseDouble(tempTest[1]));
            int testSize = data.numInstances() - trainSize;

            //Load specified data
            Instances train = new Instances(data, 0, trainSize);
            Instances testSet = new Instances(data, trainSize, testSize);

            //Build classifier

            //Train and evaluate model
            Object[] array = { predictions, new Range(), new Boolean(true) };
            eval.evaluateModel(x, testSet, array);
        } else { //Evaluate on training data
            //Test and evaluate model
            Object[] array = { predictions, new Range(), new Boolean(true) };
            eval.evaluateModel(x, data, array);

        //create datafile for results
        String filename = dataset.getDir() + "/" + classifier.getDirName() + "/" + temp + ".txt";
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(filename, "UTF-8");

        //Print classifier, dataset, parameters info to file
        try {
            writer.println("CLASSIFIER: " + classifier.getName() + "\n DATASET: " + dataset.getName()
                    + "\n PARAMETERS: " + temp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            writer.println("CLASSIFIER: " + classifier.getName() + "\n DATASET: " + dataset.getName()
                    + "\n PARAMETERS: " + temp);

        //Add evaluation string to file
        //Process result options
        if (checkResults("stats")) { //Classifier statistics
        if (checkResults("model")) { //The model
        if (checkResults("matrix")) { //Confusion matrix
        if (checkResults("entropy")) { //Entropy statistics
            //Set options req'd to get the entropy stats
            String[] opt = new String[4];
            opt[0] = "-t";
            opt[1] = dataset.getName();
            opt[2] = "-k";
            opt[3] = "-v";

            //Evaluate model
            String entropy = Evaluation.evaluateModel(x, opt);

            //Grab the relevant info from the results, print to file
            entropy = entropy.substring(entropy.indexOf("=== Stratified cross-validation ===") + 35,
                    entropy.indexOf("=== Confusion Matrix ==="));
            writer.println("=== Entropy Statistics ===");
        if (checkResults("predictions")) { //The models predictions
            writer.println("=== Predictions ===\n");
            if (!dataset.getTest().contains("xval")) { //print header of predictions table if req'd
                writer.println(" inst#     actual  predicted error distribution ()");
            writer.println(predictions.toString()); //print predictions to file


        //Summary file is semaphore controlled to ensure quality
        try { //get a permit
              //grab the summary file, write the classifiers details to it
            PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(summary, true));
            if (temp.equals("results_no_parameters")) { //change output based on parameters
                temp = temp.substring(8);

            //write percent correct, classifier name, dataset name to summary file
            p.write(dataset.getName() + ", " + classifier.getName() + ", " + temp + ", " + eval.correct() + ", "
                    + eval.incorrect() + ", " + eval.unclassified() + ", " + eval.pctCorrect() + ", "
                    + eval.pctIncorrect() + ", " + eval.pctUnclassified() + ", " + eval.kappa() + ", "
                    + eval.meanAbsoluteError() + ", " + eval.rootMeanSquaredError() + ", "
                    + eval.relativeAbsoluteError() + ", " + eval.rootRelativeSquaredError() + ", "
                    + eval.SFPriorEntropy() + ", " + eval.SFSchemeEntropy() + ", " + eval.SFEntropyGain() + ", "
                    + eval.SFMeanPriorEntropy() + ", " + eval.SFMeanSchemeEntropy() + ", "
                    + eval.SFMeanEntropyGain() + ", " + eval.KBInformation() + ", " + eval.KBMeanInformation()
                    + ", " + eval.KBRelativeInformation() + ", " + eval.weightedTruePositiveRate() + ", "
                    + eval.weightedFalsePositiveRate() + ", " + eval.weightedTrueNegativeRate() + ", "
                    + eval.weightedFalseNegativeRate() + ", " + eval.weightedPrecision() + ", "
                    + eval.weightedRecall() + ", " + eval.weightedFMeasure() + ", "
                    + eval.weightedAreaUnderROC() + "\n");

            //release semaphore
        } catch (InterruptedException e) { //bad things happened
            System.err.println("FATAL ERROR OCCURRED: Classifier: " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName()
                    + " on dataset " + dataset.getName());

        //output we have successfully finished processing classifier
        if (temp.equals("no_parameters")) { //no parameters
            try {
                System.out.println("FINISHED CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName().substring(dataset.getName().lastIndexOf("\\") + 1)
                        + " with no parameters");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("FINISHED CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName() + " with no parameters");
        } else { //with parameters
            try {
                System.out.println("FINISHED CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName().substring(dataset.getName().lastIndexOf("\\") + 1)
                        + " with parameters " + temp);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("FINISHED CLASSIFIER " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName() + " on dataset "
                        + dataset.getName() + " with parameters " + temp);

        try { //get a permit
              //grab the log file, write the classifiers details to it
            PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(log, true));

            Date date = new Date();
            Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss");

            if (temp.equals("results_no_parameters")) { //change output based on parameters
                temp = temp.substring(8);

            //write details to log file
            p.write(dataset.getName() + ", " + dataset.getTest() + ", \"" + dataset.getResult_string() + "\", "
                    + classifier.getName() + ", " + temp + ", " + formatter.format(date) + "\n");

            //release semaphore
        } catch (InterruptedException e) { //bad things happened
            System.err.println("FATAL ERROR OCCURRED: Classifier: " + cNum + " - " + classifier.getName()
                    + " on dataset " + dataset.getName());


    } catch (Exception e) {
        //an error occurred
        System.err.println("FATAL ERROR OCCURRED: " + e.toString() + "\nClassifier: " + cNum + " - "
                + classifier.getName() + " on dataset " + dataset.getName());


From source file:ClassificationClass.java

public Evaluation cls_naivebayes(Instances data) {
    Evaluation eval = null;
    try {//from  w  ww  .  jav a 2 s .co  m
        Classifier classifier;
        PreparingSteps preparingSteps = new PreparingSteps();
        data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);
        classifier = new NaiveBayes();
        eval = new Evaluation(data);
        eval.evaluateModel(classifier, data);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ClassificationClass.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return eval;

From source file:ClassificationClass.java

public Evaluation cls_c4_5(Instances data) {
    Evaluation eval = null;
    try {//from w  w w . j  a v  a 2  s.  c  o m
        Classifier classifier;
        PreparingSteps preparingSteps = new PreparingSteps();
        data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);
        classifier = new J48();
        eval = new Evaluation(data);
        eval.evaluateModel(classifier, data);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ClassificationClass.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return eval;

From source file:CopiaSeg3.java

public static Evaluation simpleClassify(Classifier model, Instances trainingSet, Instances testingSet)
        throws Exception {
    Evaluation validation = new Evaluation(trainingSet);

    model.buildClassifier(trainingSet);/*  w w  w.  j a v  a2  s .c o  m*/
    validation.evaluateModel(model, testingSet);

    // Imprime el resultado de Weka explorer:
    String strSummary = validation.toSummaryString();

    return validation;

From source file:MainFrame.java

private void svm_buttonMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_svm_buttonMouseClicked
    ClassificationClass classificationClass = new ClassificationClass();
    PreparingSteps pr = new PreparingSteps();
    Instances data = pr.getReadFileData(path);
    data = pr.deleteattributefromData(data, this.getfsresults());
    Evaluation ev = null;
    ev = classificationClass.cls_svm(data);
    classification_result_ta.setText("SVM RESULTS:\n" + ev.toSummaryString());

From source file:MainFrame.java

private void knn_buttonMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_knn_buttonMouseClicked
    ClassificationClass classificationClass = new ClassificationClass();
    PreparingSteps pr = new PreparingSteps();
    Instances data = pr.getReadFileData(path);
    data = pr.deleteattributefromData(data, this.getfsresults());
    Evaluation ev = null;
    ev = classificationClass.cls_knn(data);
    classification_result_ta.setText("KNN RESULTS:\n" + ev.toSummaryString());

From source file:MainFrame.java

private void naivebayesbuttonMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_naivebayesbuttonMouseClicked
    ClassificationClass classificationClass = new ClassificationClass();
    PreparingSteps pr = new PreparingSteps();
    Instances data = pr.getReadFileData(path);
    data = pr.deleteattributefromData(data, this.getfsresults());
    Evaluation ev = null;
    ev = classificationClass.cls_naivebayes(data);
    classification_result_ta.setText("NAIVE BAYES RESULTS:\n" + ev.toSummaryString());

From source file:MainFrame.java

private void c45buttonMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_c45buttonMouseClicked
    ClassificationClass classificationClass = new ClassificationClass();
    PreparingSteps pr = new PreparingSteps();
    Instances data = pr.getReadFileData(path);
    data = pr.deleteattributefromData(data, this.getfsresults());
    Evaluation ev = null;
    ev = classificationClass.cls_c4_5(data);
    classification_result_ta.setText("C4.5 RESULTS\n" + ev.toSummaryString());

From source file:activeSegmentation.learning.WekaClassifier.java

License:Open Source License

 * Evaluates the classifier using the test dataset and stores the evaluation.
 * @param instances The instances to test
 * @return The evaluation//from   w ww. j a  va2s  . c  o  m
public double[] testModel(IDataSet instances) {

    try {

        // test the current classifier with the test set
        Evaluation evaluator = new Evaluation(new Instances(instances.getDataset(), 0));

        double[] predict = evaluator.evaluateModel(classifier, instances.getDataset());

        return predict;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.getLogger(WekaClassifier.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);

    return null;

From source file:ANN.MultilayerPerceptron.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    ConverterUtils.DataSource source = new ConverterUtils.DataSource(
            ("D:\\Program Files\\Weka-3-8\\data\\iris.arff"));
    Instances train = source.getDataSet();
    Normalize nm = new Normalize();
    nm.setInputFormat(train);// ww w  . j a  v  a  2 s.  c o m
    train = Filter.useFilter(train, nm);
    train.setClassIndex(train.numAttributes() - 1);
    //                System.out.println(i + " "+0.8);
    MultilayerPerceptron slp = new MultilayerPerceptron(train, 0.1, 5000, 14);
    Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(train);
    eval.evaluateModel(slp, train);