Example usage for weka.classifiers.bayes NaiveBayesUpdateable buildClassifier

List of usage examples for weka.classifiers.bayes NaiveBayesUpdateable buildClassifier


In this page you can find the example usage for weka.classifiers.bayes NaiveBayesUpdateable buildClassifier.


public void buildClassifier(Instances instances) throws Exception 

Source Link


Generates the classifier.


From source file:gr.demokritos.iit.cpgislanddetection.analysis.VectorSequenceDetector.java

License:Apache License

public VectorSequenceDetector(List<BaseSequence> sequences, List<String> labels)
        throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception {

    //gia ola ta seq
    //gia kathe seq pare to vector me vash ton analyzer 
    //vale kai to label
    //kai update classify

    // load data/*from w  w  w.  jav  a 2  s  .  co m*/
    ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader();
    loader.setFile(new File("/Desktop/filesForWeka/2o_peirama/dataForWeka.arff"));
    Instances structure = loader.getStructure();
    // setting class attribute
    structure.setClassIndex(structure.numAttributes() - 1);

    // train NaiveBayes
    NaiveBayesUpdateable nb = new NaiveBayesUpdateable();
    Instance current;
    while ((current = loader.getNextInstance(structure)) != null)

From source file:gr.demokritos.iit.cpgislanddetection.CpGIslandDetection.java

License:Apache License

 * @param args the command line arguments
 *//*www  . j  a va 2  s.  c  o  m*/
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ParseException, Exception {

    // String sFileNameArgs = args[0];

    // String[] fileNames = null;
    // Read  file
    //IGenomicSequenceFileReader reader = new SequenceListFileReader();

    //        CpGIslandIdentification iClass = new CpGIslandIdentification();
    //        boolean b = iClass.identify(seq);
    //        System.out.println("This sequence is a CpG island: " + b);
    //        SequenceListFileReader s = new SequenceListFileReader();
    //        ArrayList<BaseSequence> alRes = new ArrayList<>();
    //        alRes = s.getSequencesFromFile("C:\\Users\\Xenia\\Desktop\\files\\posSamples.txt");

    //        for(int i=0; i<alRes.size(); i++)
    //        System.out.println("alRes = " + i + alRes.get(i));
    //        VectorAnalyzer vA = new VectorAnalyzer();
    //        List<Vector<Integer>> listVector = new ArrayList<>();
    //Vector<Vector<Integer>> list = 
    //        listVector = vA.analyze(alRes);
    //        for(int i=0; i<listVector.size();i++)
    //        System.out.println(i + " " +listVector.get(i));
    //IGenomicSequenceFileReader reader = new FASTAFileReader();

    // If no input file has been given
    /*        if (args.length == 0) {
    // Use default
    fileNames[0] = "C:\\Users\\Xenia\\Desktop\\files\\posSamples.txt";
    fileNames[1] = "C:\\Users\\Xenia\\Desktop\\files\\negSamples.txt";
    fileNames[2] = "C:\\Users\\Xenia\\Desktop\\files\\newsamples.txt";
            } else // else use the provided one
    fileNames = sFileNameArgs.split(";");

    //-----------------VECTOR ANALYSIS STARTS HERE--------------------------------------

    //read sequences from txt files
    SequenceListFileReader reader = new SequenceListFileReader();
    ArrayList<BaseSequence> lSeqs1 = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<BaseSequence> lSeqs2 = new ArrayList<>();

    lSeqs1 = reader.getSequencesFromFile("C:\\Users\\Xenia\\Desktop\\files\\posSamples.txt");
    lSeqs2 = reader.getSequencesFromFile("C:\\Users\\Xenia\\Desktop\\files\\negSamples.txt");

    //create vectors for every sequence
    List<Vector<Integer>> listVectorForPositiveSamples = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Vector<Integer>> listVectorForNegativeSamples = new ArrayList<>();
    VectorAnalyzer v = new VectorAnalyzer();
    listVectorForPositiveSamples = v.analyze(lSeqs1);
    listVectorForNegativeSamples = v.analyze(lSeqs2);

    //create ARFF files for positive and negative samples
    FileCreatorARFF fc = new FileCreatorARFF();
    Instances positiveInstances = fc.createARFF(listVectorForPositiveSamples, "yes");
    Instances negativeInstances = fc.createARFF(listVectorForNegativeSamples, "no");

    //build and train classifier
    // setting class attribute
    positiveInstances.setClassIndex(positiveInstances.numAttributes() - 1);
    negativeInstances.setClassIndex(negativeInstances.numAttributes() - 1);
    // train NaiveBayes
    NaiveBayesUpdateable nb = new NaiveBayesUpdateable();
    Instance current;
    for (int i = 0; i < positiveInstances.numInstances(); i++) {
        current = positiveInstances.instance(i);

    // Test the model
    Evaluation eTest = new Evaluation(positiveInstances);
    Instances isTestingSet = fc.createARFF(listVectorForNegativeSamples, "?");
    isTestingSet.setClassIndex(isTestingSet.numAttributes() - 1);
    eTest.evaluateModel(nb, isTestingSet);

    //------------------VECTOR ANALYSIS ENDS HERE---------------------------------------

    //----------------------------HMM CLASSIFIER STARTS HERE----------------------------------
    // Init classifier
    /*       ISequenceClassifier<List<ObservationDiscrete<HmmSequence.Packet>>> classifier
        = new HmmClassifier();
    // WARNING: Remember to change when you have normal data!!!
    // Obfuscation in negative training file?
    //       final boolean bObfuscateNeg = true;
    //        FASTAObfuscatorReader r = new FASTAObfuscatorReader();
    //for each file do the same work: train
    //        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    // Read the sequences

    // If obfuscation is on and we are dealing with the negative
    // training file
    /*            if ((i == 2) && (bObfuscateNeg)) {
        //FASTAObfuscatorReader r = new FASTAObfuscatorReader();
        lSeqs = r.getSequencesFromFile(fileNames[i]);
        fileNames[1] = "Not" + fileNames[1]; // Update to indicate different class
        // else read normally
        lSeqs = reader.getSequencesFromFile(fileNames[i]);
    System.out.println("lSeqs size="+lSeqs.size());
    // Create HMM sequences
    /*            ISequenceAnalyst<List<ObservationDiscrete<HmmSequence.Packet>>> analyst
            = new HmmAnalyzer();
    List<List<ObservationDiscrete<HmmSequence.Packet>>> lHmmSeqs = analyst.analyze(lSeqs);
    // Train classifier with the observations
    classifier.train(lHmmSeqs, new File(fileNames[i]).getName());
            //Classify the test file        
            //First: Read the sequences
            lSeqs = r.getSequencesFromFile(fileNames[2]);
            //System.out.println("file name= "+fileNames[2]);
            //Then: Create HMM sequences
            ISequenceAnalyst<List<ObservationDiscrete<HmmSequence.Packet>>> analyst
        = new HmmAnalyzer();
            List<List<ObservationDiscrete<HmmSequence.Packet>>> lHmmSeqs = analyst.analyze(lSeqs);

    //-------------------------------HMM CLASSIFIER ENDS HERE-----------------------------------------

    //----------------------------HMM EVALUATION STARTS-----------------------------------------------
    //System.out.println("size of lHmmSeqs="+ lHmmSeqs.size());
    String str = null;
    String[] savedResults = new String[lHmmSeqs.size()];
    //create a 2x2 array to store successes and failures for each class
    int[][] matrix = new int[2][2];
    int successForCpG = 0, failForCpG = 0, successForNotCpG = 0, failForNotCpG = 0;
    // Init identifier
    // CpGIslandIdentification identifier = new CpGIslandIdentification();
    CpGIslandIdentification identifier = new CpGIslandIdentificationByList("CpG_hg18.fa");
    for (int i = 0; i < lHmmSeqs.size(); i++) {
    // DEBUG
    if (i % 10 == 0)
    str = classifier.classify(lHmmSeqs.get(i));
            //  System.out.println(  "i="+i);    
    System.out.println("Determined class:" + str);
    //            savedResults[i] = str;
    //kalw sunarthsh pou exetazei an to sequence ikanopoiei ta CpG criterias
    if (identifier.identify(lSeqs.get(i).getSymbolSequence()) && str.equals(fileNames[0])) {
        //Success for CpG class
        System.out.println("successForCpG"  + successForCpG);
    } else if (identifier.identify(lSeqs.get(i).getSymbolSequence()) && str.equals(fileNames[1])) {
        //fail for CpG class
        System.out.println("failForCpG" + failForCpG);
    } else if (identifier.identify(lSeqs.get(i).getSymbolSequence()) == false && str.equals(fileNames[1])) {
        //Success for Not CpG class
        System.out.println("successForNotCpG" + successForNotCpG);
    } else if (identifier.identify(lSeqs.get(i).getSymbolSequence()) == false && str.equals(fileNames[0])) {
        //fail for Not CpG class
        System.out.println("failForNotCpG" + failForNotCpG);
    //Evaluation: calculation of classification rate and accuracy
    double totalAccuracy = (successForNotCpG + successForCpG)/(successForCpG + failForCpG + failForNotCpG + successForNotCpG);
    //missclassification rate for CpG class
    double rate1 = ( failForCpG + successForCpG ) != 0 ?
        failForCpG / ( failForCpG + successForCpG ) :
    //missclassification rate for Not CpG class
    double rate2 = ( failForNotCpG + successForNotCpG ) != 0 ? 
        failForNotCpG / ( failForNotCpG + successForNotCpG ) :
    System.out.println(totalAccuracy +" "+ rate1 + " "+ rate2);
    NGramGraphClassifier nGramGraphClassifier = new NGramGraphClassifier();
    List<List<DocumentNGramGraph>> representation;
    NGramGraphAnalyzer myAnalyst = new NGramGraphAnalyzer();
    representation = myAnalyst.analyze(lSeqs);
    for(int i=0; i<representation.size();i++)

From source file:j48.NBTreeSplit.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates split on enumerated attribute.
 * @exception Exception if something goes wrong
 *//* w  w w . ja v  a  2  s. c om*/
private void handleEnumeratedAttribute(Instances trainInstances) throws Exception {

    m_c45S = new C45Split(m_attIndex, 2, m_sumOfWeights);
    if (m_c45S.numSubsets() == 0) {
    m_errors = 0;
    Instance instance;

    Instances[] trainingSets = new Instances[m_complexityIndex];
    for (int i = 0; i < m_complexityIndex; i++) {
        trainingSets[i] = new Instances(trainInstances, 0);
    /*    m_distribution = new Distribution(m_complexityIndex,
     trainInstances.numClasses()); */
    int subset;
    for (int i = 0; i < trainInstances.numInstances(); i++) {
        instance = trainInstances.instance(i);
        subset = m_c45S.whichSubset(instance);
        if (subset > -1) {
            trainingSets[subset].add((Instance) instance.copy());
        } else {
            double[] weights = m_c45S.weights(instance);
            for (int j = 0; j < m_complexityIndex; j++) {
                try {
                    Instance temp = (Instance) instance.copy();
                    if (weights.length == m_complexityIndex) {
                        temp.setWeight(temp.weight() * weights[j]);
                    } else {
                        temp.setWeight(temp.weight() / m_complexityIndex);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.err.println("*** " + m_complexityIndex);

    /*    // compute weights (weights of instances per subset
    m_weights = new double [m_complexityIndex];
    for (int i = 0; i < m_complexityIndex; i++) {
      m_weights[i] = trainingSets[i].sumOfWeights();
    Utils.normalize(m_weights); */

    // Only Instances with known values are relevant.
    Enumeration enu = trainInstances.enumerateInstances();
    while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
      instance = (Instance) enu.nextElement();
      if (!instance.isMissing(m_attIndex)) {
    //   m_distribution.add((int)instance.value(m_attIndex),instance);
      } else {
    // add these to the error count
    m_errors += instance.weight();
      } */

    Random r = new Random(1);
    int minNumCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_complexityIndex; i++) {
        if (trainingSets[i].numInstances() >= 5) {
            // Discretize the sets
            Discretize disc = new Discretize();
            trainingSets[i] = Filter.useFilter(trainingSets[i], disc);

            NaiveBayesUpdateable fullModel = new NaiveBayesUpdateable();

            // add the errors for this branch of the split
            m_errors += NBTreeNoSplit.crossValidate(fullModel, trainingSets[i], r);
        } else {
            // if fewer than min obj then just count them as errors
            for (int j = 0; j < trainingSets[i].numInstances(); j++) {
                m_errors += trainingSets[i].instance(j).weight();

    // Check if there are at least five instances in at least two of the subsets
    // subsets.
    if (minNumCount > 1) {
        m_numSubsets = m_complexityIndex;

From source file:j48.NBTreeSplit.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates split on numeric attribute.//from   w  ww.j  ava 2s.  c o m
 * @exception Exception if something goes wrong
private void handleNumericAttribute(Instances trainInstances) throws Exception {

    m_c45S = new C45Split(m_attIndex, 2, m_sumOfWeights);
    if (m_c45S.numSubsets() == 0) {
    m_errors = 0;

    Instances[] trainingSets = new Instances[m_complexityIndex];
    trainingSets[0] = new Instances(trainInstances, 0);
    trainingSets[1] = new Instances(trainInstances, 0);
    int subset = -1;

    // populate the subsets
    for (int i = 0; i < trainInstances.numInstances(); i++) {
        Instance instance = trainInstances.instance(i);
        subset = m_c45S.whichSubset(instance);
        if (subset != -1) {
            trainingSets[subset].add((Instance) instance.copy());
        } else {
            double[] weights = m_c45S.weights(instance);
            for (int j = 0; j < m_complexityIndex; j++) {
                Instance temp = (Instance) instance.copy();
                if (weights.length == m_complexityIndex) {
                    temp.setWeight(temp.weight() * weights[j]);
                } else {
                    temp.setWeight(temp.weight() / m_complexityIndex);

    /*    // compute weights (weights of instances per subset
    m_weights = new double [m_complexityIndex];
    for (int i = 0; i < m_complexityIndex; i++) {
      m_weights[i] = trainingSets[i].sumOfWeights();
    Utils.normalize(m_weights); */

    Random r = new Random(1);
    int minNumCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_complexityIndex; i++) {
        if (trainingSets[i].numInstances() > 5) {
            // Discretize the sets
            Discretize disc = new Discretize();
            trainingSets[i] = Filter.useFilter(trainingSets[i], disc);

            NaiveBayesUpdateable fullModel = new NaiveBayesUpdateable();

            // add the errors for this branch of the split
            m_errors += NBTreeNoSplit.crossValidate(fullModel, trainingSets[i], r);
        } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < trainingSets[i].numInstances(); j++) {
                m_errors += trainingSets[i].instance(j).weight();

    // Check if minimum number of Instances in at least two
    // subsets.
    if (minNumCount > 1) {
        m_numSubsets = m_complexityIndex;