Example usage for twitter4j Status getHashtagEntities

List of usage examples for twitter4j Status getHashtagEntities


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j Status getHashtagEntities.


HashtagEntity[] getHashtagEntities();

Source Link


Returns an array if hashtag mentioned in the tweet.


From source file:com.daiv.android.twitter.utils.TweetLinkUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static String[] getLinksInStatus(Status status) {
    UserMentionEntity[] users = status.getUserMentionEntities();
    String mUsers = "";

    for (UserMentionEntity name : users) {
        String n = name.getScreenName();
        if (n.length() > 1) {
            mUsers += n + "  ";
        }//w w  w  .  j av a  2s.  co  m

    HashtagEntity[] hashtags = status.getHashtagEntities();
    String mHashtags = "";

    for (HashtagEntity hashtagEntity : hashtags) {
        String text = hashtagEntity.getText();
        if (text.length() > 1) {
            mHashtags += text + "  ";

    URLEntity[] urls = status.getURLEntities();
    String expandedUrls = "";
    String compressedUrls = "";

    for (URLEntity entity : urls) {
        String url = entity.getExpandedURL();
        if (url.length() > 1) {
            expandedUrls += url + "  ";
            compressedUrls += entity.getURL() + "  ";

    MediaEntity[] medias = status.getMediaEntities();
    String mediaExp = "";
    String mediaComp = "";
    String mediaDisplay = "";

    for (MediaEntity e : medias) {
        String url = e.getURL();
        if (url.length() > 1) {
            mediaComp += url + "  ";
            mediaExp += e.getExpandedURL() + "  ";
            mediaDisplay += e.getDisplayURL() + "  ";

    String[] sExpandedUrls;
    String[] sCompressedUrls;
    String[] sMediaExp;
    String[] sMediaComp;
    String[] sMediaDisplay;

    try {
        sCompressedUrls = compressedUrls.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sCompressedUrls = new String[0];

    try {
        sExpandedUrls = expandedUrls.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sExpandedUrls = new String[0];

    try {
        sMediaComp = mediaComp.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sMediaComp = new String[0];

    try {
        sMediaExp = mediaExp.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sMediaExp = new String[0];

    try {
        sMediaDisplay = mediaDisplay.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sMediaDisplay = new String[0];

    String tweetTexts = status.getText();

    String imageUrl = "";
    String otherUrl = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < sCompressedUrls.length; i++) {
        String comp = sCompressedUrls[i];
        String exp = sExpandedUrls[i];

        if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) {
            String str = exp.toLowerCase();

            try {
                String replacement = exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "");

                boolean hasCom = replacement.contains(".com");
                replacement = replacement.substring(0, 30) + "...";

                if (hasCom && !replacement.contains(".com")) { // the link was too long...
                    replacement = exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "");
                    replacement = replacement.substring(0, replacement.indexOf(".com") + 6) + "...";

                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, replacement);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp,
                        exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", ""));
            if (str.contains("instag") && !str.contains("blog.insta")) {
                imageUrl = exp + "media/?size=l";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (exp.toLowerCase().contains("youtub")
                    && !(str.contains("channel") || str.contains("user"))) {
                // first get the youtube video code
                int start = exp.indexOf("v=") + 2;
                int end = exp.length();
                if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("&");
                } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("?");
                try {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg";
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1)
                            + "/hqdefault.jpg";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("youtu.be")) {
                // first get the youtube video code
                int start = exp.indexOf(".be/") + 4;
                int end = exp.length();
                if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("&");
                } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("?");
                try {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg";
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1)
                            + "/hqdefault.jpg";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("twitpic")) {
                int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5;
                imageUrl = "http://twitpic.com/show/full/" + exp.substring(start).replace("/", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("i.imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) {
                int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5;
                imageUrl = "http://i.imgur.com/" + exp.replace("http://i.imgur.com/", "").replace(".jpg", "")
                        + "l.jpg";
                imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("gallery/", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) {
                int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 6;
                imageUrl = "http://i.imgur.com/" + exp.replace("http://imgur.com/", "").replace(".jpg", "")
                        + "l.jpg";
                imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("gallery/", "").replace("a/", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("pbs.twimg.com")) {
                imageUrl = exp;
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("ow.ly/i/")) {
                imageUrl = "http://static.ow.ly/photos/original/"
                        + exp.substring(exp.lastIndexOf("/")).replaceAll("/", "") + ".jpg";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("p.twipple.jp")) {
                imageUrl = "http://p.twipple.jp/show/large/" + exp.replace("p.twipple.jp/", "")
                        .replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains(".jpg") || str.contains(".png")) {
                imageUrl = exp;
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("img.ly")) {
                imageUrl = exp.replace("https", "http").replace("http://img.ly/", "http://img.ly/show/large/");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else {
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";

    for (int i = 0; i < sMediaComp.length; i++) {
        String comp = sMediaComp[i];
        String exp = sMediaExp[i];

        if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) {
            try {
                String replacement = sMediaDisplay[i].replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "")
                        .replace("www.", "");

                boolean hasCom = replacement.contains(".com");
                replacement = replacement.substring(0, 22) + "...";

                if (hasCom && !replacement.contains(".com")) { // the link was too long...
                    replacement = sMediaDisplay[i].replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "")
                            .replace("www.", "");
                    replacement = replacement.substring(0, replacement.indexOf(".com") + 6) + "...";

                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, replacement);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp,
                        sMediaDisplay[i].replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", ""));
            imageUrl = status.getMediaEntities()[0].getMediaURL();

            for (MediaEntity m : status.getExtendedMediaEntities()) {
                if (m.getType().equals("photo")) {
                    if (!imageUrl.contains(m.getMediaURL())) {
                        imageUrl += " " + m.getMediaURL();

            otherUrl += sMediaDisplay[i];

    return new String[] { tweetTexts, imageUrl, otherUrl, mHashtags, mUsers };

From source file:com.datatorrent.contrib.twitter.TwitterSampleInput.java

License:Open Source License

public void emitTuples() {
    for (int size = statuses.size(); size-- > 0;) {
        Status s = statuses.poll();
        if (status.isConnected()) {
            status.emit(s);//from   w  w w  .ja v  a 2 s  . com

        if (text.isConnected()) {

        if (url.isConnected()) {
            URLEntity[] entities = s.getURLEntities();
            if (entities != null) {
                for (URLEntity ue : entities) {
                    url.emit((ue.getExpandedURL() == null ? ue.getURL() : ue.getExpandedURL()).toString());

        if (hashtag.isConnected()) {
            HashtagEntity[] hashtagEntities = s.getHashtagEntities();
            if (hashtagEntities != null) {
                for (HashtagEntity he : hashtagEntities) {

From source file:com.ebay.pulsar.twittersample.channel.TwitterSampleChannel.java

License:GNU General Public License

public void open() throws EventException {
    ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
    cb.setDebugEnabled(false);//from  ww w .  j  ava  2s .c o  m

    twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory(cb.build()).getInstance();
    StatusListener listener = new StatusListener() {
        public void onDeletionNotice(StatusDeletionNotice statusDeletionNotice) {

        public void onException(Exception ex) {

        public void onScrubGeo(long userId, long upToStatusId) {

        public void onStallWarning(StallWarning warning) {

        public void onStatus(Status status) {
            HashtagEntity[] hashtagEntities = status.getHashtagEntities();

            JetstreamEvent event = new JetstreamEvent();

            Place place = status.getPlace();
            if (place != null) {
                event.put("country", place.getCountry());
            event.put("ct", status.getCreatedAt().getTime());
            event.put("text", status.getText());
            event.put("lang", status.getLang());
            event.put("user", status.getUser().getName());
            if (hashtagEntities != null && hashtagEntities.length > 0) {
                StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 1; i < hashtagEntities.length; i++) {

                event.put("hashtag", s.toString());


        public void onTrackLimitationNotice(int numberOfLimitedStatuses) {

From source file:com.github.daytron.twaattin.ui.tabledecorator.TweetColumnDecorator.java

License:Open Source License

public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) {

    fragments = new ArrayList<>();

    Item item = source.getItem(itemId);//from   ww w.  j  av  a2s .co  m

    BeanItem<Status> beanItem = (BeanItem) item;

    Status status = beanItem.getBean();



    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(status.getText());

    int offset = 0;

    for (TweetFragment fragment : fragments) {

        builder.replace(fragment.getStart() + offset, fragment.getEnd() + offset, fragment.getReplacement());

        offset += fragment.getOffset();

    return new Label(builder.toString(), HTML);

From source file:com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.connect.twitter.StatusConverter.java

License:Apache License

public static void convert(Status status, Struct struct) {
    struct.put("CreatedAt", status.getCreatedAt()).put("Id", status.getId()).put("Text", status.getText())
            .put("Source", status.getSource()).put("Truncated", status.isTruncated())
            .put("InReplyToStatusId", status.getInReplyToStatusId())
            .put("InReplyToUserId", status.getInReplyToUserId())
            .put("InReplyToScreenName", status.getInReplyToScreenName()).put("Favorited", status.isFavorited())
            .put("Retweeted", status.isRetweeted()).put("FavoriteCount", status.getFavoriteCount())
            .put("Retweet", status.isRetweet()).put("RetweetCount", status.getRetweetCount())
            .put("RetweetedByMe", status.isRetweetedByMe())
            .put("CurrentUserRetweetId", status.getCurrentUserRetweetId())
            .put("PossiblySensitive", status.isPossiblySensitive()).put("Lang", status.getLang());

    Struct userStruct;/*ww  w  .  j av a  2s. co  m*/
    if (null != status.getUser()) {
        userStruct = new Struct(USER_SCHEMA);
        convert(status.getUser(), userStruct);
    } else {
        userStruct = null;
    struct.put("User", userStruct);

    Struct placeStruct;
    if (null != status.getPlace()) {
        placeStruct = new Struct(PLACE_SCHEMA);
        convert(status.getPlace(), placeStruct);
    } else {
        placeStruct = null;
    struct.put("Place", placeStruct);

    Struct geoLocationStruct;
    if (null != status.getGeoLocation()) {
        geoLocationStruct = new Struct(GEO_LOCATION_SCHEMA);
        convert(status.getGeoLocation(), geoLocationStruct);
    } else {
        geoLocationStruct = null;
    struct.put("GeoLocation", geoLocationStruct);
    List<Long> contributers = new ArrayList<>();

    if (null != status.getContributors()) {
        for (Long l : status.getContributors()) {
    struct.put("Contributors", contributers);

    List<String> withheldInCountries = new ArrayList<>();
    if (null != status.getWithheldInCountries()) {
        for (String s : status.getWithheldInCountries()) {
    struct.put("WithheldInCountries", withheldInCountries);

    struct.put("HashtagEntities", convert(status.getHashtagEntities()));
    struct.put("UserMentionEntities", convert(status.getUserMentionEntities()));
    struct.put("MediaEntities", convert(status.getMediaEntities()));
    struct.put("SymbolEntities", convert(status.getSymbolEntities()));
    struct.put("URLEntities", convert(status.getURLEntities()));

From source file:com.klinker.android.twitter.utils.TweetLinkUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static String[] getLinksInStatus(Status status) {
    UserMentionEntity[] users = status.getUserMentionEntities();
    String mUsers = "";

    for (UserMentionEntity name : users) {
        String n = name.getScreenName();
        if (n.length() > 1) {
            mUsers += n + "  ";
        }/* w  w w  .  j a  v a 2 s  .co  m*/

    HashtagEntity[] hashtags = status.getHashtagEntities();
    String mHashtags = "";

    for (HashtagEntity hashtagEntity : hashtags) {
        String text = hashtagEntity.getText();
        if (text.length() > 1) {
            mHashtags += text + "  ";

    URLEntity[] urls = status.getURLEntities();
    String expandedUrls = "";
    String compressedUrls = "";

    for (URLEntity entity : urls) {
        String url = entity.getExpandedURL();
        if (url.length() > 1) {
            expandedUrls += url + "  ";
            compressedUrls += entity.getURL() + "  ";

    MediaEntity[] medias = status.getMediaEntities();
    String mediaExp = "";
    String mediaComp = "";
    String mediaDisplay = "";

    for (MediaEntity e : medias) {
        String url = e.getURL();
        if (url.length() > 1) {
            mediaComp += url + "  ";
            mediaExp += e.getExpandedURL() + "  ";
            mediaDisplay += e.getDisplayURL() + "  ";

    String[] sExpandedUrls;
    String[] sCompressedUrls;
    String[] sMediaExp;
    String[] sMediaComp;
    String[] sMediaDisplay;

    try {
        sCompressedUrls = compressedUrls.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sCompressedUrls = new String[0];

    try {
        sExpandedUrls = expandedUrls.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sExpandedUrls = new String[0];

    try {
        sMediaComp = mediaComp.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sMediaComp = new String[0];

    try {
        sMediaExp = mediaExp.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sMediaExp = new String[0];

    try {
        sMediaDisplay = mediaDisplay.split("  ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sMediaDisplay = new String[0];

    String tweetTexts = status.getText();

    String imageUrl = "";
    String otherUrl = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < sCompressedUrls.length; i++) {
        String comp = sCompressedUrls[i];
        String exp = sExpandedUrls[i];

        if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) {
            String str = exp.toLowerCase();

            try {
                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp,
                        exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "").substring(0, 30)
                                + "...");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp,
                        exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", ""));
            if (str.contains("instag") && !str.contains("blog.insta")) {
                imageUrl = exp + "media/?size=m";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (exp.toLowerCase().contains("youtub")
                    && !(str.contains("channel") || str.contains("user"))) {
                // first get the youtube video code
                int start = exp.indexOf("v=") + 2;
                int end = exp.length();
                if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("&");
                } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("?");
                try {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg";
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1)
                            + "/hqdefault.jpg";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("youtu.be")) {
                // first get the youtube video code
                int start = exp.indexOf(".be/") + 4;
                int end = exp.length();
                if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("&");
                } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) {
                    end = exp.indexOf("?");
                try {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg";
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    imageUrl = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1)
                            + "/mqefault.jpg";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("twitpic")) {
                int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5;
                imageUrl = "http://twitpic.com/show/full/" + exp.substring(start).replace("/", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("i.imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) {
                int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5;
                imageUrl = "http://i.imgur.com/" + exp.replace("http://i.imgur.com/", "").replace(".jpg", "")
                        + "m.jpg";
                imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("gallery/", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) {
                int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 6;
                imageUrl = "http://i.imgur.com/" + exp.replace("http://imgur.com/", "").replace(".jpg", "")
                        + "m.jpg";
                imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("gallery/", "").replace("a/", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("pbs.twimg.com")) {
                imageUrl = exp;
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("ow.ly/i")) {
                imageUrl = "http://static.ow.ly/photos/original/"
                        + exp.substring(exp.lastIndexOf("/")).replaceAll("/", "") + ".jpg";
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains("p.twipple.jp")) {
                imageUrl = "http://p.twipple.jp/show/large/" + exp.replace("p.twipple.jp/", "")
                        .replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "");
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else if (str.contains(".jpg") || str.contains(".png")) {
                imageUrl = exp;
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";
            } else {
                otherUrl += exp + "  ";

    for (int i = 0; i < sMediaComp.length; i++) {
        String comp = sMediaComp[i];
        String exp = sMediaExp[i];

        if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) {
            try {
                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, sMediaDisplay[i].replace("http://", "")
                        .replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "").substring(0, 22) + "...");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp,
                        sMediaDisplay[i].replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", ""));
            imageUrl = status.getMediaEntities()[0].getMediaURL();

            for (MediaEntity m : status.getExtendedMediaEntities()) {
                if (m.getType().equals("photo")) {
                    if (!imageUrl.contains(m.getMediaURL())) {
                        imageUrl += " " + m.getMediaURL();

            otherUrl += sMediaDisplay[i];

    return new String[] { tweetTexts, imageUrl, otherUrl, mHashtags, mUsers };

From source file:com.lambda.stack.HashTagMapper.java

public Iterable<Tuple2<String, Integer>> call(Status t) throws Exception {
    List<Tuple2<String, Integer>> result = new LinkedList<>();

    for (HashtagEntity he : t.getHashtagEntities()) {
        result.add(new Tuple2<>(he.getText(), Integer.valueOf(1)));

    }//ww w  .j a va 2  s .c o  m

    return result;

From source file:com.mothsoft.alexis.engine.retrieval.TwitterRetrievalTaskImpl.java

License:Apache License

private List<TweetHashtag> readHashtags(Status status) {
    final List<TweetHashtag> hashtags = new ArrayList<TweetHashtag>();

    if (status.getHashtagEntities() != null) {
        for (final HashtagEntity entity : status.getHashtagEntities()) {

            final TweetHashtag hashtag = new TweetHashtag((short) entity.getStart(), (short) entity.getEnd(),
                    entity.getText());/*ww w.  j  av a  2s. c om*/

    return hashtags;

From source file:com.projectlaver.util.TwitterListingResponseHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void processStatus(Status status) {

    if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        this.logger.debug("+processStatus() with status id: " + status.getId());
    }//from  w  w  w . j  a  v  a2s  .  co m

    String twitterId = this.longToString(status.getId());
    User profile = status.getUser();

    // Convert twitterIds to Strings here because these fields are treated as varchars by the database
    String providerUserId = this.longToString(profile.getId());
    String inReplyToStatusId = this.longToString(status.getInReplyToStatusId());
    String tweetText = status.getText();
    Boolean isRetweet = (status.getRetweetedStatus() != null);

    // these two fields are required; without an @mention and a #hashtag we do not need to persist this tweet
    String mentionedProviderUserId = this.getMentionedProviderUserId(status.getUserMentionEntities());
    String hashtag = this.getMentionedHashtag(status.getHashtagEntities());

    if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(mentionedProviderUserId, hashtag)) {

        ReplyMessageDTO dto = new ReplyMessageDTO(SocialProviders.TWITTER, providerUserId, twitterId,
                inReplyToStatusId, null, isRetweet, tweetText, hashtag, INITIAL_STATUS, status.getCreatedAt());

        // Use a try catch here to trap excptions
        try {
            super.processUserMessage(mentionedProviderUserId, dto, false);

            // Retry on deadlock
        } catch (DeadlockLoserDataAccessException e) {

            this.logger.error("Lost deadlock trying to insert tweet. Falling back on retry logic.");
            this.retryProcessAfterDeadlock(mentionedProviderUserId, dto);

            // Log on uncaught exception
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Valid message with id: %s read by stream, but processing failed with an exception.",
                    twitterId), e);
            this.logger.error("UNINSERTED TWEET: " + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(dto));

    if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        this.logger.debug("-processStatus() with status id: " + status.getId());

From source file:com.raythos.sentilexo.twitter.utils.StatusArraysHelper.java

public static List<String> getHashTagsList(Status status) {
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (HashtagEntity h : status.getHashtagEntities()) {
    }/*  w w  w.j a  v a 2  s. co m*/
    return result;