Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Luke Klinker * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.util.Log; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import twitter4j.DirectMessage; import twitter4j.HashtagEntity; import twitter4j.MediaEntity; import twitter4j.Status; import twitter4j.URLEntity; import twitter4j.UserMentionEntity; public class TweetLinkUtils { public static String[] getLinksInStatus(Status status) { UserMentionEntity[] users = status.getUserMentionEntities(); String mUsers = ""; for (UserMentionEntity name : users) { String n = name.getScreenName(); if (n.length() > 1) { mUsers += n + " "; } } HashtagEntity[] hashtags = status.getHashtagEntities(); String mHashtags = ""; for (HashtagEntity hashtagEntity : hashtags) { String text = hashtagEntity.getText(); if (text.length() > 1) { mHashtags += text + " "; } } URLEntity[] urls = status.getURLEntities(); String expandedUrls = ""; String compressedUrls = ""; for (URLEntity entity : urls) { String url = entity.getExpandedURL(); if (url.length() > 1) { expandedUrls += url + " "; compressedUrls += entity.getURL() + " "; } } MediaEntity[] medias = status.getMediaEntities(); String mediaExp = ""; String mediaComp = ""; String mediaDisplay = ""; for (MediaEntity e : medias) { String url = e.getURL(); if (url.length() > 1) { mediaComp += url + " "; mediaExp += e.getExpandedURL() + " "; mediaDisplay += e.getDisplayURL() + " "; } } String[] sExpandedUrls; String[] sCompressedUrls; String[] sMediaExp; String[] sMediaComp; String[] sMediaDisplay; try { sCompressedUrls = compressedUrls.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sCompressedUrls = new String[0]; } try { sExpandedUrls = expandedUrls.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sExpandedUrls = new String[0]; } try { sMediaComp = mediaComp.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaComp = new String[0]; } try { sMediaExp = mediaExp.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaExp = new String[0]; } try { sMediaDisplay = mediaDisplay.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaDisplay = new String[0]; } String tweetTexts = status.getText(); String imageUrl = ""; String otherUrl = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sCompressedUrls.length; i++) { String comp = sCompressedUrls[i]; String exp = sExpandedUrls[i]; if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) { String str = exp.toLowerCase(); try { tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "").substring(0, 30) + "..."); } catch (Exception e) { tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "")); } if (str.contains("instag") && !str.contains("blog.insta")) { imageUrl = exp + "media/?size=m"; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (exp.toLowerCase().contains("youtub") && !(str.contains("channel") || str.contains("user"))) { // first get the youtube video code int start = exp.indexOf("v=") + 2; int end = exp.length(); if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) { end = exp.indexOf("&"); } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) { end = exp.indexOf("?"); } try { imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg"; } catch (Exception e) { imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1) + "/hqdefault.jpg"; } otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("")) { // first get the youtube video code int start = exp.indexOf(".be/") + 4; int end = exp.length(); if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) { end = exp.indexOf("&"); } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) { end = exp.indexOf("?"); } try { imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg"; } catch (Exception e) { imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1) + "/mqefault.jpg"; } otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("twitpic")) { int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5; imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start).replace("/", ""); otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("i.imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) { int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5; imageUrl = "" + exp.replace("", "").replace(".jpg", "") + "m.jpg"; imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("gallery/", ""); otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) { int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 6; imageUrl = "" + exp.replace("", "").replace(".jpg", "") + "m.jpg"; imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("gallery/", "").replace("a/", ""); otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("")) { imageUrl = exp; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("")) { imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(exp.lastIndexOf("/")).replaceAll("/", "") + ".jpg"; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("")) { imageUrl = "" + exp.replace("", "") .replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", ""); otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains(".jpg") || str.contains(".png")) { imageUrl = exp; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else { otherUrl += exp + " "; } } } for (int i = 0; i < sMediaComp.length; i++) { String comp = sMediaComp[i]; String exp = sMediaExp[i]; if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) { try { tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, sMediaDisplay[i].replace("http://", "") .replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "").substring(0, 22) + "..."); } catch (Exception e) { tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, sMediaDisplay[i].replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "")); } imageUrl = status.getMediaEntities()[0].getMediaURL(); for (MediaEntity m : status.getExtendedMediaEntities()) { if (m.getType().equals("photo")) { if (!imageUrl.contains(m.getMediaURL())) { imageUrl += " " + m.getMediaURL(); } } } otherUrl += sMediaDisplay[i]; } } return new String[] { tweetTexts, imageUrl, otherUrl, mHashtags, mUsers }; } public static String[] getLinksInStatus(DirectMessage status) { UserMentionEntity[] users = status.getUserMentionEntities(); String mUsers = ""; for (UserMentionEntity name : users) { String n = name.getScreenName(); if (n.length() > 1) { mUsers += n + " "; } } HashtagEntity[] hashtags = status.getHashtagEntities(); String mHashtags = ""; for (HashtagEntity hashtagEntity : hashtags) { String text = hashtagEntity.getText(); if (text.length() > 1) { mHashtags += text + " "; } } URLEntity[] urls = status.getURLEntities(); String expandedUrls = ""; String compressedUrls = ""; for (URLEntity entity : urls) { String url = entity.getExpandedURL(); if (url.length() > 1) { expandedUrls += url + " "; compressedUrls += entity.getURL() + " "; } } MediaEntity[] medias = status.getMediaEntities(); String mediaExp = ""; String mediaComp = ""; String mediaDisplay = ""; for (MediaEntity e : medias) { String url = e.getURL(); if (url.length() > 1) { mediaComp += url + " "; mediaExp += e.getExpandedURL() + " "; mediaDisplay += e.getDisplayURL() + " "; } } String[] sExpandedUrls; String[] sCompressedUrls; String[] sMediaExp; String[] sMediaComp; String[] sMediaDisply; try { sCompressedUrls = compressedUrls.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sCompressedUrls = new String[0]; } try { sExpandedUrls = expandedUrls.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sExpandedUrls = new String[0]; } try { sMediaComp = mediaComp.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaComp = new String[0]; } try { sMediaExp = mediaExp.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaExp = new String[0]; } try { sMediaDisply = mediaDisplay.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaDisply = new String[0]; } String tweetTexts = status.getText(); String imageUrl = ""; String otherUrl = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sCompressedUrls.length; i++) { String comp = sCompressedUrls[i]; String exp = sExpandedUrls[i]; if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) { String str = exp.toLowerCase(); tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "")); if (str.contains("instag") && !str.contains("blog.instag")) { imageUrl = exp + "media/?size=m"; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("youtub") && !(str.contains("channel") || str.contains("user"))) { // normal youtube link // first get the youtube video code int start = exp.indexOf("v=") + 2; int end = exp.length(); if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) { end = exp.indexOf("&"); } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) { end = exp.indexOf("?"); } imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg"; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("")) { // shortened youtube link // first get the youtube video code int start = exp.indexOf(".be/") + 4; int end = exp.length(); if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) { end = exp.indexOf("&"); } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) { end = exp.indexOf("?"); } imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg"; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("twitpic")) { int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5; imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start).replace("/", ""); otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) { int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 6; imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(start) + "m.jpg"; imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("gallery/", "").replace("a/", ""); otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("")) { imageUrl = exp; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains("")) { Log.v("talon_owly", exp); imageUrl = "" + exp.substring(exp.lastIndexOf("/")).replaceAll("/", "") + ".jpg"; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else if (str.contains(".jpg") || str.contains(".png")) { imageUrl = exp; otherUrl += exp + " "; } else { otherUrl += exp + " "; } } } for (int i = 0; i < sMediaComp.length; i++) { String comp = sMediaComp[i]; String exp = sMediaExp[i]; if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) { tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, sMediaDisply[i]); /*try { tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "").substring(0, 30) + "..."); } catch (Exception e) { tweetTexts = tweetTexts.replace(comp, exp.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "")); }*/ imageUrl = status.getMediaEntities()[0].getMediaURL(); otherUrl += sMediaDisply[i]; } } return new String[] { tweetTexts, imageUrl, otherUrl, mHashtags, mUsers }; } public static ArrayList<String> getAllExternalPictures(Status status) { URLEntity[] urls = status.getURLEntities(); String expandedUrls = ""; String compressedUrls = ""; for (URLEntity entity : urls) { String url = entity.getExpandedURL(); if (url.length() > 1) { expandedUrls += url + " "; compressedUrls += entity.getURL() + " "; } } MediaEntity[] medias = status.getMediaEntities(); String mediaExp = ""; String mediaComp = ""; for (MediaEntity e : medias) { String url = e.getURL(); if (url.length() > 1) { mediaComp += url + " "; mediaExp += e.getExpandedURL() + " "; } } String[] sExpandedUrls; String[] sCompressedUrls; String[] sMediaExp; String[] sMediaComp; try { sCompressedUrls = compressedUrls.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sCompressedUrls = new String[0]; } try { sExpandedUrls = expandedUrls.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sExpandedUrls = new String[0]; } try { sMediaComp = mediaComp.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaComp = new String[0]; } try { sMediaExp = mediaExp.split(" "); } catch (Exception e) { sMediaExp = new String[0]; } ArrayList<String> images = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < sCompressedUrls.length; i++) { String comp = sCompressedUrls[i]; String exp = sExpandedUrls[i]; if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) { String str = exp.toLowerCase(); if (str.contains("instag") && !str.contains("blog.insta")) { images.add(exp + "media/?size=m"); } else if (exp.toLowerCase().contains("youtub") && !(str.contains("channel") || str.contains("user"))) { // first get the youtube video code int start = exp.indexOf("v=") + 2; int end = exp.length(); if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) { end = exp.indexOf("&"); } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) { end = exp.indexOf("?"); } try { images.add("" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg"); } catch (Exception e) { images.add("" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1) + "/hqdefault.jpg"); } } else if (str.contains("")) { // first get the youtube video code int start = exp.indexOf(".be/") + 4; int end = exp.length(); if (exp.substring(start).contains("&")) { end = exp.indexOf("&"); } else if (exp.substring(start).contains("?")) { end = exp.indexOf("?"); } try { images.add("" + exp.substring(start, end) + "/hqdefault.jpg"); } catch (Exception e) { images.add("" + exp.substring(start, exp.length() - 1) + "/mqefault.jpg"); } } else if (str.contains("twitpic")) { int start = exp.indexOf(".com/") + 5; images.add("" + exp.substring(start).replace("/", "")); } else if (str.contains("i.imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) { images.add(("" + exp.replace("", "").replace(".jpg", "") + "m.jpg").replace("gallery/", "")); } else if (str.contains("imgur") && !str.contains("/a/")) { images.add(("" + exp.replace("", "").replace(".jpg", "") + "m.jpg").replace("gallery/", "").replace("a/", "")); } else if (str.contains("")) { images.add(exp); } else if (str.contains("")) { images.add("" + exp.substring(exp.lastIndexOf("/")).replaceAll("/", "") + ".jpg"); } else if (str.contains("")) { images.add("" + exp.replace("", "") .replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").replace("www.", "")); } else if (str.contains(".jpg") || str.contains(".png")) { images.add(exp); } } } for (int i = 0; i < sMediaComp.length; i++) { String comp = sMediaComp[i]; String exp = sMediaExp[i]; if (comp.length() > 1 && exp.length() > 1) { images.add(status.getMediaEntities()[0].getMediaURL()); } } return images; } public static String removeColorHtml(String text, AppSettings settings) { text = text.replaceAll("<font color='#FF8800'>", ""); text = text.replaceAll("</font>", ""); if (settings.addonTheme) { text = text.replaceAll("<font color='" + settings.accentColor + "'>", ""); text = text.replaceAll("</font>", ""); } return text; } }