List of usage examples for org.springframework.transaction.annotation Propagation REQUIRES_NEW
Propagation REQUIRES_NEW
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@Test @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, rollbackFor = Exception.class) public void testRegisterGtf() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(testRegister(GENES_SORTED_GTF_PATH)); }
From source
/** * Updates the underlying data store with information available in the specified Criteria instances using the specified PersistenceProvider * instances, with matching indexes. Note that this method is transactional by default. * It is advisable to use {@link PersistenceManagerProvider#update(Criteria...)} instead of calling this method directly. * @param providers the PersistenceProvider instances to be used in persistence of the Criteria information, matched by indices * @param criteria the Criteria instances whose information must be persisted * @return int array containing the outcome status of update operation * @throws PersistenceException in case of peristence errors *///from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c om @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, rollbackForClassName = { "Exception" }) public int[] update(PersistenceProvider[] providers, Criteria... criteria) throws PersistenceException { int[] returnValue = new int[criteria.length]; for (int i = 0; i < criteria.length; i++) { returnValue[i] = providers[i].update(criteria[i]); } return returnValue; }
From source
@Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void updateCompany(Company company) throws CompanyNotFoundException, CompanyAlreadyExistsException { Company original = companyDao.getCompanyById(company.getCompanyId()); if (original == null) throw CodeableException.newException(CompanyAlreadyExistsException.class, 5141, company.getCompanyId()); // new // GroupNotFoundException(); String oldCompanyName = null; String newCompanyName = null; if (!nameEquals(original, company)) { try {/*from w w w. java 2 s . c om*/ Company checked = getCompany(caseCompanyName(company.getName())); if (checked.getCompanyId() == company.getCompanyId()) { throw CodeableException.newException(CompanyAlreadyExistsException.class, 5143); // new // GroupAlreadyExistsException("Group // with // this // name // already // exists."); } } catch (CompanyNotFoundException e) { oldCompanyName = original.getName(); newCompanyName = company.getName(); } } company.setModifiedDate(new Date()); companyDao.updateCompany(company); if (oldCompanyName != null && newCompanyName != null) { companyNameUpdated(oldCompanyName); } clearCompanyFromCache(company); }
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@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public void testDeleteTransactionsByProviderId() { int txTransactionId = 1; String providerId = new String("provider"); DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setPropagationBehavior(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW.value()); TransactionStatus status = transactionManager.getTransaction(def); dbeTransactionDAO.deleteTransactionsByProviderId(providerId); transactionManager.commit(status);//from ww w. ja v a2s.c om List<DbeTransaction> listDbeTr = dbeTransactionDAO.getTransactionsByProviderId(providerId); if (listDbeTr != null && listDbeTr.size() > 0) { DbeTransactionDaoImplTest.LOGGER.debug("looking result list data...."); DbeTransactionDaoImplTest.LOGGER.error("Obtained:" + listDbeTr.get(0).getTxTransactionId()); Assert.assertTrue("0 data obtained ", listDbeTr.get(0).getTxTransactionId() == txTransactionId); } else { DbeTransactionDaoImplTest.LOGGER.debug("Obtained 0 data is not possible with datatest values"); Assert.assertTrue("0 data obtained ", true); } }
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@Transactional(readOnly = true, rollbackFor = Throwable.class, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public Usuario find(String nombreUsuario) { try {/*from w ww . j a va 2 s. co m*/ org.hibernate.Session currentSession = getSession(); if (currentSession == null) throw new RuntimeException("No tenemos session"); currentSession.clear(); Usuario u = (Usuario) currentSession.createCriteria(Usuario.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("nombreUsuario", nombreUsuario)).uniqueResult(); u.getCapasInformacion(); return u; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Error al buscar el usuario", t); } return null; }
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@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = false) public void purgeAccessEvents() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -maxAccessEventAge); Date last = cal.getTime();// w ww .j a v a 2s .co m getHibernateTemplate().bulkUpdate("delete RepoAccessEvent e where e.eventDate < ?", last); }
From source
/** * This method exists because we want a transaction to be opened and closed inside the synchronized block in generateIdentifiers * @param source//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param batchSize * @param comment * @param processor * @return */ @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public List<String> generateIdentifiersInternal(Integer sourceId, Integer batchSize, String comment) { IdentifierSource source = getIdentifierSource(sourceId); IdentifierSourceProcessor processor = getProcessor(source); if (processor == null) { throw new APIException("No registered processor found for source: " + source); } List<String> identifiers = processor.getIdentifiers(source, batchSize); Date now = new Date(); User currentUser = Context.getAuthenticatedUser(); for (String s : identifiers) { LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry(source, s, now, currentUser, comment); dao.saveLogEntry(logEntry); } return identifiers; }
From source
/** * Merges a <code>MessageRequest</code> to the persistent store.This is needed if a dirty version of the objects exists * within the same persistet context.//from w w w . j a va2s .c om * * @param mr <code>MessageReques<./code> to merge * @see */ @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void mergeMessageNow(MessageRequest mr) { if (mr != null) { MessageRequestDAO msgreqDao = getCoreManager().createMessageRequestDAO(); msgreqDao.merge(mr); } }
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@Override @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void updateStatusInSeparateTransaction(String uuid, WorkerStatus status) { WorkerNode worker = workerNodeRepository.findByUuid(uuid); if (worker == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("no worker was found by the specified UUID:" + uuid); }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om worker.setStatus(status); }