List of usage examples for org.springframework.transaction.annotation Propagation REQUIRES_NEW
Propagation REQUIRES_NEW
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = false, rollbackFor = Throwable.class) private void removeRoles(Flota f) { try {//from w w w .j a v a 2 s.c o m if (f != null && f.getId() != null) { Session currentSession = getSession(); currentSession.clear(); f = this.get(f.getId()); final Set<Rol> roles = Collections.unmodifiableSet(f.getRoles()); if (f != null && roles != null) for (Rol r : roles) { r = (Rol) currentSession.get(Rol.class, r.getId()); if (r != null && r.getFlotas() != null) { final Set<Flota> flotas = Collections.unmodifiableSet(r.getFlotas()); List<Flota> aBorrar = new LinkedList<Flota>(); for (Flota fl : flotas) if (fl.getId().equals(f.getId())) aBorrar.add(fl); for (Flota fl : aBorrar) r.getFlotas().remove(fl); currentSession.saveOrUpdate(r); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t, t); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = true, rollbackFor = Throwable.class) public List<Incidencia> getAll() { List<Incidencia> res = new LinkedList<Incidencia>(); try {/* w w w.jav a 2s . c o m*/ Session currentSession = getSession(); currentSession.clear(); Criteria criteria = currentSession.createCriteria(Incidencia.class) .setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); res = (List<Incidencia>) criteria.list(); for (Incidencia i : res) { if (i.getCreador() != null) i.getCreador().getId(); if (i.getEstado() != null) i.getEstado().getId(); if (i.getCategoria() != null) i.getCategoria().getId(); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t, t); } return res; }
From source
@Test public void testNewExpendLimitDataForaUser() { BmService bmService = new BmService(); bmService.setNuServiceId(1);//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om BmCurrency bmCurrency = new BmCurrency(); bmCurrency.setNuCurrencyId(1); BmObCountry bmObCountry = new BmObCountry(); bmObCountry.setId(new BmObCountryId(1, 1)); List<DbeExpendControl> l = expLimitDao.getExpendDataForUserAppProvCurrencyObCountry("userId01", bmService, "app123456", bmCurrency, bmObCountry); Assert.assertTrue("Elements founds", l != null && l.size() == 3); Iterator<DbeExpendControl> it = l.iterator(); DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setPropagationBehavior(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW.value()); TransactionStatus status = transactionManager.getTransaction(def); while (it.hasNext()) { DbeExpendControl el =; DbeExpendControl neoEc = new DbeExpendControl(); neoEc.setId(new DbeExpendLimitPK()); neoEc.getId().setNuCountryId(el.getId().getNuCountryId()); neoEc.getId().setNuCurrencyId(el.getId().getNuCountryId()); neoEc.getId().setNuObId(el.getId().getNuCountryId()); neoEc.getId().setNuServiceId(el.getId().getNuCountryId()); neoEc.getId().setTxAppProviderId("123456"); neoEc.getId().setTxElType(el.getId().getTxElType()); neoEc.getId().setTxEndUserId("userId101"); neoEc.setDtNextPeriodStart(el.getDtNextPeriodStart()); neoEc.setTxNotifications(el.getTxNotifications()); neoEc.setFtExpensedAmount(el.getFtExpensedAmount()); expLimitDao.saveDbeExpendControl(neoEc); } transactionManager.commit(status); l = expLimitDao.getExpendDataForUserAppProvCurrencyObCountry("userId101", bmService, "123456", bmCurrency, bmObCountry); Assert.assertTrue("Elements founds", l != null && l.size() == 3); it = l.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DbeExpendControl el =; if (!el.getId().getTxAppProviderId().equalsIgnoreCase("123456")) {"Application provider invalid: " + el.getId().getTxAppProviderId()); } if (!el.getId().getTxEndUserId().equalsIgnoreCase("userId101")) {"User invalid: " + el.getId().getTxEndUserId()); } } }
From source
/** * Used internally to process one record inside a transaction. * @return true if the loop calling this method should continue, * or false if we're done for now./*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c om*/ */ // must have it's own transaction @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public boolean engineLoopProcessOne() { // 1. select next batch size (maybe just 1 for now) where next // consideration date is older than now Subscription mySubscription = mainDao.getNextSendableSubscription(SubscriptionStatus.ACTIVE); // if no result, then bail out, nothing to do if (mySubscription == null) { logger().debug("No more results, exiting loop"); return false; } // the subscription we are now processing logger().debug("Got subscription with id: {}", mySubscription.getId()); // look up the subscriber too Subscriber mySubscriber = mySubscription.getSubscriber(); if (mySubscriber == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Data error, subscription with id " + mySubscription.getId() + " has null subscriber, should not be possible"); } // Make sure we don't send to people who are asked off // if status is not okay... if (mySubscriber.getSubscriberStatus() != SubscriberStatus.OK) { // end this subscription endSubscription(mySubscription); // log for posterity logger().info( "Was going to send to subscriber (email={}) but status is not OK, it's '{}', not sending and ending subscription.", mySubscriber.getEmail(), mySubscriber.getSubscriberStatus()); // bail out return true; } // 2. for this Subscription, find last message processed in // the list for that group // first make sure we have a corresponding message group MessageGroup myMessageGroup = messageGroupSource .getMessageGroupByName(mySubscription.getMessageGroupName()); // if no such message group, then we just get rid of the // subscription (lose the date so it doesn't get pulled back up); // also catch the case where no subscriber record, should never // happen, but adding scenario for robustness) if (myMessageGroup == null || mySubscriber == null) { logger().warn("Either message group or subscriber was null, " + "bailing out (messageGroup: {}, subscriber: {})", myMessageGroup, mySubscriber); /* ====================================================== */ /* clear next send date of subscription */ /* ====================================================== */ endSubscription(mySubscription); return true; } // get the name of the last message String myLastMessageName = mySubscription.getLastMessageName(); logger().debug("myLastMessageName: {}", myLastMessageName); // if last message exists int mySendMessageRefIndex = myMessageGroup.indexOfName(myLastMessageName); if (mySendMessageRefIndex >= 0) { // increment to next one to get the message we should send mySendMessageRefIndex++; } // if last message name was null, then start at zero if (myLastMessageName == null) { mySendMessageRefIndex = 0; } logger().debug("myLastMessageRefIndex: {}", mySendMessageRefIndex); // 3. get the next message List<MessageRef> myMessageRefList = myMessageGroup.getMessageRefList(); // the MessageRef that we are to send MessageRef mySendMessageRef = null; if (mySendMessageRefIndex >= 0) { // make sure we haven't gone beyond the end of the messages if (myMessageRefList.size() > mySendMessageRefIndex) { mySendMessageRef = myMessageRefList.get(mySendMessageRefIndex); } } logger().debug("about to send mySendMessageRef: {}", mySendMessageRef); // no message to send (either couldn't find last message or // there is no next message); also check for the case where // the last send date is not set (should never happen, but just // to keep it from breaking the system we treat it like end // of list) if (mySendMessageRef == null || mySubscription.getLastSendDate() == null) { logger().debug("no more messages to send for this subscription"); /* ====================================================== */ /* clear next send date of subscription */ /* ====================================================== */ endSubscription(mySubscription); return true; } if (mySubscription.getLastSendDate() == null) { logger().warn("last_send_date was null on subscription, should never happen"); } // the time on it and recalculate, confirm that // time is now past Long myWait = mySendMessageRef.getWaitAfterLastMessage(); if (myWait == null) { /* ====================================================== */ /* clear next send date of subscription */ /* ====================================================== */ logger().warn("'wait after last message' value was not set for this message, ending the subscription"); endSubscription(mySubscription); return true; } // 3b.if not past then set next consideration date to recalced date // and kick back // see if it's time to send yet long myLastSendDate = mySubscription.getLastSendDate().getTime(); if (myLastSendDate + myWait > new Date().getTime()) { logger().debug("it is not yet time to send this message, putting it back for later"); // not time to send (possibly message changed since // this subscription record was last edited - also first // subscription looks like this); // reset the nextSendDate and move on mySubscription.setNextSendDate(new Date(myLastSendDate + myWait)); mainDao.persist(mySubscription); return true; } // 4. render and send message boolean mySendWorked = sendMessage(mySendMessageRef, myMessageGroup, mySubscriber, mySubscription, LogEntryType.MESSAGE_SENT); // if the sending was skipped... if (!mySendWorked) { // write a log entry for the skipping mainDao.logEntry(LogEntryType.MESSAGE_SKIPPED, mySubscriber, myMessageGroup.getName(), propUtil.mkprops("message_name", mySendMessageRef.getName())); } // 5. get next message in the list and recalculate date based on that, // update last message name and save // update the last sent info mySubscription.setLastMessageName(mySendMessageRef.getName()); mySubscription.setLastSendDate(new Date()); // index of next message int myNextMessageRefIndex = mySendMessageRefIndex + 1; // 5a.if no more messages, then next consideration date is set to null if (myNextMessageRefIndex >= myMessageRefList.size()) { mySubscription.setNextSendDate(null); } // if we have a next message, then calc when it fires else { MessageRef myNextMessageRef = myMessageRefList.get(myNextMessageRefIndex); Long myNextWait = myNextMessageRef.getWaitAfterLastMessage(); mySubscription.setNextSendDate(new Date(mySubscription.getLastSendDate().getTime() + myNextWait)); } // save the changes to the subscription mainDao.persist(mySubscription); if (mySubscription.getNextSendDate() == null) { // write a log entry for the completion of the subscription mainDao.logEntry(LogEntryType.SUBSCRIPTION_DONE, mySubscriber, myMessageGroup.getName(), propUtil.mkprops("message_name", mySendMessageRef.getName())); } // as far as we know, there should be more to process... return true; }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) private void createDefaultDiscussion(DocumentCreationEvent event, Document newDocument, SSSCreateDiscRequestDto sssCreateDiscRequestDto) { try {/* w ww . ja va 2 s . co m*/ String episodeId = null; try { Document document = documentService.findById(newDocument.getId()); if (document != null) { DocumentSSSInfo documentSSSInfo = documentSSSInfoService.getDocumentSSSInfo(document); if (documentSSSInfo != null) { episodeId = documentSSSInfo.getEpisodeId(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SSSCreateDiscResponseDto result = sssClient.createDiscussion(String.valueOf(newDocument.getId()), sssCreateDiscRequestDto, event.getAccessToken(), episodeId); String disc = result.getDisc(); System.out.println(disc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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@Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void deleteAnnounce(long announceId) { try {/*from w w w . java2s . c o m*/ Announce announce = getAnnounce(announceId); announceDao.delete(announce); // fire event; announceCache.remove(announce.getAnnounceId()); } catch (AnnounceNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); } }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = false, rollbackFor = Throwable.class) public void removeRecursos(Patrulla p) { if (p == null || p.getId() == null) return;/*from w w w. j av a 2 s. com*/ try { Session currentSession = getSession(); currentSession.clear(); p = this.get(p.getId()); if (p != null && p.getRecursos() != null) { for (Recurso r : p.getRecursos()) { try { r.setPatrullas(null); currentSession.saveOrUpdate(r); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("No pude eliminar el recurso de la patrulla", t); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t, t); } }
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@Override @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void addStat(DailyStatistics stat) { final Session sess = sessionFactory.openSession(); try {/*from w w w .j a v a2 s . c om*/; sess.flush(); } finally { sess.close(); } }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = false, rollbackFor = Throwable.class) public void removeFlotas(Rol rol) { if (rol == null || rol.getId() == null) return;//from w w w .j ava2 s. c om Session currentSession = getSession(); currentSession.clear(); Rol entity = this.get(rol.getId()); if (entity == null) return; if (entity.getFlotas() != null) for (Flota f : entity.getFlotas()) { if (!rol.getFlotas().contains(f)) { log.debug("Borrando la flota " + f + " del rol " + entity); f.getRoles().remove(entity); currentSession.saveOrUpdate(f); } else log.debug("La flota " + f + " permanece en el rol " + entity); } entity.setFlotas(new HashSet<Flota>()); currentSession.saveOrUpdate(entity); }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, readOnly = true, rollbackFor = Throwable.class) public boolean alreadyExists(String nombre) { Integer res = new Integer(-1); try {/*from w w w .j a va 2 s . co m*/ Session currentSession = getSession(); currentSession.clear(); Criteria criteria = currentSession.createCriteria(CapaInformacion.class) .setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).add(Restrictions.ilike("nombre", nombre)); Integer count = (Integer) criteria.uniqueResult(); res = count.intValue(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t, t); } return res != 0; }