Example usage for org.openqa.selenium Keys COMMAND

List of usage examples for org.openqa.selenium Keys COMMAND


In this page you can find the example usage for org.openqa.selenium Keys COMMAND.



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From source file:com.liferay.faces.portal.test.showcase.inputrichtext.InputRichTextTester.java

License:Open Source License

public void runInputRichTextTest(String useCase, String boldOpen, String boldClose, String italicsOpen,
        String italicsClose, String elementToClickXpath) {

    // 1. Navigate to the appropriate "inputRichText" use case.
    BrowserDriver browserDriver = getBrowserDriver();
    navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, "inputRichText", useCase);

    // 2. Verify that the rich text editor is visible.
    WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter = getWaitingAsserter();

    if (isCheckboxDisplayedAndEnabled(browserDriver, "rendered")) {

        // 3. Click the *Rendered* checkbox.

        // 4. Verify that the rich text editor is not visible.

        // 5. Click the *Rendered* checkbox.

        // 6. Verify that the rich text editor is visible.
    }/*w w  w  .  j ava 2 s  .c o  m*/

    if (isCheckboxDisplayedAndEnabled(browserDriver, "required")) {

        // 7. Click the *Submit* button.

        // 8. Verify that no error messages are shown since the rich text editor is not a required field.

        // 9. Click the *Required* checkbox.

        // 10. Click the *Submit* button.

        // 11. Verify that a "Value is required." error message appears.

    // 12. Enter "Hello to the whole World!" into the rich text editor.

    String text = "Hello to the whole World!";
    browserDriver.sendKeysToElement(BODY_XPATH, text);

    // 13. Click the *Submit* button.
    submitRichText(browserDriver, elementToClickXpath, 1, text);

    // 14. Verify that "Hello to the whole World!" appears in the *Model Value*.
    waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(text, modelValue1Xpath);

    // 15. Verify that the "Value is required." error message does not appear.

    // 16. Select the text "lo to the wh" in the rich text editor.
    // 17. Press Ctrl + b (or Cmd + b) to bold the text.

    String boldSelection = "lo to the wh";
    selectTextAndSendKeys(browserDriver, text, boldSelection, Keys.CONTROL, Keys.COMMAND, "b");

    // 18. Select the text "o the whole Wor" in the rich text editor.
    // 19. Press Ctrl + i (or Cmd + i) to italicize the text.
    String italicizedSelection = "o the whole Wor";
    selectTextAndSendKeys(browserDriver, text, italicizedSelection, Keys.CONTROL, Keys.COMMAND, "i");

    // 20. Click the *Submit* button.
    String expectedFormattedText = "Hel<strong>lo t<em>o the wh</em></strong><em>ole Wor</em>ld!";
    expectedFormattedText = expectedFormattedText.replace("<strong>", boldOpen).replace("</strong>", boldClose)
            .replace("<em>", italicsOpen).replace("</em>", italicsClose);
    submitRichText(browserDriver, elementToClickXpath, 1, expectedFormattedText);

    // 21. Verify that "Hel<strong>lo t<em>o the wh</em></strong><em>ole Wor</em>ld!" appears (with the appropriate
    // markup for the current use-case) in the *Model Value*.
    waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(expectedFormattedText, modelValue1Xpath);

    // 22. Verify that the "Value is required." error message does not appear.

From source file:com.liferay.faces.portal.test.showcase.inputrichtext.InputRichTextValidationTester.java

License:Open Source License

public void runInputRichTextValidationTest() {

    // 1. Navigate to the "inputRichText" "Validation" use case.
    BrowserDriver browserDriver = getBrowserDriver();
    navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, "inputRichText", "validation");

    // 2. Enter "123456789" into the rich text editor.

    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    for (int i = 1; i < MIN_PLAIN_TEXT_CHARS; i++) {
        stringBuilder.append(i % 10);//w ww.  ja  va2s. c o m

    browserDriver.sendKeysToElement(BODY_XPATH, stringBuilder.toString());

    // 3. Click the *Submit* button.

    // 4. Verify that the "Length is less than allowable minimum of '10'" feedback message appears.
    WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter = getWaitingAsserter();

    // 5. Verify that nothing appears in the model value since the submitted value is invalid.
    waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(stringBuilder.toString(), modelValue1Xpath, false);

    // 6. Navigate to the "inputRichText" "Validation" use case to reset the rich text value.
    navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, "inputRichText", "validation");

    // 7. Enter "123456789a" into the rich text editor.
    browserDriver.sendKeysToElement(BODY_XPATH, stringBuilder.toString());

    // 8. Click the *Submit* button.
    submitRichText(browserDriver, submitButton1Xpath, 1, stringBuilder.toString());

    // 9. Verify that the "Length is less than allowable minimum of '10'" feedback message does not appear.

    // 10. Verify that "123456789a" appears in the model value.
    waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(stringBuilder.toString(), modelValue1Xpath);

    // 11. Navigate to the "inputRichText" "Validation" use case to reset the rich text value.
    navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, "inputRichText", "validation");

    // 12. Enter the maximum number of characters (144) into the rich text editor.

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_CHARS; i++) {

        if (i == 0) {
        } else {
            stringBuilder.append(i % 10);

    browserDriver.sendKeysToElement(BODY_XPATH, stringBuilder.toString());

    // 13. Click the *Submit* button.
    submitRichText(browserDriver, submitButton1Xpath, 1, stringBuilder.toString());

    // 14. Verify that the "Length is greater than allowable maximum of '144'" feedback message does not appear.

    // 15. Verify that the 144 submitted characters appear in the model value.
    waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(stringBuilder.toString(), modelValue1Xpath);

    // 16. Select the first character in the rich text editor.
    // 17. Press Ctrl + b (Cmd + b on Mac) to bold the first character.

    selectTextAndSendKeys(browserDriver, stringBuilder.toString(), "b", Keys.CONTROL, Keys.COMMAND, "b");

    // 18. Click the *Submit* button.
    String boldModelValue = stringBuilder.toString().replace("b", "<strong>b</strong>");
    submitRichText(browserDriver, submitButton1Xpath, 1, boldModelValue);

    // 19. Verify that the 144 submitted characters appear in the model value with the first character surrounded by
    // <strong> tags.
    waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(boldModelValue, modelValue1Xpath);

    // 20. Verify that the "Length is greater than allowable maximum of '144'" feedback message does not appear.

    // 21. Navigate to the "inputRichText" "Validation" use case to reset the rich text value.
    navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, "inputRichText", "validation");

    // 22. Enter the maximum number of characters (144) plus one "a" into the rich text editor.
    browserDriver.sendKeysToElement(BODY_XPATH, stringBuilder.toString());

    // 23. Click the *Submit* button.
    submitRichText(browserDriver, submitButton1Xpath, 1, stringBuilder.toString());

    // 24. Verify that the "Length is greater than allowable maximum of '144'" feedback message appears.

    // 25. Verify that nothing appears in the model value since the submitted value is invalid.
    waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(stringBuilder.toString(), modelValue1Xpath, false);

From source file:com.liferay.faces.test.alloy.showcase.datatable.DataTableTesterBase.java

License:Open Source License

 * Must build this action using keyDown(key) and keyUp(key) since Action sendKeys behaves differently than
 * WebElement sendKeys (unless the browser is phantomjs, then it would need the following script).
 * https://seleniumhq.github.io/selenium/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/interactions/Actions.html#sendKeys-java.lang.CharSequence...-
 *///from   ww  w  .j a  va2s.  c om
protected void metaOrCommandClick(BrowserDriver browserDriver, String xpath) {
    Keys metaOrCommandKey = Keys.META;

    if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("mac")) {
        metaOrCommandKey = Keys.COMMAND;

    if ("phantomjs".equals(browserDriver.getBrowserName())) {
                "var element = arguments[0]; YUI().use('node-event-simulate', function(Y) { Y.one(element).simulate('click', { metaKey: true }); });",
    } else {
        Actions metaOrCommandClickBuilder = browserDriver.createActions();

        Action metaOrCommandClick = metaOrCommandClickBuilder.build();

From source file:com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven.commands.SendKeys.java

License:Apache License

protected Void handleSeleneseCommand(WebDriver driver, String locator, String value) {

    value = value.replace("${KEY_ALT}", Keys.ALT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_CONTROL}", Keys.CONTROL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_CTRL}", Keys.CONTROL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_META}", Keys.META);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_COMMAND}", Keys.COMMAND);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SHIFT}", Keys.SHIFT);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_BACKSPACE}", Keys.BACK_SPACE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_BKSP}", Keys.BACK_SPACE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DELETE}", Keys.DELETE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DEL}", Keys.DELETE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ENTER}", Keys.ENTER);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_EQUALS}", Keys.EQUALS);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ESCAPE}", Keys.ESCAPE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ESC}", Keys.ESCAPE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_INSERT}", Keys.INSERT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_INS}", Keys.INSERT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PAUSE}", Keys.PAUSE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SEMICOLON}", Keys.SEMICOLON);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SPACE}", Keys.SPACE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_TAB}", Keys.TAB);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_LEFT}", Keys.LEFT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_UP}", Keys.UP);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_RIGHT}", Keys.RIGHT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DOWN}", Keys.DOWN);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PAGE_UP}", Keys.PAGE_UP);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PGUP}", Keys.PAGE_UP);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PAGE_DOWN}", Keys.PAGE_DOWN);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_PGDN}", Keys.PAGE_DOWN);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_END}", Keys.END);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_HOME}", Keys.HOME);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD0}", Keys.NUMPAD0);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N0}", Keys.NUMPAD0);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD1}", Keys.NUMPAD1);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N1}", Keys.NUMPAD1);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD2}", Keys.NUMPAD2);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N2}", Keys.NUMPAD2);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD3}", Keys.NUMPAD3);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N3}", Keys.NUMPAD3);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD4}", Keys.NUMPAD4);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N4}", Keys.NUMPAD4);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD5}", Keys.NUMPAD5);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N5}", Keys.NUMPAD5);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD6}", Keys.NUMPAD6);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N6}", Keys.NUMPAD6);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD7}", Keys.NUMPAD7);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N7}", Keys.NUMPAD7);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD8}", Keys.NUMPAD8);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N8}", Keys.NUMPAD8);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUMPAD9}", Keys.NUMPAD9);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_N9}", Keys.NUMPAD9);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_ADD}", Keys.ADD);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_PLUS}", Keys.ADD);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DECIMAL}", Keys.DECIMAL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_PERIOD}", Keys.DECIMAL);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_DIVIDE}", Keys.DIVIDE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_DIVISION}", Keys.DIVIDE);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_MULTIPLY}", Keys.MULTIPLY);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_MULTIPLY}", Keys.MULTIPLY);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SEPARATOR}", Keys.SEPARATOR);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SEP}", Keys.SEPARATOR);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_SUBTRACT}", Keys.SUBTRACT);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_NUM_MINUS}", Keys.SUBTRACT);

    value = value.replace("${KEY_F1}", Keys.F1);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F2}", Keys.F2);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F3}", Keys.F3);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F4}", Keys.F4);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F5}", Keys.F5);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F6}", Keys.F6);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F7}", Keys.F7);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F8}", Keys.F8);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F9}", Keys.F9);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F10}", Keys.F10);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F11}", Keys.F11);
    value = value.replace("${KEY_F12}", Keys.F12);

    finder.findElement(driver, locator).sendKeys(value);

    return null;/*from   w  w  w  . j  a  v  a 2  s . co m*/

From source file:org.alfresco.po.PageElement.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns COMMAND {@link Keys} if the OS is MAC OS X else CONTROL key.
 * @return {@link Keys}//from  w  w  w.  j ava2  s.co  m
private Keys getOsKey() {
    Keys keys = Keys.CONTROL;
    String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
    if (osName != null && !osName.isEmpty() && osName.toLowerCase().startsWith("mac")) {
        keys = Keys.COMMAND;
    return keys;

From source file:org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.action.MacOSActions.java

License:Open Source License

protected CharSequence[] modifyCharSequence(CharSequence... keysToSend) {
    final List<CharSequence> modKeysToSend = newArrayList();

    for (CharSequence charSequence : keysToSend) {
        final String key = charSequence.toString();

        if (Keys.END.toString().equals(key)) {
            modKeysToSend.add(Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.RIGHT));
        } else if (Keys.HOME.toString().equals(key)) {
            modKeysToSend.add(Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.LEFT));
        } else if (Keys.PAGE_UP.toString().equals(key)) {
            modKeysToSend.add(Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.UP));
        } else if (Keys.PAGE_DOWN.toString().equals(key)) {
            modKeysToSend.add(Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.DOWN));
        } else {/*from  w  w w.  j a  v a2 s.  c  om*/

    return modKeysToSend.toArray(new CharSequence[modKeysToSend.size()]);

From source file:org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.action.MacOSActionsTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void testShouldReplaceEndCharSequence() throws Exception {
    MacOSActions actions = new MacOSActions(webDriver);

    final CharSequence[] charSequences = actions.modifyCharSequence(Keys.ESCAPE, Keys.END);

    assertNotNull(charSequences);/*  ww  w. j ava  2 s .  c o m*/
    assertEquals(charSequences.length, 2);

    assertEquals(charSequences[0], Keys.ESCAPE);
    assertEquals(charSequences[1], Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.RIGHT));

From source file:org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.action.MacOSActionsTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void testShouldReplaceHomeCharSequence() throws Exception {
    MacOSActions actions = new MacOSActions(webDriver);

    final CharSequence[] charSequences = actions.modifyCharSequence(Keys.ESCAPE, Keys.HOME);

    assertNotNull(charSequences);/*from www  .j av  a2 s  . c  o m*/
    assertEquals(charSequences.length, 2);

    assertEquals(charSequences[0], Keys.ESCAPE);
    assertEquals(charSequences[1], Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.LEFT));

From source file:org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.action.MacOSActionsTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void testShouldReplacePageDownCharSequence() throws Exception {
    MacOSActions actions = new MacOSActions(webDriver);

    final CharSequence[] charSequences = actions.modifyCharSequence(Keys.ESCAPE, Keys.PAGE_DOWN);

    assertNotNull(charSequences);/*from  ww  w.j  ava 2s  . c  om*/
    assertEquals(charSequences.length, 2);

    assertEquals(charSequences[0], Keys.ESCAPE);
    assertEquals(charSequences[1], Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.DOWN));

From source file:org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.action.MacOSActionsTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void testShouldReplacePageUpCharSequence() throws Exception {
    MacOSActions actions = new MacOSActions(webDriver);

    final CharSequence[] charSequences = actions.modifyCharSequence(Keys.ESCAPE, Keys.PAGE_UP);

    assertNotNull(charSequences);//from  w ww. j  a  va2 s  .c  o m
    assertEquals(charSequences.length, 2);

    assertEquals(charSequences[0], Keys.ESCAPE);
    assertEquals(charSequences[1], Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.UP));