Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ package com.liferay.faces.test.alloy.showcase.datatable; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import; import; import com.liferay.faces.test.selenium.browser.BrowserDriver; import com.liferay.faces.test.selenium.browser.WaitingAsserter; import com.liferay.faces.util.logging.Logger; import com.liferay.faces.util.logging.LoggerFactory; /** * @author Kyle Stiemann * @author Philip White * @author Neil Griffin */ public class DataTableTesterBase extends DataTesterBase { // Logger private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataTableTesterBase.class); // Protected Constants protected static final String DATA_TABLE = "dataTable"; protected static final String DATE_OF_BIRTH_HEADER_XPATH = "//table/thead/tr/th[@scope='col'][contains(.,'Date of Birth')]"; protected static final String LAST_NAME_HEADER_XPATH = "//table/thead/tr/th[@scope='col'][contains(.,'Last Name')]"; protected static final String SERVER_EVENT_INFO_TEXT_XPATH = "//table[contains(@class,'alloy-messages')]/tbody/tr/td"; protected static final String SORTED_ASCENDING_ICON_XPATH = "//th[contains(@class,'table-sortable-column table-sorted')][not(contains(@class,'table-sorted-desc'))]//span[contains(@class,'table-sort-indicator')]"; protected static final int TOTAL_CUSTOMERS = 162; // Private Constants private static final String PAGE_BUTTON_XPATH_PREFIX = "//div[contains(@class,'alloy-paginator')]//ul[contains(@class,'pagination')]"; // Note: SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe but Selenium testing is single-threaded. private static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy"); /** * Clicks on the specified element and verifies that the specified text is present in the element targeted by the * specified xpath. */ protected void clickElementAndVerifyTextIsPresent(BrowserDriver browserDriver, WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter, String clickXpath, String assertElementXpath, String containsText) { browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow(clickXpath); browserDriver.clickElement(clickXpath); waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(containsText, assertElementXpath); } /** * Returns a complete list of customers by iterating through each of the numbered <code>alloy:dataTable</code> pages * of tabular data markup. */ protected List<Customer> extractCustomersFromAllPages(BrowserDriver browserDriver, String componentUseCase) throws ParseException { List<Customer> extractedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer>(); // While the *Last Page* button is still active: WebDriver webDriver = browserDriver.getWebDriver(); ExpectedCondition<Boolean> navigationButtonClassDisabledCondition = isTextPresentInElementClassAttribute( "disabled", "(" + PAGE_BUTTON_XPATH_PREFIX + "/li[last()])[1]"); while (!navigationButtonClassDisabledCondition.apply(webDriver)) { // Extract the customers from the current page of the table. extractedCustomers.addAll(extractCustomersFromCurrentPage(browserDriver, componentUseCase)); // Click the *Next Page* button. Action clickNextPageAction = browserDriver .createClickElementAction(getPaginatorButtonXpath("nextPage")); browserDriver.performAndWaitForRerender(clickNextPageAction, getFirstNameCellXpath(componentUseCase)); } // Extract customers from the last page of the table. extractedCustomers.addAll(extractCustomersFromCurrentPage(browserDriver, componentUseCase)); return extractedCustomers; } /** * Returns list of customers from the currently rendered <code>alloy:dataTable</code> page of tabular data markup. */ protected List<Customer> extractCustomersFromCurrentPage(BrowserDriver browserDriver, String componentUseCase) throws ParseException { List<Customer> extractedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer>(); List<WebElement> firstNameElements = browserDriver .findElementsByXpath(getFirstNameCellXpath(componentUseCase)); List<WebElement> lastNameElements = browserDriver .findElementsByXpath(getLastNameCellXpath(componentUseCase)); List<WebElement> dateOfBirthElements = browserDriver .findElementsByXpath(getDateOfBirthCellXpath(componentUseCase)); for (int i = 0; i < firstNameElements.size(); i++) { WebElement firstNameElement = firstNameElements.get(i); WebElement lastNameElement = lastNameElements.get(i); WebElement dateOfBirthElement = dateOfBirthElements.get(i); Date dateOfBirth = DATE_FORMAT.parse(dateOfBirthElement.getText()); Customer customer = new Customer(firstNameElement.getText(), lastNameElement.getText(), dateOfBirth); extractedCustomers.add(customer); } return extractedCustomers; } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the rendered <code>alloy:messages</code> component markup that displays * the specified message. */ protected String getAlloyMessageXpath(String message) { StringBuilder alloyMessageXpath = new StringBuilder(); alloyMessageXpath.append("(//table[contains(@class,'alloy-messages')]/tbody/tr/td[contains(.,'"); alloyMessageXpath.append(message); alloyMessageXpath.append("')])"); return alloyMessageXpath.toString(); } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the rendered <code>alloy:messages</code> component markup that displays * a comma-delimited list of full names for the specified customers. */ protected String getAlloyMessageXpath(Customer[] customers) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); boolean firstCustomer = true; for (Customer customer : customers) { if (firstCustomer) { firstCustomer = false; } else { message.append(", "); } message.append(customer.toString()); } return getAlloyMessageXpath(message.toString()); } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets all of the <span> elements found in the cells of the "Date of * Birth" table column. */ protected String getDateOfBirthCellXpath(String componentUseCase) { if (componentUseCase.equals("selection") || componentUseCase.equals("server-events")) { return "//tbody//td[4]//span[contains(@class,'alloy-output-text')]"; } else { return "//tbody//td[3]//span[contains(@class,'alloy-output-text')]"; } } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the dropdown list associated with the specified label and option value. */ protected String getDropDownListXpath(String labelText, String optionValue) { return "//label[contains(.,'" + labelText + "')]/following-sibling::select/option[@value='" + optionValue + "']"; } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets all of the <span> elements found in the cells of the "First Name" * table column. */ protected String getFirstNameCellXpath(String componentUseCase) { if (componentUseCase.equals("selection") || componentUseCase.equals("server-events")) { return "//tbody//td[2]//span[contains(@class,'alloy-output-text')]"; } else { return "//tbody//td[1]//span[contains(@class,'alloy-output-text')]"; } } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets all of the <span> elements found in the cells of the "Last Name" * table column. */ protected String getLastNameCellXpath(String componentUseCase) { if (componentUseCase.equals("selection") || componentUseCase.equals("server-events")) { return "//tbody//td[3]//span[contains(@class,'alloy-output-text')]"; } else { return "//tbody//td[2]//span[contains(@class,'alloy-output-text')]"; } } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the button associated with the specified label within the <code> * alloy:paginator</code>. */ protected String getPaginatorButtonXpath(String buttonLabel) { return "//div[contains(@class,'alloy-paginator')]//ul[contains(@class,'pagination')]//li//*[contains(@onclick,'" + buttonLabel + "')]"; } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the checkbox or radio button associated with the specified customer. */ protected String getRowSelectionInputXpath(Customer customer) { return "//tbody/tr[contains(.,'" + customer.getFirstName() + "')][contains(.,'" + customer.getLastName() + "')]//input[contains(@id,'customers:')]"; } /** * Determines whether or not the specified page number is active in the rendered <code>alloy:paginator</code> * markup. */ protected ExpectedCondition<Boolean> isPaginatorPageNumberButtonActive(int pageButtonNumber) { String pageButtonXpath = PAGE_BUTTON_XPATH_PREFIX + "//*[contains(.,'" + Integer.toString(pageButtonNumber) + "')]/parent::li"; return isTextPresentInElementClassAttribute("active", pageButtonXpath); } /** * Must build this action using keyDown(key) and keyUp(key) since Action sendKeys behaves differently than * WebElement sendKeys (unless the browser is phantomjs, then it would need the following script). * */ protected void metaOrCommandClick(BrowserDriver browserDriver, String xpath) { Keys metaOrCommandKey = Keys.META; if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("mac")) { metaOrCommandKey = Keys.COMMAND; } if ("phantomjs".equals(browserDriver.getBrowserName())) { browserDriver.executeScriptInCurrentWindow( "var element = arguments[0]; YUI().use('node-event-simulate', function(Y) {'click', { metaKey: true }); });", browserDriver.findElementByXpath(xpath)); } else { Actions metaOrCommandClickBuilder = browserDriver.createActions(); metaOrCommandClickBuilder.keyDown(metaOrCommandKey).click(browserDriver.findElementByXpath(xpath)) .keyUp(metaOrCommandKey); Action metaOrCommandClick =; metaOrCommandClick.perform(); } } /** * Tests the row selection features of the <code>alloy:dataTable</code> by verifying that rows are * selected/deselected when clicking on the corresponding checkbox or radio button. */ protected void testDataTableSelection(BrowserDriver browserDriver, WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter, String componentUseCase, List<Customer> customers) { // 1. Verify that the *Selection Mode* dropdown list displays "checkbox". waitingAsserter.assertElementDisplayed(getDropDownListXpath("Selection Mode", "checkbox")); // 2. Click on the checkbox next to the first customer and verify that both the feedback message and modal popup // indicate that the first customer is selected. Click again on the checkbox next to the first customer and // verify that both the feedback message and modal popup indicate that there are no customers selected. Customer firstCustomer = customers.get(0); selectCustomersAndVerifySelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, componentUseCase, firstCustomer); // 2. Click on the checkbox next to the first and second customers and verify that both the feedback message and // modal popup indicate that the first two customers are selected. Click again on the checkbox next to the first // and second customers and and verify that both the feedback message and modal popup indicate that there are no // customers selected. Customer secondCustomer = customers.get(1); selectCustomersAndVerifySelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, componentUseCase, firstCustomer, secondCustomer); // 3. Click on the checkbox next to each of the 10 displayed customers and verify that both the feedback message // and modal popup indicate that the 10 customers are selected. Click again on the checkbox next to each of the // 10 displayed customers and and verify that both the feedback message and modal popup indicate that there are // no customers selected. selectCustomersAndVerifySelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, componentUseCase, customers.toArray(new Customer[customers.size()])); // 4. Click on "radio" in the *Selection Mode* dropdown list and verify that the checkboxes are no longer // displayed, and that radio buttons are displayed instead. browserDriver.clickElement(getDropDownListXpath("Selection Mode", "radio")); waitingAsserter.assertElementDisplayed("//input[contains(@type,'radio')]"); waitingAsserter.assertElementDisplayed( getRowSelectionInputXpath(firstCustomer) + "/..//input[contains(@type,'radio')]"); // 6. Verify that the first customer can be selected and deselected via the radio button in the corresponding // row. clickAndVerifyRowSelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, firstCustomer); clickAndVerifyRowDeselection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, firstCustomer); clickAndVerifyRowSelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, firstCustomer); // 7. Verify that by selecting another customer, that the previously selected customer becomes deselected. Customer thirdCustomer = customers.get(2); clickAndVerifyRowSelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, thirdCustomer); waitingAsserter.assertElementDisplayed(getUnselectedRowXpath(firstCustomer)); clickAndVerifyRowSelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, firstCustomer); // 8. Verify that the "selectedRowIndexes" hidden field contains "0", indicating that the first customer // has been selected. waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElementValue("0", "(//table/input)", false); // 9. Verify that the full name of the first customer is present in the feedback message. clickElementAndVerifyTextIsPresent(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, "//button[contains(.,'Feedback')]", SERVER_EVENT_INFO_TEXT_XPATH, firstCustomer.toString()); // 10. Verify that the full name of the first customer is present in the modal dialog. browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow("//button[contains(.,'Modal Dialog')]"); clickElementAndVerifyTextIsPresent(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, "//button[contains(.,'Modal Dialog')]", MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//*[@class='alloy-output-text']", firstCustomer.toString()); browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow(MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//button[contains(.,'Cancel')]"); browserDriver.clickElement(MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//button[contains(.,'Cancel')]"); browserDriver.waitForElementNotDisplayed(MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH); // 11. Navigate to the specified use-case in order to reset the state of the UI. navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, DATA_TABLE, componentUseCase); } /** * Tests the functionality of the <code>alloy:paginator</code> by verifying that the tabular data is paginated * according to expected behavior of the pagination buttons. */ protected void testPaginator(BrowserDriver browserDriver, WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter, String componentUseCase) { String firstNameCellXpath = getFirstNameCellXpath(componentUseCase); // 1. Take note of the first name of the first customer in the list on page 1. String firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageOne = browserDriver.findElementByXpath(firstNameCellXpath).getText(); logger.debug("firstCustomerOnPageOne=[{}]", firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageOne); // 2. Click the *Next Page* button and verify that the page 2 button is highlighted. browserDriver.clickElement(getPaginatorButtonXpath("nextPage")); waitingAsserter.assertTrue(isPaginatorPageNumberButtonActive(2)); // 3. Verify that the first name noted from page 1 is not present on page 2. waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageOne, firstNameCellXpath); // 4. Take note of the first name of the first customer in the list on page 2. String firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageTwo = browserDriver.findElementByXpath(firstNameCellXpath).getText(); logger.debug("firstCustomerOnPageTwo=[{}]", firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageTwo); // 5. Click on *3* button and verify that the page 3 button is highlighted. browserDriver.clickElement(getPageButtonXpath(3)); waitingAsserter.assertTrue(isPaginatorPageNumberButtonActive(3)); // 6. Verify that the first names noted from page 1 and 2 are not present on page 3. waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageOne, firstNameCellXpath); waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageTwo, firstNameCellXpath); // 7. Take note of the first name of the first customer in the list on page 3. String firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageThree = browserDriver.findElementByXpath(firstNameCellXpath).getText(); logger.debug("firstCustomerOnPageThree=[{}]", firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageThree); // 8. Click on *Previous Page* button and verify that the page 2 button is highlighted. browserDriver.clickElement(getPaginatorButtonXpath("previousPage")); waitingAsserter.assertTrue(isPaginatorPageNumberButtonActive(2)); // 9. Verify that the first names noted from page 1 and 3 are not present on page 2. waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageOne, firstNameCellXpath); waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageThree, firstNameCellXpath); // 10. Click on *Last Page* button and verify that the last button is highlighted and that the *Next Page* and // *Last Page* buttons are disabled. browserDriver.clickElement(getPaginatorButtonXpath("lastPage")); waitingAsserter.assertTrue(isPaginatorPageNumberButtonActive(17)); waitingAsserter.assertTrue( isTextPresentInElementClassAttribute("disabled", PAGE_BUTTON_XPATH_PREFIX + "//li[last()]")); // 11. Verify that the first names noted from page 1, 2 and 3 are not present on the last page. waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageOne, firstNameCellXpath); waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageTwo, firstNameCellXpath); waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageThree, firstNameCellXpath); // 12. Take note of the first name of the first customer in the list on the last page. String firstCustomerFirstNameOnLastPage = browserDriver.findElementByXpath(firstNameCellXpath).getText(); logger.debug("firstCustomerFirstNameOnLastPage[{}]", firstCustomerFirstNameOnLastPage); // 13. Click on *First Page* button and verify that the page 1 button is highlighted and the *First Page* and // *Previous Page* buttons are disabled. browserDriver.clickElement(getPaginatorButtonXpath("firstPage")); waitingAsserter.assertTrue(isPaginatorPageNumberButtonActive(1)); waitingAsserter .assertTrue(isTextPresentInElementClassAttribute("disabled", PAGE_BUTTON_XPATH_PREFIX + "//li")); // 14. Verify that the first names noted from page 2, 3 and the last page are not present on the first page. waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageTwo, firstNameCellXpath); waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnPageThree, firstNameCellXpath); waitingAsserter.assertTextNotPresentInElement(firstCustomerFirstNameOnLastPage, firstNameCellXpath); } private void clickAndVerifyRowDeselection(BrowserDriver browserDriver, WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter, Customer customer) { // Note: For radio button deselection, the meta or command button must be held down before clicking. if (browserDriver.findElementsByXpath("//input[contains(@type,'checkbox')]").isEmpty()) { metaOrCommandClick(browserDriver, getRowSelectionInputXpath(customer)); } else { browserDriver.clickElement(getRowSelectionInputXpath(customer)); } waitingAsserter.assertElementDisplayed(getUnselectedRowXpath(customer)); } /** * Selects the table row associated with the specified customer by clicking on the corresponding checkbox or radio * button. It also verifies */ private void clickAndVerifyRowSelection(BrowserDriver browserDriver, WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter, Customer customer) { browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow(getRowSelectionInputXpath(customer)); browserDriver.clickElement(getRowSelectionInputXpath(customer)); waitingAsserter.assertElementDisplayed(getSelectedRowXpath(customer)); } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the page number button inside the rendered markup of the <code> * alloy:paginator</code> component. */ private String getPageButtonXpath(int buttonPageNumber) { return PAGE_BUTTON_XPATH_PREFIX + "//li/*[contains(.,'" + buttonPageNumber + "')]"; } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the selected table row associated with the specified customer */ private String getSelectedRowXpath(Customer customer) { // Note: The table row is considered to be selected when the class attribute of the <tr> element contains // "info". return "//table[contains(@id,':customers')]//tr[contains(@class,'info')][contains(.,'" + customer.getFirstName() + "')][contains(.,'" + customer.getLastName() + "')]"; } /** * Returns the xpath expression that targets the NON-selected table row associated with the specified customer. */ private String getUnselectedRowXpath(Customer customer) { // Note: The table row is considered to be NON-selected when the class attribute of the <tr> element does not // contain "info". return "//table[contains(@id,':customers')]//tr[not(contains(@class,'info'))][contains(.,'" + customer.getFirstName() + "')][contains(.,'" + customer.getLastName() + "')]"; } /** * Determines whether or not the specified text is present in the class attribute of the element targeted by the * specified xpath expression. */ private ExpectedCondition<Boolean> isTextPresentInElementClassAttribute(String text, String elementXpath) { By locator = By.xpath(elementXpath); ExpectedCondition<WebElement> elementDisplayed = ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(locator); ExpectedCondition<Boolean> textPresentInElementClass = ExpectedConditions.attributeContains(locator, "class", text); return ExpectedConditions.and(elementDisplayed, textPresentInElementClass); } /** * Selects the specified customer(s) by clicking on the corresponding checkbox or radio button and verifies that the * row is selected by checking for the customer name(s) are found in the feedback message and modal dialog. */ private void selectCustomersAndVerifySelection(BrowserDriver browserDriver, WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter, String componentUseCase, Customer... customers) { // 1. Click on the checkbox next to each of the specified customers so that a check mark APPEARS in each of the // checkboxes. for (Customer customer : customers) { browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow(getRowSelectionInputXpath(customer)); clickAndVerifyRowSelection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, customer); } // 2. Click on the *Show Selected Customers as Feedback* button. browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow("//button[contains(.,'Feedback')]"); browserDriver.clickElement("//button[contains(.,'Feedback')]"); browserDriver.waitForElementDisplayed(getAlloyMessageXpath(customers)); // 3. Verify that each of the specified customers is displayed in the feedback message. browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow(getAlloyMessageXpath(customers)); for (Customer customer : customers) { waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(customer.toString(), getAlloyMessageXpath(customers)); } // 4. Click on the *Show Selected Customers in Modal Dialog* button. browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow("//button[contains(.,'Modal Dialog')]"); browserDriver.clickElement("//button[contains(.,'Modal Dialog')]"); browserDriver.waitForTextPresentInElement(customers[0].toString(), MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH); // 5. Verify that each of the specified customers appears in the modal popup. browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow(MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//button[contains(.,'Cancel')]"); for (int i = 0; i < customers.length; i++) { waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(customers[i].toString(), "(" + MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//*[@class='alloy-output-text']" + ")[" + (i + 1) + "]"); } browserDriver.clickElement(MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//button[contains(.,'Cancel')]"); browserDriver.waitForElementNotDisplayed(MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH); // 6. Click on the checkbox next to each of the specified customers so that a check mark DISAPPEARS from each of // the checkboxes. for (Customer customer : customers) { browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow(getRowSelectionInputXpath(customer)); clickAndVerifyRowDeselection(browserDriver, waitingAsserter, customer); } // 7. Click on the *Show Selected Customers as Feedback* button. browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow("//button[contains(.,'Feedback')]"); browserDriver.clickElement("//button[contains(.,'Feedback')]"); browserDriver.waitForElementDisplayed(getAlloyMessageXpath("No Customers Selected")); // 8. Verify that "No Customers Selected" is displayed in the feedback message. waitingAsserter.assertElementDisplayed(getAlloyMessageXpath("No Customers Selected")); // 9. Click on the *Show Selected Customers in Modal Dialog* button. browserDriver.centerElementInCurrentWindow("//button[contains(.,'Modal Dialog')]"); browserDriver.clickElement("//button[contains(.,'Modal Dialog')]"); browserDriver.waitForTextPresentInElement("No Customers Selected", MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//*[@class='alloy-output-text']"); // 10. Verify that "No Customers Selected" is displayed in the modal popup. waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement("No Customers Selected", MODAL_DIALOG_XPATH + "//*[@class='alloy-output-text']"); // 11. Navigate to the specified use-case in order to reset the state of the UI. navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, DATA_TABLE, componentUseCase); } }